Diablo - Comprehensive list of (very minor) issues that should be addressed in a future D3 patch

Comprehensive list of (very minor) issues that should be addressed in a future D3 patch

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 04:49 PM PST

It's been a whole season since the release of 2.6.1 and I think it's hard to argue that the state of the game is at the best it has ever been.

There are, however, a plethora of little non-gamebreaking issues that probably don't deserve a whole forum post on their own, but they should be brought to Blizzard's attention anyway.

With that in mind, I propose to start a collaborative compilation of minor details that should be addressed in future patches, be it graphical inconsistencies, small bugs, or quality of life issues.

Let's begin:

• The Kill Vidian Bounty is way too long compared to other bosses'. Possible solutions: The arrow for Temple of the Firstborn Level 2 should appear immediately after starting the bounty; or the bounty itself should start from Level 2.

• Vidian doesn't drop any Death Breaths. This is inconsistent with all the other bosses.

• There should be a clear indicator that a Horadric Cache is laying on the ground, for those times our teammates turn in the quest, but our inventory is full. Possible solution: Caches should have a legendary glow when they are on the ground and show up on the minimap. Make the glow color white, maybe?

• The cursed chests introduced in 2.6.1 (the ones at Shrouded Moors, new areas of Act IV, etc.) DO NOT have a progress bar to represent their remaining time; they do show a numerical timer instead. This feels really inconsistent with the rest of the game, and the numerical timer is much harder to read whenever you have multiple quests going on. All cursed chest in game should show a progress bar.

• The * symbol above Tyrael's head and other characters in adventure mode should disappear once you've listened to their dialogue. At this point we are all used to ignore the new dialogue notification, which beats the whole purpose of the * symbol and it adds unnecessary clutter to both the minimap and the main game screen.

• "My name, Is Urshi". Yes, we know who she is. The fact she introduces herself every time makes the experience feel unpolished.

• Demonic Vessels should drop loot again. I remember these had to be patched out to stop them from being the best source of loot in the game (lol). I doubt that's an issue anymore, so they should reward regular chest's loot again. Currently, if feels discouraging to even click on them, since most of the time you tend to get absolutely nothing. Why do they even exist?

• On the same note, the chests at the end of the Tomb of Khan Dakab and the Tomb of Sardar events should reward regular loot from resplandescent chests. Currently, they reward a single pile of gold at most, which feels underwhelming considering how EPIC the game wants us to believe they are.

• The Blood Statue (Shrouded Moors) event should stop showing on the minimap whenever said event is NOT the active bounty. Currently, the minimap likes to emphasize the event whenever you're getting close to it, which sometimes results in confusing The Blood Statue with the actual bounty you're trying to complete.

Not so minor, but still important:

• Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls should be merged already. The games are cheap enough by now and it would help to avoid a lot of confusion amongst new players.

Feel free to add, everyone. I'd suggest keeping the bullet point format so the thread is easier to read. Cheers! :)

submitted by /u/DanTyrano
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Is this a good time to ask for stash tabs 13-15?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 11:02 AM PST

at least I think Stash #13 would go well with Season 13..

submitted by /u/prusswan
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Unofficial Solo-Self-Found ladder for S13

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 06:37 PM PST

Hello guys,

i am a SSF player in Path of Exile because the new leagues get boring after two weeks when playing normally and I wanted to play S13 SSF aswell in Diablo 3 and try to get on the leaderboards, at the end of the season. We could make an unofficial league out of this adventure if some people want to participate aswell. For example races to first P1000 or first GR100 and so on. Sadly there is no SSF/Ironman option in Diablo 3 so we have to trust each other and not lie because it is easy to farm bounties or normal rifts in a group without noticing.

To all participants, please but SSF in front of your name so its easier to see each other on the leaderboards.

Happy looting guys, see you all in s13!

submitted by /u/cubezzzX
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Facing Terror

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 03:02 PM PST

I received this print in the mail and i dont know what it is other than its diablo does anyone know what this is from? it came with a certificate that says its 271/500 https://imgur.com/a/XL8NM

submitted by /u/Azura_OW
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What is the absolute best build for speed solo 99s? (any class)

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 02:03 PM PST

I only play sporadically so group GRs aren't ideal for me.
I only care about getting "100" augments on my gear.
I want one build that does 99s as fast as possible when completely optimized.


