Destiny - [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-03-21]

[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-03-21]

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 10:05 AM PDT

Daily Milestone

Faction Rally: Strikes - Complete 3 strikes in the name of your faction today.

Planetary Challenges

Planet Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
EDZ Lost Sectors: Trostland - Loot a Lost Sector in the town of Trostland. Fallen Raider - Loot 3 Fallen supply caches. You Got Served - Destroy 5 Fallen Servitors.
Titan Arcology Reclaimer - Kill 40 enemies in the New Pacific Arcology. Arcology Scavenger - Gather 10 Alkane Dust. Maleus Maleficarum - Defeat 3 Hive Wizards.
Nessus Lost Sectors: Artifact's Edge - Loot a Lost Sector in Artifact's Edge. Treasure Hunter - Loot 3 Vex or Fallen supply caches. Into the Labyrinth - Defeat 5 Vex Minotaurs.
IO Lost Sectors: The Rupture - Loot a Lost Sector in the Rupture. Event Horizon - Successfully complete a public event. Cut Off One Head - Defeat a Vex Hydra.
Mercury Lost and Found - Complete a Lost Sector. Vex Treasures - Loot 3 Vex treasure chests. Not Murder if it's Robots - Kill 75 Vex.

Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Point Blank - Defeat 20 enemies with precision attacks at close range. Ride the Lightning - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Arc attacks. Tactical Clear - As a Striker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your Flashbang Grenade. Skullduggery - As an Arcstrider, defeat 5 enemies afflicted with Disorienting Blow. Arc Automaton - As a Stormcaller, defeat 5 enemies using your Arc Soul.

Heroic Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Hat Trick - Defeat 3 or more enemies at once using a Power weapon. Ride the Lightning - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Arc attacks. Tactical Clear - As a Striker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your Flashbang Grenade. Skullduggery - As an Arcstrider, defeat 5 enemies afflicted with Disorienting Blow. Arc Automaton - As a Stormcaller, defeat 5 enemies using your Arc Soul.

Crucible Challenges

Mode Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
Quickplay Child of the Sun - Defeat 15 opponents with Solar final blows. The Professional - Complete a match with a personal efficiency rating greater than 1.0. Deadeye - Defeat 10 opponents with Precision final blows.
Osiris Quickplay High Voltage - Defeat 15 opponents with Arc final blows. Moment of Glory - Defeat 5 opponents in a single life. Blaze of Glory - Defeat 5 opponents using your Supers.
Competitive Rocket Beats Everything - As a team, defeat 20 opponents using Power weapons. Hot Streak - As a team, remain undefeated while defeating 3 opponents, 5 times. Deny Their Supply - As a team, load Power ammo 3 times before the opposing team loads any.
Osiris Competitive Pack Hunting - Defeat 20 opponents with two or more participating players. We're Going Streaking - Win 3 consecutive rounds in a single match. Shoot the Glowing One - As a team, defeat 5 opponents while their Supers are active.
Mayhem High Voltage - Defeat 15 opponents with Arc final blows. The Professional - Complete a match with a personal efficiency rating greater than 1.0. Deadeye - Defeat 10 opponents with Precision final blows.
Trials of Osiris Tribute - As a fireteam, defeat 150 opponents. Fulfillment - Win 20 rounds. Judgment - Win 5 matches.

Heroic Adventure Modifiers

  • Attrition: Health and shield regeneration slow down, but killing foes may create wells of Light that restore health and charge your Super.
  • Justice from Above: Increased jump velocity and airborne acceleration. Your Super recharges faster and deals more damage. Melee recharges slower and deals less damage.



  • Head Arc Impact Mod
  • Solar Damage Mod
  • Titan Mark Kinetic Munition Loader

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Destructoid: Destiny 2's incredibly slow patch cycle is an anomaly in a swiftly moving landscape

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 07:47 AM PDT

Bungie, thank you for failing D2 so my addiction to Destiny could slowly die

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 05:01 PM PDT

Edit 2: You've read the title, so you know what this thread is about. Here is a link for people who clicked the title and still are coming to post negative things:

I got into Destiny back in freshman year of college (3 years ago) and my god was it magnificent... I came in right as Crota's raid was being released. I think it was after the Vex got nerfed from being OP in PvP lol.

