Heroes of the Storm - Saturday Streaming Thread - Post your stream here! | February 03 - February 09

Saturday Streaming Thread - Post your stream here! | February 03 - February 09

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:00 AM PST

Are you a new streamer looking to get your name out there? Maybe you just need someone to watch after a long tiring week? Ask for recommendations on what streams to watch or promote your own stream in the comments.

Please be as detailed as possible on your streaming schedule, what kind of stream you have (teaching/pro play/fun/climbing ladder etc.) and any specific style or hero you might have.

Previous Streaming Threads

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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HeroStorm Ep35 What's the Point

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:02 AM PST

Playing QM as Auto-Select should count for all daily quests just like Draft Modes do

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:46 AM PST

I enjoy playing as Auto Select, but often don't because I also want to finish dailies. Adding this feature would be another incentive for people to play as Auto Select, which helps everyone by shortening queue times (if you're ever getting long queues, try asking for 1 person in your party to queue as Auto Select and watch what happens).

submitted by /u/Sanakhte
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Raynor's Bizarre Adventure

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 05:39 AM PST

We should be allowed to re-roll quests once a day, like in Hearthstone

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 08:38 AM PST

Can't think of a reason why we shouldn't be able to.

It's fine that quests promote variety, but especially for players whom already know the roles/universes that they enjoy or don't enjoy, it's a miserable experience to choose between having a quest slot locked permanently or playing 3 games on a hero you hate playing.

Re-rolling isn't always going to solve that issue, but at least it'll help the problem, especially when multiple quests stack up.

submitted by /u/AwkwardSheep
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Just playing some Abathur, pushing a lane with some locusts, when all of a sudden...

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 03:21 PM PST


Always joked about this happening with my friends, never expected it though.

submitted by /u/Pancakes_Guy
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Hilarious Finish (Method vs Zealots HGC Spoilers)

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 11:56 AM PST

Stitches can permanently bug bot camps on Volskaya

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 03:56 PM PST

Playing Stiches on Volskaya:
If you hook the stationary gun from the bot camp onto the conveyor belt below, it will bug, but cant move back, so the camp will get stuck and removed from the game (you also cant hook it back).

submitted by /u/nakno3
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Blaze Main Tank - By JayPL from Team Dignitas [ENG Subtitles]

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 05:21 AM PST

Who Is: Valla, the Demon Hunter? A Diablo Lore Post

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 08:54 AM PST

"You probably ran...until you couldn't take another step. I remember that feeling."

-Diablo III Demon Hunter Trailer, 2010

Wow I actually managed to make a weekly post I AM A GOD!

So I had previously said I was going to do Tyrael, but looking at my schedule of upcoming assignments, I don't think it's feasible for me to get that long of a post (realistically a double post) until I have time to really devote to it either in the middle of this month or all the way into March. Of course, this also comes at the risk of the supposed Imperius release coming after Maiev being true, in which case there may be repetition if I continue to do Tyrael at that time. In any case, he's being delayed, so sorry about that.

Instead, we're going to be covering the character that represents my favorite class in Diablo III, Valla. Valla is actually unique amongst the nephalem representatives in Heroes of the Storm in that, like Li-Ming, she is actually the canonical version of the class that fought Diablo in the official game as well. In Reaper of Souls, the specific character each of these classes meet-Halissa for the Demon Hunter and Isendra for the Wizard-are characters tied in the lore specifically to Valla and Li-Ming, respectively, and the player character has the exact same relationship and memories that Valla and Li-Ming would have with them. They also appear in short stories made by the Diablo Creative Team as main characters. Valla is even a special case on top of Li-Ming, as the journals the Demon Hunter writes for each quest specifically mention Josen as their master, who was also Valla's master. This differs significantly from the other nephalem inserts, as Sonya, Kharazim, and Nazeebo have no references in any Diablo lore (I'm still unsure why the wikis claim Nazeebo is the original heretic from Doubtwalker), and Johanna's appearance doesn't totally match with the female Crusader (despite the fact that Johanna IS referenced in some Diablo lore...though as a specific nod towards Heroes of the Storm). As a result, for one of these rare times, I actually can give you real lore for Valla beyond just describing the Demon Hunter order, which is awesome! Of course, this comes at the cost of Valla being one of the earliest heroes in the game, which means she has very few quotes for me to talk about (but I guess that's ok because I'm still one of the elitists who much preferred her original voice instead of her Reaper of Souls-onwards voice).

Previous lore posts can be found here!

Demon Hunters

The Demon Hunters are a group of fanatical warriors who have come together to slay the demons of the Burning Hells. No specific nationality or ethnicity binds these few hundred together. Rather, they all share a similar past: the loss of their previous lives to demonkind. In the crapsack world of Sanctuary, this isn't exactly an uncommon occurrence. Many lone survivors have seen their families slaughtered by hordes of bloodthirsty imps or khazra, their home villages razed by the infernal horrors that serve the Seven Evils. Often, those who survived these attacks know the only path to drown out the screams etched into their minds is a taut rope and something to jump off of. But a few individuals have some power within them that keeps them from falling into the madness that demonic attacks bring. Instead, they swear vengeance on the monsters that took everything from them. They cannot hope for victory, or peace. They don't expect that they will ever return to their former lives. But they hunt nonetheless, knowing that with every vile demon killed, and every innocent life saved, Sanctuary is just a bit better off for it. There is no other way.

