Fallout - I managed to get the entire population of Novac into one picture. (NSFW)

I managed to get the entire population of Novac into one picture. (NSFW)

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:17 PM PST

Backpacks of the Commonwealth for Fallout 4

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:48 AM PST


Backpacks of the Commonwealth

  • 15 unique backpacks with custom stats
  • Over 50 workbench mods
  • Over 40 selectable colors
  • Fully integrated level lists, with NPCs, containers, and vendors
  • 5 new magazines with unique perks for each
  • A handful of fun and interesting enchantments
  • One new discoverable location to explore


Q: Aren't there plenty of backpack mods on Nexus already?

A: In my opinion, no. I've played through all of the Fallout games multiple times (minus the two we don't speak of), and carry capacity has ALWAYS been a huge gameplay feature, and something such as backpacks greatly effects how the game plays. The more the merrier.

Q: Is this your typical backpack mod?

A: Depends. Simply put, I didn't want a backpack mod necessarily, I wanted backpacks that were really "in the game". I wanted to make sure everything was lore-friendly yet provided an immersive, "vanilla-like" experience. I wasn't satisfied with the real vanilla solution, which is carry capacity armor mods. Don't you hate having to construct new addons at the workbench every time you get a new chest piece, or outfit, or leg piece? It seems kinda silly. Also, in my case in my personal survival playthrough, I came to the realization that I had literally every single backpack mod available on Nexus for Fallout 4 installed only after a few hours. I decided enough is enough, and that's where my mod comes into play. Undoubtedly provides less frustration for hoarders such as myself. Pouches were also thing in Fallout 1/2, but they didn't actually add carry capacity (I wish). Now I'm bringing all of this together into one whole package with polished, tested, lore-friendly workbench mods, high-quality skins, and fully integrated level lists. Not to mention, I have seen plenty of people request a mod like this. This is also another example that BACKPACKS IN FALLOUT ARE VERY POSSIBLE. FALLOUT 5 BETHESDA!

Thank you and enjoy!

submitted by /u/bmanzzs
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99% percent of my apartment decor is fallout related

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:16 PM PST

Just recently moved out and don't have too much money for decor so did this on a budget, thought the sub may appreciate it.

They all come from eBay and are surprisingly really high quality.


submitted by /u/Noshellz
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Lessons from survival mode

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 10:25 PM PST

On my first survival mode play -- though I never go to finish the regular game! -- and man, this is such a pain in the ass, but so much better for immersion and lore.

Now it makes sense that I don't just sprint over to find my baby. Now it makes more sense to build bases, and to join up with the Minutemen and the Brotherhood, if only out of cold pragmatism. And oh, you actually feel grateful for their help sometimes! Like that time I was all cocky, and Nick and I jumped off the blimp, traveled, and met our first GLOWING DEATHCLAW.

Usually it's the BoS who lend a hand, those well-dressed fascists, but I recently made an ill-advised journey south, saved fridge kid, then got trapped with low ammo, so I sprinted off, and barely survived various run-ins with gunners, raiders, ghouls and super mutants, only to be rescued by -- for once in their sad, pathetic existence -- the GOD DAMNED MINUTEMEN.

ANOTHER SETTLEMENT NEEDED HELP, AND I WAS THAT SETTLEMENT. So then I managed to save, only to follow a Vertibird a few hours later, witness a bad-ass gun fight, then have it crash and SQUISH ME.

Survival mode is awesome. And I know people get bored with faction loyalty -- and I hate Maxim, and Nick is my BFF -- but it really feels more right in survival, the stakes are higher, and so much of the time feels like that first, terrified step into the Super Duper Mart in 3, so I will take what I can get.

Give me your tips, though, please. I'm at level 26, which should mean I am OP, but in fact am regretting ever going this far south, and also died laughably fast the two times I made it to the edge of the Glowing Sea. I think I need a little help here.

Look, I love NV, but I love 3, and survival mode is a delightful pain in the ass.

submitted by /u/LadyStag
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Why all the love for the West-Coast Brotherhood of Steel?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:01 PM PST

The amount of times I've heard people say that they were with Mr. House right up until he ordered you to wipe them out is insane. I just don't get it. They aren't particularity altruistic, they aren't doing anything for anyone, they'll probably die out regardless and yet their death seems to be a bridge a lot of people refuse to cross.