Destiny by far has got to be one of the best games I've ever played in my life. I'm sorry but no other game can match the movement mechanics that I insanely love. I never discriminated; had all 3 classes maxed and everything.

I definitely was addicted to D1 like no other, spending nearly every day after classes playing and even being up at reset at 4am to do everything and then do everything all over again with friends. The guns were awesome, gameplay was awesome, story was ok (I didn't care much for story), grimoire was awesome, everything was awesome! I completed Crota's End raid more than 130 times, even helping people achieve the Flawless Raider (

D1 affected my freshman year negatively, and maybe sophomore year a little as well. To be honest, when D2 came out I started getting back into my gaming habits but with every update making the game worse, I'm actually glad I'm leaving the Destiny universe behind. I still browse r/DTG and r/raidsecrets because it's fun to know what's going on and whatnot.

Honestly, I want to say so much more but at the same time I don't, and I don't know why I made this post either, but a huge thank you for showing us just how easy it is to mess something up even though you have all of the knowledge beforehand to make it perfect. It's like preparing for a test while having the answer key in your hands and still getting an F.

D1, you will be greatly missed! I hope that after I have graduated college and have a job and my life is more stable, I can really get back into gaming and by then Bungie creates an out-of-the-park Destiny game. I know you can do it Bungie.

Edit: I was honestly trying to express the addictive hold D1 had on me and not expecting this to blow up haha, so I appreciate all of your comments! I'm not sure if I should be surprised by how many other people are also saying similar things, all along the lines of constantly playing D1 and missing out on other games, etc. because it was so fantastic.

I appreciate all of your stories and especially the person who guilded me as well! I'm sure that within the next 6 years left of Bungie's 10 year Destiny plan, we'll get something extraordinary that will once again throw us right in front of the TV for hours upon hours upon hours. Let us pour all of our remaining salt into this thread and move on together so that we may all wait peacefully for the next great game to return. In the mean time, enjoy as many other games as you can, people!! Why? Because if Bungie manages to excel and creates another fantastic Destiny.... Well, then I better make damn sure I'm graduated by then and have a job hahaha. Eyes up, Guardians!

submitted by /u/AvoidMySnipes
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Towerthought: The reason why the FWC test subjects were going mad while in the machine was because they saw D2 coming.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 03:28 AM PDT

I'm still so confused about this: Bungie is making Power Ammo more prevalent in D2 PvP and basically turning the Power Weapons Slot into the Special Slot from D1...

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 06:36 AM PDT

Doesn't that kind of go against the whole they had for the dual primary and power weapon system?

Like I'm glad that they're changing it to be more like Special Weapons from D1, but there are some issues that come up.

But again TO BE CLEAR: It may be fun for some time, having that D1 feeling... but that doesn't mean that the decisions they made are smart. It's going to be pretty interesting with no changes to TTK on primaries to fight these 1HK weapons.

Issues will arise like:

  • Rockets might still rein through this because of the damage they can output.

They still can pump out a lot of damage because well... they're rockets.

  • Shotguns and Snipers will come back into play... and might be used like primaries again.

Wasn't this the whole thing they were TRYING to avoid? Might be slightly more fun but it then comes back to that issue of 1HK Weapons not being treated right in the slot they are in.

  • Legend of Acrius will end up getting nerfed because of its power.

Think about what it really is, they'll nerf it so quickly if the past repeats itself. They don't want it to become the Gjallarhorn of PvP...

  • Fusion Rifles again are gonna be out of the spotlight

Fusion Rifles are likely going to be sitting for a while... again. They just will not be quick enough to work out.

But that's what I'm noticing... what do you Guardians think?

submitted by /u/NFSgaming
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Can we get a Warthog type vehicle for fireteams on patrol?