For this hunt, Demon Hunters employ a wide variety of ranged weapons to both annihilate hordes of lesser demons and quickly snipe off greater individual threats. Between a variety of bows and crossbows, including their unique hand-crossbows, grenades, bolas, throwing knives, and rockets, each Hunter has a bonafide arsenal of death at their disposal. Conversely, their heavy reliance on ranged weaponry, with only daggers to support them in melee range, leaves them in danger should the minions of Hell close in on them. As a result, Demon Hunters learn to be extremely agile, evasively rolling out of harm's way or dexterously leaping backwards while still firing, or they die (DH doesn't stand for Demon Hunter, it stands for Don't Halt). Of course, sometimes there won't be space to move around so fluidly, so smart hunters also bring with them a few traps to mess their prey up. Smoke screens, caltrops, spike traps, and sentry turrets are all staples of Demon Hunter defense, with a variety of inventions to make deploying them in hectic combat easier. My personal two favorites are a crossbow that sometimes randomly shoots a full-blown trap or sentry instead of an arrow and a rucksack that is able to hold miniature balls that uncoil into full-blown sentries. And if having the entire United States military industrial complex on their person wasn't enough preparation to kill their targets, Demon Hunters also employ shadow magic, quickly slipping through shadows, cursing their enemies with a mark of death, or transforming into Vengeance itself in order to make sure that as long as the horrors keep coming, they'll keep killing (though it has been debated if this can be considered actual magic, per se, as this form of magic does not rely on casting spells). With armor, most neophytes begin with light leather armor, allowing them to train in how to hide in shadows and get used to the more acrobatic maneuvers they will need to learn in an easier environment while still being guarded in some fashion. As they grow more experienced, they will don more protective armor that lets them carry more of their tools of the hunt. Some Hunters have also taken to wearing demonic armor, or even the hides of slain demons themselves, in order to sow confusion and fear amongst the ranks of the legions of Hell.

Now, while the Demon Hunters are unique in that they are able to resist the corruption that demon invasions bring, this does not mean they are not entirely changed by their encounter, both physically and mentally. Mentally, the images of their loved ones dying never goes away. Demons grinning with blood up to their arms, a mother violently exploding in a shower of gore, a friend burnt black in front of their house. Endless nightmares of restless nights gives way to days living them out in their hunts. But at least in the day, they can fight back. However, this ability to fight back has made the majority of Demon Hunters outcast. They constantly are at war with themselves, filled with hatred that fuels their ability to endlessly fire volley after spiteful volley of death at their foes, yet needing to temper it with discipline, so that they remain cautious enough to live until tomorrow. While Hatred comes easy to them, the patience needed to be careful and know when to retreat or use a trap instead of standing still and raining vengeance is much harder. Those who are unable to control themselves give in to their violent impulses, and the crimes rogue Demon Hunters have committed has made the greater world fearful of the order. While these Hunters are branded as criminals by the order themselves, given only three days worth of food and water and then sent into the barren wastes to fend for themselves, it has not changed the fact that many find these vigilantes no better than the demons they hunt. Physically, many Demon Hunters have also had their eyes altered by encounters with demons. Demons often peer into those they wish to corrupt, looking for weakness to exploit. Eventually, a Demon Hunter learns how to peer back. When they do, all they see is vengeance. After, their eyes will permanently burn bright with hellfire, their obsession with revenge manifested for all to see.

While at any given time, half of the few hundred extant Demon Hunters are out in the wider world to kill hellspawn and prevent others from experiencing the tragedy they did, the order still needed a place to train neophytes, practice in a safer environment, care for the homeless found in the aftermath of demon attacks, and allow injured Hunters to heal before heading out again. They found this place a few years ago in the Dreadlands. When Tyrael destroyed the Worldstone, and demolished Mount Arreat, in order to save humanity from becoming the slaves of Baal, the resulting explosion of chaos transformed the Steppe homeland of the Children of Bul-Kathos, better known as the Barbarians (like Sonya), into a wasteland devoid of all life but the demons who rapidly spread their corruption here. With the Barbarian tribes scattered from the confusion, the Hunters found this the perfect place to set up a form of base camp. The amount of foul monsters roaming the landscape made it an excellent place to develop the skills of would-be, or even current, Demon Hunters, while the lack of any established people would keep the order free of the interference a worried nation would bring to such a rogue group camped in their borders. Even within the order itself, few traditions exist, leaving each Hunter to walk their own path and become their own independent entity, as it would be. However, the Hunters are led by Ordermasters, who can only come from those who have completely tempered their hatred with discipline. Currently, the Demon Hunters are led by Ordermaster Valla, Slayer of Diablo


So here we are boys and girls to the star of the show!

