Pokémon GO - DEAR NIANTIC - ideas and suggestions for the devs

DEAR NIANTIC - ideas and suggestions for the devs

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 07:36 AM PST

Hey Niantic! You guys made a game we all have a lot of feelings about...and this is our spot to express those feelings and make some statements about ways we think the game could be even better for us - and by extension, you!

If you want to complain about the game in a less constructive way please do so in the Salty Sunday - Rage Rants and complaints thread.

Here you will find ideas and suggestions - a mix of the positive posts and constructive criticism that reddit's Pokemon Go community have compiled and discussed and up/downvoted by importance and validity for us all. If there's one post on /r/pokemongo you guys should be paying attention to, it's this one, so please do.

Hey /r/PokemonGo Trainers! This recurring monthly post is for you guys. Sort posts by "top" to see what has been voted most important so far, but consider sorting by "new" as well to weigh in on the most recent ideas!

Please pay attention to the /r/PokemonGo rules for commenting behavior and civility, and use the report button when necessary to alert the mods to any post or thread that needs a review!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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A picture from yesterday of my friend and me getting the same Shiny Absol, to my girlfriend's despair, after she and I had taken 31 Absols. (She's the sweetie flipping us off.)

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 02:45 PM PST

It's been a couple months, let's discuss our feelings about the weather.

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 08:25 AM PST

Now that weather has been a thingtm for a couple months, I figured it's time for a kind-of post-mortem on how we feel about it.

My thoughts:

Overall: I really like it. It's a huge benefit to the game and makes it way more engaging to be able to grab boosted pokemon or see your spawn tables get tweaked during the various weather types.


  • Boosted stats of weather-boosted pokemon

  • More diversity of spawns depending on weather(at least in my area)

  • More engaging gameplay(makes the game feel more 'real world'

  • Weather boosted raid bosses lowering the amount of resources needed to power up.


  • Weather-only spawns. Looking at you, Lotad. Niantic needs to balance these out in some way if they want the game to be more walking, less driving. The only way to get enough Lotad candies for anything is to drive around watching scanners - no one is out walking in the rain because water wrecks phones and walking in the rain is miserable. Cacnea is fine because it's a clear-weather spawn. They helped the Castform situation by making ice-form available in snow and fog weather types. But anything that is rain or snow only is going to really make the game more pokemon drive (and it doesn't need pushed anymore in that direction since raids have made it pokemon drive, anyway).

  • The phenomenon we haven't really figured out yet that shows certain pokemon boosted and others not every time the one type of weather comes around. For instance, in my area, sometimes when it's cloudy we have Gulpin everywhere and very very few Makuhita. Other times there are many more Makuhita and fewer Gulpin. In windy weather, sometimes it's Natu as far as the eye can see and other times we get more uncommon spawns like Baltoy or Meditite popping up everywhere. I think, if this is actually a thing, it needs to be done away with and the spawns should be evened out. If I go out in cloudy weather, I don't want to be drowned by Weedle or Gulpin every time when I was looking forward to Makuhita.

  • Weather inaccuracy and weather switching. We had a rainy forecast for the entirety of Friday night and Saturday, with it actually raining from Friday around 8 to Saturday around noon. The entirety of Friday evening, the weather in-app kept switching back and forth from cloudy to rainy every hour which kills the ability of spawns to really get going for either weather type. Then Saturday after after it stopped raining we had rainy weather in-app for the next 6 hours. This really needs improved so we can rely on our weather forecasts.

What are you thoughts? Anything to add to the pros and cons?

submitted by /u/Tarcanus
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[Story] 10k Egg Party Massacre

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 12:05 PM PST

For as long as I can remember playing the game, I have wanted to do a 10k egg party, but never had the patience. About 6 months ago I said screw it and started collecting 10k eggs. It was a grind and had built up to 8 10k eggs by Mid December. That last 10k egg was a bitch to find. For each 2k and 5k, I'd have to walk it off before getting another shot at a 10k. About 2 weeks ago I finally found 1. Just in time for the double candy valentines event! I said to myself.

I had saved up over 10 super incubators in preparation. I knew that it would probably start on the 8th so I put em all in on the 6th so I'd be able to hatch these then hopefully a few others before the event ended.

