Diablo - Which ring is better for WoL Monk? Stone of Jordan or COE?

Which ring is better for WoL Monk? Stone of Jordan or COE?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 05:18 PM PST

I was wondering which ring is better for Fire WoL Monk, Stone of Jordan or COE?

submitted by /u/LeanBrox
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Posted: 03 Mar 2018 11:08 AM PST

I will gladly help my fellow diabloers out! ;)

Watch here: https://www.twitch.tv/aakoz

submitted by /u/Aakoz
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What to reroll on first decent primal?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 09:14 PM PST


Edit: and any build suggestions? I just know of Marauder cluster arrow?

submitted by /u/themediocretoker
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Demon Hunter sentry build

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 08:16 PM PST

Is a full Marauder sentry build viable or am I much better off doing a marauder Natalya's hybrid? P.s am I meant to stack the engineering perk and the quiver for 5? SENTRIES?

submitted by /u/PerpetualMexican
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Diablo 3 in Korea?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 02:55 PM PST

I was checking the leaderboards on https://www.diabloprogress.com/, and I noticed that most of the top players are Korean. Is Diablo 3 popular in Korea? Or is the West just getting Starcraft'd?

submitted by /u/Leostereo
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Diablo 2 Grim Dawn Modded Act 1 - Den of Evil. Credits to Ram for his amazing mod.

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 04:57 PM PST

D2: Median XL. Question and help

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 04:00 PM PST

I start playing the game 3 hours ago and complete act 1. I have so many doubts xd if someone here play maybe can help me.

  • First i am doing a poison sorc. She sucks or is ok? i raise a lot of habilties in wrong way (dont mind cause i have pluggy) but i dont know what to raise, what to dont raise, and dont know why i cant raise some hablities that i am suposse to can. As a posion sorc what habilites have to raise?

  • Second: Just complete act 1 have 800 life Wtf and my mana regenarition is fking crazy like 100 per second (any ítem give this to me)

  • Third: i Read runewors have only one rune, so i expend a lot of runes socketing ítems without anny resulst. Instead i socket a gloves with a jewel and sucker gloves are now so nice. I mean i have to use runes or jewels to socket ítems. So crazy man xd.

  • 4: i got some uniques (seems good ítems for example armor unique 600 defense lol act 1 seems diablo 2 in hell xd) but this armour is socketed, what i must socket in him?. I mean what ítems i have to sockets, White, blue, yellow, unique? Everything have a fking socket lol.

By the momento i like the game a lot and is vfunny to see diferent things in the same d2 world. Yo can also give me some advice for a noob i accept.

Another thing is i use pluggy can reset atribbutes but dont know how to reset habblities.

Ty guys sure i back with more doubts and thx to all in the fórum who help me.

submitted by /u/lopecinidiablo
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LF3M Members to form a Meta Group for GR farming season 13

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 03:19 PM PST

Hey everyone,

I am a 766 paragon Witch Doctor on NA and I'm currently looking for a consistent 4 man group to run high GR's with (85+) that will eventually build into a meta group with WD instead of Wiz for trash killing.

I will not be running rat runs this season as I did it all last season and therefore am looking for a meta squad to farm up and then eventually run 110+'s later this season. I was paragon 1670 last season and cleared a 110 solo for reference of how much I usually play in a season, would like to get around 2K paragon this season with this group.

I play during the week usually for about 2 hours a night anytime between 6pm EST and 10pm EST and then a lot more on Saturdays and Sunday's when my schedule is more flexible.

The comp will be a traditional meta comp so if you are a zbarb, zmonk or an RGK (any RGK class is fine) and are interested in a group like this please respond to this thread or PM me or add me i game:

Bnet tag:Mindalus#1323

Thanks everyone!

submitted by /u/Mindalus19
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Build Diversity Idea.

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 02:56 PM PST

I think it would be great if they removed Bane of the Trapped, made a pass at monster HP at higher greater rifts so it wouldn't really be missed.

I also think it would be better if they removed the Legacy of Nightmares rings, and put that effect on a new legendary gem, so it could both free up ring slots for LoN builds, as well as open the opportunity for more to exist, while simultaneously allowing the LoN bonus to scale with gem level (maybe a rank 60 or 70 gem would be equivalent to current bonus? I don't know, I'm not on the balance team.)