Valla was born in Westmarch, the strongest of the Western Kingdoms (which includes Khanduras, former kingdom of Leoric)...or, it was until Malthael's Reaper army attacked it in recent times. She was born to the family of a sawyer, who moved to a village nearby the namesake capital of the kingdom not long after her younger sister, Halissa, was born. Overall, her childhood would probably have been rather happy and uneventful, had demons not attacked her village. She herself had almost died, a demon claw swiping to slice her neck open, but it instead cut through her jaw, permanently scarring her. She fled with Halissa, the only survivors, the screams of the dying echoing behind her. The two sisters camped for weeks in the wilderness around the village, constantly moving, fleeing until they were too exhausted to flee anymore. One night, however, a violent storm raged, and Halissa finally snapped after weeks of nightmares and living like an animal. Completely maddened by the carnage of that one fateful night she could never unsee, she bolted from the camp, Valla chasing after her. Halissa ran until reaching the bank of a raging river, but she got too close and slipped on mud that had formed as a result of the rain, falling into it to Valla's horror. Her sister threw her hand out, and Valla managed to grab onto it, but the rain prevented their grip from staying firm, and Halissa was swept away, screaming before getting dunked under the river and drowning, her body never recovered.

Valla, in grief, continued alone for a while, eventually making graves for her family and all the others butchered at the village. She was later found by the Demon Hunters, where she was mentored by the master Demon Hunter Josen alongside fellow neophyte Delios. During this time, she would block the memories of Halissa's death, instead believing she was alive. She would be taught all the important techniques, how to use the equipment, but perhaps most importantly, Josen imparted on her one singular truth: "You are the demon's greatest weapon." As emphasis of that point, Valla and Delios had been tasked by Josen to slay a demon that resided in the southern Dreadlands, a servant of Mephisto named Draxel. Though she preferred to work alone, Josen forcibly paired them together, and Delios's crude personality began to get on Valla's nerves. As they approached the demon's lair, Delios surged ahead, a taunting smile on his face, and Valla's hatred grew to a boiling point. Delios was reckless and weak, and she would do him a favor by killing him. But upon following him, Delios was gone; he had been an echo of the demon, and she was nearly butchered by a demon for the second time. In truth, however, Josen had been tailing the pair, and as Valla lay in shock from an explosion, he and the real Delios managed to slay the demon. Valla had failed that test; the demon of rage had gotten to her, and she almost died for it.

Some long time later, Josen and Valla were investigating Holbrook, once a small farming community in Khanduras, now a ghost town. Delios had fallen to demon corruption, as Valla had earlier, but this time it was permanent. He had massacred a village outside the city of Bramwell a day prior before killing another fifteen in an opium den, At the same time, some demon had erupted out of the well of Holbrook, wounded by a struggle with Delios but not killed. For Holbrook, it was clear neither Delios or the demon were the killers of the villagers, though Valla noticed no children were included in the piles of corpses. Josen went off to find Delios in Bramwell, but forbid Valla from seeking out the demon, reminding her of the prior incident. Nonetheless, when Josen was gone, Valla set out to find the demon, suspecting it had travelled, in its wounded state, to the nearby small village of Havenwood.

Valla did not receive much of a warm welcome in Havenwood, as they held the belief that Demon Hunters were omens of death. Staying the night at an inn (and writing a letter to Halissa, who she still had convinced herself was out there), the healer of the town, Bellik, brought to her attention the corpse of a man named Keghan who, before dying, had claimed his boy sliced his stomach open. As is probably obvious by now, the demon had been transforming children into his puppets. In fact, we are given some rather gruesome fun stories within Valla's story of a mother being stabbed to death by her seven-year-old daughter while being eaten by her 1.5 year old baby, as well as the tale of the son of Keghan killing his mother and beloved dog with a scythe, hanging the dog on a butcher hook and his mother as a scarecrow, before slicing his father with the scythe before being killed by Keghan himself. Finally, a thirteen year old boy bludgeoned a merchant to death with a smith's hammer, which Valla witnessed before the rest of the town's children began swarming the streets. Demanding the adults barricade themselves indoors, Valla incapacitated the children before binding them up and placing them in separate stables. (Well, she only managed that because the town trusted Bellik and Bellik had begun trusting Valla).

Valla began using the children to try and figure out where the true demon was hiding, though the seven-year-old girl, Sahmantha, had been reminding Valla so much of Halissa. The same blond hair, her fair skin, the bright eyes that always beamed when looking up at her older sister. Nonetheless, she could tell the demon had been possessing that girl as the leader specifically, and took advantage of the demon's pride to have it tell her where he was hiding. The demon, calling himself Olphestos, the Right Hand of Terror (probably meaning Diablo), knocked Sahmantha unconscious on the surface above the underground cavern where the town river flowed. Valla set off to the entrance of the cave, managing to traverse the rapids to where the demon hid, probing her mind for something to work with. Valla tried to keep up the mental defenses Josen taught her, but the demon took advantage of what Valla herself was forgetting: Halissa's shambling, waterlogged corpse. Horrified, Valla began giving into despair, all the memories she had tried blocking out flowing to her at once, but she soon remembered why she had blocked the memories in the first place; a memory so awful to be blocked would be the perfect bait for a demon to target, right into the deepest recesses in her mind, and when it did that, she could peer right back into it. There, she found what she was truly facing, a cowardly demon named Valdraxxis, who had been outcast from the Hells after leading a failed campaign against the Prime Evils, losing all the status he had once held. With this, Valla's eyes finally burned with the hellfire so iconic of Demon Hunters, and Valdraxxis began to flee, throwing everything he had at Valla, but nothing worked. As a last resort, he took to appearing as a corrupted mirror-image of Valla, demonic and corpse-like, but it failed, and Valla successfully took down her first demon. Meeting up with Josen at the graves of her home village, she revealed that she would no longer live the lie she had previously been, while Josen revealed that Delios had been "dealt with". Both Demon Hunters had learned from oracles that in a week, a star would fall onto Tristram, a prophecy of the End Days. Josen had been tasked to send his best hunter, but Valla instantly left towards Tristram herself, saying that she was that best Hunter Josen would send. As she rode off, Josen did something he hadn't done in decades: he smiled.