8th comes around, no double candy. Shit. No worries, should still be cool. Slowly walked the eggs until I had about 6k completed then shut off pokemon go in preparation for raiding day (Yesterday) with my son. He was just as excited as I was to see this happen. I was going to record it n errthang.

Soooo was filling up the ole tank on Saturday and absentmindedly decided to see what mons were huffing gas fumes. Had it open for a minute or 2 and the first 10k animation started. Ahhhhhhhh. I shut off the phone, stopped pumping gas, left like $5 unfilled from my prepay and raced to where my son was.

I got there and opened the app...all the eggs hatched already.

3 porygons


2 sudowodu




tldr screwed up 6 months of work to get 2 sudowodu, a skarmory and a militank, in a very unsatisfying way. The porygons are cool tho. I'm all set for Porygon z as soon as it drops.

submitted by /u/akabryanhall
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[Bugs] Pokémon returned to me immediately and replaced with the same six fully demotivated Pokémon originally in the gym

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 08:59 AM PST

I took down a Team Mystic gym and made it Valor. I did not even walk 10 paces before getting a notification that my Pokémon was knocked out of the gym. It was literally less than 10 seconds.

When I check the gym, the same six Pokémon are back in the gym and the gym is back to Mystic. To add insult to injury, the six Pokémon are fully demotivated as they were before.

First off, it is not possible to defeat a fully motivated Pokémon (Tyranitar) in under 10 seconds. It is 15 seconds just for the defeat message.

And even if the same six people put their Pokémon back in, they would definitely not be fully demotivated.

It is as if the gym reverted on me

submitted by /u/Arceist_Justin
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No Valentine's event?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 04:15 AM PST

Pretty much the title. I mean, no increased spawns of Pink pokemon this year? Id really want a Chansey or a Blissey. Maybe this year's Valentines event is overlapped by the latest release of the 3rd gen Pokemon..

submitted by /u/iSeptic
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What in the heck?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 08:50 PM PST


Posted: 12 Feb 2018 07:40 PM PST

Current Gen 3 Egg list

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 09:22 AM PST

Does anyone have the most updated list of hatchable eggs? I'm certain the list changed with the last wave completed, but I've yet to find an updated list on Go Hub or Silph.

submitted by /u/Jmaddox31
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Rayquaza on iPhone X impossible?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 04:45 PM PST

Anyone try catching a Rayquaza on iPhone X? I've been doing raids long enough to know how to throw, but neither my curveballs nor my straight shots could reach it. The balls I was throwing felt depth-less, like I was throwing the balls into thin air.

I switched to AR+ and barely caught it in a ball on my last throw, but it fled. I think this might be similar to the Kyogre bug where it was too far to throw the ball.

After my friends caught Rayquaza on their first try, they tried it on my phone. They agreed there was something funky with the aspect ratio of the iPhone X that made it feel impossible.

Anyone else having issues throwing balls at Rayquaza on iPhone X?

submitted by /u/imarkers
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Login Issues

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 07:40 PM PST

Anyone else having problems logging in via PTC? Tried to get in game tonight, it just keeps telling me "Unable to authenticate. Please try again" practically without even any delay.

I can log in at pokemon.com just fine.

Haven't read about any PTC issues today.

submitted by /u/ThunderVamp9
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[Question] Flygon, dragon or ground?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 10:09 AM PST

got two perfect Flygon, dunno if keep the Dragon moveset for both or turn one in a ground alternative. Is as ground type any good? [I know there's better, but I love variety].

submitted by /u/tiki7iboo
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The Absence of Lickitung

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 04:36 PM PST

Besides from the regionals on other continents (I have Taurous due to being in North America and farfetch'd due to the recent event) and the legendary birds (I have no one to raid with :( ) The now only Pokémon from Kanto I'm still missing is lickitung. I have the golden medal for eggs hatched and jogger and the closest I ever came was the time last valentines event that I saw it listed as a "find this Pokémon in the wild" on my radar but gave up after i walked aimlessly around for a half hour only to have it disappear. Other than that I've never seen one on my radar or gotten one in an egg. And now that the Valentine's event for this year seems to be nonexistent I am afraid I may never get a lickitung. I even have a mewtwo from last week's nonsense ex raid lottery.

