Subreddit Moderation Changes Black Desert Online

Subreddit Moderation Changes

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 02:06 PM PST

Hello, Two new moderators /u/Blisschen and /u/BDOBloo have been added to the moderation team. In addition to this /u/factomg and /u/dearmusic have left the moderation team. I will still be adding a couple more mods, so If you have interest send a modmail.

A twitch flair has been added (see here) In order to cut down on impersonation. Send a modmail if you are at least a twitch affiliate and wish to have the flair.

If you have any questions or concerns about the subreddit feel free to leave a comment.

submitted by /u/Agarest
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Daily Questions and Answers Post

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 10:08 PM PST

Hello and welcome to /r/blackdesertonline! Please use this thread to ask any simple questions you have about the game and hopefully one of our helpful community members will be able to assist you.

Also, check the sidebar for links to some helpful resources.

This thread will be refreshed daily due to the huge number of questions asked.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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My wizard's new makeover

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 05:32 PM PST

Kakao is Incompetent on CenturyLink Issue

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 04:01 PM PST

So I've been out of town the past few days and haven't been able to properly respond to the bullshit post that Kakao made in regards to the issues with CenturyLink. I have a limited number of places I can test from, so results may vary, but I believe I have found where the actual problem is, and it's with GTT Communications ( which is essentially acting as LeaseWeb's carrier.

Here's the information:

  • 1. A traceroute from my home (Midwest CenturyLink/Qwest) to the IP I get for Valencia4 ( routes me through GTT to LeaseWeb then on into what I'm assuming is the setup for black desert (IP is
  • 2. A traceroute from a friend (he's from EU, but plays in NA with us) to the same IP ( routes him to GTT as well. The significant difference is his path of entry into GTT takes him through then into whereas my routing into GTT goes through then into the same location (again, He has no issues outside of the normal with BDO.
  • 3. A friend of mine who lives on the west coast and has CenturyLink as well did a traceroute for me as well. The significant thing is that even though he's thousands of miles from me, his path through GTT is the exact same (with the exception of the entry point), (GTT) > (GTT) > Leaseweb. I noticed that his trace has a dropped packet between those two devices just like mine did.

So this obviously narrows down where we can start looking. I don't know if I have any other friends with CenturyLink, but perhaps some of you can help validate.

I started to do a ping test with 100 packets at 1024bytes each to both IP's within GTT's network that show up in the CenturyLink traceroute and I did this 3 times each. When I ping I get 0% packet loss, which is great. However, in 3 tests to, I got 13%, 20%, and 23% packet loss. Usually TCP connections can compensate for ~2% loss, but anything greater (especially 5% or higher) causes significant issues. For me, we blow that margin for error out of the water.

This, from my network, clearly indicates serious packet loss issues within GTT Communication's network. This IS the responsibility of LeaseWeb and Kakao to identify and report to them.

I will be submitting a ticket with this information to Kakao/PA with hopes that this will finally give them the information they've been missing. However, with their response earlier this week, I don't think we should let them off the hook. They either need to hire better network resources that can actually troubleshoot or tell the ones they have to not be so lazy. I recommend anyone else having issues that has CenturyLink do the following:

  • 1. Open a command prompt and do tracert -- (If you want to get the BDO IP for yourself, you can open resource monitor and check the IP under TCP connections (just look for BlackDesert.exe).
  • 2. Look for any IP's with the hostname
  • 3. Run this command in command prompt: ping -n 100 -l 1024 <GTT IP> (remember to replace the <GTT IP> with the IP address of each with a hostname you see). Screenshot the results that display after the 100 packets have been sent. If you have packet loss, I suggest you open a ticket as well and send screenshots of all of these to Kakao.

Hopefully if enough of us do this we can get some action from them finally. While this isn't an issue that LeaseWeb or Kakao/PA are directly responsible for (as it clearly for me indicates that the issue is with GTT), Kakao clearly is responsible for poor troubleshooting as well as their misdirected fire at our carriers trying to absolve them of any responsibility which is bullshit.

submitted by /u/sync0s
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Pre order for Sharps in NA be like.....

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 01:44 AM PST

Can we make this happen?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 11:23 AM PST

My own thoughts about Black Desert Online and other MMOs

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 05:24 PM PST

MMOs have always been my favorite types of games to spend all of my time playing. After playing nearly 10 years of Runescape (quit on RS3 release, and returned for OSRS for 4 years), Maplestory, Flyff, League of Legends, and Path of Exile; I have to say that Black Desert Online has become one of my favorite games of all time.