While going through her adventure through Tristram and beyond (aka the plot of Diablo III covered in my first lore post, the Nephalem), Valla's nightmares grew more potent. She thought of what Josen would think about her first successful kill against a powerful demon, The Butcher. She inspired those who lost loved ones in Azmodan's siege of Bastion's Keep to grow from it and fight to avenge those fallen. She maybe even softened up a bit and made some close friends through Kormac the Templar, Lyndon the Scoundrel, and Eirena the Enchantress. As she grew close to slaying Diablo, she wondered if, should Terror die, her unending nightmares would finally end, and she could get her first night of rested sleep. With Diablo's death, she became one of the deadliest Demon Hunters in history at the young age of 20, and she returned to the Dreadlands, hatred tempered fully by discipline and hope. With no objections, she became the Ordermaster of the Demon Hunters, and given how inexperienced most 20-year-old Demon Hunters are, probably also the youngest in history. The last specifically unique thing for Valla would be her interaction with the ghost of Halissa during Malthael's attack on Westmarch (for the rest of the story of the Nephalem against Malthael, Malthael's lore post is probably best). Halissa had mostly retained her youthful innocence in death. She could hear their parents screaming in Malthael's spirit prison, but couldn't find them, and when discussing the past with Valla, she believed that she had only gone to sleep when she drowned in the river (she also didn't fully understand that Valla had tried to save her, her memories still clouded by demonic madness in death). She was impressed with how big Valla had gotten, and didn't want her to leave, but it was also the only way to give her true rest, as Halissa was still plagued by the nightmares that haunted her in her last weeks of life.


Valla, naturally, is based on the Demon Hunter class in Diablo III, the final class built for the base game. The class was designed to embody the series's dark themes, and underwent many design changes (though almost all were ranged classes). A woodland hunter, desert ranger, and even a half-demon were all tested, but the team settled on the gothic demon hunter design with an emphasis on agility, enigma, and sexiness. Playstyle-wise, the Demon Hunter has some similarities to a combination of the Amazon and Assassin from Diablo II.

Trait: Hatred-The primary resource for offensive Demon Hunter skills is Hatred, which is much larger and regenerates much quicker than their Discipline resource. Demon Hunters are fueled by their hatred and need for vengeance. Even the ones like Josen or Valla who live to mentor new Hunters instinctively desire to meet demonic violence with their own violence, even after tempering this behavior with caution and deliberation. Every arrow and grenade a Demon Hunter looses is filled with this cold, righteous anger, and even when resting, the desire for vengeance consumes them.

Q: Hungering Arrow-Hungering Arrows are magically imbued arrows that seek out nearby enemies, with a chance to pierce enemies and continue on its path (including turning 180 degrees and hitting the same enemy again) until it fails to pierce again. Given that Valla's arrows pierce more often than a typical Hungering Arrow would, it's likely she's using one of two legendary items: The Ninth Cirri Satchel, which almost doubles the arrow's chance to pierce as a result of a specially-designed quiver that slots arrows into whetstones so they are automatically sharpened when inserted or removed, or the Buriza-Do Kyanon (Blizzard Cannon), a crossbow considered too large to wield normally but wielded by certain warriors with ease, which guarantees all projectiles will pierce an additional one or two times.

W: Multi-Shot-It's pretty simple. Demon Hunters can shoot a volley of arrows at once (quite typically, this is a result of their unique ability to dual-wield hand crossbows, allowing them to unload many bolts at once). Unlike the Multiple Shot ability Amazons had in Diablo II, this actually deals increased damage compared to a normal shot because it's firing many arrows compared to splitting a single arrow into smaller points.

E: Vault-While it would be easy for a Demon Hunter to simply stand still, their Hatred unbounded, and keep firing projectiles until either everything else dies or they die, this realistically will just result in a stupid death. Smart Hunters, then, have the Discipline to Vault out of danger when the time arises, giving them the highest chance of survival in an otherwise deadly profession.

R1: Strafe-The iconic image of a hateful Demon Hunter shooting everything that stands in sight, Strafe lets Demon Hunters rapidly shoot nearby enemies, though at a reduced speed so as to focus on hitting their enemies. This kind of attack also is heavily draining, and will eventually subside as their hatred dies down from such a crescendo. The skill is also loosely based on the Amazon skill of the same name. Since this can be activated and deactivated without cooldown in the main series, the ability to Vault while Strafing is not present in D3. Since Valla also moves at the same movement speed as normal in HotS (I think?), she also is likely using the Drifting Shadow rune to remove the speed penalty.

