ArcheAge Thanks, Trion!

Thanks, Trion!

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 11:08 PM PST

I would like to say thanks to trion to show me how an perfect mmorpg can become the worst mmorpg in the universe. Just for how much p2w they made it. An also, thanks to show me how good is the other MMORPG in the market. You guys made me look for another MMORPG since Ragnarok Online to BDO online and I finally god fixed to one that is not p2w and has a lot of resources that a MMORPG needs to be good. So my thanks to Trion to make me quit _^

submitted by /u/sznyaan
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Social Norms and Customer Service in MMORPG Communities

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 12:29 PM PST

I apologize for having to repost this thread, but more interviews are needed to validate my findings. Interviews can either be done via direct messaging or I can send you all of the questions so that you may quickly answer the ones you would like to. Please let me know if you are 18 years of age or older and would like more information.

Hello, do you enjoy playing Archeage? Would you like to voice your opinion on the game and maybe even help improve the game and the gaming industry in general? This is your chance to express your concerns with the current state of the gaming industry and MMORPGs and help create solutions to ensure the survival of the games you love. MMORPG fans, such as myself, and other gamers are worried that their favorite types of games are not being made anymore, or worse, may be adversely affected by monetization schemes.

As part of my marketing thesis, "Social Norms and Customer Service in MMORPG Communities," I am conducting a study on how gaming companies' customer service decisions affect gamers in MMORPG communities. This study is conducted on behalf of UMass Lowell, under the direction of Spencer Ross, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Marketing. You will not receive any compensation nor reimbursements for participating in this study, nor is there any personal benefit to you, aside from the knowledge that your responses may help my research on improving the gaming industry.

If you are interested in providing your input, please message me for more information.

You must be 18 years of age or older to participate.

submitted by /u/Kunai_Throw
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send mail to another server character NA - EU

Posted: 04 Mar 2018 12:37 AM PST

Can you send mail and items to other characters located on other servers? I have a character in North Americia, and I'd like to send an email to a character in Europe...

submitted by /u/AutismAmmo
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Archeage is broken or Sparring arena hacks?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 08:32 PM PST

I'm full magic def buff with witchcraft skill set in cloth magic buff of sparring arena but get 2 shots by a spellsinger that cast only gods' whip, what is wrong with archeage ?

submitted by /u/Detniona
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Crest transfer

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 05:54 PM PST

Hello people of Archeage! Do crests (On sails and capes n stuff) transfer across servers?

submitted by /u/AConfusedWaffle
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Aquestria sea mount showcase (appearance, stats & abilities)

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 05:31 AM PST

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