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 05:18 AM PDT

Who wants to tear up some dirt in a 4x4 at the EDZ with 2 buddies in the back shooting shit? Jumping off things, just generally tearing about on wheels. Running Cabal and Fallen over.


While we're at it, find a use for the tanks. Seems such a waste to have put effort into the design and implementation of vehicles that just sit by the sidelines.


I know we have Pikes, Heavy Pikes and Interceptors but tbh, the first one is basically a Sparrow and the latter two handle like a sack of crap. Give me four wheels and some bouncy suspension like the good old days!

submitted by /u/337soft
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About time for another Bungie Podcast don't you think? Barry, Hamrick, and Jon W?

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 07:43 AM PDT

Haven't heard a Bungie employee's voice since November. Might be a good time to talk in depth about Mods 2.0 and the overall direction we're heading. Maybe a short AMA with some preselected questions from here. Please pass that along /u/cozmo23 and /u/dmg_bng

submitted by /u/turns31
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TBL talks Planet Destiny

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 08:38 AM PDT

We've all heard about the closing of Planet Destiny, of course. Yesterday, TheBlackLink who was the lead host of the podcast/YouTube show posted a vlog that talks about Planet Destiny, his history and the organization's history, and his plans for the future.

The link is here: What Happened To Planet Destiny?

Edit: TBL says this in his description:

Well, truth be told there's not much to tell. For the last 3 years I've been actively making content for the Planet Destiny Youtube channel, and as of this week, that chapter is coming to a close. In this video, I explain why. None of the people who work with Planet Destiny had a say in this, the decision to end it was just kind of dropped upon us, and the future of the channel and branding is kind of up in the air.

In it he talks about some of the ups and downs, how the show had gotten back on track with Rise of Iron, and audience simply melting away under Destiny 2.

submitted by /u/Celebril63
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If you want FWC to win one for once, earn the tokens you want on all factions but only spend FWC ones before next reset. then turn in the other two for packages after FWC (hopefully) wins...

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 08:26 AM PDT

To clarify:

Tokens earned are not removed until after victory week, so spend tokens you earn for FWC this week (rally week) and then spend tokens you earn for DO and NM next week (victory week) after the winner has been decided. Tokens can still be spent for packages after the winner has been decided.

submitted by /u/HoldenAGrenade
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Bungie Pls, we need stronger boss type enemies in the open world areas.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 11:35 AM PDT

I miss having a boss that would take a much longer time to down like the Taken bosses when a random Taken event would happen in the Cosmodrome or even Urzok the Hated where it took a huge combined effort of the Guardians in the area to kill. The current bosses either with the Public Events or the ones that spawn in during Flashpoint are just too weak and have become too much of a pushover.

I need to actual challenging strong champion enemies to encounter while grinding public events/patrols during flashpoints etc.

The only one I can currently think of that actually is a challenge is the Hydra on Mercury during the treasure chest war.

submitted by /u/BooYeah0484
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Bought destiny 2 yesterday

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 12:39 PM PDT

I played Destiny 1, cleared everything, finally after hundreds of hours got bored. I got rid of my PS4 before destiny 2 came out in order to focus on real life. Secret of Mana remake and Monster Hunter forced me back to the PS4. After putting 200 hours of MHW in, I knew what it was time for. Even with the awful press and disgruntled fans, I knew. I made the jump. So far, excellent. Now I can grind tempered hunts/gems in MHW and come to Destiny 2 to grind for who knows what. Either way, this game still feels great, which is my main reason for coming back to it. Destiny, no matter its issues, is a great feeling game. Luckily, I'm not far enough to be sick of the cyclical weekly grind, but oh well. World design is far better than D1 in my opinion and the story is hella more entertaining. Excited to see what Bungie releases and hopefully they can get their fan base back.

submitted by /u/enwah
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I just built a Tier 12 2/5/5 Defender using DIM

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 04:05 AM PDT

Just fired up DIM for the first time in about 9 months. Took a nostalgic look at my D1 gear and loadouts but noticed my loadouts were no longer there.