R2: Rain of Vengeance-While a typical Rain of Vengeance would involve the Demon Hunter shooting a massive volley of arrows to the sky, which rapidly strike down over an area for a few seconds, some Demon Hunters who have mastered the use of demonic power against them can instead call a Stampede of Shadow Beasts in front of them, damaging and knocking back anything that stands in the Hunter's way. These Shadow Beasts appear similar to pitch-black Demonic Hellflyers, winged demons bred by Azmodan in order to tear angels from the sky after the Lord of Sin was almost bested by Tyrael.


Level 1: Monster Hunter-The name is a reference to the Monster Hunter series of games, which involves Hunters slaying monsters to get better gear to kill more powerful monsters. There also is a Monster Hunter legendary sword in Diablo III, which is pretty much useless but is one of the two weapons in the game that offers extra damage against Beasts.

Level 1: Caltrops-While being evasive is good when there's space for it, sometimes a Demon Hunter finds they need to rely on traps to set up guaranteed kills or get out of a sticky situation. Caltrops are a great tool for such situations, massively slowing enemies who would try to cross them. In order to drop Caltrops when Vaulting, the legendary belt Omryn's Chain needs to be equipped. This belt was bought by the Demon Hunter Darnal from a conjurer named Omryn, who bought it just because it looked dangerous rather than its practical reason of trapping enemies when escaping. The other Demon Hunters don't talk to him anymore.

Level 1: Hot Pursuit-Most Demon Hunters would be willing to chase a demon all the way back to Hell, but it's much more practical to simply be faster than that demon and kill it, guaranteeing it ends up back in its infernal den, hopefully never to return to the surface. Demon Hunters using Hot Pursuit will gain 20% movement speed for four seconds upon hitting an enemy, duration refreshed for each hit.

Level 4: Puncturing Arrow-This rune also increases Hungering Arrow's pierce chance, up to 50%.

Level 4: Punishment-While being Disciplined is a key factor of fights for a Demon Hunter, many find it's much easier to do some Preparation before the battle rather than relying on keeping their cool in the fight itself. Some, however, instead Punish themselves for their failures, increasing their Hatred instead.

Level 4: Creed of the Hunter-While Demon Hunters have very few traditions that bind them together, one of them is the Demon Hunter Creed, developed by the Hunter Danetta after her people were killed by demons.

Level 7: Arsenal-This rune changes Multishot to deal Fire damage, as well as launching three rockets that deal extra damage themselves. Demon Hunters typically have an arsenal of tools on them at a given time, including grenades, which feature as their own individual skill in the game as well (and are quite useful for the rare melee Demon Hunter builds, as they are one of the few skills that don't require a ranged weapon to use).

Level 13: Tempered by Discipline-While it's all well and good for a Demon Hunter to be filled with hatred and a need for revenge when fighting demons, they heavily rely on Discipline in order to fight another day. Discipline is the other resource for Demon Hunters (which are unique in having two resource pools instead of one), used for all defensive skills and returning slowly, with a much smaller maximum limit.

Level 16: Frost Shot-Presumably, this is the Wind Chill rune, which heavily slows enemies hit by Multishot.

Level 16: Manticore-A legendary crossbow known for its used of manticore tail quills as its bolts, which deliver a lethal toxin upon embedding into their target. Alongside a massive Dexterity/damage boost for Demon Hunters and an additional increase of Poison damage, the crossbow also massively reduces the Hatred cost and increases the damage of Cluster Arrow.

Level 20: Death Siphon-While the healing aspect is simply the Life on Hit stat, the ability to pierce with Strafe comes from, interestingly, the hand crossbow Valla's Bequest, Valla's prized possession. The description mentions Valla disappearing with no body found, with rumors of her going to a distant land to hunt. As this weapon released in the middle of the Eternal Conflict event, this was a clear reference to Heroes of the Storm.

Level 20: Storm of Vengeance-The cooldown reduction ability is done in Diablo through a set bonus for Natalya's Vengeance. Natalya was once an Assassin of the Viz-Jaq'taar and a minor NPC in Diablo II, really nothing more than a tease at Assassins becoming a playable class in the expansion pack and disappearing upon Mephisto's defeat. A few years before Diablo III, she left her order and became a demon hunter instead, seeking redemption for her inaction against the demons when the heroes arrived in pursuit of the Dark Wanderer.

Poke Quotes

"Hatred must be tempered by discipline"-Basically the most important rule of Demon Hunters and mentioned word for word goddamn all over the place so that's it's appeared in this lore post like 20 times. I don't think I really need to re-explain the resource system again.

"As long as this world is plagued by demons, my hunt will continue."-And this is why the demon hunters know there will never be any true victory or peace. Demons will always plague Sanctuary.

"If you hunt demons long enough, the demons hunt you."-I feel like I've heard something like this quote once, but I can't find it any longer.

"My training never prepared me for all this...poking."/"Are you quite done?"-The classic Blizzard "poke quote" system for jokes doesn't exist in Diablo III (or any of the Diablo games, I think).

"You never touch the night elf demon hunters like that!"-This is a callback to one of Alleria's poke quotes in Warcraft II, "You never touch the other elves like that!" Night elves are also the original race for demon hunters in the Warcraft series, with Blood Elves being added in World of Warcraft so the Horde could have a representative for the class.

"Hmph, you lack discipline!"-Both the reference to many new Demon Hunter players running their discipline pool dry pretty early and the memes from Kindergarten Cop/South Park of "You lack discipline!"

