True Dota 2 - The current state of Crystal Maiden?

The current state of Crystal Maiden?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 12:59 PM PST

I used to spam her every game back in early 7.00 days and was basically unstoppable. But in this patch she feels almost useless other than her aura. Being able to only cast one frostbite is disgustingly bad and her inability to zone with right clicks is a big problem. Her cast ranges seem to short to be able to do anything without getting caught out and killed and her ganking ability really doesn't seem that strong. What exactly can you do with cm at this point?

submitted by /u/Pintobag
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Is aeon disk still not worth picking up?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 03:15 PM PST

I have been thinking about it a bit and I can't really think of situations where i would buy it. I know you want to buy it on initiators to buy time for your team to catch up, but the initiators that would use it(clock, sk, stuff like that) have skills on cd's much less than the aeon disks. Just doesnt seem worth it.

submitted by /u/Imasquash
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7.08 meta discussion

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 02:35 PM PST

There were some minor nerfs and buffs, meteor hammer and aeon disc. Basically, what do u think has changed from the 7.07 meta to this 7.08 meta?

For me, I think that Meteor hammer will be bought a lot more, on heroes like clock, undying, OD, bane etc. It gives them way more waveclear, stuns, and more importantly, it gives them tower damage. And with its new cooldown its really good. So, what are your opinions?

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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Greatest lane dominator player

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 02:05 AM PST

Player you think dominates the lane pretty much, and doesnt need that much support since they can do well, even when cornered.

Is it Miracle? Noone? Reso? Sccc?

I wanna watch their replays and try to understand how they play.

submitted by /u/popoysegundo
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Troll battlefury

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 02:48 AM PST

So recently bf is bought on many different melee cores,but i havent seen it on troll yet.Do you guys think its viable?

submitted by /u/AquaRaOne
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What items do you buy for Invoker if you're ahead?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 10:42 AM PST

If you were owning in a game what items would you buy to further increase your advantage?

submitted by /u/boybente
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Looking for English speaking friends to play with on the sea server!

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:11 AM PST

How do you get yourself out of a losing streak?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 04:37 PM PST

I've been hovering around the low 3k region for almost two months, with the highest I've ever get was 3.1k. Now I've dropped into 2.9 and I can't seem to win a game.

How do you get out of a losing streak?

submitted by /u/ai_raiki
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Can Quas/Wex Invoker work this patch?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 05:09 PM PST

Just a thought that crossed my head. After 7.07 (i think), he hasnt been the most popular pick. I was just wondering if the Quas/Wex build can still work. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/ai_raiki
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6 months ban?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 12:26 AM PST

How many are those excessive reports that you get to be banned? Is there a specific number, like say, 5? or abandons, feeding etc. will all be compiled and then you get banned? Just wanna ask.Thank you.

submitted by /u/jojirwr
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