League of Legends - Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 06:36 PM PST

Welcome to the latest Monday Megathread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

This is an opportunity for the more experienced LoL players here to share some of your wisdom with those with less expertise. This thread will be a weekly safehaven for those "noobish" questions you may have been too scared to ask for fear of downvotes, but also can be a great place for in depth discussion if you so wish. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

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Please sort this post by new, so that you can see the newer, unanswered questions.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Siv HD - Best Moments #103 - I AM HERE.

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 06:11 AM PST

"The average player salary went from 150k/year in 2017 to 327k/year in 2018" - Romain (OpTic) talking about NA and his job

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 07:52 AM PST

PSA: if you already own Jinx and Star Guardian Jinx, there's now a bundle in the shop that will grant you 2 icons for 2 RP.

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 11:47 AM PST


Additional context:

Source: https://euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/store/sales/february-early-sales-26/02/2018-06/03/2018

From now through March 6, 2018, at 8:59 p.m. PT, you can also grab the Mayhem and Magical Mediums Bundle for 1822 RP (2309 RP if you need Jinx). Contains:

Star Guardian Jinx; Jinx; Kuro Icon (1 RP); Shiro Icon (1 RP).

submitted by /u/SubRedditReader
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Lore Power Levels Revised: The Cosmic Tier

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 10:15 AM PST

What is up everyone. I am KatarHero72, also known as Hyper10sion and "The Power Levels Guy." Around a year ago I started my Lore Power Levels so to provide a gauge for how powerful champions are in the lore. Everyone seemed to love them so I kept doing them whenever a new champion was introduced or an old one was reworked. Seeing as a lot has happened in a year, I've decided to redo the power levels with adjustments I have made over the past year.
This one will also be different in that this version will focus a lot more on why these champions are put in the power levels and what is keeping them there. The last version covered what each champion does, so I feel redoing that would just make it stale.
Before we get started I would like to point out that only canon lore is considered. Cinematics are only canon if they are lore or individual champion related, so Twist of Fate and New Dawn are out. Fan theories and "potential" are not considered, but input from Rioters is taken into account, in context. Also the lore must be current, so Institute of War, lores contradicted by the updated bios, etc are ignored. Also I try to be as impartial as possible when making these.
I'm going to go ahead and outline every tier at the start this time for clarification so my explanation makes more sense.
The Cosmic Tier: Formerly known as the God Tier but renamed so to cut down on confusion, this tier is the cosmic level beings. The lowest level of power a being must have to be on this tier is the power to impact an entire planet. They are immortal, nigh unkillable, extremely powerful, and almost as old as time itself. Just to emphasize, the beings in this tier are stated to not be gods.
The Transcended Tier: This tier are beings with incredible power, either being a being that could single handedly destroy a city or do things beyond the normal realm of possibility. These beings are more than just a human physically, and can endure far more than an empowered human on the same level. They are practically immortal, or are very close. These beings avoid the Cosmic Tier by being limited in their scope, usually to a singular region of Runeterra.
The Harbinger Tier: These are the champions with powers rivaling that of an army, or possess a non-combat ability of similar magnitude. Some of these would be Transcended Tier if not for human frailty or some glaring weakness, but are still extremely powerful.
The Magus Tier: This tier is composed of the champions not quite powerful enough to be in the Harbinger Tier, but are definitely more than a physically exceptional human. Most of these champions have some sort of size, strength, or magical power that above that of what a mortal tier champion could typically match.
The Mortal Tier: These are the champions that are still not slouches, but innately do not have power of a Magus tier champion. Most of them are merely skilled human warriors or rely on a weapon/mount for their power. A majority of human champions will be in this tier, along with a lot of your favorites.
Limbo: These champions are more or less in flux. There is not enough concrete lore to officially rate their power, or they didn't exert themselves at all so it cannot be rated. Five champions occupy this tier, however none of the original four members remain due to help from Riot and directly from Rioters.
Alright now that the list is out of the way I can move on to the first of the lists.


