Learn Dota 2 - Can Earth Spirit save a teammate from a Batrider lasso?

Can Earth Spirit save a teammate from a Batrider lasso?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 10:26 AM PST

With kick or enchant remnant or enchant remnant + kick or pull ?

submitted by /u/ChopperMaskDotA
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Update help??

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 03:10 PM PST

Hey, haven't played Dota in almost 2 years now, and I know its gone through some significant changes, can anyone help and give me a bit of a rundown instead of combing through 2 years of patch notes?

submitted by /u/Spicey_currie
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Is Legion Commander even worth using?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 12:59 AM PST

She seems so reliant on blink dagger, and most of the time she can't even kill anyone in duels unless her team spoonfeeds her the kills. And usually any game I see her in unless the enemies are feeders, she just gets jumped and killed during her ult. How is she supposed to do anything against competent people who don't just loiter around all alone at low health?

submitted by /u/YoshimitsuPrime
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Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:47 AM PST

Okay, so I'm not one to question success when it happens to me but, I recently started playing Lycan. Down in High guardian, low crusader. And, I've won all of the past 5 games I've won as him. (Sometimes throwing in a meme hammer to 'help' my rat/pushing.) And, I would like to know what makes Lycan good down here, or just makes him good in ALL brackets? (Dotobuff says his highest is in 5k+, also the highest WR in all of 5k+)

submitted by /u/NotMeTwopointO
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What's the timing for the safelane side pull?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 02:10 PM PST

I keep failing to replicate the safelane hard camp side pull (An old patch example from BSJ here is what I'm referring to). Most stack / pull timing maps only shows the offlaner timing, while I want to know how to do this as a safelane carry.


  • when do I pull? (either in terms of clock time or position of my lane creep)

  • since there's a batch of trees right next to it, do I pull diagonally towards my tower, or towards their tower? (The BSJ video shows him pulling towards his tower)

  • can this be done with both melee and ranged neutral creep? In my experience, it's difficult with melee neutral because they tend to return to camp before coming into the aggro range of my lane creeps.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/classyfication
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Which supports are able to scale into a core/tank?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 02:04 AM PST

I'm currently sitting in a VERY low bracket (1k give or take) due to calibrating much too early. Recently, however, my friend coached me till I can play at the level of around a 3k player. Basically, I'm a support main and it's kinda difficult to find any form of cooperation in these brackets. (especially in the SEA server I play in) Any suggestions for any supports that can scale into an "independent" hero later in the game? I'm not too familiar with this patch's meta. I find that completely relying on my teammates can sometimes be more debilitating than beneficial, although I don't claim to be better than every other player in this bracket.

submitted by /u/veyhanowen
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I need help, any help will do.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 12:02 PM PST

I'm on serious deterioration streak and I almost feel like quitting Dota altogether because something just not working anymore for me. To add insult to the injury, I was matched with full Russian teams only for the last couple of weeks (since last update which was supposed to make matchmaking more language based, kinda worked completely opposite for me). I honestly don't know what I'm doing so wrong all of a sudden as position 4-5 and I'd like to know at least some general advice. https://www.opendota.com/players/61247045

submitted by /u/Telefragg
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Which server should i play in?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:36 AM PST

Hey, I want to play ranked but the only server with playable pings is the infamous SEA. What do I do? Other servers have pings around 190 Ms.

submitted by /u/icandodisguys
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Choosing what to do as an Offlaner

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 01:19 AM PST

As an offlaner, I tend to do one of the following :

  1. If I think I can't do anything in a lane against heavy harass supports and I am not a jungler like an Nyx for example, I'll Just stand in the trees and get XP. (Since the carry usually denies every creep this hurts a lot) If I see their supps rotating to other lanes then I'll go get some last hits and possibly harass the enemy carry to use up his regen.

  2. Do the pull behind their T1 tower and farm it behind my T1. Sometimes I do get harassed hard even before I could do this pull if the support was waiting for me to pull this.

  3. If I am fairly confident that the enemy lineup can't do shit against me and I can tank & clear creep waves better (for eg: I am an Axe and I am up against a PA and a low harass support / some retarded melee carry), I dive T1 and farm it and I think this is even better in situations when the carry can't handle the creep aggro early on.

  4. If I am afraid I'll be caught either way, I'll just jungle :(. Sometimes if there aren't supps to help the carry at that point of time, I'll wreak havoc in the offlane and force their supports to rotate to my lane and then I'll go to the jungle. If I am not a jungler or I need to have some lvls to jungle, I'll just stack them and get a soul ring -> spam my spells on the creep wave -> rotate to stack/ clear jungle.

