True Dota 2 - Spring Cleaning Update Discussion

Spring Cleaning Update Discussion

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:34 AM PST

The spring cleaning/7.08 dota patch update

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:44 AM PST

7.08: Making The Case for Position 4 Roaming Alchemist

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:37 AM PST

I really feel like the Frog is pushing for Alchemist to be viable as a position 4 roaming support since 7.07. Furthermore, Concoction has received massive buffs this patch (7.08) via his talent tree: -8s Concoction CD (up from -5), +400HP (up from 350), and +400 Concoction Dmg (up from +360).

I had previously found some success running 4pos Alch the last few weeks, focusing on heavy ganks/rotations between safelane and mid while prioritizing bounty pickups at the 2 minute marks. Alch's farm as a 4 position should be slightly accelerated this patch given the buffs to bounty rune gold gain, allowing him to reach faster timings on his core items as well as Aghanims for his teammates. His Concoction is an extremely powerful ganking tool, giving you up to 4s of stun-time as well as being a hefty nuke. Chemical Rage allows you to survive team fights quite easily as well.

Skill Build: Concoction, Greed, Concoction, Spray, Concoction, Chemical Rage, max Concoction, then Spray, then Greed afterwards while taking levels into your ult when available.

Starting items: OoV, Ward, Tangos, Clarity

Early game items: Phase Boots, Medallion, Urn/Soul Ring

Mid game items: Blink, Solar Crest

Late game: Buy Aghanims for all your teammates. Since you are playing as an initiator 4 pos, you have a higher likelihood of dying in a major fight. Having a ton of extra net worth due to Greevil's Greed makes this extremely risky, but if you buy Aghanims for your cores 4200 of your actual networth is effectively "hidden", making your deaths less rewarding for the enemy team. Obviously you don't want to die but this is a great way to provide a power spike for your cores while mitigating the effects of having a high net worth as an initiator.

Items I'd like to explore using this patch:

  • Meteor Hammer - in conjunction with Concoction+Spray could be interesting
  • Aeon Disk - a good way to disengage/survive after blinking in with a Concoction initiation

My suggestion if you are picking Alch is to tell your teammates to pick heroes with excellent Aghs upgrades that otherwise don't want to spend an inventory slot on the item. Excellent candidates include: Luna, Juggernaut, Doom, Drow, Invoker, Leshrac, Shadowfiend, and Sven.

You can also feed Aghs to certain heroes that benefit greatly from the upgrade but aren't necessarily in top priority: AA, KotL, Zeus, and Treant to name a few.

Let me know what you guys think! (I play in the high 3K / low 4K MMR range)

submitted by /u/architeuthidae
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Meteor Hammer changes are pretty good!

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:20 PM PST

METEOR HAMMER: Cooldown reduced from 40 to 28

This makes it possible to nuke every creep wave spawn for possible farming off CD. Improves utility even more for heroes that it was previously viable on.

(I'm thinking Nyx, Support Naga, Treant, Disruptor?)

submitted by /u/taby69
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Should I still buy dominator on Lycan if I suck at microing?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:57 AM PST

Lycan's one of my favorite and best heroes, I have a 68% winrate on him and until recently, the main build on lycan was boots > vlads > necrobook. Needless to say, I can barely micro wolves + necro units, but I still win anyway because most people don't really know how to deal with Lycan in my mmr range.

That said, should I buy dominator if I can't use the dominated creep into its full potential? Or should I go back to my old build of vlads?

Here's my dotabuff if you're interested:

I won my most recent game with him despite really bad micro.

P.S. how do you setup hotkeys when playing Lycan? Mine is 1 for hero, 2 for all units, 3 for all other units, F1 for my purge necrobook unit, F2 for the dominated creep.

submitted by /u/RLDy
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Oracle now is even better hard counter to dark seer!

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:41 PM PST

The mana cost for fortune's end is big(from 110 to 75). Now dark seer needs to pay 100 mana (and it increases by 10 on every lvl)for his shield and oracle can dispel it for 75! Still ds can spam his skill more often then oracle, but its only 6 sec difrence at lvl 1 fortune's end and its the same at lvl 3.
It makes ds useless in laning stages, cos oracle can also dispel his surge.
I am afraid that this is common knowledge, but i hope it helps somone in dealing with ds.

submitted by /u/irosReddit
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European Ursa Build

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:29 AM PST

I was watching Arteezy stream and he played ursa and talked about the build. Radiance, Shiva's ursa. I looked up some videos and looks like the Euros really do play it. 7uckingmad and Crit have tried it.

I'm going to try it myself because it honestly sounds pretty good. Helps you farm and do your best thing as ursa, teamfight. Your item timing up to radiance is a bit bad, but most people were going blink first anyway. Though I preferred MoM first.

Thoughts on this build?

submitted by /u/Johnhong
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Impending Patch Prediction/Discussion [2/1/18]

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:16 AM PST

This is the first time in a very long time we've known 100% when a balance patch is happening. According to this IceFrog tweet from this evening, we will be getting patches every other Thursday for roughly the next 6 months. It will probably be today, within ~24 hours, but either way this topic is about the first patch that comes next.

So, what do you think of the change from unscheduled major patches to small regular ones? What do you predict we'll see in this first bi-weekly patch? Will we see new items or heroes right away, later, or not at all? Finally time for Kaya upgrades? Make sure to distinguish between what you want to happen and what you predict will happen.

submitted by /u/freelance_fox
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Am I the only one who gets MoM first item on Spectre?

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 07:25 PM PST

If so, should I stop

submitted by /u/Otacon-18
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What to do when the offlaner escorts his first creepwave?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:19 AM PST

I mean they stand in their wave so when you try to harass you will aggro creeps. How do you zone him without pushing the lane? How can you prevent this or what to do when this happens?

submitted by /u/greatnomad
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Meepo - First talent?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:43 AM PST

So I've been watching a lot of pro games and noticed that most of them choose the 20 dmg vs the 7 strength. Why is the 20 dmg better than the 7 strength? When would you want to pick strength over damage?

submitted by /u/Inous
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Unconventional / non-traditional pos 1 ideas?

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 03:48 PM PST

Hey guys. I'm looking for some new heroes to try pos 1. I've spammed the traditional and meta pos 1's to death and wanted to see if anyone has had any success with non-traditional or irregular pos 1's this patch.

I'm thinking stuff like putting offlane heroes in the safelane, like slardar or tide or ab, or int casters like nec or pug., 3.5k

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Qop v OD

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 04:12 PM PST

Had to play this lane as qop yesterday felt really hard for me, is this a qop or od favored lane? How should I play it as a qop at the divine 0 level ?

submitted by /u/Greatlubu
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