Learn Dota 2 - Proud moment from a lowly herald 5

Proud moment from a lowly herald 5

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:07 PM PST

Quick Tip: Doublewaving The Safelane

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 04:53 PM PST

Is Magic Wand a must for every support, including the pos 4? Also, am I supposed to buy it before or after finishing my boots?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:03 AM PST

NP Agh’s Treant Micro

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 03:21 PM PST

Is there a more efficient way of micro-ing the treants? Right now I'm just selecting the treants and A-clicking the end of the lane: to have the treants walk towards the end of the lane while attacking anything in its way. Should I be watching over my treants and controlling them?

submitted by /u/mortyecruteak
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Favorite MK build and why?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 10:15 AM PST

Explain some of your most used MK builds, why they work well and why you prefer them, thanks all

submitted by /u/Slaterzzz
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How to stay relevant in late game as a squishy support?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 12:45 PM PST

Hey so I played a pretty fun game with a friend last night as a support (Crystal Maiden) and although I did better than my average for her I was pretty bummed that I ended up dying 12 times. I would say I was most effective at warding and helping my carries get ganks but I was no help during most team fights and I over extended a couple times trying to ward our runes or following one carry too far onto the other side.

I got a mek, glimmer cape and urn and was trying to heal and stun as much as possible when we were team fighting in their base and that went pretty well, but until I got my items i felt kind of useless. I did try to change up my game after I realized what mistakes I was making mid way through I think that helped a lot. I can post the replay link if anyone is interested :)

submitted by /u/CreamAgnew_Angels
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How to counter a void/ursa safelane?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 04:22 PM PST

I was playing Underlord today and ended up against a void and ursa safelane, with the ursa being the support, and their KOTL would roam. We lost all lanes. Ursa would just run up to me and start hitting me and I couldn't do anything. Void refuses to take any damage. Supports come to help and Ursa and void just right click them and they can't do anything. Why are pros not playing Ursa as a support? This is literally the most overpowered thing in the game. Then the team blames me for feeding 4 deaths. How is it possible in any way to win against that lane as an Underlord?

submitted by /u/hexdaxl
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How would I go about practicing heroes that are highly contested/situational?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:08 PM PST

Mainly asking this since Zeus/AM are pretty much my 2 favourite heroes for mid and carry respectively and regardless of how much I experiment with heroes and roles those are the ones I usually come back to. At this point I'm pretty aware about hero spamming and how limiting my hero pool to 2-3 heroes would be best for MMR climbing, but how would Zeus/AM fit into that since both heroes have their own problems?

Zeus is a generally a weak laner with little to no outplay potential in lane and is very easily countered by early Pipes, BKBs or a Huskar/AM. Speaking of AM, he doesn't sound like the best hero to pick early (or often) considering (a) he often gets banned in low level pubs (b) safe lane itself is highly contested (c) gets easily countered by high physial-dps heroes, early pushers and LC.

Most of my games on these heroes are party games and I manage to do fairly well since they are at least somewhat coordinated, but when it comes to grinding solo MMR what would be your thoughts on spamming Zeus/AM? I guess its worth mentioning that I'm only 1.4k rn, so is it ok to pick those heroes into any counterpicks since if I'm good I'll win anyway, or is it simply better to pick meta heroes and go with them?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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Why do carries sometimes start with quelling if they can just buy it at the side shop a little bit later?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:31 PM PST

Would assume the starting gold could be useful for a lot of other things that have to be ferried over, regen, branches etc.

submitted by /u/Praily
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Arc Warden skip Mael into Bot?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:11 PM PST

I watched this guy skip Mael into BOT after Midas Aquila and brown boots.


He went straight into Bloodthorn and SB.

In what lineups and situations would this be feasible over the standard maelstrom?

Also, isn't Satanic and Skadi a better hard carry item for super late game lineups?

In which cases would you go this route over Bloodthorn and Nullifier?

submitted by /u/ddotaplayer
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I buy/rush blink dagger every game. Am I too dependent on it?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 02:11 PM PST

For background, I have 900 hours in the game and started playing a year ago. Hit 2.5k solo at the end of the summer, but now only play party pubs with pals for fun.

No doubt blink is great. I primarily play support and spam Lion, Shadow Shaman, and CM because folks in my games are easy blink initiation fodder. My favorite thing in the game is blinking away on reaction when getting initiated on or to dodge a spell.

Problem is I play one-dimensionally and always rush blink after wand and boots. I have poor positioning before the mobility (always charging in recklessly to land that frostbite) and I am super greedy for the first 14 minutes by stealing unsafe runes and by farming empty lanes when I could be helping a teammate. I feel pretty useless before I get the dagger up and running, but my ability to effect the game increases dramatically afterward.

It ain't really broke and there's no dire need to fix it, but is what I'm doing okay? Should I experiment more with drums or an earlier glimmer/force? Should I totally switch it up and play heroes that don't normally blink initiate like Dazzle and Omni?

submitted by /u/OneTwoSixty
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Somebody talk to me about Treant Protector

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 02:41 AM PST

How do you even begin to learn this hero? I have played 4 games on him, lost every one of them with no game impact, so I need help.

So first of his skill build is very versatile and there's no standard priority system. So when do you do one over another?