So, I rebuilt a PvP Armor-of-Light Defender 2/5/5 loadout just for shits and giggles. Think I might have to fire up D1 later and give this build a run.

I miss wasting hours in DIM making builds.

  • No Backup Plans w/ Shotgun Loader perk

  • Defenders Mark class item just because.

  • Palindrome w/ Icarus/Rifled Barrel/Rangefinder

  • Chaperone

    or, Matador 64 w/ Full Auto/Rifled Barrel/Final Round

  • Tormod's Bellows w/ Tripod/Heavy Payload/Grenades & Horseshoes

    or Raze-Lighter

Feel free to share your fondest D1 builds and why you loved them so. Personally, I was terrible with this build, but loved it. Nothing better then a well timed Suppression 'nade ruining someone's super followed by a shotgun blast to the face!

submitted by /u/deanjackson88
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Possible biggest winners of upcoming PvP patch - Sidearms

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 04:32 AM PDT

Next week patch for sure will bring a little shake to current Meta in PvP. Most people focus their eyes on Pulse Rifles which clearly received most attention from all type of weapons but ...

Sidearms. Changes to Sidearms in 1.1.4 will be :

  • Increased PvE damage for all sidearms

  • Increased hip fire accuracy

  • Increased ADS accuracy

  • Increased inventory size (allowing more reserve ammo to be stored)

  • Increased minimum range

  • Added an ADS movement bonus

So why is it big deal?

First of, Sidearms currently have lowest TTK from all possible types of weapon, Optimal TTK even against high resilience is below 1.0s for every type of Sidearm. Right now their ADS accuracy is terrible, even worse than hip fire accuracy, their range suck compared to any other gun and their ammo reserves is to low. All those flaws are pointed out in TWAB from 08/03/2018 plus they will receive bonus ADS movement speed.

I will just point out that lowest TTK from all weapons in game is on The Rattler with activated Kill Clip which is 0.67.
Highest TTK of all Sidearms is 1.00s against high RES enemies and 0.8s against low RES enemies and its on Adaptive 300RPM Archetype (Rat King), now imagine 4 Rat King Crucible team ... sounds fun ?

Of course its impossible to say will buffs that Sidearms will receive going to be enough to push them into meta or they still will be underwhelming weapons but keep your eyes on them next week.

submitted by /u/chmurnik
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A moment in the recent Warframe documentary that Bungie needs to watch.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 12:47 PM PDT

The whole thing is good, but nothing speaks to the simple pain many people feel with Destiny as a franchise, and drew many over to Warframe after Destiny 2 came out, than this one statement.

The best moments in Destiny from day one have always been the quirks the players latch onto and the joy they get from them, and the love for the game that flows from that despite many flaws. There were hints of that by the end of D1, but the interaction was still restrained and then hopes were dashed with the release and initial reactions from Bungie with D2. The restraint they continue to show keeps people from coming back.

Embrace your players, be part of the journey with them, and mistakes or no, you will be more likely get the love back that keeps the game alive.

submitted by /u/devoltar
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With Nightfall Specific Loot on the horizon, I thought I'd share some of my favorite Strike Specific Loot from D1!

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 11:40 AM PDT

Lately I've been grinding the hell out of Destiny 1 Strikes and along the way acquiring a ton of Skeleton Keys and Loot. After digging through my vault and seeing that I had missed out on a some Strike Specific gear, i went back on the hunt. Now that I have the full collection, I wanted to show off my favorites in anticipation for the new gear and weapons in Destiny 2!

I can't say I ever got a god roll on any of the strike specific weapons, but I've had plenty of different variations which is enough for me. The following are weapons and gear that I loved the most:

Grasp of Malok

I spent way too long farming for a god roll Grasp and even though I never got it, the grind was worth every second. Being able to watch Omnigul's head explode with engrams was quite a sight.

Stolen Will

I still remember the first time this baby dropped. I had played the Taken King version of the Winter's Run strike for the first time and hearing that incredible music from that strike made getting this weapon from the even sweeter.