The only redeeming part of the is Veronica but other then that they can eat shit for all I care. If it was the Followers you were told to kill I'd understand but they aren't that be a wide margin. Could someone please explain this attitude to me?

submitted by /u/Ablemillipede
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Fallout 4 on 50% sale at 14.99$. Should i buy or no?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:48 AM PST

Fallout fan here, got 40 hours on Fallout 1, 70 hours on Fallout 2, like 400 hours on Fallout 3 and around 800 hours on New Vegas. Should i go try Fallout 4? Ive been scared to try ir for obvious reasons as we all know. My favorite aspects of the franchise is how everything ties together, sidequests and followers. Will Fallout 4 deliver that somewhaat for me?

submitted by /u/Ruben_Eduardo
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[FO4, Story Spoilers] What happens if you clear all the settlements as a minuteman?

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 09:37 PM PST

In my game, I'm running a large experiment. I want to see if you can get any main minuteman quests (retaking the castle, for example) with no outside support whatsoever. I go to the settlements Preston sends me to, and I wipe out the settler population, and check periodically on all my settlements to make sure no new settlers spawn. The only settlement that will be kept alive is Sanctuary Hills. My goals are as follows: 1) I want to see if I receive any minuteman main quests aside from settlement calls, while only failing minuteman quests. 2) If so, then I want to see if the minutemen are powerful enough to do quests like The Nuclear Option, and rid the commonwealth of the institute. 3) If there's no support, and I clear out every single settlement, will Preston still send me on missions? I'm playing completely vanilla on console, and will occasionally update this post with my progress. With 30 total settlements in the game, all either in opposition of the cause or completely dead, will the minutemen fall out of power, or will they make something out of nothing? Let's see what happens.

DAY 1: After 9 settlements failed, Preston seemingly bugged out. I told him of my "failure", and then he told me that he had something else for me, but didn't give me any quest. I think I'll do the main story until I can rely on the minutemen for the teleporter. I'll document the results.

submitted by /u/DubstepChicken9
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My brother always plays perception+sniper character

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:04 PM PST

I find it so funny when I see my brother play always the same character in every fallout game. I've seen him play so many times and he always plays the same game. Not just fallout, other games too. It's funny because I always tell him that when I see him play the same characters all the time and we laugh :)

Fun times!

submitted by /u/QCryptoWeb
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Whats one word to describe the fallout series

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:46 PM PST

RADical! you moderators well never stop me!

submitted by /u/darmok__tanagra
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What is your most hated faction in any fallout game and why?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:20 AM PST

For me its the paradise falls slavers, every play through i get the mesmatron, then kill everyone.

submitted by /u/jmack18
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Thoughts on Operation: Anchorage? Playing through the DLC for the first time.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:09 AM PST

I am very divided on how much I am enjoying it. There are certain things I am loving, certain things that are frustrating.

Note: No Spoilers please! I'm like 80% finished I think. Currently disabling the Pulse Field.


  • Amazing Scenery.

    Love the blue hue of Anchorage and being able to experience what the Fallout world looked like pre-apocalypse.

  • The Strike Team was pretty neat.

    Choosing which team members to take along, commanding them to wait in front while you scout out first, being able to radio in for replacements was all pretty neat.

  • Atmosphere is beautiful.

    The constant bombs, seeing the soldiers train, go on patrol, the trenches... Very immersive and the simulation does a good job of making you feel like you are a part of the battle.

  • The simulation effects.

    Pretty cool to see a Chinese Soldier evaporate into code when dead, or seeing shimmering walls of code blocking you from certain areas.

  • Awesome gear.

    I haven't finished the DLC, but I do know that the gear and loot you get once finishing it are amazing.

  • The Holotapes and the Journalist photographing what would be the statues at Anchorage memorial.

    Loved listening to that one soldier's tapes to his girlfriend/wife, how at first he's all motivated to win the war, then after his team gets slaughtered, you quickly realize he's just a poor young guy thrust into a war he didn't ask for and all he wants is to be home. And seeing that journalist snap a photo of the Anchorage soldiers was pretty darn cool too.