  5. The final one which I am seeing some good results is to sneak past their T2 and do the following: If they don't have stuns at lvl1, I'll just farm their creeps at their spawn location and if things get out of control I'll TP away to my tower. If they do have stuns, I'll aggro creeps at 0:00 and w8 till 0:30 and TP away ASAP so that it'll be a double wave so wave will push hard and I can play under my tower. Sometimes I even sacrifice a sentry ward to block their small camp in a non-standard spot to prevent them from pulling.

The thing is I want to know whether my thought process is right/wrong and i would like to know on various things I could do as an offlaner and things that I should prioritize as an offlaner aside from getting levels and taking up enemy resources thereby creating space for my carry.

submitted by /u/_DVDBoy_
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Good written/video guides for intermediate players?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 10:26 AM PST

I'm not really sure where to start. I have 1500 hours played in this game but I haven't really played since 2014.

I still somewhat remember how to play and I still know the basics of all the heroes (outside of the newer heroes).

I played a few games this past week and I feel lost. I want to get back to form but I have a hard time figuring out what I'm doing wrong. I'm hoping there's videos I can watch or guides I can read to sort of jump start my progress in improvement.

submitted by /u/A_Mild_Abra
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Farming faster tips? https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3747164353

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 01:27 AM PST

Hello, I'm a legend 0 SEA player. I personally believe after watching tons of carry streamers, My position 1 is much better compared to other roles. Although I won the above listed game, I believe I could have done better and farmed faster, Can somebody who is competent at the carry role and higher Mmr preferably look into the replay and help me with tips to farm superfast?

submitted by /u/Dotaplayer12
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How do I deal with visage? As both 2 and 4.

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:42 PM PST

I'm seeing a lot of visage being played in my matches recently and it usually ends up visage leaving our base in ruins. He gets too tanky too quickly, his pushing is immaculate with the familiars, and he has a powerful nuke and attack slow. Does anyone have good ideas to counter this hero so he doesn't get big? Discuss.

submitted by /u/StivoDivo
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How could I have won this match? (me as **QoP** vs **Clinkz**)

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 02:12 AM PST

I played a game me as QoP vs Clinkz I lost hard to him he sits in the hill and arrow me since the creeps were close to him i couldn't last hit properly or shadow strike him, after level 3 i couldn't lane against him at all because when ever i try to shadow strike him he deals so much dmg to me in the process. after he got blight stone the lane is over cause with just 3 hits i get very low on hp.

I know that QoP should be able to dominate this match up, so what really went wrong this game? If someone could watch the first ~5m of my game and give me tips on how I could've played the lane better so i don't get harassed out of lane


submitted by /u/aminei
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Is there a midlaner that is independent of teamplay, is strong at all stages of the game, can push, is not a dumpster tier hero like LD and is safe to pick early?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 02:29 PM PST

My main account got hacked, so my 2k smurf is my main now.
So far I've managed to climb the ladder easily, but got stuck at 3.5k. It seems like my hero pool is not working out. 2 to 2.8 was easy, I could pick pretty much anything from safelane treant to mid Doom and still win.
At 2.8 some sort of antiboost system kicked in and my team started being way worse then the enemy all the time,it wasn't a problem anyway I just had to pick heroes that are strong. I mainly played storm, arc and MK all they way up to 3.5k, but now I'm stuck.
The problem seems to be that my teammates always want to go mid, so every game I need to pick first and end up in a situation against 1-2 hard counters, so I can't pick arc and MK anymore since those rely on comfortable laning. I can still pick storm, but the problem I found with storm is that I am not that good to play around 3-4 silences. I tried puck, but the problem I have with puck is that puck can't push and people at this MMR tend to sit in the jungle way too much and then games tend to go late, where we lose since my carry is always an idiot. I've tried alchemist, and he works, but 3ks always want to go double mid with me and I get reported in those games, which damages my behaviour score and is generally not nice. I've tried sf and Tinker, but both are unsuitable for first pick since enemy supports gank the shit out of me and mine can't buy a tp, unless this happens I win. I also win if my monkeys create enough space for me to recover, so generally I win 3 and lose 2 and that's not enough for me. Is there a better hero?

submitted by /u/mkzmch
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How to play Tinker?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 04:40 AM PST


For a long time, I've been trying to properly play tinker. But I can't seem to play him effectively and end up losing most of the time. Most of the guides I encountered are too detailed. I just want the shorter but still detailed enough explanation.

Answers would be appreciated. Thanks!

submitted by /u/axl2468
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