Pokémon GO - Unown: Monocle form

Unown: Monocle form

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:40 PM PST

[Humor] Cacnea used IRONY!

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 05:24 AM PST

Grandma ready to throw hands for mystic

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 03:49 PM PST

[Humor] Niantic Right Now

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:37 AM PST

[Idea] Proof of Concept for 2 Fast and 2 Charge Moves on Each Pokemon

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 08:39 AM PST

I’d love a St. Patrick’s Day event this year. Green Pokémon everywhere would be nice! And shinies too :))

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:56 AM PST

This fella counting up his victims

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 05:15 PM PST

A purrfect squad to be guarding the bird feeder.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:37 PM PST

I've been waiting to take this AR shot since PoGo came out. The loach group says hi, Barboach! :D

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:01 AM PST

[HUMOR] Leaked footage from Niantic HQ showing the process of choosing who gets an EX raid pass

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:29 PM PST

My first Shiny

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 03:34 PM PST

I think niantics next focus should be improving the pokestops and adding more variety to them. Make the world map more exciting and less dull

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:58 AM PST

The game is really plain right now, and doesnt offer a lot to do when walking. I think one way they can make the world a bit more exciting is to convert some of the pokestops into new buildings based around the pokemon world. They would work the same way as gyms where you can still swipe the icon and get some loot from them. So we can get

Pokemarts: every pokemart will have 4 or 5 in game items on sale for star dust, or a new currency every 6 hours (after 6 hours the items refresh) So people can buy evolution items, various kinds of pokeballs, potions, regular revives and berries a bit easier.

Daycare center: players can drop off 2 pokemon, and after some time that pokemon would gain something. So like lets say every 4 hours your pokemon would either grow a level, get a piece of candy, earn stardust, find an item, learn a new move, find some pokecoins. The catch is that you need to visit and return to the daycar within 24 hours or else your pokemon will not collect anything anymore. So you would only get 6 things in a day. After 3 days if you dont get your pokemon back its returned to you (that way just in case you are traveling or far and cant get it back.) So once a day you will need to visit that spot pretty much.

Team rocket base: this could be a way to implement dungeon runs and npcs. Players would have to go through a series of random battles with a team of pokemon, and how far they get will depend on rewards. After each battle players are allowed to use one item to heal their pokemon with. It would work like this

you chose a team of 6 pokemon to go through with. These pokemon can not be switched once you begin. The first battle will be easy, having a team rocket grunt with 2 pokemon. Probably something weak like a zubat and a ratata. This serves as a purpose of demonstrating and preparing you

once you clear the battle, you get to use one healing item to revive or heal your pokemon.

the battle scale in difficulty, and become more random and challenging. So your 2nd battle can have a grunt with a houndoom, a crobat, and a rapidash. Because battles will be random players have no way to know how to prepare or what to expect.

after you are finally beaten you will earn a reward based on how far you got. Higher stages will mean much better rewards obviously. And each reward set can be in tiers, like how raids are.

Each hideout can have a leaderboard also where players can compete to get far. I guess a catch would be that players can only have one legendary on their team to keep things a bit fair then, unless legendaries become more common and easily attainable.

Im sure none of these ideas will ever come true, but if niantic would do it...it could really improve the quality of the map and maybe encourage people to explore more

submitted by /u/Allstarcappa
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How about Red & Blue outfits for Battle Legend Gold Badge?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 02:13 AM PST

[Idea] Mass Evolve, Niantic Pls

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:50 AM PST

[Discussion] I just finished my last missing Tier 3 solo, if you're interested in solos and need advice, ask me anything!

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 08:52 AM PST

After starting this challenge by beating Gengar back before the raids switched up, it's taken me just about four months to build a team for each tier 3 from scratch.

Next after Gengar, believe or not, I beat Alakazam. Now the only zam moveset I haven't beaten is Confusion/Focus Blast, but I think I could beat it now.

Somewhere after Zam, I beat Porygon, but that isn't much of a challenge anyway.

After Zam, I built a team for Machamp, using a Ho-Oh as an anchor. Ho-Oh is also the first legendary I've powered up (should've gone with Lugia though).

Next was Omastar, because I noticed that my MS/SB Groudon was an amazing counter to it, and managed to beat WG/AP with it and a couple of other Pokemon.