Mau'ual's Maulers

One of my favorite strikes of all time, Shield Brothers. This has to be the coolest looking piece in the game. Reminds me of the Omni-tool from Mass Effect, which makes me love it even more.

Cloak of Taniks

How could you not this cloak? It's just incredible, and one of a kind. 'Nuff said.

Devouring Maw

Such a pain in the ass strike back in the day but this helmet was such a badass reward when you finally beat it. I didn't take this thing off for weeks once I got it to drop.

Sepiks Deposed Bond

I always loved bonds that changed their look as you wore them. This Rise of Iron Sepiks bond projects a hologram of the Warmind symbol that fades in and out between the SIVA symbol. Bad-ass.

Now don't get me wrong. I love everything from the Imago Loop to the Darkblade's Helm and Psion Flayer Cloaks. These are just the ones that I was attached to the most. I'm honestly stoked to see what the artists have come up with for D2!

Full Album of D1 Strike Specific Loot (Had to use a picture of the Echo Chamber Gauntlets from online because I just accidentally deleted them)

submitted by /u/Ninja-Pups
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Meditations are the biggest PvE miss in Destiny 2

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 09:36 AM PDT

Replaying any story mission (daily or otherwise) was part of even the base game in Destiny. In Destiny 2, we get a chance to do essentially 3 heroic missions a week, and that's it. But these meditations were a great chance to bring the lore to life. Let us fight the Battle of Six Fronts through the eyes of Saint-14. Let us fight and command an army with Shaxx at Twilight Gap. Let us wander the Abyss as Rezzyl Azir. Let us take revenge on Dregden Yor as Shin Malphur. I feel a golden opportunity was missed here, and maybe some time in the future of this game, Bungie can allow us to live out the stories of legends past.

submitted by /u/fastpony12
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Towerthought: At this point in D1, the game needed Cayde-6 to emerge. Now D2 needs Eris Morn to emerge.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 11:59 AM PDT

Be my guest, Weepy McSadface, and place your rock on the table.

submitted by /u/JoeHadsall
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Some notable rolls this Armsday (D1)

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 06:22 AM PDT

Gaheris-d (hakke mid impact HC) - Truesight,Sureshot/Crowd Control/Zen moment/Explosive rounds

Pdx-45 (suros pulse) - Slo-19/Hammer forged/Counterbalance/Smallbore

Jingukogo-d (Hakke shotgun) - Accurized ballistics/Crowd control/Rangefinder/rifled barrel (Void)

The pdx is not the god roll but is damn close. The hand cannon roll is just bonkers for pve. The shotgun would probably be better with full auto but this roll is still great.

I noticed these posts catching some traction lately so I figured I'd share what I have. Armsday was and continues to be my favorite D1 weekly ritual. Hope this helps someone.

submitted by /u/mtdpaiste
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[Towerthought] If FWC wins, we will have exhausted all of the dialogue options in D2

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 06:10 PM PDT

Motivation for FWC to win if the actual reward isn't doing it for you.

submitted by /u/TheOctavariumTheory
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This 10 month old - 17 minute interview - with Mark Noseworthy

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 03:54 PM PDT

I stubbled upon this, and it provides a lot of context as to why people say and feel some of the ways they do

If you skip the entire rest of the post go for it, but please watch this part of the clip where he specifically quotes the following in regards to making PvP easier and slower:

"We have also increased the time to kill so that the individual firefight between two guardians now lasts longer, it used to be like, come around the corner, get shot, I don't know what happened I am just not very good at this. And now because the fights last a bit longer you have a greater opportunity to learn how to play the game well. We want it to be easy to learn but difficult to master and its definitely an adjustment from someone who comes from the old PvP to this but the team feels really good about where we have gotten and feel like this is the most fun PvP we have ever had in Destiny and uh, yeah."

Personal Text/Thought: So yes, Bungie does use the term time to kill, and they specifically and purposely increased it, to make fights last longer because it was to hard to learn how to play, based on their own opinion, not their consumers. It also explains why not a damn thing was done to the sandbox for the first few months because they truly did think they nailed it. I won't comment on the rest of the post, take it for what you will, but this part left a sour taste in my mouth, as my hobby for the previous three years was Destiny PvP and trials, and they tore it apart, on purpose.

