Learn Dota 2 - Dota 2- Spring Cleaning 7.08 Discussion Thread

Dota 2- Spring Cleaning 7.08 Discussion Thread

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:46 AM PST

The spring cleaning/7.08 patch update

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:43 AM PST

when building stats is important

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:47 PM PST

One thing Ive never understood is how/when people value stat items over item progression, for example on QOP sometimes I see people going multiple Nulls and sometimes they dont and I dont understand what the indicators are on when to do this

submitted by /u/negativory
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Was this a draft loss? What should I have done as TB just looking at the draft?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:01 PM PST

Dotabuff link to match: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3712145281


Lanes didn't go great, I laned against a legion and did okay, got decent farm at the start. Went jungle once I lost tower and tried to split push. We then just lost pretty quick because eiuther shaman wards were up or lycans necrobook at any one time so our towers just melted.

submitted by /u/zerard2
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Basics of Playing Night Stalker up until 4k bracket (Replay Commentary)

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:21 AM PST


This is a replay commentary. I played Night Stalker as a roaming support. The average MMR of the game was ~5k. I am not myself a good Night Stalker player, this is actually almost the first time ever playing him, but I managed to find success in playing him. So, I wanted to share this video and talk a bit.

I believe Night Stalker is viable in every lane up in our pub games. If you're thinking of climbing as a support, this video might help you. His presence is very strong. The hero absuses his night vision, which is extremely hard to deal with for the opposing team. I predict Night Stalker can be the hero that you can easily grind up your MMR up until 4k bracket; pub players don't understand how to play against him. Night Stalker will make a crucial difference to the game even as a support.

In the video, I point out things that I did right and wrong, and what was going through my mind at each stage of the game. I'll appreciate all of your feedbacks. Thanks!

submitted by /u/profHam
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Is there a way to toggle autocast spells?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:33 AM PST

Spells like Drow's ice arrow and Clinkz fire arrows. Is there a way to toggle it always 'on' with a keyboard button so that you can spam it late game, instead of toggling it with right click mouse button?

submitted by /u/PM_ME_YR_PUFFYNIPS
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Uncontrolled Hero Movements and Ability usage

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:10 PM PST

Ive just had the weirdest experience. I loaded up a game after the latest update and went for a standard game of ranked as you do..

However throughout the game i kept feeling like my hero had a mind of its own and would just use abilities at random and then i started to notice that about 50% of my mouse commands were being counter acted by something. Anyone else seen this? or am i just being stupid?

26:20 is the clearest evidence. Im clicking in base but running constantly down the lane.


submitted by /u/Medusas_Gaze
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The Dilemma between last hitting an enemy creep or ally creep(denying) in the offlane

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:09 AM PST

When you realize that you can either go for the one or the other, which action do you prefer? I used to go for the deny every time, in order to tilt the carry, but that's not happening anymore as my mmr gets higher. Another downside going for the enemy creep, is that why would you need unreliable gold, when dying in the offlane is a high percentage scenario.

submitted by /u/drquantum7
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Enigma spammer, who else should I play as?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:17 AM PST

Heya, I'm currently a 1.9K MMR (Crusader 2) player here. Recently, I've started spamming Enigma, a rare pick, in my bracket, and while the Silencer and Rubick picks often don't work that well since they're usually not skilled enough, I've decided to expand my hero roster to prepare myself for future games, for the day I reach an MMR where spamming Enigma won't work.

I love playing supports and initiators, in addition to Sven. Currently, my supports of choice are SS and AA, but I was wondering who would be the best to practice among all supports/initiators in general. Any ideas to someone that would suit me given what I said so far?

I would also love to try IO and Earth Spirit, but I'm afraid of being unskilled enough, so I'd rather master support/roaming first before moving onto them.


Dotabuff for info if needed: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/360043971

submitted by /u/_Tates_
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Ask me anything!

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:04 AM PST

Hi guys. I'm a Divine 5 player shifting between rank 800-1100 at the moment and I'm willing to help you and try to answer any dota 2 related question that you might have regarding the do's and dont's. Might be questions regarding your specific play, general meta questions or just what makes a player 'good' Currently I have the time to watch through some replays if someone would like my coaching for free.