After Omastar, I went after Scyther with a couple of Golems, since I noticed that ANY lvl30 RT/SE Golem easily wrecks Scyther.

Last but not least, just today, I beat FA/HW Ninetales with 2 Kyogre and a Gyarados.

Also, I made sure not to take advantage of any Weather Boost while doing these, because that's kind of cheating when trying to prove yourself you can solo a tier3 :D

Click here if you want to see a crappy picture with screenshots from recent raids I've done.

Good luck, and have fun out there!

submitted by /u/jonihallivuori
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Mass server/connection disruptions happening today?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:10 AM PST

I've saw massive server/connection disruptions during today, around 16:00 pm utc at hong kong.

While i had an ex raid today and i didn't face any problems with it possibly because mine was outside the disruption zone, I've heard others who had ex raids in other time zones suffered from widespread disruptions, some had mewtwo ran away while others can't join the raids at all.

What was actually causing the disruptions in these 2 days? Is it related to the us air force practice announced maybe a week ago?

submitted by /u/Mrexreturns
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[Idea] Why not put weaħer forecasts into the game?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:00 AM PST

Clearly the game doesn't care about the reality of weaħer, which is fine. But that also means they are working off of a static forecast when they change the weaħer in the game.

If we tap on the weaħer icon, why not let us see the next few hours, or the entire day, of upcoming weaħer cycles? This can get us encouraged to play at certain times instead of checking the game every hour just to close it in disappointment because despite the vicious high-wind snowstorm outside, the game is still cloudy.

Also, it would let us know if we need to hurry to complete a raid before the top of the hour, instead of praying that the weaħer doesn't change.

And finally, it would relieve the pain of doing a Mewtwo EX Raid where the hour before the raid it was windy, and then when the EX Raid opened it stopped being windy.

submitted by /u/Exaskryz
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[Question]Do you think raid times will go back to normal when the time changes?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 08:47 PM PST

Right now raids end at 7PM where i am at, before the time change they ended at 9PM. Them ending at 7 means i can not raid during the week. I get off work, when i am lucky, at 6 and then it is at least a 20 minute drive to the nearest gym to my work then another 15 minutes to the next closest; so that means that by the time i find an active raid, get a group if needed it is well after 7 before i can raid. I am starting to find this game getting pretty stagnate because of that and the change in potion drops so that means no aggressively taking gyms on my way home.

submitted by /u/SpoonsAtWork
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[Idea] Option to set Looking-for-Group flag on near-by raids.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 03:41 AM PST

You see a tough raid at your local gym. Clicking the gym for a closer look, you find that there's 5 players interested in the fight and 2 of them are pretty much there.

How it might work:

If you could see a raid, you'd be able to set an LFG flag that would let others know someone wants to battle this pokemon.

The gym would, when selected, show separate numbers of those who are flagged LFG within 0.3km and those who are farther away.

The flags would automatically reset once battle begins or the player is no longer "near-by" for a short time.

submitted by /u/OnwardFlying
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[Discussion] Future Pokemon for Community Day?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 08:21 PM PST

There are only a handful of Pokemon that are good choices for community day. Nobody's going to go out of their way for a Sentret, for example. I don't think Niantic would give out Gen 3 Pokemon at this event for a while so I think we'll be limited to Gen 1/2 Pokemon. What Pokemon does the community want to see?

For me, Magikarp (with increased shiny odds), Chansey, Snorlax, Unown, Larvitar, and regionals would get me out of the house.

submitted by /u/nname1
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[Idea] Raid summary screen should show your DPS/DPS rank during the raid

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 12:09 PM PST

This could be documented like : u did 7548 damages (u were ranked 3/12 damage dealer)

It would be a nice addition and would help people to know when they do well and when they don't. This would add a bit of a challenge between top players, and would globally help to improve game understanding for players.

Tbh i'd love anything that turns players from talking only about IV; having them comparing their DPS would make them more interested in getting results (even if the dick-size-like discussions could become as much annoying XD ).

submitted by /u/Silvernachts
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Fairy Type Pokémon

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:49 PM PST

What are the best ATTACKING Fairy Types in the game so far that are worth powering up against Fighting and Dark?

submitted by /u/hitman1007able
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Quick noobie question

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:46 PM PST

Does the maximum cp of your pokemon increase as you gain levels? Or only the ones found in the wild?

submitted by /u/joshtri
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