Legion TD 2 v1.71 Patch Notes

v1.71 Patch Notes

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:57 PM PST

Game Updates

Pathing & Targeting
- Units are now faster to attack acquired targets (Increased bandwidth for issuing new orders)

- Fixed a bug where Reconstructive Exoskeleton wasn't disabled when attacking

- Now spawn in the center of the wave (but they may still walk to the side if blocked). Affects Giant Scorpion (Wave 5), Giant Quadrapus (Wave 15), Legion King (Wave 21).

Summoned Pets
- Pets are now summoned a maximum of 200 range in front of the summoner. Affects Gateguard, Harbinger, Lord of Death, Hades.

Wave 21
- Fixed a bug where the Mythium Received message was incorrect after the first wave of wave 21

3v3 Games
- Fixed a bug where mercenaries were being sent to the wrong player

Custom Games
- Fixed a bug where the Mercenaries Received message wasn't appearing in games with less than 8 players

- Slightly improved King AI after casting Judgment (now resorts targets after casting Judgment)

Matchmaking Updates

New Player Ratings
- Players with less than 30 Normal games are considered "new" players
- New players now gain/lose 2x rating points per game
- Non-new players who are *partied* with a new player now gain/lose 0.5x rating points per game

These changes should accomplish a few things: (1) new players will get to their correct rating faster, (2) smurf boosting is punished, because smurfs will climb faster, and the boosted account will gain much less rating, (3) high skill players can play for fun with lower skill newer players and not fear losing too many rating points, which hopefully helps introduce friends to the game.

Party Ratings
- Increased the penalty to parties with high rating variance (e.g. an 1800 duoing with a 1200)
- Now shows green/red +/- in loading screen

This change also punishes smurf boosting. For details on party rating adjustments, check out the Rating & Matchmaking Guide.

- Duos will now always be lined up positionally against other duos, if possible. (Added a post-processing step that sorts parties within a team by their party size). This means a duo will always send to a duo.
- Now accelerates faster, so it's less likely that you will wait 15+ minutes for a match. This usually only happens to very low or very high rated players.

Play vs. AI
- Fixed a bug where it would display the incorrect (D), (T), (F) suffixes

Rating Decay
- Now more severe (lose 3 rating points per day, if you haven't logged on in a month)

In the future, we will make it based on last game played, rather than last login time.

Client Updates

- Fixed some crash issues (upgraded PopcornFX library from v2.9p2 → 2.9p9)
- Fixed an infinite loading issue (now checks for duplicate hotkeys and unbinds any duplicates)

- Fixed a bug where the HUD wasn't fully hidden (some parts were visible)
- Fixed a bug where you would get AFK detected while spectating

As a reminder, spectate is an experimental feature only available to a few people and it only works in custom games.

- Added a message that says when an allied player reconnects

- Added a "income X" debug command to set your income to X

Game Balance

Cross / Dual Building

Shared Workers
Workers are now shared between you and your cross partner.
- This means if you have 6 workers and your partner has 2 workers, you will each gain mythium as if you have 4 workers.
- "Half" workers are supported, so if you have 4 workers and your partner has 3 workers, you'll each gain mythium as if you had 3.5 workers.
- Worker sharing for the cross partners only applies when at least one player builds in the middle

This removes a major frustration point when playing against cross (defending against the "incomer" who had 3 workers on wave 1 and 10 workers by wave 7).

- Attack speed: 18% -> 15%

Having shared workers is significant nerf to cross, so we're reducing Haste to compensate. We're approaching cross balance conservatively and iteratively so we don't unleash a firestorm of rage.


Giant Slayer
- Max health damage: 3.5% -> 5%

The king is now stronger, especially against high health targets, such as Granddaddy and Drill Golem. This change also nerfs long/all-in saves by reducing gold from Pillage and risk of lethal.


- DPS: 77.2 -> 77.3
- Damage: 71 -> 75
- Attack speed (attacks per second): 1.09 -> 1.03

Now clears wave 1 + Snail

- DPS: 165 -> 164.9
- Damage: 150 -> 160
- Attack speed (attacks per second): 1.1 -> 1.03

Making attack speed consistent with Disciple


Fire Archer
- Attack speed (attacks per second): 1 -> 0.97

- Health: 1100 -> 1120


- Health: 450 -> 430
- Damage: 28 -> 29


- DPS: 29.5 -> 29.4
-- Damage: 46 -> 35
-- Attack speed (attacks per second): 0.64 -> 0.84

Now perfectly 3-shots wave 1

- DPS: 48 -> 48.1
-- Damage: 48 -> 50
-- Attack speed (attacks per second): 1 -> 0.96

Now clears wave 1 + Snail

- DPS: 127 -> 126.9
-- Damage: 127 -> 132
-- Attack speed (attacks per second): 1 -> 0.96

Making attack speed consistent with APS

- Health: 1780 -> 1800

- Aerial Command: Range: 200 -> 225


- Damage: 46 -> 48


(5) Scorpions
- Scorpion King: Health: 1320 -> 1240
- Scorpion: Health: 330 -> 310

Now more situations where you can push 4 workers before wave 5

(20) Maccabeus
- Health: 60000 -> 62000

(21) Legion Lords
- Legion King: Health: 30000 -> 33000
- Legion Lord: Health: 5000 -> 5500

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