Smite - A friend of mine is learning how to cross stitch. This is her first embroidery with a special message for me

A friend of mine is learning how to cross stitch. This is her first embroidery with a special message for me

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 08:24 AM PST

Ganesha has been out for 9 months, 17 days. Can we stop BMing Ganesha players for getting 0 kills?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 02:16 PM PST

Read his passive. BMing a Ganesha for going 0/4/25 makes you look like an idiot.

EDIT: Also stop spamming Ganesha with "I'm building stacks"

EDIT: For anyone who somehow still doesn't know:

Passive - Good Fortune

Any time Ganesha deals a killing blow, the nearest Friendly God receives credit for the kill and Ganesha receives the rewards for an assist instead. In addition, his assist range is increased by 20 and time before he loses assist credit is increased by 5s

And just to be clear I'm not shitting on new/returning players here. You can't be expected to know everything that happened while you were gone or before you even started playing.

submitted by /u/Count_Zakula
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I feel bad. Lesson learned.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 09:23 AM PST

So I just come from a game of Conquest. I had some ppl on my team who were clearly new players. I was Herc solo, and one guy on Xba followed me into lane. I wrote a quick message saying "Xba don't be in this lane", he messaged back saying "ok sorry where should I be?" I didn't have chance to type clearing minions and then he quit the game.

I don't know why but it kind of upset me that he felt he had to quit because he didn't know what to do.

I've been playing Smite for years and just take it for granted now that ppl know what to do. If he'd have stuck around I would have happily helped him through the match. But I guess he just expects to be BM'd because he's a "noob scrub", and that's a bit shitty.

I think sometimes it's easy to forget we're not all 5 year xXMLG_SMITE_GODXx vets.

My point is I guess I could have better than "Xba don't be in this lane" seeing he was obviously new. Maybe he would have stuck around. Lesson learned I guess.

If this dude ends up here, I sent you a FR after the match. Accept it and we'll go wreck some ppl.


submitted by /u/NaturalSheepherder
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Another outage on Xbox

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 05:21 PM PST

So to anyone on PC how often do you guys experience outages? Because on console it happens at least 5 times a week

submitted by /u/JLeanz
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Janus ult read onto merc

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 02:41 PM PST

How to ward in Season 5 Conquest

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 05:08 PM PST

New Ratatoskr Acorn Ideas

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 02:18 PM PST

Now now, I know they got rid of old Rat acorns because it was hard to balance but I believe that they are capable of adding a new acorn, maybe even a second one, to introduce to Rat to have a new aspect of his kit that makes truly a unique character and less like a skill intensive Thor copy paste. I know that this is a buff, and I know that having the options does increase his viability, but I would sacrifice him being too strong for a patch or a few to make him fun and unique again, and I'm sure most would agree. We've been dealing with Ullr for months so we can deal with that. I will also say the goals with these Acorns are to not completely change his builds but rather to only slightly modify his play style, unlike the old Acorns making crit builds a thing on him and etc. Anyway, some ideas include

Nourished Acorn - Reduce the distance of your leaps in your ultimate ability, but gain a third jump in it.

The purchase of this Acorn indicates you want more flexibility in your ult on how it travels, when you want to decide you want to go in, more time to decide in teamfights, maybe even gives the potential to fake retreats even. Overall though, it would travel the same exact distance as the current ult.

cons: Everyone knows to play around three leaps on his ult at the moment for aegis' and such, so forcing players to relearn this would kinda suck. Can be remedied by adding a new visual indicator on the branch, and/or making a more defined sound effect for when he's on his last branch (whether or not he picks this Acorn)

Spectral Acorn - 1 second after casting, If Dart hits an enemy god, it deals a percentage of its damage again to all the enemies in its path

This acorn brings a bit more AoE damage if the Ratatoskr is aiming to bring more damage in a team fight, even if it's just a little bit of damage. This helps Rat have a bit more potency when he's not able to harass the backline or overall just wants to bring more zoning. It also does actually help limit the escapes of squishies for a brief period of time if you're flanking or landing from your ult against some characters. Really good in some solo lane matchups.

cons: I feel like this acorn might just be way too blatantly better than the others just cause of its applications it can have. It especially punishes people who push up in a lane without wards cause they get the path of their escape zoned with having to take more damage and overall just could be absolutely cancer to play against. But, then again, dash usually isn't the ability that really chunks you when you're playing against Rat. I tried limiting it to requiring you hit an enemy god, but I'm not entirely sure that's enough. Might have to be a percantage of the damage or just a slow or something. All I know is, is that it would be super fun to use and could be very rewarding.