Same with his item build, rushing aghs is surely terrible, but why pick up a blink for somebody who already has a type of initiation (invis).

Lastly, like what do you even do, I just end up sitting in a lane, punching the carry until they get dust and then I can't do anything without just dying


submitted by /u/KappaLion
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How can I see my last matches replays?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:37 AM PST

After this update I can't find my list of last matches. I really want to download replay.

e: I clicked the "+" icon in the matches and it opened not only my regular matches, but also my turbo matches. Go figure.

submitted by /u/YourAmishNeighbor
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Constantly losing lanes in the early game, and cant teamfight well. Help please!

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:18 AM PST

I usually play as carry heroes (pos 1 or 2) and i keep losing my lane in the laning phase, and often can't do well in teamfights. Can somebody give me some tips focarry heroes so that i can have better winrates with them? My most played carries are Juggernaut, Sven and Faceless Void, if that helps.

submitted by /u/mynamejeoff
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Requesting for some analysis

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 03:04 AM PST

This game was so weird. We just barely won the game with enemy team's underestimation. But, I cannot lane well in both top and offlane as sven. 1 lane is bara+lion(chainstun) and another lane with razor static link. If this game was played by you, how do you approach to this game?


submitted by /u/LTY526
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Which carry beats TB?

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 10:06 PM PST

Minor question, but something I kinda want to know. Terrorblade really does seem like the perfect anti-carry given how his Q works and how hes a high DPS agi hero - most other carries in the game are either stat-based agi carries who get fucked up bad if they have a reflection of themselves hitting them (Morph, Luna, AM) or str heroes that just get out-DPS'ed by a farmed TB and can't go late vs him (Lycan, WK, Lifestealer). Obviously this isn't set in stone, there might be some exceptions I'm missing out on.

I even checked the Dotabuff page, and his counters mostly seemed to be mid heroes with high AoE-magic damage like Zeus, Tinker, Invoker, Ember, even Sand King and Sniper. This makes me wonder, if one has to pick a safe lane carry knowing that the enemy has a TB what would they pick? I'm a bit surprised Sven doesn't have a high winrate advantage against TB considering he has strong illusion clear but unlike, say, Luna he doesn't care about TB's Q that much. What about heroes like Battlefury Void/Troll? If you cant out dps TB, would locking him down via Chrono/bashing him to death work?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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[Help] What could I have done to improve impact mid/late game as Techies

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 05:07 AM PST

Recently I've started playing/learning Techies, I'm enjoying it and have a decent win rate from the few games I've played of it (7 games, won 5). Just had this game which I think was the best I've played yet, and would like some tips on what I could have done to further improve mid/late game. I think I did pretty well with ganks during laning, but later on didn't do much other than the occasional blast off and a few mine kills.

dotabuff of game, opendota

General Techies tips appreciated too if you don't have the time to watch!

submitted by /u/piecesofquiet777
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How to approach mid-late game when ahead.

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 09:32 PM PST

Hey guys,

I've recently been playing more seriously, and have been more successful MMR wise, but I've been coming across a part of the game/meta which I am not fully sure how to deal with.

I've had a couple games where after a strong start, our team have taken all tier 1 and 2 towers, we then farm a bit, take RS and try and take their HG but end up losing team fights and eventually a downard spiral which ends with our team losing the game despite the strong start.

How do you deal with this? Is it a picking problem, not enough patience?


submitted by /u/jren01
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How to deal with these games as lycan?

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 09:03 PM PST


1)Shaman and Bara zoned out shaker pretty well , I don't really know what happened at bot or mid but dotabuff suggests they won their respective lanes.

2)Got their top t2 tower by 7 minutes , ulted and went mid but unfortunately sf saw my rotation and tped out but we got a free tower t1 mid out of it by 8 minutes at which i rotate bot and get their bot t1 as well , at this point I plan to relax a bit and farm

3)Team got into full push mentality with no regards to farming , dp made some questionable items (shadowblade and necrobook)

4)Got rosh and was walking towards mid t2 where dp dies solo at which the game went pure downhill

5)At this point I am pretty confused on how to convince dp and brood to take the game slow but they are too insistent on pushing now or we have no lategame (they had bloodseeker for a carry which was pretty negligble in lategame and they had no solutions to bkb)

6) I made a pipe which was questionable should have just gone for a bkb.

submitted by /u/Searchnewgf
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Pudge kinetic

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 12:15 AM PST

i recently bought a tassel with trapper's treachery and Ripper's reel with crows feet, but it wont to work.

submitted by /u/macoyyy12
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how to end/win as gyro?

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 11:31 PM PST

hello all, recently ive been really enjoying gyro, but im currently on as 0/5 streak as him, it feels like im doing a lot of damage and playing my role in fights, but it just feels like i never get to that "supercarry" level as a super farmed jugg or PA despite having tons of kills and farm

games for reference : https://www.opendota.com/matches/3726145332

submitted by /u/GarbageKnapp
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Do commends affect behavior score?

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 10:25 PM PST

I thought they improved behavior score, basically having the opposite effect of a report, but I was told by someone that they don't do anything and are just for show. Which is true? I tried searching already for an answer but I found lots of speculation.

submitted by /u/dont-ask-why-
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