I started playing BDO back in September, and have accumulated nearly 1400 hours so far (with about only 200 of those hours being afk cooking/processing). I really enjoy no-lifing games and spending absurd amounts of time to reach milestones and achievements (I don't why, I just do). As I stand right now, I am a level 61 Musa, and just began grinding towards 62. I really didn't do much in-depth thinking about what class that I wanted to play because I have always played a polearm/halberd class in every MMO. And even after all the memes that Musa receives, I really enjoy the class in both its PVE and PVP aspects, and I don't see myself ever rolling another class to become my main.

I came to this game after finally getting bored of Oldschool Runescape (but one does not simply quit runescape, it is impossible) and I was immediately drawn in with the abundance of content. What made the gearing stand out to me, was that there were alternatives for (some) best-in-slot items or grinding locations. This is something that many MMOs lack! In oldschool runescape for example, everyone at max combat uses the same items in every situation in order to be most EFFICIENT. This isn't something that really bothers me, because I enjoy having the opportunity to change my builds to be more rewarding/punishing in different aspects. It was very refreshing. Maplestory and League of Legends also went in the direction of punishing build diversity, and pushed for sameness. This is also why I could never get into Overwatch, when everything is the same and I get less and less personal input or decision on what I want to do with a character, the game gets very stale for me.

Having two different kinds of defensive builds is really cool to me! And I hope that as the game progresses, and new content is released, it stays that way. I am also very excited to see the upcoming main-hand kzarka alternative. In my own opinion, I think that sidegrades or situational items, are much healthier to the game than new BIS content that makes things absolete or "DEAD" content.

PVP I LOVE THE PVP IN THIS GAME. A big problem that I had with most other MMOs PVP is that it usually didn't even work at all! Or it had terrible balancing issues because they had to find ways to downscale abilities and damage modifiers to fit player health pools and defenses.

The PVP in BDO for me is so engaging, fast paced, and fluid. The chaining and combos in this game are so fun to pull off, no matter how many times I overuse or spam them every minute.

Matchups and memes aside, I don't have many problems with Musa PVP. I can defend almost every grind spot, and I usually do pretty well in nodewars(30+ kills and 10ish deaths) and RBF on Velia 4 (usually 250-300 points if I don't int feed). I see a lot of people complain about Musa not having a grab, or not being able to WIN IN EVERY MATCHUP, but that's not a problem to me. No class should be able to do everything. Being able to do things that others cannot, is a lot of fun for me. Utilizing what I can do well: mass AOE abilities, supersonic speed, and picking off back-line squishies, is really enjoyable. The only problems that I have in PVP are sometimes vs Valks, Warriors, and Zerkers. And I am fine with not being able to beat them most of the time. I hope to continually improve my skill vs them, and learn to adapt to how they fight and try to overcome the mismatch as well as I can. For anyone wondering what my gear score is: I am 210 AP/ 280 DP. I have full TRI boss gear (No dande yet, and using heve helmet), with duo/tri yellow accessories. When people say that I cannot beat them based upon some sort of "mechanically designed" mismatch, that just makes me want to prove them wrong even more.

As far as the open world PVP aspects go, I am am bit indifferent. It is fine for me, until you get to the desert. To me personally, the jail system makes no sense. I don't think that players should be punished for defending a grind spot by having to sit in jail for 30minutes, or try to escape. I realize that it was initially implemented to circumvent the aspects of crystals breaking if you are red, but I still don't like it. From what I have experienced, it seems that the jail system actually discourages PVP in the desert. If you go to a bell server for example, you may see 10 players all fighting over main rotation on nagas, and not a single one of them will dual/flag on another. Because they will be punished by doing so.

The karma system is also kind of confusing to me. I understand that the amount you lose is based upon gear score difference, but I never understood why the positive cap is only 300k, while the negative cap is 1 million. Personally I believe that the karma system in this game is pretty useless for the most part. Karma bombing should also be fixed somehow, but I have no suggestions or ideas on how to improve the jail or karma systems. Balancing something like this is extremely hard. You can't look at how it will affect the majority of the player base, you have to examine how the outliers play and abuse the systems. And when you do that, it makes most ideas or options seem useless.

All karma related things aside, the fighting aspects of PVP are beautiful, and I love it.

PVM Not much to be said here honestly. World bosses, grinding alternatives, beautiful and diverse environments, what is not to love. The most recent addition of Marni Stones kind makes me want to prefer Marni content over most other things, but I am often drawn back to places like Manshaums just because of how visually pleasing the region and monsters are. Although there are places that make the MOST money possible, I like grinding in other places because for the most part, they seem pretty close to me (or I can get different things from training in different places). For a while in Oldschool Runescape, if you weren't doing Zulrah 24/7, you were wasting your own time because nothing compared to the money and assets that you acquired from doing the same thing over and over. I like different areas reward based upon different things. If you go to Kamasylvia it is best if you grind with other players, if you go to pirates you need boats and Artisan 2+ trading to best utilize your time, and if you go the desert you may earn less money but you have the chance to obtain Pila Fe scrolls to give you memory fragments! I love having options in this game.