Polished Acorn - Successfully stunning an enemy with Acorn Blast freezes the acorns briefly at the end of the ability, eventually returning to him dealing damage again but unable to stun.

Old rat throwback acorn. I and many others miss him dearly!! Also overall this acorn rewards hitting stuns but is absolutely useless if you don't. The freeze would be long enough to ensure you don't get hit by the return acorns 100% of the time if you get stunned cause otherwise that sounds like cancer.

cons: not very good if you're bad with him. you might have too much fun with this acorn!!

Sharpened Acorn - Hitting the same enemy god with all three basic abilities within 3 seconds refunds 75% of the mana spent.

Another way to reward hitting skillshots, it's what you would go for if you value early game ganking a lot while jungling. The goal of the acorn is to be an early game ganking acorn, though, so I would love an effect that is less potent when the laning phase is over but still has some relevancy for the rest of the game to not make it absolutely useless, which I don't think the current reward I wrote achieves.

cons: I actually don't think this effect is very good, I think health sustain from the current acorn would just always be better. Maybe changing the reward for hitting all three abilities would be optimal. Burst of movement speed, or something. I would like to avoid further CC though.

All Acorns would have the same stats as his current one. Also while we're at it can we make his tier 3 acorn have the +'s next to the stats?? It looks so awkward, especially because the tier 2 does. Second thing to note is that i know these numbers may not be balanced, just focus on the effects.

Thanks for reading, and I would love to hear any other simple acorn ideas your might have as I would be interested in reading.

e: wording, also forgot to mention that you can't sell the final acorn you decide on after you leave base (or move around during the buying animation if you buy it elsewhere on the map to cancel it).

submitted by /u/Skittlekirby
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5 Tips for Every God: Discordia to Hades

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 10:34 AM PST

Seeing as there has been a large influx of new players after the shutdowns of Paragon and Gigantic, I thought I would make a series of posts listing the top 5 tips for every god as of patch 5.1, in alphabetical order.

I will post the links to the other 9 posts as i make them.

DISCLAIMER: I am an utterly average player. If you feel I missed an important tip about a god or made a mistake, please tell me in the comments.


  1. Strife makes enemy gods hit walk towards each other, so cast Unruly Magic in between them so they walk into it.

  2. Enemies standing underneath the Major Orb in Unruly Magic are hit by all 6 Minor Orbs, so try to predict where enemies will walk to confirm as many Minor Orbs as possible.

  3. Erratic Behavior has a very quick animation and gives a lot of immunity frames, so use that as well as the invisibility to stay evasive in teamfights. Avoid using basic attacks inside the cloud to stay invisible.

  4. The Golden Apple of Discord has a lot of range, a large hitbox, and can ricochet off of walls, but moves very slowly and isn't very inconspicuous. Use it in close range or use it after a teammate's setup to confirm the hit.

  5. The Golden Apple of Discord will detonate early if the holder dies, so hitting an enemy who is about to die in the middle of their team will probably spread the effect to the rest of the team, causing a huge amount of damage and crippling everyone.

Erlang Shen-

  1. Spot Weakness resets its cooldown after hitting basic attacks, so use it often in extended fights to deal as much damage with basic attacks as possible.

  2. Pin along with Mink form allow you to chase down enemies trying to escape, but using Mink form also stops you from transforming into a Turtle, which is your only real means of escaping a bad situation. Only use Mink if you can ensure you will be able to survive without the shield and knockup on Turtle.

  3. Turtle form can be used to interrupt an enemy by knocking them off their feet. Cancel it as soon as you hit them so they stay in range of your basic attacks.

  4. Use Nine Turns Blessing earlier rather than later: it won't save you if you're dead.

  5. Nine Turns Blessing dosn't taunt for a long time, especially when it hasn't been leveled, but it still interrupts enemy abilities.


  1. Draconic Corruption deals a lot of damage to enemies in its area of effect, but it has a large delay and is telegraphed very clearly. Use Cursed Strength to stun enemies before transforming to stop them from escaping its range.

  2. Coerce grants any damage dealer a huge boost while giving yourself a large heal. Buffing multiple people in Dragon form can help you shred objectives or outdamage the enemy team in a teamfight.