  • Difficulty for gearing the build doesn't matter.
  • Assume the build has "100" augments on all pieces.
  • Assume 2000 paragon.
  • I'm assuming fast is also easy to play(which is what I'm aiming for), but if this isn't true, please enlighten me.


I would greatly appreciate any input!


Just fyi: I currently use a fully-augmented Tal Rasha Meteor Shower build. It is super tanky (I don't need to worry about dying) and has both good AoE and single target damage. I complete 99s in 7-8 minutes on average.

submitted by /u/Happyfatboy
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what is the little arrow marker for on the xp meter? why does it move?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 07:10 AM PST

ive played for 5 years and still no idea why

submitted by /u/triumph900
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Posted: 12 Feb 2018 06:00 AM PST




submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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QOL Proposal: Portal scrolls for the bonus levels

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 01:18 PM PST

Inventory space is a premium resource in Diablo 3. I am a hoarder. I have a hard time getting rid of useful items and generally want to make the best use of them or basically just keep them around because I like to try out all kinds of builds.

when they allowed items like Ramaladni's gift to stack and made the crafting specific inventory it really made a massive difference to our stash management, I have over 400 gifts on live and would be completely screwed otherwise.

I think it would be awesome if we could make stackable keys or portal scrolls similar to the Uber bos keys out of special items like puzzle rings and Bovine Bardiches. I have about 2 tabs of just rings and bardiches that ive got saved up and ready to go. If I could just stack those items then my problems of stash management would be slightly easier to manage.

I also think this could be expanded in exciting ways to make rarer portal scrolls such as making a whimsydale portal out Spectrum + a Horodric hamburger (a mini version of whimsydale so it isn't completely broken)

Thanks for your time if you were reading this <3

submitted by /u/GordonsTheRobot
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Question about Land of the Dead and Follower

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 11:09 AM PST

Do the weapons Sultan of the Blinding Sand and Thunderfury, interfere with Land of the Dead? If so, which weapons are recommended and which amulet and rings besides Oculus Ring. Thanks.

submitted by /u/archybrid
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Best build for season 13?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 04:17 PM PST

I've mained a WD since season 10 but last season later in the season I made a wizard and fell in love with their power. Should I stick with my WD or go wiz?

submitted by /u/Lvl50_metapod
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Struggling with end game/leader board progression

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 12:17 AM PST

As the title. I play couch coop with a friend on XB1, each season we duo up to around GR70, but with season 12 and the buffs to a lot of the gear sets we decided to push harder.

So we hit GR94 as double dps (my rathma mage build and his twister wizard). GR96 with me as zBarb. (we were farming on GR85's in under 5 minutes, sometimes GR90 depending on the rift). I think our team was ranked ~800 at season end which is cool. Top 1000 yay.

Now we cant really separate to speed up rift clearance, because the screen doesn't split. We think that's fucking stupid, pretty sure it puts couch coop players at a severe disadvantage... Anyway...

We're pretty switched on in regards to what builds to use etc etc. But we cant seem to get any higher than that. Bear in mind we had most ancient items, except jewellery, augmented with levels 50-70 gems. I think most of mine were level 68ish.

We both got to about 800 paragon, but we just hit a brick wall.

We would like to know what is bottle necking us. Is it paragon level? I see videos of gr130 clears and those guys are at like 3000 paragon. Do we need a minimum level of augmented gear and socketed leg gems to go further, or are we just shit players.

Do we just stop at that point and try and find two other people to group up with to farm paragon? i feel like its really fucking slow grinding para points with just the two of us.

Sorry if that sounds like rambling, Im on my way to work. Any information would be appreciated. thanks

submitted by /u/BEDL4M
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Seasonal Stash Tab

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 10:51 PM PST

Hi all,

Checking the D3 Season Ending Post, I read this:

Any Shared Stash slots or tabs you purchase during a Season that are not currently available to your non-Seasonal heroes will be transferred accordingly.

Season 12 was the first time I unlocked the Seasonal Stash Tab after completing the 2 Conquests however it seems I don't have my extra Stash Tab?

I had 9 Non-Season Stash Tabs prior to Season 12 finishing and upon completion, I still have 9. I have never unlocked a Season Tab in previous Seasons.

Am I missing something here?

submitted by /u/hvrry3k
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