"Not enough hatred. Just kidding, I hate you a bunch right now!"-Just like every other Blizzard game with a resource, the Demon Hunter will exclaim "Not enough hatred" if trying to use a skill that needs more hatred than they have.

(phone rings)"Hello, who is this? I don't know any Darkness. Look, I think you've got the wrong Demon Hunter. Yeah, yeah, goodbye."-The "Darkness" running gag from Blizzard has been running since at least Warcraft III, with the Demon Hunter hero unit for Night Elves specifically saying "Darkness called... But I was on the phone, so I missed him. I tried to *69-Darkness, but his machine picked up. I yelled "Pick up the phone, Darkness!," but he ignored me. Darkness must have been screening his calls." Darkness is typically characterized as being incompetent with tech or timing.

"Be vewy, vewy quiet. I'm hunting demons."-A reference to Elmer Fudd from the Looney Toons, a bumbling hunter who typically targets our favorite pair of duck and rabbit and replaces with Rs and Ls with Ws.

"You know, if you tried this in Diablo III, I wouldn't even have to respond! Starting to miss that, actually."-But I want you to be able to respond there too.

"How do I run in heels? Faster than you, that's for sure."-I feel like this is an established joke about running in heels being hard but the people who do just change the question into how they run better than the people without heels. As the Demon Hunter's armor was made to be a bit sexier than the other classes, a large majority of the boots for the female Demon Hunters have high heels.

"Ugh, just how many people do I have to kill to get a legendary to drop? Well, I suppose one more won't hurt."-Legendaries are the most important gear in Diablo III, as they comprise the entirety of end-game builds (and typically have snippets of lore or jokes). They are typically found through killing monsters, though occasionally drop from chests or destroyed objects and are a guaranteed drop for killing Malthael. In order to combat unluckiness, Blizzard also implemented a pity timer for legendaries, increasing the chance one would drop as the player kills more enemies.

"The demons slaughtered my village, burnt it to the ground, and left me for dead. I'm just looking to return the favor."-Poor Valla.

"Ugh, this would be so much easier with a follower! Kormac, where in the Burning Hells are you?"-Three followers exist to assist the player, especially when fighting solo, so that they are less likely to die. The most useful of these for a Demon Hunter is Kormac the Templar, a holy warrior who is useful for tanking enemy attacks and healing the squishy Hunter. He was once a soldier from Westmarch, but was forcibly taken by the Templar Order and brainwashed into a loyal fighter for their cause, believing he had been saved from a life of sin rather than taken from a life of justice. His story arch involves him eventually discovering the truth, but not believing that the Grand Maester of the Templars would let this happen under his knowledge, he tried to oust the Inquisitors to the Order. Upon being told that the Maester knew full well what was going on, and offering Kormac to be his second-in-command, Kormac refused and left the Order, killing the Grand Maester and his guards in the process.

Interaction Quotes

To Nephalem: "If both of us are here, are the minions of Hell stronger?"-When another player joins a server, a message is broadcast to all players that the minions of Hell have gotten stronger, indicating the difficulty of the game has increased to compensate for the extra player.

To Demon: "When this is over, you're next."-Self-explanatory.

To Murky: "And here I thought goatmen were strange."-Goatmen, or khazra, are former Umbaru people (like Nazeebo) warped by demonic magic into bloodthirsty half-goat killers. I've been talking about them a lot recently, so a more in-depth look can be found in either the Nazeebo or Infernal Shrines lore posts. I'd post links, but this post is already running out of space.

Hanzo: "Crossbows, ha! Toys for children!"/"Yes, you will soon witness what a TRUE archer can do!"-Hanzo uses a longbow in a world of guns. I guess he deserves the right to be a little elitist about crossbows being easy mode. Of course, does he have the right to brag? Did YOU kill the Lord of Terror, Hanzo? Or when he attacked your homeland, did you just abandon it and leave it to the defense of a Korean gamer girl?

Maiev: "A demon hunter, are you?! Hmm...your brand of demon hunting I can accept."-Maiev has, up until recently, been a staunch opponent of Illidan and his demon hunters, both for the personal reasons of the Betrayer hurting her brother and the wider reasons of them taking on very demonic traits, with rather demonic activities, in their combat of the Legion. While Diablo Demon Hunters do use some more suspect magic at times, their endless hunt and thirst for vengeance while still staying relatively true to themselves and humanity fits much more in-line with Maiev's ideology.

Rexxar: "Well met, hunter!"/"Finally, someone else with hunting experience!"-As the only Warcraft hunter currently in the game, it pleases Rexxar to find someone, even if from a different world, who has similar experience in tracking down enemies and using ranged combat to take them down. Demon Hunters also even have small form of pet system in place with their Companion skill, which allows them to have a permanent pet fight alongside them when slotted. With runes, these pets can range anywhere from a crow to a wolf to two ferrets.

Valeera: "Love the hood."-Two rogue (or rogue-like) characters with names that start with V shrouded in red hoods.

Kill Quotes

Abathur: "Was that even a demon? Eh, close enough."-Things being demons hasn't stopped you before, Valla.