  3. Underhanded Tactics stuns in Dragon form and has a huge range, so use it followed by Cursed Strength to lock down a squishy in the enemies' backline to stun them and deal a lot of damage while you do.

  4. There is nothing as dangerous as your ult running out in a teamfight. You are immune to crowd control during the animation, but unlike when you turn into a Dragon, you are not invulnerable. If you think there may be a fight soon and your ult is running out of time, consider turning back into a dwarf before the fight begins. If you are caught turning back into a dwarf, remember your cooldowns reset after you transform, so jump away to survive.

  5. Draconic Corruption gives you instant and total immunity, so using it to avoid hard hitting abilities or dangerous crowd control before wreaking havoc as a dragon can save your life.


  1. A Rune-boosted Brutalize can help you clear camps, but the stun on Unchained is a powerful tool for assassinating a target.

  2. Remember that your Runes instantly recharge upon killing an enemy god. This, along with the cooldown reduction upon hitting a god with Unchained, can allow you to stun more often than the enemy would expect.

  3. Seething Howl gives a large boost to power and survivability, so use it before fights to maximize your damage and allow you to lifesteal extra when dueling people down.

  4. Brutalize follows the target wherever they go as long as they don't teleport, leap or go invisible, so be careful they don't lead you into an ambush or the range of a tower. Cancel the ability to regain control of your movement.

  5. Ragnarok allows you to displace an enemy and carry them to your team, but standing still so your teammates can kill them easily once they're in range can help too.


  1. Irradiate allows you to deal a lot of damage from range if used along with Pulse, but it will remove the AoE and the slow, which can help clear waves or chase enemies.

  2. Freya has no ranged damage when Pulse is on cooldown, so pace yourself well, playing more passively when Pulse and Irradiate are down and doing as much damage as possible when they are up.

  3. Banish allows you to stun an enemy, but make them untargetable as well. So it is always better to use it only to chase down an enemy trying to escape than interrupt enemies already in a teamfight, since you can cause teammates to miss abilities.

  4. Valyrie's Discretion allows you to become untargetable, and escape teamfights. Brisingamen's Blessing will allow you to heal a small amount of health on hitting the projectiles on Brisingamen's Blessing, so try to hit enemies while fleeing to increase your chances of survival.

  5. Freya is dependent on attack speed, pen and lifesteal items, and specializes in single target basic attacks rather than large AoE damage. As such, she is more a magical hunter than a traditional mage.


  1. Turn of Fate does a good amount of damage for a guardian's ability, but its real power comes from the damage increase your allies enjoy. Hit as many enemies as possible, such as a minion wave, to boost the power of your allies.

  2. Ohm interrupts enemy abilities even if they only enter the cone for a fraction of a second, so use it to stop enemies from trying to use abilities while you are in the area. Stealthed enemies are especially vulnerable to this, since they are instantly revealed by Ohm.

  3. Remove Obstacles is a good ability to lock down a vulnerable target so your teammates can follow up and kill him, but it leaves you unable to escape. It is worth keeping in mind that this dash passes through player-made obstacles, giving you a conditional counter to gods like Odin, Ymir, or Cabrakan.

  4. Dharmic Pillars force the enemy caught inside the borders to make a decision: do they run past the pillars and become vulnerable to enemies, or do they stay inside the area and face being surrounded? Remeber the Pillars can be placed so they block off a narrow entrance, keeping enemies out of a certain area.

  5. Good Fortune doesn't seem very powerful or important at first glance, but it allows you to stack Guantlet of Thebes, the Guardians Blessing and your allies' stacking items easily, as well as giving your allies extra gold and experience.


  1. Roll Out is a powerful mobility tool, but be careful when you run into people at full speed: knocking them away from your team won't help.

  2. Shock Wave has a wide radius, but it takes time till it reaches its maximum range. Use it as close to your enemies as possible to maximize its damage and consistency.

  3. Stone Shield can save someone's life, so use it well. It will also cleanse any crowd control the enemy has placed on them, so use it on allies caught by abilities like Nox' Shadow Lock, Sobek's Charge Prey, or Ao Kuang's King of the Eastern Seas to prevent them from being locked down.

  4. Cataclysm stuns in a large area and lets your team safely follow up on your crowd control. Use it early in a teamfight, as the damage is relative to the health the enemy has remaining: it will be more useful the higher the health of the enemy is.

  5. Rollout starts out very slow and can be interrupted or bodyblocked, so be careful you don't get blocked or interrupted when trying to escape a teamfight.