Updates and the Pearl Shop I am fortunate enough to be able to spend some of my money on this game to buy things like maids/pets/weight/value packs etc, but I can understand how difficult this game could be to those who may not be able to spend money on this game. As far as my complaints go about how our North American publisher communicates and conveys details with our community, it coincides with most of the other complaining posts that you see everyday. The only thing that I want to say on the matter is that I believe people need to try and truly grasp the fact that our North American publisher doesn't have direct control over what we get or do in our region. A game that I believe found a way to balance their updates extremely well, is Maplestory. Nexon broke their game into not only separate regions, but separate game builds. This means that the different regions had control over the pace of their progression, content, and other aspects of the game. For example, if Maplestory were to be released in a new region, the developers would allow the controllers of that region to progress in accordance to not only their in-game community, but also according to their IRL economic situations.

The major problem that I see with BDO is that the different regions of this game have different quantities of items that are readily available, levels of access to certain things, and reliability on different aspects of the game that other regions may not. BUT the developers release the SAME patches and content for each region! Nothing is based on regional necessity or state of the game. This honestly baffles me, and from what it looks like currently, I don't see anything changing in terms of game access and content control being given to regional publishers; which is disappointing. In my own opinion, I think that regional game control will allow for more reasonable and balanced content release, as well as being more economically beneficial based upon currency and economical differences.

Life Skilling I honestly do not life skill a lot, but when I do, it is refreshing. Being able to cool down after long grind hours and make some extra money without being as mechanically intense, is really awesome. There is also so much to do! I can chop wood, fish, cook, craft, control an entire empire, and fight monsters on a damn ship if I wanted to! How cool is this game, really. It reminds of those old feels I had when I first stepped foot in to my first MMO, Runescape. The reminiscent feeling of completing tutorial island for the first time and learning all of the skills of game, was a close experience to how it felt to being both overwhelmed and humbled by the amount of content, diversity, and knowledge that this game has to offer.

The Community and Guilds I love this community. I have been able to rely on both the reddit and in-game players to help me with my earlier questions about different game specifics. For the most part, players are pretty friendly when it comes to respecting grind spots, allowing me to party with them at world bosses if I we are dec'd on, and open to giving me tips on how to perform in PVP vs them. Just last night, I was casually going by a grind spot at Centaurs and I saw a berserker. I knew that it was his rotation, but I said to myself "You know, I really don't run into zerkers that often, and I want to see if this guy will PVP with me". In short, I flagged up and got my ass handed to me multiple times. The guy was named Waco I believe, and he was from ManUp. If you end up reading this, thanks for being friendly about it afterwards. He was a really friendly guy and gave me insight on the zerker v. musa matchup. Also, a quick shout out to my first guild, TROPA. You guys were ever so helpful and friendly to me in my early stages of the game. You guys recruited me when I didn't meat the gear requirements at the time, and you taught me many aspects of the PVP side of the game. I recently ran into you guys a few nights ago at node wars, and ended up having a conversation with a few of you who remembered me from being there! If any of you read this, I left the guild because of the language barrier (Tagalog vs. me being a native English speaker). However, I wish you all nothing but the best! Lastly, I'd like to thank my friends over at Axiom for taking me in a few months ago. I've made a lot of friends here and I hope that we can keep improving each other to reach our goals!

Honestly everyone, as much as you may argue with each other in-game or on the reddit, you all stand together about the important issues when it comes down to bettering the community as a whole. I love you all for that.

If anyone has come this far from reading this very long rant. I hope that maybe we have shared some similar experiences or have alike opinions! Feel free to share your stories! I'd love to read them. Thank you everyone, and thank you for playing this game with me. I hope you all have lead great lives and succeed in all your in-game endeavors! NEVER GIVE UP! I need to go now because I have to conjure up some kind of method to somehow write a 5000 word paper in the next 4 hours. Have fun!

submitted by /u/TheLegendAnthony
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so Mystic, Ranger, Wizard, and Witch are the top tier classes at KR

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 03:18 AM PST

Keybindings for finger/hand health?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 03:44 AM PST

Hi r/BlackDesertOnline,

I have noticed that after lengthy sessions of grinding, my 'keyboard hand' gets fatigued and a bit sore, especially my pinky finger due to constant use of shift skills and sprinting between mobs.