Their first goal was to create a place you are willing to make your hobby, and the story of Destiny is pretty dark, but instead in Destiny 2 they wanted to make the story hopeful and the sky blue If we had this super complicated story about all this stuff going on and then it gets hard for you to really put yourself in the characters shoes and really want to be in Destiny and makes this place a hobby.

Destiny has an incredible breadth of stuff to do, all the stuff from D1 you like is coming back! In D2 they are adding new things, like adventures that are 10-15 mini missions, telling their own story of the world you are in, destination, character, npcs, fiction and lore!

Then you have lost sectors, these little zones that aren't a tiny cave with a chest, but an entire cave structure where you go deeper and deeper and deeper and there is a boss guardian this chest and you have to kill him and his minions and we aren't going to tell you where they are, you are going to have to go out there and find it.

NPCs on all the planets with their own stories

In Destiny we hid a lot of the experience either because there was a level of complexity or you needed friends. We are trying to unhid the fun, through graphic design, user interface, the director to show what your friends are doing and the destination map advertising public events.

Heroic public events if you and your buddies are really good at the event.

Awe man now you gotta wait 45 minutes to go on LFG and find a 6th to go do the raid and by the time you find someone one of your buddies is gonna drop and go to bed, but guided games is now going to really solve that, you won't need reddit

50% of people who hit level 40, never raided in D1. Same with Trials, and Nightfall, we want that to be available for everyone, using clans and guided games.

Why decision to go everything 4v4: I like doing 6v6… It makes PvP more learnable, watchable, encourages teamwork and be able to make a more competitive PvP game. Easier to coordinate, easier understand whats happening, when you get killed, improving HUD, map callout names. "Insert from beginning of post"

You now have a kinetic, energy, and power slot. First two slots can have the same weapon type, you can now have TWO hand canons, this gives players more choice! Then you have your power slot, like rocket launches, shotguns, snipers, and they are really beefy, the shotgun crushes because it's in the power slot, and it does feel a lot different but you get used to it, and you are going to really like it! Like once your AR runs out of ammo BAM you switch weapons and hit em with your scout! In Destiny one I was never really good using special, but now I am experiencing so much more choice!


Thanks to /u/karimouhbi for the following information

The following snippet from an interview for fireteam chat that both Luke and Mark did after the D2 launch event. Snippet comes at around 33:30 and mentions the idea behind subclass attunements; the transcript is below:

Like the first thing is that the subclass menu has a couple of basic choices about your class ability and movement and grenade and then you pick your super and then there are 2 path. We're trying to making it easier for people to have like an optimal build and just focus; these 4 elements go together, you do them and you can play a certain way and there's this other distinct 4 elements that work together; instead Luke would look at me and... he never plays the game with me, I'm just not good enough for him or whatever... he inspects my character all the time when I'm playing in the office and he's like: "what the hell are you doing with your warlock man? you got this helmet on with that thing and you got this thing on... you're set up all wrong, do you not even know how to play this game?" and I'm like ashamed. Now, I can't really screw that up, you just pick the one on the top. I mean I can still do the wrong things but there are 2 optimal ways to play now and I can figure that out in spaces easier for me to grok. There are still cool interactions with guns and stuf...

My opinion: Take from it what you want, but Mark is really starting to piss me off.

submitted by /u/HyFikz
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Destiny Montage Years 1-3

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 12:47 PM PDT

A moment of silence for Gogurt, the Cargo Bay 3 Ogre.

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 08:35 PM PDT

Press F to pay respects.

submitted by /u/dannythunder
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More audio sliders?

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 08:27 AM PDT

Me and my wife use the ingame chat even if we are right next to each other because of closed headphones. But we have to keep the music off to hear each other because the only options we have is ON or OFF.

Can we have a slider to change the music volume?

Or for that matter, more options for sounds, like FX volume, ambient, etc.

submitted by /u/1leggeddog
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