  • Tons of easy EXP

Also worth noting that you do get a ton of easy experience points. I went from level 21 to 23 just playing the DLC.


  • Very early on, it feels too repetitive.

    The entire DLC is basically "fight your way through enemy lines in different sections, return to base, and repeat". Not much new and refreshing experiences in terms of combat. Occasionally you'll come across a surprise (hordes of Spider Drones or invisible Chinese Snipers), but mostly you're just charging in and killing, then it's mission over. After about the 2nd or 3rd mission, the DLC starts to feel like a chore.

  • Extremely laggy in certain areas.

    I admit, this isn't necessarily the DLC's fault (my computer just isn't great), but it is a HUGE factor into if I'm enjoying the DLC or not, so I'll put it down anyway. My computer can run Fallout 3 just fine: smooth as butter, no lags. But the moment you start spawning dozens of NPCs who all start firing at each other, then the lagging kicks in. And the mission to disarm the Pulse Field when you charge in with all the other American soldiers by your side? Yeah, tons of NPCs running around and shooting everything. This part of the DLC is pretty much unplayable for me right now.

  • Slightly buggy.

    I guess a Bethesda game isn't really a Bethesda game without a few quirky bugs. These include enemies that suddenly teleport a meter to their left, or the strike team glitching out, getting trapped, or otherwise just not doing what they are supposed to.

  • It feels like a cheap Call of Duty (or other First Person Shooter game).

    I appreciate the refreshing approach, but in the end... I personally keep waiting for the DLC to end. Mostly for the reasons above in the Cons list, but also because I'm here to play Fallout. If I wanted a FPS, I'd go pick up CoD or something similar. I play Fallout because I like the post-apocalyptic feeling and the lore in the universe. Operation: Anchorage feels too much to me like a FPS minigame that doesn't even really make you feel like you are in the Fallout universe. Aside from a few key dialogues, and certain equipment, you could be playing any other FPS out there. Pretty much the only time I'm reminded that I'm in the Fallout universe is when I see the Power Armor. Everything else is too similar to every other FPS game.


I give the DLC a 2.5/5.0. Maybe a 3/5. It's refreshing, has a beautiful atmosphere, and some really neat details, but very quickly starts to feel like a chore. Moreover, it does little to differentiate itself from any normal FPS out there, making it feel like a cheap minigame that has nothing to do with Fallout.

Your thoughts?

submitted by /u/morrowindnostalgia
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[Spoilers] So about the institute ending

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:32 AM PST

Man was it so much fun! Having to fend off waves of brotherhood while protecting the virus synth; watching the last light show of the institute and Brotherhood squaring off. It was truly great.

I'm sure you're supposed to do the opening section of Airship Down stealthily, but I showed up in Power Armor with a Gatling Laser and unsurprisingly was under fire immediately. Having to hide behind plane debris while stepping out to shoot at headlamps of knights and needing to actually watch my health was almost exhilarating. Then the final scene where Liberty Prime blasts the prydwen, and you watch it fall on top of you, it was certainly something.

I think I have enjoyed the institute ending the most thus far. However the best part about this ending,

Is getting Maxson's sweet jacket.

submitted by /u/JeffK3
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Fallout 4 Nuka-World: Grandchester Mystery Mansion: The diary

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:10 PM PST

I love supernatural elements and learning the stories/lore in games. So I did visit this place again and read on one of the boards that a mysterical diary was picked up by the police alongside other stuff and it remained in the evidence room. Did someone find it? I'd hope there are more storytelling elements in it, as it was my favourite thing in this DLC.

submitted by /u/NorthernBlood
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Forging bottle caps from pre war coins.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:08 AM PST

Just thought that it wouldn't be unreasonable to think that someone out in the wastes used presses and pre war coins or any other commonly available metals like scarp metal or aluminum to forge bottle caps. And if you could get one of Nuka-Cola plants like the one in Capital wasteland operational and use their original cap maker it would pretty much be a gold mine. Just a thought I had and wanted to hear your opinions on it.

submitted by /u/kepasoLT
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[FO1]where is Larry in the Lost Hills?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:50 PM PST

They say he may give yoi a laser pistol, but i cant find him. What level of the bunker is he on?

submitted by /u/thebluerayxx
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My friend doesn’t want to play Fallout 3 because it has “crappy graphics”. He started off with Fallout 4. How can I convince him that he should play Fallout 3?

