Learn Dota 2 - State of Ember Spirit

State of Ember Spirit

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 10:21 AM PST

We all know that ember spirit is meh on the current meta but after the last change on mid lane, they inadvertently killed mid ember mid (the towers are much more closer on the lane thus giving you a hard time from chasing your opponents with flame guard unless you really wanna dive the opponent's tower). What do you think guys?

submitted by /u/leobie19
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What happened to TWIL?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 11:51 AM PST

Where did it go? Why did it stop? Will it get reincarnated?

submitted by /u/PlanetmanTechterror
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What items can defend against lategame Kunkka cleave?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 02:00 PM PST

So let's say you end up against a double Daedalus Kunkka. You are an agi carry who just got chunked 80% HP off of a cleaved creep. What items (if any) can help mitigate this damage?

submitted by /u/HeyThereSport
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Is Zeus actually this broken, or am I just bad?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 10:34 AM PST


Once had kaya, he could press w and q and do 600 damage flat to me. I have no idea what I did wrong, I did lose the lane but I was versus a goddamn zeus, you can't win that lane unless you're QoP or something. I bought good items to counter Zeus (tons of regen, stats, raindrops, although they are useless tbh since he clears them with his q instantly practically, and even a hood. Still got 2 shotted).

Idk how this hero is balanced, I know I'm not great at Lina but the low winrate is less my skill and more always these stomps happening when I pick her, idk why. I was buying BKB but Zeus killed me first.

submitted by /u/screaming_tiger9
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Feedback on Chen game

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 04:14 PM PST

I (Archon) played a Chen game just recently partied with a friend (Ancient) im pretty bummed out about it. I feel like I had a great early game contribution we went very far ahead and totally failed at closing out the game.

Im sure I've made a ton of errors especially with the high ground push I built Mek for sustain and maybe got a touch greedy with the dagon but thought it might give us some more burst to help close out the game.

It just felt like they were re spawning quicker than we could kill them on the chance there are other chen players around here could someone take a look at what I've failed at to throw a game that hard?


submitted by /u/3DSM
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Is it a good idea to support in the 1k bracket?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 03:22 AM PST

Hi r/learndota2, 1k scrub here. I've been stuck in this bracket for the longest time. The closest I got to reaching 2k was when I was literally one game away and then instead of winning, got into a massive losing streak, plummeting all the way to 1.7k. I mostly play support, though it feels as if I'm pretty much useless when my other four team mates aren't doing all too well. Should I stick to supporting? Or should I go with a much bigger role like offlaning or carrying?

submitted by /u/Tomatoepotatoe69
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Lifestealer radiance

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 12:35 PM PST

I have seen this a bunch of times lately. I think Notail did it recently but can't remember which tournament - I think it was against team liquid and he did it both games AFAIK. I don't think liquid even had an illusion hero in game 2. I also saw it in some high MMR games on DotaTV at some point. Lifestealer did very little, his team was losing, then it looked like he gave up since he was just infesting ancients and running around with them to hit things like that.

Anyway, I can see how it might make sense if the enemy team has illusion heroes or lots of summoned units and you have no proper AOE on your team. Combined with your ult you might actually be able to cover that problem.

However, I feel like it really doesn't work properly with lifestealer's game plan which, to me, is to just rip some people apart very quickly, possibly after being transported into the fight by an initiator with a blink dagger by infesting them. If anything, I see this as a full-on meme build, but I saw it in high MMR games and even in some pro games.

Anyway, I think I have only seen this build fail. It could be matchups / draft problems or something but I saw it in games where there wasn't illusion heroes on the enemy team and they still went for radiance. The lifestealer in those games accomplished very little while farming the radiance and then still did very little after building the item. I thought lifestealer is about burst damage but radiance is entirely the opposite.

What's the deal?

submitted by /u/CptnSAUS
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Why do AA's buy Kaya regardless of their positions?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 12:10 PM PST

I played AA multiple times. Never really bought a Kaya unless I'm in a winning position where the game is over. But one thing I notice with other AA's, regardless if they are playing 4/5, is why do they spend 1950 on this item? Is the spell amp really and mana cost that effective. I get it when you are playing core, but support, why?

submitted by /u/yolksoup
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Opinions on a different ES build

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 06:02 PM PST

Recently I have developed a Earthshaker build that has worked for me in my games. I am currently ranked at low Crusader and all of my friends question me for this build, I would like opinions and suggestions on how to improve this or if I should abandon this idea and stick to a more Meta build. This is my current build order that I stick to in 90% of my games.