Anyone else in American north east or just in general find themselves in the same boat?


submitted by /u/besteverlapras
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[Idea] Allow us the choice to battle wild Pokémon to decay their CP, thereby increasing its catch rate.

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 04:08 AM PST

I understand why we don't battle wild Pokémon like in the handheld games.. it would be too slow for a game that's all about the grind. However, why not give us the choice to do so? Each time it's defeated will lower its cp, with diminishing returns. Benefits:

  1. This would allow rare and hard to catch Pokémon to be caught more easily with a little extra work
  2. This adds a new battle dynamic for rural players that doesn't need to take place at gyms.
  3. It's purely optional, so for common trash you just play on as usual.

What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/NewtonPippin
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[Story] A mini-milestone for our community. (A small park story)

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 06:22 PM PST

Ever since the game launched, our park was without a Pokéstop. The only Pokéstop within our reach of walking was by a church's parking lot. I understand my park doesn't get as many foot traffic given the surroundings. Aside from the lack of park equipment, tire marks on the field, estranged trucks park at the entrance, I had this tiny speck of hope my park would be something more than a run down field of grass. I emailed them before to see if anything can be done but didn't receive a response. I spent the rest of my gameplay going downtown, other parks and school to get Pokéstop.

To my surprise, as I open up the app in the morning, my park was the proud owner of a Pokéstop! It's not a gym but hey, it's something! Me and my brother were stoked about the new addition and I'm motivated to run at the park now... as soon as it starts to warm up haha.

I don't know if Niantic added more Pokéstops/Gyms as of recent, but I'm glad the game is still going. I don't have much going for me, so any small addition is welcomed.

submitted by /u/mynameiseddydude
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[Photo] Skarmory - The Armor Bird Pokémon

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 12:08 AM PST

[Complaint] GPS no signal...

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 03:54 PM PST

Anyone else experiencing this issue recently? Not sure if its just my phone, but am using an android pone.

submitted by /u/Kurodengeki
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[Question] How's the shiny swablu hunt going for you?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 11:06 AM PST

I'm up to 137 encounters so far, still hunting for that beautiful golden bird though. At least I have the candy to evolve my Altaria! How about you guys, any luck? How many did it take?

submitted by /u/flakride
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Current Gen 3 Catch Tracking Spreadsheet (updated crosspost from r/thesilphroad)

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 11:59 AM PST


Posted: 12 Feb 2018 01:44 PM PST

Reached Level 39 but can't power up pokemon more

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 10:25 AM PST

Just reached level 39 but I can't power up my top pokemon. I thought I'd be able to power them up some more. Is this a bug or is that it?

submitted by /u/Bluefool369
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Release Mew Already!

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 06:17 AM PST

With Valentine's day coming up releasing Mew would be a perfect time for Valentines. Mew is the only Gen 1 Legendary left to complete the Pokedex. I would be slightly annoyed if we went another year with no Mew. I am sure Niantic is delaying Mew on purpose at this point so there would be more hype for it when it get's released.

submitted by /u/PlayfulTitan18
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[Complaint] Thoughts on the Gen 3 event?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 08:57 AM PST

I was pretty excited about the Gen 3 event even though it screwed up my plans to farm magikarp over the weekend. I figured, at least I'll be able to get some new Pokémon and evolve a bunch too. But the diversity has just been awful. It's pretty much only Swablu, Spheal, Seedot, Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Gulpin, Roselia, Barboach, Pluse and Minon. Don't get me wrong, I'm greatful or the candies for Swablu, having gotten 192 candies in a day but he highest IV I found out of all of those was a 78 and it was from a Raid. I haven't seen a single Wingull, Lileep, Trapinch, Slacking, Numel, Anorith, Cacnea, Feebas, Snorunt, Bagon or Beldum since the event started. Before the event, it wasn't hard to find a few of those and now they're just gone. What's the point if just more of common/crappier Gen 3 Pokémon are spawning in place of the previously decent diverse spawns? Has anyone else experienced anything similar?

submitted by /u/iheartnjdevils
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