Halo - Halo on Twitter: A new Master Chief novel is coming this summer. Stay tuned...

Halo on Twitter: A new Master Chief novel is coming this summer. Stay tuned...

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 01:34 PM PDT

Brute Energy Sword

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 08:01 AM PDT

Elite Arm Shields - Yes or No?

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 05:32 PM PDT

I made a final fantasy inspired wallpaper for y'all

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 10:49 AM PDT

Blow Me Away Instrumental - I've been trying to find a high quality version of this song (without the lyrics) but there doesn't seem to be any on Youtube. Does anyone on here know if it exists?

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 02:17 PM PDT

LxthuL explains what happened with optic gaming.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 11:50 AM PDT

Would anyone else love to see a scarab in multiplayer

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 10:38 PM PDT

I learned how to stitch together panoramic photos using Halo 3's replay system. I recently rediscovered them and thought they would be worth sharing. Enjoy!

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 12:57 PM PDT

[OC] Got commissioned to do an illustration of his Halo multiplayer Spartans throughout the series, thought I'd share it here.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 10:18 AM PDT

What's the smallest yet biggest thing 343 could reveal about Halo 6 that would hype you the most?

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 04:10 PM PDT

Try to think of something besides Sprint lol

submitted by /u/ktsmith91
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The amount of responses on this best looking chief poll posted not too long ago

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 05:23 AM PDT

Halo 2 will always be my favorite halo I even took time to do a full Playthrough on heroic without dying yea it took me 9 hours to do it but it’s was worth it.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 11:59 PM PDT

Can we please have a ‘Sell All’ option when opening packs ? FFS

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 12:29 PM PDT

My old file share from Halo 3. My marathon logo screenshot was my highest downloaded.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 08:48 AM PDT

Anyone have a high-quality clip of Jeff Steitzer (The Announcer) saying “FLOOD!”?

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 08:34 PM PDT

You know, in the Halo 4 Gametype of Infection, when you begin the match, he says "Flood" in such a hilarious fashion and I want it.

He goes like: "FLUUUUGGGHHHED!"

submitted by /u/Needs-More-Nuking
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Ever Wonder How A Forge Map ACTUALLY Gets Into Matchmaking? Here's How It Works.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 10:34 AM PDT

MCC H1CE and H2 remastered/original achievement

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 08:02 PM PDT

For H1 and H2 I have 95% and 96% respectively on the achievements to play every mission in the old and new graphics. Is there any way that I can find out which ones I missed or is this a glitch?- I saw a couple posts about MCC achievement glitches

submitted by /u/ndemarco9
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Tank Beats Everything

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 08:01 PM PDT

I'm doing some research on Bungie, Halo, and how people feel about various aspects of the 4 original games in terms of multiplayer design choices. Would you like to help me out by answering some questions?

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 07:54 AM PDT

Classic Halo Multiplayer Poll

Edit: I'll post the results after a couple days!

Edit 2: I did not include Halo CE in the hitscan vs. projectile section because I only wanted games which were played across Xbox Live to be included, since connections can change how the options are perceived. I forgot that Halo CE was playable in MCC's multiplayer :/ Ah well, I don't want to change the question now so just consider it to be hitscan vs projectile in general.

Link is to a Google Forms survey. It's a little on the long side, and is divided into General Questions, Reach Specific Questions, Hypothetical Questions, and Competitive Questions.

Basically, I'm trying to discern at what point in time people felt that Halo started to stray away from what they would consider the core formula. I've already done some basic research, and it seems like people feel the following ways about the jump from Halo 2 to Halo 3:

  • People preferred Halo 2 maps to Halo 3 maps
  • People preferred Halo 2 hitscan UNSC weapons to Halo 3 projectile UNSC weapons
  • People appreciated the button glitches in Halo 2 and how they raised the skill gap
  • People preferred Halo 2's ranking system

As for the move from Halo 3 to Reach, it would seem that:

  • People disliked the implementation of Bloom
  • People disliked loadouts being a core feature outside of custom games and Invasion
  • People disliked Armor Lock an extreme amount
  • People disliked all players starting with Armor Abilities
  • People disliked the Arena ranking system

Now what I'm trying to do is figure out how accurate these statements are in terms of the current population of /r/halo, and also at what extent they are willing to leave the "Classic" Halo formula if the deviations are only for custom or social games, and do not affect ranked or competitive.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!

submitted by /u/Mercules904
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I don't know but i always found halo 4 to have some pretty amazing beautiful moments

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 11:23 PM PDT

A couple Spoopy Mashups I made:

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 06:45 PM PDT

Madcon playing Halo 3 as the intro to Beggin

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 03:59 PM PDT

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