1 Arcane Boots 2 Urn of Shadows 3 Aghanim's Scepter 4 Urn of Shadow > Spirit Vessel 5 Disassemble Arcane Boots (Energy Booster > Aether Lens) (Boots > BoT)

These are the main items, anything extra (Shiva's, Eul's. Kaya) are usually purchased depending on what I need. I try to steer away from purchasing blink dagger, I think it the higher cool down and no stat bonuses are unappealing to me.

submitted by /u/MazeChris
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Why no one picks alchemist

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 02:48 AM PST

is it because of nerfed jungling?before ti7 almost every pro game used to have alchemist but no one picks alchemist now

submitted by /u/akathale
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Morph vs Spirit Vessel - What could I have done better to counter this item?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 01:20 PM PST


Short intro, I'm ~2050 MMR. I was mid against PA this match and I pretty much won the lane and killed her about 2-3 times early. However their pudge started ganking me midgame with a spirit vessel and my entire attribute shift was nullified, not to mention their MK got super fed and we got rekt.

I wanted to know specifically how I could play against a team with spirit vessel as morph and get constructive criticism about what other mistakes I made this match. Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/jem_out
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What do you do when you're 1vs3 mid?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 12:12 PM PST

Match ID: 3756040429

I was the od (obviously).

I had to lane against an sf with a nyx babysitting and a roaming sk (DK offlane did zero pressure, passively farming), and pudge was always top trying to kill timbersaw, silencer came mid but there's nothing he can do.

Ignoring my teammates, how could I have won this?

submitted by /u/Clitoris140
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Supports helping mid for first few waves- how to do it properly (and at low MMR)?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 01:30 AM PST

I've been floating from around 1.5k-2k mmr mainly as support. On a recent game I locked in Shaman, and my team chose some strange heroes and lanes (we were going to trilane a spectre but he switched to timber, so we ended up with an LD safelane). The enemy chose tinker. We really had nothing to deal with a tinker and I felt it was the lane I could contribute most to. I wanted to give the timber solo xp in the offlane and didn't feel safelane needed help (disruptor + LD vs Viper). I thought that since a lot of pro games have a support help mid for the first minute or two, that I might be able to start mid and slow down the tinker/secure farm for sniper.

I had never helped mid before starting at minute 0 and I don't think I did it right (I almost died trying to trade at the first wave because I drew creep wave aggro). I actually think it was moderately helpful because this tinker seemed more skilled than normal for our MMR, and once he got going at min. 20 we were destroyed. We got one kill and were very close twice (I think if sniper was a little better or had a mic we would have dominated the lane) in the first few minutes or so. I ended up staying around mid for a while and coming up when I had shock off cd, trying to stay out of xp range. I probably stayed too long. In retrospect, maybe I should have just bought a smoke and tried to shackle + damage instead of harassing for many minutes.

Basically, my questions are: 1) When should supports consider helping mid? Does there need to be kill potential or is it ok to just harass? 2) What do you do to not draw aggro in the lane/mess up the equilibrium, but still harass? 3) When to leave? 4) Do you have any other advice for supports helping mid?

The match id was 3755042408 and it ended up a pretty rough game for me and the team. I felt we did alright for the first 18 minutes and then it went downhill very quickly once Tinker got items. I normally don't play that style and was much more poor than normal.

submitted by /u/JeanDeFlorette
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How to be an offlaner?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 02:12 AM PST

Hi, I just started playing offlaner, my main role was roaming support, but how to be an offlaner? How to do proper creep equilibrium? When to trade hits with the enemy carry? How to handle supports harassing you? Is jungle worth going? These are my main problems as an offlaner. My early game is just a mess, dying to the carry because creeps are too far away and I don't know how I can make creeps closer to my tower. Ended up giving the enemy carry and supports pushing my tower. But when in mid-game, I start to gain some momentum to kill the enemy carry or mid by sticking, and smoking with the team, and eventually gain higher gpm. But when in early game, I just suck at that.

submitted by /u/techboardtx
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Position 6 supports

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 11:27 AM PST

At my mmr I usually find myself solo supporting. Is there any good supports that can be effective all game while requring little to no items/levels.

submitted by /u/CallMeDJSenpai
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Climbing mmr with supports

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 02:02 AM PST

I was reflecting on my games and I noticed I needed to improve on my positioning. Playing cores are fun but playing supports that enables carries to farm, survive and get kills are much more gratifying imo. However on my 3k games, its hard to win even when I was warding, rotating and protecting my carries all game because it feels like they tend to do stupid shit all the time. Am I supporting wrong or climbing with some support heroes is just really hard?

One of my games that made me feel this way. I was the Oracle. Match id: 3751769282

submitted by /u/splargh
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Armlet: (health_regen) - (health_loss) = 0?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 05:38 AM PST

What is the regen value needed to make this equation true when it's toggled on? Thank you.

submitted by /u/Gilladriel
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Help tell me why I suck

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 10:31 AM PST


Steadily dropping from 4000 mmr to currently 3300 this month. I took a break from September 2016 to about a month ago (I stopped playing when I hit 4K so i'm probably just regressing to where I should be). I realized that I don't have the mechanics to play mid anymore and I'm terrible at farming now so I've been playing support and occasional offlane. I don't know if I just don't know the meta or the game really since the introduction of talents or I'm just that bad at supporting. Or I could just be getting older and being slower. Could be all of it.