The Cosmic Tier

Champions: Aurelion Sol, Bard, Kindred, Zoe
Aurelion Sol, The Star Forger: Do I even need to justify this one? Aurelion Sol is very likely the most powerful champion in the entire game as far as lore is concerned. He creates stars, travels across the universe, and is practically immortal. He can easily destroy planets, as his ability to create and destroy stars is essentially a one move genocide. If he ever wants to exert effort, he can launch a blast of pure starfire, which is comparable to a small supernova. He however is not invincible, as he himself has said. Even so, he also said Targon made him fight other cosmic beings of near equal power and The Star Forger emerged victorious, meaning even among these beings of godlike power he is among the elite. Aurelion Sol personifies the Cosmic Tier in practically every way, so placing him lower would just be incorrect. When you are the center of the universe….you get placed where you want.
Bard, The Wandering Caretaker: The Cosmic Vagabond is an enigma beyond human understanding. He is a Celestial, essentially a deity from another dimension. Bard is immortal, able to move faster than the eye can see, travel through time, create portals between dimensions, freeze time around him in an area, and see throughout the fabric of time and space. He is the caretaker of objects that could destroy worlds, and even has an entire race of spirit beings called Meeps subservient to him. His mere speech is so evolved it is impossible for practically anyone to understand. He doesn't have any known weaknesses, all powers and feats for him come from his cinematic and Rioter Q&As. Bard just has too much going for him, and chimes all the way into the Cosmic Tier. chime noises
Kindred, The Eternal Hunters: The twin faces of death are essentially the Shinigami of Runeterra. When a person is going to die, they can either die peacefully by the arrow of the Lamb, or die violently at the jaws of the Wolf. Kindred is immortal, live in their own plane of existence only they inhabit, and claim the souls of the dying. Only a few have defied the pair, and even they will be outlasted by Lamb and Wolf. Kindred is probably the most controversial inclusion into the Cosmic Tier, but I can defend my placement of them. Every being on Runeterra eventually answers to them, and will be outlasted by them. Kindred has that power over everything that lives or has ever lived. Combined with immortality and probable indestructibility due to living in their own plane of existence outside that of the other champions, Kindred reaps the rewards of the Cosmic Tier. Lamb calls. Wolf Strikes.
Zoe, The Aspect of Twilight: Zoe is one of the most recent champions I have done an analysis on, so this is actually the easiest one. This little girl is capable of murder…...ing your entire freaking village as a joke. Zoe is the most powerful known avatar of an Aspect of Targon, in her case the Aspect of Twilight. She can create portals similar to a Portal gun, create a small star to fling at her enemies that gets more powerful with distance, can fly, is practically immortal to age, can alter time for others, can mimic and steal any spell she sees, and helps protect Aurelion Sol's stars from Targon's wrath. With her agelessness, interplanetary travel, sheer absurdity of her abilities, and overall power, Zoe cartoons her way straight to the Cosmic Tier.
Praise Meddler for those nerfs.

So that was the Cosmic Tier, formerly known as the God Tier, updated and explained for the newest reworks and champions. I also updated a few champions placement based upon new info I received from either Rioters or an update of opinion in regards to perception of the champion in context. Tune in tomorrow for the Transcended Tier, where the first casualty of the updates occurs. Who is it? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z! In the meantime, debate a bit with me in the comments about my placements and such.

submitted by /u/KatarHero72
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RuneBook: the ultimate rune pages manager that you (and I) were waiting for!

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 05:51 AM PST

Greetings, Summoners!

When Runes Reforged came out, I developed a small script that would assist me to import and export rune pages in a semi-automatic fashion. It was helpful but I knew it would have been difficult to keep it up to date. So I started the project from scratch and when I was planning everything I imagined the following features: Windows and macOS support, automatic updates, automatic import/export, retrieve pages from external sources in one click, a cool UI...

After a month of hard work, I'm pleased to announce that RuneBook is out and ready to offer all the features I originally planned!

Go to the mini-site <- You can download it from here

GitHub repo <- Source code and contributing

I'm actively working for enhancements and new features. Your feedback and contributions are really appreciated.

Please spread the word with your friends and remember:

The runes decide my path. - Ryze, the Rune Mage

EDIT: Will I get banned if I use it? -> RiotSargonas response

submitted by /u/_OrangeNote
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Thresh and Kalista Perfection. Against the odds outplay.

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 08:18 AM PST

2/26 PBE Update

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 12:25 PM PST

Insane tristana 1v3

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 03:56 AM PST

Hauntzer thinks fans writing TSM off are delusional: 'Spring split of 2016 was just as bad... if we can make finals then, we can make finals now'

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 10:00 AM PST

How we could get Star Guardian Urgot without ruining the Star Guardian theme

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 03:13 AM PST

We all want Star Guardian Urgot - he is the perfect fit, after all. But Riot does not want to make such a magnificent skin because they don't think he fits the line. And that he's an 8ft tall, 6 legged walking tank with most of his body replaced by machinery, not a Japanese school girl.