So I wanted to find out what keybindings people have set-up to avoid this problem and facilitate more comfortable grinding sessions. I was considering using the side buttons on my mouse in place of shift, but please let me know what you have done and how it has worked for you.


submitted by /u/-Elision-
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Black Desert Mobile PvP Gameplay Group Arena

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 12:08 AM PST

How many of you AFK over night?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:47 PM PST

Been kind of hesitant about afk over night or when I'm not playing just because of how it may affect my computer in the long run (if any). Any reasons why I shouldn't or is it ok? Finally, how many of you put the game in the tray when AFK?

Hardware is 16gb ram, i7 7700k, 1070 if that matters.

submitted by /u/BrokenToaster2
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New BDO player, almost 57. How to progress further? What to focus on?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 05:06 AM PST

So I hit 56, got my awakening weapon and just kind of been taking it easy and exploring. Trying to learn more about the game and what I should be doing to progress.

I have a full set of unupgraded asula farmed from Mediah. My awakening wep is the green Godr Sphera to duo. staff and dagger are PRI. Not at my PC, but I think my AP is around 145?

Anyways, my question is what should I focus on next? What areas should I try and farm?

How do bosses work in this game? I hear people mention boss gear but I don't actually know how to start fighting these bosses.

Are there any quests I should really be trying to do at this point?

Currently I have just been farming Helms and Eric Shrine. Selling stuff on the market and whatnot. I haven't done too much with workers since I left Velia, I probably should though.

Any advice with what to do next would be great, or some source for where to get what gear.


submitted by /u/Orangeish92
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HUGE FPS drops recently

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 03:22 PM PST

Anyone been having >5 FPS recently multiple times in a minute, especially in towns? Can't even play this game recently. Stinks cause I just bought a new VP too.

submitted by /u/SeiryuMeowMeow
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Who preorders a Concentrated Magical Black Stone (Armor) for 80 MILLION EACH ?????????

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 04:38 PM PST

Gear Advice on Dark Knight lvl 56

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 12:32 AM PST

Question - What and How to TRI ?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 01:45 AM PST

Hi, i am a returning casual DK player. I finally hit the full DUO objective i had in mind. All my stuff is DUO (grunhill, kzarka, saywer, asula set and green awakening weapon). I am still looking after some boss armor, dande etc… In the meantime what should I do next ? Should I TRI my weapons or Armor first ? More to the point how do you TRI something? (I know about FS, that is not my question) You use CRON stones, or you get ready to bring back to DUO your failed TRI now PRI item ? Or do you try (when possible) to have several DUO item and try to TRI them one after the other until one hit TRI ?

submitted by /u/Okunidey
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Some people get stuck in the weirdest positions in a grab

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 05:22 PM PST

58/MUSA 141/150/204. Best grinding spot for silver?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 05:12 AM PST

Is BDO a wait-gaming title?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 08:21 AM PST

Im trying to get my brother into the game with me since were gonna be new players. However he doesnt enjoy wait-gaming which basically means waiting long hours before you get to craft and etc. examples would be Warframe, Neverwinter Online and etc. He's apparently not a big fan of waiting for stuff which is weird when he plays a shit ton of Ragnarok Online.

submitted by /u/Iczero
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Would any KR server players tell me the state of Musa/Maehwa with JIN/RABAM?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 08:20 AM PST

Curious but would still stick to them once it gets released in na.

submitted by /u/dizap001
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When Lahn isn't good enough.

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 08:19 AM PST

[Advice] Recently moved across the globe..

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 12:28 AM PST

Hi Reddit, I've been playing BDO for quite a while now and have invested a good deal into my account..

Currently, I am playing on the NA servers and have made some good friends. My dilemma here is that I would like to get into end game content again node wars/sieges what have you, but I'm now living in the EU and it is almost impossible to find people to play with on the same time schedule as myself.

I guess the point of this is that I am looking for some opinions on whether or not I should reroll to EU or stick to NA..

submitted by /u/dezyr
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Urugon or Muskan?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 12:47 AM PST

Costume Design Contest Vote/Album?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 06:40 AM PST

Hey just wanted to ask how the costumes will be decided and if we have an album or something for the community to vote on them or at least see all that got sent in. Rly interested what community comes up with so i really wanna see all that got sent in.

submitted by /u/Shinka_Asashin
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Question for the pros of BDO

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 05:40 AM PST

Counting all in JIN skills, 2ND awakening and class balance as we have it atm.
Which class scales best with high AP 270+.
Meaning Dealing most Dmg, Performing best in Node wars and 1v1.

submitted by /u/Stikkle
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Manshaum Forest 2 hour grind 17-20 mill per hour. No Kama/Loot scroll buff

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 04:59 AM PST

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