Azmodan: "Begone and be damned, demon!"/Demon: "Be damned, demon!"-The words of banishment Josen taught Valla to make sure slain demons do not return to trouble Sanctuary again are "I see you, minion of the Burning Hells. In the name of all those who have suffered, I cast you out! Begone and be damned, and may you never return!" Josen uses this on Draxel when saving Valla, and Valla says these same lines when killing Valdraxxis.

Nephalem: "Oh, well, I believe you dropped an ear."-In the original Diablo, players killed in PvP would drop a collectible ear with their name on it so victorious players could brag they have bested this person. The ear system returned in Diablo II, but I'm not sure if it did in Diablo III. It's not like anyone plays PvP in that game anyways.

Diablo: "Your Reign of Terror ends now."-Very similar to the quote the Amazon states in Diablo II upon killing Diablo. The Reign of Terror is typically the term used to describe when Diablo is active on Sanctuary, including it being the name of the achievement for killing Diablo on Hardcore mode.

Illidan: "Foolish is the hunter who consorts with prey."-Unlike Warcraft demon hunters, those in Diablo do not believe in becoming like the demons to hunt them. This makes Illidan a failure to Valla.

Tyrael: "Nice hood."-That's it?

Tyrande: "Don't blame your weapon, blame your aim."

Killing Valla Quotes

Illidan: "You would never have survived my training."-Illidan teaches his own demon hunters, the Illidari, and requires them to make use of demonic energies as their tools. This training usually involves drinking a demon's blood, tearing your eyes out, falling into a coma, and forever being in combat with themselves with the demon that now resides in them.

Leoric: "Say hello to your sister for me."-Halissa's like eight Leoric I'm calling the cops just because someone dies doesn't make them legal you're a messed up bony dude.

Maiev: "Hmm, wrong demon hunter."-Maiev has spent thousands of years watching over Illidan's imprisonment, and the most recent few years hunting him down once he escaped. Her life is devoted to Illidan.

Malfurion: "Ugh, demon hunters."-As the brother of Illidan, it's not surprising Malfurion isn't ecstatic to see one from another universe.

Muradin: "And you hunt demons? Bwahahahaha!"

Nova: "Hunter? More like hunted."/Rexxar: "You should spend less time as the prey, hunter!"-Poking fun at the title of Demon Hunter.


Angelic: The skin description mentions Valla as a disciple of the fallen Inarius. Inarius was the archangel who went rogue from the High Heavens, stealing the Worldstone and using it to create Sanctuary as a safe place for other angels and demons who wished to escape the Eternal Conflict to live the rest of their lives. Eventually, only he survived after his demon mate, Lilith, went rogue and killed the rest of them to keep their nephalem children alive, and much later Heaven and Hell discovered the world, with him being soon after imprisoned and tortured by Mephisto.

Ordermaster: Alongside being the basis of the lore for Valla becoming the Ordermaster of the Demon Hunters (no such Ordermaster was ever mentioned in Diablo III), the armor is based off of concept art for the game depicting what the progression of armor for the Demon Hunter would look like. I can't find the horned hood anywhere in-game, though the mask is a result of the cloak she is wearing.

Vengeance: There's no armor in-game that quite looks like this, though it has some similarities to the Embodiment of the Marauder set, which is made up of demonic armor and body parts in order to sow panic in their prey, as well as to how the Demon Hunter looks under the Vengeance transformation. Another of the few traditions Demon Hunters follow is a master Demon Hunter gifting their student their armor, as Josen has done with Valla here.

I'm out of space, so thanks for reading! I'll be around to answer any questions, and hopefully will be back soon with Xul.

submitted by /u/Golblin
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Where are all the Saber mounts?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 01:09 PM PST

Of all the mounts in game, the lack of one of the most iconic (and ubiquitous) mounts from Warcraft is absent.

Frostsaber. Moonsaber. Mistsaber. War Tiger. Darnassian Nightsaber. Winterspring Frostsaber. Spectral Tiger. Zulian Tiger. Spotted Frostsaber. Striped Dawnsaber.

1 model (edit) that is already made in game.... endless possibilities. So much potential sales to adoring fans and yet completely missing from regular purchase in the game.

submitted by /u/Tzsycho
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Hero select screen background makes the game look incomplete

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:21 PM PST

For a long time now the main hero select screen has made the game feel unfinished. As if it were a placeholder. I assume it is meant to be a Nexus staging zone of sorts, but I was hoping by now we would a different background. Does anyone else want a change of scenery? I would like to see something like the colorful landscape of Hanamura for the coming spring season.

submitted by /u/Copenhagen23
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Drafting In Hero League ft. JayPL & Wubby

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 10:01 AM PST

Lets appreciate this amazing bodyblock on tracer pulse bomb from GFEakaface in yesterday game vs SSG [Spoiler](#s)

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:42 AM PST

The Happy Cloud mount is underrated.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:28 PM PST

Honestly one of my favorite mounts in the game. Whenever I want to choose a mount there is no question in my mind which one it will be!

submitted by /u/ClarenceTheCloud
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HGC North America :: Tempo Storm vs Simplicity :: Discussion thread

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:40 PM PST

Previous match thread: HGC North America :: Team Twelve vs Gale Force Esports.

Remember to upvote this thread to make it visible after another one is stickied. Thanks!


The match should start at about 16:40 PST / 19:40 EST / 1:40 CET / the same time as this post. Please note that this time might not include potential delays.

