True Dota 2 - Is there any fool-proof method of beating the current push strat?

Is there any fool-proof method of beating the current push strat?

Posted: 06 Feb 2018 05:12 AM PST

My last 5 games in a row have all been vs early push teams. Mostly shaman, brood, lycan and beastmaster picks. We're struggling badly and can't seem to come up with a solution. We've tried split-pushing, but they either gank the split-push or continue to rax. We've tried 5 man teams, but if we don't literally wipe them we lose the fight as they are up again so quickly and all of our skills are on CD. Nothing seems to work and if we make a single error after early game it's bye-bye rax.

I'm just looking for advice on picks/playstyle to counter the current early push strat. Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/jeremybarker
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Crystal Maiden's current viability (Replay Commentary)

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 10:30 PM PST

The link above is a replay commentary. I basically went over everything about Crystal Maiden to my best knowledge as I am analyzing my own replay. It can be helpful to you if you're willing to learn what's going through my mind at every stage of the game. The game was played in SEA server, solo ranked, ~5k MMR.

Is CM playable?

She is playable. Though, she is highly team dependent. I do not recommend picking her, if you judge that your team is not capable of utilizing her mana regeneration aura. It could be due to hero composition, or outright inability to recognize what benefits they are getting by having Crystal Maiden on their side. Here's a list of heroes by position that may synergize well with Crystal Maiden.

Mid: Invoker, Storm Spirit, Shadow Fiend, Tinker

Safelane Carry: Juggernuat, Slark, Sven, CK, PL

Offlane Core: Timbersaw, Bristle Back, LC, Clockwerk

Roaming Support: Tuskar, Earth Shaker, Earth Spirit

Position 4 or 5?

There are some basic rules to keep in mind to make Crystal Maiden worthy as a support. She can either work as pos 4 or 5. In pub games, however, if you pick CM, most people will assume that you'll be playing position 5. I agree with this, because CM does not need any items at level 1 to be more relevant. Start with one set of tangos, one clarity, a courier, two wards. This will enable your other roaming support purchase Brown Boots or Orb of Venom, which is very strong starting item that can add difference to the game.

Skill Build?

You should almost always take Frost Bite at level 1. The Frost Bite allows CM to set up kills and engage into teamfights. At level 2, get Arcane Aura. It becomes tricky afterwards.

At level 3, with 1-1-1 skill build, you have a good chance of making successful mid smoke gank even by solo. With 0-1-2 skill build, you're rather committing yourself in helping your team by just surviving and pumping mana regeneration. You'll be staying next to your safelane carry, protect him by contesting the enemy offlaner, jungle pull, collect bunty runes, etc. As you get more levels, you can go for 1-1-4 (defensive, pumping high mana regen), 4-1-1 (offensive, reliable attack/movement slow from Crystal Nova with high magic nuke and ganking potential), or 1-4-1 (offensive, good at shutting down heroes that can escape with blink mechanism (QoP, Puck, Void, Ember, Anti Mage)) depending on your game.

Item build?

Anything can work. Tranquil Boots is a must, but other than that, feel free to be creative as every game is different. Kaya, Eul, Atos, Force Staff, Glimmer Cape, Blink Dagger, Aghs, Drum, Veil, HoD.

submitted by /u/profHam
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Need some help to raise my MMR.

Posted: 06 Feb 2018 02:31 PM PST

Hello guys,

You guys must be tired of so many threads like this, but, i don't know what to do anymore. I read all the guides for raising MMR and even considering to buy a coach service for me because i REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.

First time when i was calibrated (old, very old DotA) i was around 3k mmr. Long time ago, after so many failures with my internet, dropping on jajaja teams and others brazilians (I'm a brazilian player) my actual mmr was bellow 2K.

The new mmr systeam was arrived. Ok, let's calibrate. Calibrated on Crusader Two for my own disappoint. I was expecting a five stars or maybe a Archon. On calibrating games i lost two or three matches. I'm still calibrating on party games (2 games to go).

I don't think I'm a bad player in DotA. I do ok, must for the fun than the competitiveness.

I sometimes play with high level friends and i do very ok but i can't understand why my profile are still on the low bracket mmr.

I'm here more for the criticize on my gameplay than "ok man you play good, just keep the good work".

I really suffer because i'm falling in games with people who dont understand the basic mechanics on DotA and most of the times i don't know WHY i have teams who don't speak the same language. Is all the time!

My know weak points:

  • I'm a little locked on locked-standard-builds. I have to improve choosing better items for different matches.

  • I have to improve the picking heroes, specially on countering another team.

If you guys want to see my Dotabuff the link is here:

So, if you guys can give me some tips i really appreciate.


submitted by /u/tdah
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Is the early game currently the most important part of the meta, or am I missing something?

Posted: 06 Feb 2018 01:51 AM PST

Lately I have problems getting comfortable in the current meta.

The early game seems to be the most important part, and if you fail at that, then you can basically pack your things, because getting back will require extrem high level plays. I've got the feeling, that the slightest mistake is heavily punished and closing the advantage gap gets sheer impossible.

The gold and foremost the XP advantage seems to be super strong and will put you down.

In my most recent matches we either stomped or were stomped. I can recall just one game, where the match up was equal, all other games we're snowballing out of control.

Am I missing something?

Me and my mates feel kinda helpless in the current meta.

Edit.: I am sitting at 4.3k solo mmr and 4.8k party mmr

submitted by /u/ORRRR
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Is it just me or does tab poof not work sometimes?

Posted: 06 Feb 2018 03:30 AM PST

Meepo early game micro/gameplay

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 04:34 PM PST

Hi guys,

When playing Meepo in the early game I'm constantly wondering whether or not I'm doing certain things right mechanically, I'll ask the questions in a numbered list.

1) When stacking a camp with the first clone, how exactly do you manage your main meepo? Do you walk the main meepo back to safety until you hit your control group on the clone do the stack? (Bear in mind this would be as soon as the clone arrives to the camp to maximise efficiency)

2) How many camps should a meepo player generally try to stack in the early game for it to be considered decent?

3) If you're gonna shift-queue the 2nd clone, how would you deal with the scenario at night efficiently, due to the sleeping neutrals?

4) Apart from stacking camps, what are other effective ways to maximise your efficiency with the 2nd clone in the early game?

Huge thanks to any responses.

submitted by /u/jason9901
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(Turbo) Clinkz and Kaya

Posted: 06 Feb 2018 10:12 AM PST

Hear me out, if only because Kaya currently has a 61% win rate on Dotabuff on Clinkz which is higher than Desolator.

Clinkz struggles with mana issues the whole game, and Kaya pretty much solves those. It also give +9 damage to searing arrows (if you get the +30 talent) and decreases the cost of all spells. It is more expensive than soul ring, but at least in Turbo, the money isn't a huge issue.

I haven't played a ton of kaya games yet, but in the ones I have they're stomps because I"m not always searching for the full blue bar.

Here's my tentative build:

Treads > Aquila > Orchid > Kaya > Nullifier > Deso > Bloodthorn

submitted by /u/gekogekogeko
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