What do you guys think? If I ever were to have a game idea get used by a dev, the LoN legendary gem one would be it. So many new builds could exist!

submitted by /u/CG292
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Any good variable of the mirror ball build for t13 speed farm?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 01:56 PM PST

Any good variable of the mirror ball build for t13 speed farm? Haven't played in a minute

submitted by /u/derekc54757
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Toggle buff keys with Razer Naga and force stand still not working

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 12:45 PM PST

I have this issue: With the razer naga, I can setup a macro to toggle a key to automatically be pressed down all the time so that I don't have to keep clicking for my buffs that are always up.

However, if I 1) set the button to just hold the button, as opposed to continuously clicking, the same button doesn't work to turn the toggle off, meaning my skills are always trying to fire even in town.

2) If I set the button to repeatedly toggle clicking, with no delay, when I am using force stand still to attack hitting the button sometimes overrides force stand still and my character sort of stutter steps around rather than being still constantly.

Anyone have the same problem or know how to fix it? Sorry if i'm not being clear enough but I would be happy to explain further.

submitted by /u/themediocretoker
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Something about d3

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 10:38 AM PST

Im a person who needs 10 days to get bored of a new game....i got d3 at 2015 and it was first game that kept me more then a week....it kept me for 2 months...ive stopped playing then got back with another month of playing and the circle goes on and on, got game this june on ps4 again cos 1 version of it isnt enough...played it for 3 months without touching any other game got bored and here i am now after few months digging into it again...its the only game that gives me that type of pleasure to just keep playing it...and i have no idea why..aaaaaannd i'm lov'in it still.

submitted by /u/TheInVo
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Constant crashes

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 01:39 AM PST

Is there a known fix to those crashes and freezes?

submitted by /u/Gurkenkoenighd
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T13 DH Speed Key Farmer. Plus a song I made about DH.

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 11:14 AM PST

D2: Go to Try médium XL

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 09:46 AM PST

I read and people say is nice mod. What you prefer médium xl or sun easter?

I have some doubst about médium xl

  • Is hard to get good gear?
  • Drop rates are so hard like d2?
  • Is funny one tima you finish?

And so many doubts man i go check and tell you in some hours

submitted by /u/lopecinidiablo
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Fix the EU Challenge rift

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 09:28 AM PST

Only about 50 players managed to clear it.

submitted by /u/12332145778
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[Seasonal] I did a stupid thing and re-rolled a Necro after claiming the first HG set on a Barb... So now I need to farm up set items. Any recommendations that aren't super duper mundane "run rifts and pray"?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 05:31 AM PST

I'd never played a barb and gave it a shot. Expected a bit more out of the 2-set and just gave up. I re-rolled a Necro and am really enjoying it compared to my DH/Wiz, so I'm going to stick with it for this season.

Are there any recommendations to farm for set loot? A friend suggested spamming Royal Crypt since it has a high-chance of goblins spawning, but then General chat are suggesting farm regular rifts for keys, and then sit in GRs until you hit loot. I'm not sure how to approach it since every time I've done a season I've done it with the set specifically for the character, rather then rolling and praying.

I can't finish GR20 with my currently horrible build so I'm looking for a way to farm up some gear to at least hit a 4-piece. A friend dragged me through T6 to get all my keywardens and Ghom/Adria for the season. Any suggestions would be awesome!

submitted by /u/FatEmoLLaMa
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TIFU by wasting a bandit shrine

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 08:16 AM PST

This happened 2 days ago i think. I just got my 6 piece invoker set w/ heart of iron in cube and an aquila cuirass. Life felt good at torment 10. Or so I thought I did. I felt good, I felt strong. I also felt like doing a bounty for no apparent reason. Here it begins. The part where this event caused the deepest parts of hell to laugh. I ran some bounties, meh, ez. After a few, I felt really good. I saw a pole with a yellow thing on it. It said bandit shrine. I've seen my brother do it without me but this, this is my first. Instead of calling my 2 multishot allies into the fray, I used my steed charge, feeling cool and rushing to the shrine. As I click it, I saw. GOBLINS! ODIUS COLLECTORS! GEM HOARDERS! BLOOD THIEVES! ALMOST NO REGULAR GOBLINS. A VAULT OPENED FROM THE BARON. But, I panicked, I wasn't finished chasing the already-running goblins, I also went to the vault in an instant, wasting everything. But, damn, I didn't think this through. I only got, 2 collectors, 1 hoarder. And none for my allies. I felt so bad. I am praying hard to RNGesus that I may have another shot at redemption.

TL:DR : Thought too much of myself, thought I could do it. Ended up killing around just 3 goblins, not able to share it with my mates.

submitted by /u/AgentHarbinger
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