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 06:46 PM PST

Are there any mods for New Vegas that improve the quality of the text e.g. bounty posters the memorial at Boulder City or does the nme texture pack do that already?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:42 PM PST

Institute motivations

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:39 AM PST

I guess I'm just really struggling to understand the philosophy of the institute and what their mission is. The base game is extremely vague about it and I just want some clarification.

Is it world domination? Is it about the philosophy of AI and believing the idea that quote "One day the AIs are going to look back on us the same way we look at fossil skeletons on the plains of Africa. An upright ape living in dust with crude language and tools, all set for extinction." ?

Would love some insight

submitted by /u/TonySoprano300
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Legions actual size.

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 05:17 PM PST

So I was doing some research into Roman Army composition and found something. Long story short a legion is a bit over five thousand men with a general (Caesar) as it's head and a legate (Lenius) as it second in command. In game Caesar is the leader of the legion and also it's forces in New Vagas, if he dies his Legate takes over and is implied to take over governing the legion as well. So are we supposed to assume Ceasar attacked New Vegas with all his forces and that since command of his legion is also leader of the nation as a whole, are we to assume the entire Legion Army was only a little over five thousand strong and they were all attacking Vegas?

submitted by /u/dhwhisenant
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FO4 Is there a patch to nurf modern firearms?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:49 PM PST

It's incredibly overpowered. I'm using them in survival, and a stock f200, firing 5.56 ammo is easily one tapping super mutants in stealth. And 2 tapping them when not in stealth. I know the author is going to realism. But this isn't a mil sim, this is Fallout 4.

submitted by /u/GravelsNotAFood
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What does everyone do now in F4?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:52 AM PST

I've had the game since it came and I've completed it at least 10 times on Xbox and PlayStation with and without mods and I now just build settlements and mess around with the mods and complain about how pointless the creation club is. So I just wanted to know what everyone does in the game now

submitted by /u/TheDodgyScot
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[Question] FO4 Season Pass - Worth the price?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:41 AM PST

I just got an email from Steam that it's on sale for $25. Would you guys say that this is a reasonable price for it? I got the base game for the same price.

submitted by /u/marauderhex
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What fallout 4 characters could possibly be in the next fallout game?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:44 AM PST

If any at all, who do you think we may see whenever the next game releases?

submitted by /u/goatcruz
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While several possibilities have been presented, it's never been confirmed who launched the first missiles. Do you want this to change? Or do you believe one of the possibilities is true?

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 10:27 PM PST

There's of course the assumption that China fired first because American forces were closing in on their capital. Of course, America was run by a secret military/corporate/political cabal that would become the Enclave. Their long-term plans included an inevitable nuclear war, and some hardliners might have viewed a peaceful resolution to be unacceptable. Of course, there's also been theories that an AI could be responsible, such as PAM.

Honestly, I just came across a though experiment, called the paperclip maximizer:

Suppose we have an AI whose only goal is to make as many paper clips as possible. The AI will realize quickly that it would be much better if there were no humans because humans might decide to switch it off. Because if humans do so, there would be fewer paper clips. Also, human bodies contain a lot of atoms that could be made into paper clips. The future that the AI would be trying to gear towards would be one in which there were a lot of paper clips but no humans.

— Nick Bostrom, "Ethical Issues in Advanced Artificial Intelligence", 2003

It crossed my mind how completely senseless this would be from a human-perspective, but the absurdity of it is almost funny. I doubt we'll ever know the truth since it's effective irrelevant at this point, but such an senseless reasoning would be almost fitting.

Do you guys have any thoughts on how the Fallout world might have ended, or are you already fully convinced?

submitted by /u/LooksABitLikeJesus
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Were there Chinese Soldiers deployed in the US during the Great War?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:39 AM PST

Im currently making a video about the Great War where some US Soldiers are fighting a bunch of Chinese during the Great War however im not sure if any Chinese Soldiers were deployed to fight the US I know there are some Chinese like Captain Zao and the Chinese Remnants in Mama Dolce which got me thinking were there any Chinese Soldiers deployed just to fight the US when the bombs were being dropped.

submitted by /u/peridot666
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