Guan Yu-

  1. Painless is fairly easy to charge, but it can be difficult to decide which ability to boost with it. Boosting Conviction is usually better if you are in range of allies, but the more powerful stun and slow on Cavalry Charge, or the Protection shred on Taolu Assault, are also powerful options.

  2. Both Conviction and Warrior's Will reduce cooldowns on hitting enemy gods, so try to hit as many people as possible to spam abilities.

  3. Taolu Assault steals protections from enemies, making them more vulnerable while increasing your survivability. Use it often to hit as many people as possible and increase the damage your team outputs.

  4. Cavalry Charge is a useful initiation tool, allowing you to slow down and stun multiple people. The horse can slow down or speed up by going forward or backward respectively, so circle enemies to do as much damage as possible and follow them around for the stun.

  5. If you are in a bad situation, use Cavalry Charge to escape, as it grants you movement speed as well as immunity to crowd control.


  1. Eagle Eye allows you to do damage from range, but the projectiles are easy to dodge and do reduced damage from afar. Using them for extra damage at close range can help win duels.

  2. Heavenly Banner grants any allies in its range an increase in attack speed, so use it to help allies destroy objectives or place it in a teamfight so an allied assassin or warrior might pass by it.

  3. Iaijustu is a reliable short-range stun, but using it leaves you without an escape. Avoid using it if there are other enemies nearby, or if you have the disadvantage in a 1v1.

  4. Mounted Archery is a little hard to control, but can carry you large distances. Use it to escape clustered teamfights or snipe enemies from afar with its long range and damage.

  5. Master of Arms is a fairly simplistic passive, but is a huge benefit in lane, giving Hachiman a large amount of mana sustain. Keep the stacks up as long as possible so you can kep your mana up.


  1. Devour Souls turns any Blighted minion wave into a dangerous bomb. Any god standing inside the wave when you cast Devour Souls will take a huge amount of damage while healing you. The con to this is that you are very predictable, since you won't be able to clear the wave without standing in the middle of it, and enemies familiar with Hades will make sure they are not standing in the wave.

  2. Death from Below is a powerful movement ability that is an easy way to close distance to enemies and Blight them too, but, as with any leap, it is also your only way of escaping a fight.

  3. Shroud of Darkness is a wonderful combo piece, allowing you to silence enemies to apply Blight and stop them from escaping the range of Devour Souls. If you already Blighted them, it also fears, making it even harder to escape Hades.

  4. Pillar of Agony is a powerful teamfight ult, but it keeps Hades rooted in place for the duration, and the extra protections you gain aren't always enough to keep you alive. Lifesteal, protections and health are great item choices for Hades for this reason, and an allied Geb, Khepri or Aphrodite can also be great at keeping Hades alive while he channels.

  5. Hades' abilities increase in effectiveness the closer together enemies are, and whether they are Blighted or not. Basic attacking before using Shroud of Darkness or Devour Souls can help control your enemies or deal extra damage respectively.


Agni to Arachne

Ares to Cabrakan

Camazotz to Da Ji

submitted by /u/Larry10225
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It's not as dopey as my NuWa one. Have a rat

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 03:15 AM PST

[MWT] Why this adventure will get boring very quickly

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 03:03 PM PST

So, without any special intros let's start. Since I love writing long posts this adventure came perfect as a source for one. This is why this adventure will become boring within 1 week of playing (probably even earlier)

Let's start things off and see what types of adventures are there and what makes them fun.


So the first category is obviously PvP. We've had 3 adventures in S1 that were PvP and all three were semi-good. Why? Well the thing in PvP that makes people play is sense of competition. That is the reason behind all online games too. People want to win and then use those rewards that you fairly (or not, looking at you, Susano Corrupted Arena bug) won. You feel like you are winning something by being better than someone else, making PvP adventures a natural success by themselves.


Now we come to PvE. We've had 2 PvE adventures and they all worked on the same principle. Unlike PvP, here you don't have a satisfaction of killing or defeating minor enemies since you know that you aren't playing against someone. You aren't showing that you are better than someone but rather something. How these adventures make their way is by giving you a sense of progress. You go on a run and start low. You don't get far but get some rewards which make you go slightly further next time. Then you get more rewards and unlock even more of the map, in return giving you more things. Now, in SoH's case, the map may have been too long so some haven't bothered to pass it completely but it still doesn't change the fact that both PvE adventures were a massive hit.