TL:DR; Ask me anything! DB; https://www.dotabuff.com/players/165252365

submitted by /u/xpubtrainxx
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Any good champs in the limited hero pool?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:16 AM PST

I have yet to play 25 games (11 left), and I'm not sure what champ to play. I've played Luna, but I've heard she requires good positioning (and I lack that). I've also tried phantom assassin but she gets banned most of the time and seems very weak. Any recommendations?

submitted by /u/ShiningMoon101
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What's the easiest carry to learn for a support player?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:05 AM PST

So, I recently started playing Dota (<300 hours) and I only play support, mostly Crystal Maiden, Shadow Shaman, Witch Doctor and such.

Sometimes though when my friends are away I party with 3 instead of 5 one and one of the two players I don't know instantly picks a support even if I say "i'm supp" and well, I don't really know how to carry yet.

So, is there any carry hero that's more or less viable in any situation and easy to play without completely mastering that role?

Something that can be useful to the team and that can be online without farming 20k gold first. I've tried Luna, but she feels too squishy to me. Juggernaut seems better and it's pretty braindead, but even in 2-3k everyone knows how to counter it. Mirana maybe? Any other suggestions on what should I learn? Thanks

submitted by /u/mukkina
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Melee carries without Battlefury?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:49 AM PST

I have seen many threads praising this item on carry melee heroes. It is currently core item on Anti-Mage, Juggernaut and Monkey King. Phantom Assassin, Alchemist and Faceless Void commonly buy this. And now even illusion heroes like Chaos Knight and Phantom Lancer are joining it.

So I am looking forward to buying this on Dragon Knight when taking the safelane solo against enemy solo offlane. Hand of Midas sucks on Dragon Knight, in my opinion, even if I crack it at 7-8th minute. Skip Soul Ring for a quick Void Stone. Is that viable? I don't farm much as Dragon Knight, but I reckon one hit with Battlefury followed by level 4 Fire Breath will wipe out a creep wave.

What about Sven and Bloodseeker?

In short, what are the melee carries whos should simply avoid this, considering it is quite good at the moment?

submitted by /u/bibotot
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From 2700 to 2300 mmr tilt

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:01 AM PST

Hello am an Arc Warden spammer and someone here told me to stop going offlane or picking him against Lycan or early pushers.

I decided to pick up the Easy Pick android app and play a variety of heroes. Just lost a game as tiny and I noticed I dropped 400 mmr over the last week.

Should I start spamming Arc Warden or adapt to a new playstyle? I tend to learn new things slowly but once I master one thing I become great at it. Others are more flexible and learn quicker but that's just not me.

Let me know!

Here's my dota buff for a brief assessment.


submitted by /u/ddotaplayer
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Is there a way to bind my left key to camera grip?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:45 AM PST

I am aware that that there is an option "Left click activates camera grip" but its kind of misleading in the sense that you dont really bind it as your camera grip key, but instead requires you to press left click + your previous hotkey for camera grip to use the feature. I wanted to purely bind my left key as the hotkey itself, is it possible?

submitted by /u/wooHCS-
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Position 4 Luna idea

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:44 AM PST

We all know that Luna is a strong carry, but she needs levels and her earlygame isn't that great because of her short range. On the other hand her Q is good for harassing and Lunar Blessing provides her with increased nightvision, something that relegated Nightstalker to a pos 4, while increasing your teammates damage for easier lh.

Because she has a lot of ms already, you could savely skip boots and instead rush Euls (starting with Windlace). Euls synergizes with her ult (self-use to avoid getting bursted and can be used as a gap closer) and benefits from her 200 cast range talent (lvl 10) while also providing enough regen to spam Q. Then I would get Aghs followed by an E-Blade for more long distance burst damage (Q-Eblade-Q with 1000 cast range). E-Blade also gives 40 Agi and allows for the typical push power Luna has in the lategame.

As for Skills I would start with E-Q-Q-E-Q-R-Q for the first few levels and then decide if we need more raw damage or push power (Glaives).

But why play pos 4 Luna instead of Venge or other supports? Luna can reliably get Runes thanks to her high ms and her farming power in the mid/lategame makes for an easy transition into a carry, so she can be useful at any stage of the game. Her increased nightvision and ms help to roam around and set up ganks/deward.

submitted by /u/Boethion
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Invoker/general questions:

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:37 AM PST

Few things that confuse me even after 5k hours:

As invoker, what items do I get if I can't get a pre-10min Midas? Drums then continue normal build of blink/pike into aghs?
Do I ever finish brown boots into phase/treads if I see bots as a late buy?

If I AM going Midas, what is my item buildup from the initial null and tangos? I see a lot of people getting an extra null and a raindrop but that's 700 less for your Midas timing.

submitted by /u/Betts30
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