Match reports, VODs

Prediction challenge


HGC Europe - useful links


Tempo Storm vs Simplicity
cattlepillar warrior - melee erho
Fan ranged/flex - ranged/flex Hosty
Glaurung melee/flex - support k1pro
Jun support - warrior KingCaffeine
psalm ranged/flex - ranged/flex Zuna

Game version

HGC Phase 1 Week 3 is played on patch 2.29.9, which is the current live patch.

HGC match threads are created by /u/lerhond. Please mention or PM /u/lerhond if you have any feedback.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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hey lets all just line up here!

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 08:56 PM PST

By far my favorite support in the game

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 11:26 AM PST

Just a screenshot from a qm I had a month ago.
The enemy team didn't even have a tank (Lunara, Valla, Nazeebo, Gazlowe and Medivh)

submitted by /u/adi080808
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Any particular reason stack info isn't on the stats page after a match?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 01:02 AM PST

Seems like it should be standard.

submitted by /u/BahamutZero902
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GFEfury is ready to jam.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:40 PM PST

When does Muradin NOT work?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 10:48 AM PST

Hello all,

I've made diamond by playing ONLY Muradin and Lili. Regardless of Map or enemy's choices, I'd pick Muradin or Lili depending if my team needed a tank or healer when I picked. (I never had anyone take both before me but yes I would have played an assassin if needed)

I'm working my way up through Diamond 5 atm and I feel like I'm going to be punished hard at some point for picking Muradin into an enemy team but I'm not sure who to be really worried about.

I can see when lili is great or not based on whos on the enemy team, but what are Muradin's weak maps and team comps?

submitted by /u/lawsongrey_ff14
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HGC Europe :: Method vs Zealots :: Discussion thread

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 11:00 AM PST

Previous match thread: HGC Europe :: Fnatic vs Tricked esport.

Remember to upvote this thread to make it visible after another one is stickied. Thanks!


The match should start at about 11:00 PST / 14:00 EST / 20:00 CET / the same time as this post. Please note that this time might not include potential delays.

Match reports, VODs

Prediction challenge


HGC Europe - useful links


Method vs Zealots
Arcaner melee/flex - flex adrd
Athero warrior - ranged Cris
Cursen support - warrior Mopsio
Nic ranged - support Shad
scHwimpi flex - melee Zarmony

Battleground bans

  • Method: Volskaya Foundry
  • Zealots: Towers of Doom

Game version

HGC Phase 1 Week 3 is played on patch 2.29.9, which is the current live patch.

HGC match threads are created by /u/lerhond. Please mention or PM /u/lerhond if you have any feedback.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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HGC North America :: Team Twelve vs Gale Force Esports :: Discussion thread

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 01:45 PM PST

Previous match thread: HGC Europe :: Method vs Zealots.

Remember to upvote this thread to make it visible after another one is stickied. Thanks!


The match should start at about 14:00 PST / 17:00 EST / 23:00 CET / 15 minutes from this post. Please note that this time might not include potential delays.

Match reports, VODs

Prediction challenge


HGC Europe - useful links


Team Twelve vs Gale Force Esports
buds support - support akaface
daneski ranged/flex - ranged bigempct
Goku melee/flex - melee/flex bkid
Justing warrior - warrior Fury
Kure ranged/flex - flex MichaelUdall

Battleground bans

  • Team Twelve: Cursed Hollow
  • Gale Force Esports: Infernal Shrines

Game version

HGC Phase 1 Week 3 is played on patch 2.29.9, which is the current live patch.

HGC match threads are created by /u/lerhond. Please mention or PM /u/lerhond if you have any feedback.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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Daily reminder that it's very easy to avoid all toxicity in HOTS

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 05:17 AM PST

Heroes of the Storm makes it rather easy to evade all toxicity if you as a player do not wish to experience it. Some games don't have this function.

Yesterday I played a solo Quick Match with Medivh and I suck with Medivh so it wasn't going that well. But that's what QM is for, right? To try some new stuff.

One tracer player started pinging me a lot and I knew what was coming before a word was said so I muted everyone's pinging ability and chat.

We lost. Wasn't that one-sided, but yeah, can't carry with Medivh; was just trying him out. That guy probably had an awful time desperately trying to win a Quick Match (?). I flew around as a bird doing bird things, getting coins and getting Master's Touch. Was fun.

I can't receive messages from non friends so he sent me a friend request.

I blocked the tracer's friend request.

Obviously he had nice things to say about me.

But I'll never hear it ever.

I've been doing this kind of thing since Starcraft II, actually. The 1v1 climb to masters there is filled with people wishing you cancer and other nice things. So I muted chat. Wonderful experience climbing. If someone is toxic to me, I'll never know.

A radical different experience than if I had allowed this tracer to say what he wanted. But I'm afraid his misguided rage will never reach me. Kinda poetic, really.

tl;dr: Mute people; leave with peace of mind.

submitted by /u/OhLegit
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Pepe Hero Sprays.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 05:39 AM PST

Can we have these sprays in game? I'm surprised, that they weren't added yet https://us.battle.net/heroes/en/blog/17872196/the-fan-art-of-zhardoom-2-5-2015

submitted by /u/GojiTBs
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The Great Core Fiesta feat. Method and Zealots

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 12:25 PM PST

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