This adventure

And here we are, talking about "Da Ji and the Legend of the Foxes". This adventure is PvE, meaning you get little satisfaction after winning it for the second time. What it lacks is the core PvE element. The sense of progress. The problem with this adventure is simple. The run is always the same. You will almost always win, never above 18 minutes (in the game timer) and after few rounds even the lines will begin repeating. The adventure will become stale faster than any adventure that has came before this one. All the items you purchase go away (normally) and you get nothing from the last round that changes even the slightest detail about the next run.

That's about it. This adventure needs to have some sort of progress or it will die off way too quickly and the only reason people will play it will be because of those Rat skins. But what do I know.

submitted by /u/Draco9990
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let us cancel out of text

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 08:42 PM PST

when you want to write ingame 'calculated' or 'not even close' and you realise OH SHIT THERE IS A JANUS ULT COMING TOWARDS YOU, so you want to cancel out of your text to dodge like a pro. but esc puts you to that option screen. so you have to press esc again to be back ingame.

can we change that? so if you are in typing-mode one esc just cancels the text? that would be nice :)

submitted by /u/TheLuy
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Got a pretty cool Bull Demon King steal and played leap frog with Odin

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:18 AM PST

Can xbox get an extra day of double fp like ps4? We've had issues all weekend too.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 11:30 AM PST

HiRez could you implement typing on console?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 09:57 AM PST

You're able to type via keyboard or via Xbox app. It'd be really helpful and essential to add in a chat box to console. Press "Start" then "Back" to bring up the Xbox keyboard.

This would just make it better to communicate about getting people's beads/aegis timers(or relics in general), "Enemy ultimate down" could be more specific, and even makes it so a ton of commands wouldn't have to be added in to match the pc communication/VGS system.

submitted by /u/Polkish
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MsPaint Loki (as requested by u/Akimbo_Attack)

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:00 PM PST

What mythological monster do you want added next?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 02:43 PM PST

With Cerberus' release, I wondered what other non-god monsters Hi-Rez could add next.

Some suggestions:

  • Ammit, female crocodile-lion-hippo who devours sinners' hearts (Egyptian)

  • Echidna, mother of Greek monsters (including Cerberus), cameos in Cerberus' God Reveal

  • Bai Ze, a bovine creature with 9 eyes and 6 horns, said to have bestowed knowledge of all the supernatural creatures of the world on humans, from Chinese mythology

  • Sharabha, half-lion half-bird beast with eight legs, said to be a form of Shiva, from Hindu mythology

Remember it has to be a named individual, not just a member of the mythic species (i.e. Kuzenbo vs. a generic Kappa)


submitted by /u/ReinaBlaka
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Really obvious things you didn't know about a god until you actually played them?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 05:45 PM PST

I'm talking really obvious stuff. For example: In my first 6 months of playing I would look at Rat builds and think to myself "where the fuck are his boots?".

Other examples of really obvious things about god kits I missed in my early Smite times:

  • "Where the fuck did Not just go?"

  • " Wtf are these beehives all over the place?"

  • "How the hell is Ullr melee attacking me?"

submitted by /u/Count_Zakula
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What's the naughtiest thing you do?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 03:11 PM PST

You little troublemaker. I'll start.

When I play Scylla, I buy all of my abilities and then I pump every ability point into sic em until it's maxed out, ignoring the fact that I could put a second point into my ult first instead. Ok now you go.

submitted by /u/SyIentButDeadly
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The UI updates would be a good time to update Chests.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:22 AM PST

It still bugs me that Smite doesn't have a way of seeing the full contents of a chest in the client without going to an external source, smite wiki, reddit, etc. Given that UI updates are coming this season, it'd be a good time to fix it.

submitted by /u/MagicFighter
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Thanatos turned completely black at a random point in ten match.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 08:22 AM PST

I Need No Luck, I Have Calculations

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 12:56 PM PST

Team Dignitas play the BWWings Blazin’ Roulette - and yes they are sticking together!

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 09:35 AM PST

Smite Xbox down

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 11:26 AM PST

Heard PS4 had this issue on Friday, so is console gonna get another day of double FP?

submitted by /u/JLeanz
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Why can i solo the FG in 10 seconds while 40 minutes into the game?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 10:00 AM PST

I thought it was supposed to be harder?

I feel like he is even easier now since you dont need to watch out for the pools.

I really want him to be harder since you get such a huge advantage over the enemy when you kill him.

Addition to title: and lose no hp??

submitted by /u/Bozzkurt69
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