Appreciate the responses.

submitted by /u/goldjira
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Support struggling with baiting

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 10:28 AM PST

I'm referring to baiting both against our team (by the other team's offlaners/safelaners) and from our team (a wimpy carry who doesn't want to deal with harassment and just chooses to starve and/or chooses to not act when support is getting harassed and/or ganked hard).

I got crushed in a ranked match as a squishy ranged core/support yesterday because my carry (an ursa) wouldn't hold position and just starved in the trees.

So I tried to get my own last hits and denies, was doing okay, got subtly out-positioned a few times, chain stunned, and was left to die. Then the whole team flames me for dying and reasons that I'm why the carry is starving and underperforms in all of the teamfights, which we lost.

  1. How do you deal with carrys who can't/won't posture in lane?
  2. How as a support should one counter aggressive (i.e. subtle) baiting, in a situtation where you can expect your carry to do nothing, other than pulling, requesting ganks, harass, etc.
submitted by /u/whyoy
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Contrary to the ingame hint, silences do nothing against Abaddon's ultimate. It activates when he dips below the threshold even when he's silenced, dispelling the silence when it does.

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 10:16 AM PST

When I read that tooltip, I assumed it would work like Riki's old ultimate, Permanent Invisibility, in that a silence would disable the passive for its duration. This isn't the case.

Borrowed Time triggers even when silenced, and its dispel removes the silence when it triggers. The only exception I know of is Doom, but that spell is much more than a silence anyway. Does anyone know if Break disables the automatic activation?

submitted by /u/TomHicks
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Can anyone explain how percentage movespeed amp, such as broods webs or the agi bonus, interact with boots/euls.

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 10:14 AM PST

Do you get a 70% bonus base movement or base+boots for example

submitted by /u/Cademccaslin
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Invoker mechanics-related question

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 05:50 AM PST

I suppose anybody who plays Invoker has already clicked here, so I'll get to the point.

I was messing around with the Invoker practice mode in Polygon Training when I went through one of the challenges and realized something - in whatever little games I have played this hero (and I won't say I'm particularly good on him) I tend to invoke whatever spells I need by pressing the entire sequence, for example if I need Tornado I'm gonna press WWQ every single regardless of what orbs are currently active on me.

However, as I said above, one of the challenges required me to only use one orb every time I want to cast a new spell, lets say for example, the game would ask me to cast Sun Strike -> Meteor -> Deafening Blast -> Ghost Walk. My first instinct is to press EEE > EEW > QWE > QQW, and I wondered why this is called the single orb challenge but then I realized the interesting thing. I could significantly shorten the time needed to cast the entire combo by simply doing EEE > W > Q > Q, aka just using one orb to use a different spell instead of doing the entire 3-button sequence every time.

Obviously this sounds superior and faster, but that isn't quite the case for me (not yet anyway). Not pressing all 3 buttons for a new spell requires me to constantly remember which orbs I have active and in what order so I can quickly figure out what do I need to press to invoke my new spell. This seems INCREDIBLY hard to do, and I actually achieved faster timings by doing my usual 3-button presses every time I use a new spell but I'm fully aware that this could be because that's the only muscle memory I have and I never actually tried paying attention to what orbs I currently have active which is why the former method might seem so challenging even though it sounds objectively superior.

So my question is - between all high-mmr Invoker players out there, does everyone use the first method , i.e. remembering your orbs to invoke the next spell with as few button presses as possible? Or can you get away with casting 3-button-press spells every time, even though it might be slower?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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Playing Ember Spirit

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 09:09 AM PST

I am just learning Ember spirit. I am sub 1k MMR My main problem is what to build because there are tons of videos with different builds. The main thing between them is 1 ember needs bottle and wand 2 ember needs BoTs 3 ember needs a farming item,typically maelstrom or Radiance( battlefury maybe?) Depending on the build I either get veil (against pa and all squishy ones) or aquila( if I'm generally confused I tend to get aquila on any agi hero)before BoTs

After this I get one defense item (if required) but after that then I dont know what to build.Like I read magic ember is not so viable now...

Here I am linking my recent games Actually....how do you link pls tell me

I actually read this forum chat a lot but this time I didn't find my question. Thanks

submitted by /u/BrennendKryzel
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Timing mechanics everyone could find useful

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 02:23 AM PST

Am I doing this right?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 03:11 AM PST

Hi, 2.5K player here I like to play spectre safelane which did go pretty good until the last few games, I have 70% winrate in 50+ games right now. I usually try to farm a radiance (fb, stick, urn,radiance) before minute 20 and occasionally join fights when I see we can win.

The last few games, this isn't working anymore. We lose te earlygame pretty hard (like 1-10 in 10 minutes). My lane is mostly fine, I think, but my team will start to flame each other and eventually flame me because I won't join the fights we would lose anyway. I would have to farm longer. These games last like 30 minutes. I don't think I make the wrong itemchoices since most of the times the enemy heroes don't seem particularly like early game heroes or a team that would stomp you at 25-30 minutes.

I feel like I'm doing something wrong?

submitted by /u/Zooptastic
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