However, Riot could easily implement this skin. It's probably a bit late for this year, but for next year, their April Fools event could be some kind of Runterra cosplay convention, champions dressing up in various outfits.

We got Meowkai in the past, which while a joke skin, is a legimatelt good 1350 skin. So dress up Urgot in full sparkly frills, a little skirt around his meat grinder, some lovely star and effects and flog it for 1350! Call it "Magically Cosplaying Urgot" or something and Riot could laugh their way to the bank.

submitted by /u/I_Fap_To_Ion
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My friends and I spent the past year making a League of Legends TV show. Here's the trailer.

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 11:10 AM PST

Ninja Tabi, Bami's Cinder, Bramblevest.

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 01:36 PM PST

Hi, Hashinshin here, today I'm going to talk about builds for top lane. First I want to discuss maokai.

For maokai you're going to want to go Ninja Tabi, Bami's Cinder, Bramblevest. Okay, now I'm going to talk about Sion.

Ninja Tabi, Bami's Cinder, Bramblevest. Okay lets talk about Ornn next.

Ninja Tabi, Bami's Cinder, Bramblevest. And now-

Ninja Tabi, Bami's Cinder, Bramblevest.

submitted by /u/hashinshin
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Not that impressive, but here's my 1v1 of TF Blade smurfing in Gold

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 09:17 PM PST

The most bronze flash i have ever made. I am the Darius.

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 05:16 AM PST

Steeelback: "Back when they first joined the NA LCS, I received an offer to play for Immortals."

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 08:31 AM PST

KAI'SA Login Theme

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 12:36 PM PST

I wish Riot would make a Noxus support.

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 08:56 PM PST

I have always liked the way Noxus Champions feel. I like how they generally survive off of fighting and carnage, with a hint of oppression in there somewhere. Its either that, or that Noxus champ is an assassin. With Swain and the nation being updated, I really like where riot has taken Noxus. We have quite a few midlaners and toplaners in Noxus, but no supports. Noxus doesn't have Junglers either, but I felt like an assistant to Draven would be cool.

I thought it would be cool if a Noxus support would be someone completely different from the other Noxus champs, but Swain found value in him so he stuck around. What do you guys think?

*edit: To those saying Sion, my main comeback is that Riot didnt intend him to be a support and I see him more top lane these days. My guess is he needs the better gold income but idk im not challeger

submitted by /u/Weaknessess
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Forg1ven reached 14.1 cs per minute in a solo queue game. What is the actual highest cs record?

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 10:10 AM PST

As the title says Forg1ven reached 14.1 cs per minute in a solo queue game where he had an inting top laner. As many consider the 10 cs mark as the almost perfect creep score I was wondering how high is the actual cs record. Also another interesting fact is that in this game he had 76% kill participation so it wasn't like he was afk farming.

The op.gg is this one: http://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=TEAM24SEVEN and it's the last Sivir game when this thread was posted.

submitted by /u/Easyflip
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Caps: "The most important thing for me is to know that I've performed good myself."

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 07:10 AM PST

RNG players using Kabum in their nicks on korean soloq

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 05:07 AM PST

Ran made this tweet early today about Uzi changing his ID to KaBum Mimimi (https://twitter.com/ran9225/status/968031755285413889)

Soo then i checked out if there is any other player using Kabum in their ID

and i found 3 of then

Ming (http://www.op.gg/summoner/userName=kabumyjz) has some duos with Uzi

I belive this is Zzitai (http://www.op.gg/summoner/userName=Kabum+Zantins)

and Karsa (http://www.op.gg/summoner/userName=kabumranger)

i'm not 100% sure about Zzitai and Karsa tho.

submitted by /u/dada888
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Something I like about Kai'Sa is that she is one of the few truly hybrid champion we had in years

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 01:33 AM PST

Including not only new champions but also reworks of old champions. There are many champions with both AP and AD scalings, and many champions that deal a small amount of magic damage in addition to physical damage (or vice-versa). But most of them are very focused on dealing either physical or magic damage, and scaling heavily with either AP or AD, not both.

Champion reworks have also been removing the possibility to build champions with both AD or AP, and/or making them deal mostly/only physical or mostly/only magic damage. Examples of such champions: Poppy (lost most of her AP scalings, lost the ability to build both AD or AP or hybrid, deals 90% physical damage now), Tristana (she still has AP scalings, but her rework killed the viability of her AP build), Evelynn (rework removed her AD scalings and her E was changed to magic), Shen (rework removed many of his AP scalings), Aatrox (his E lost the AP scaling and was changed to physical damage). There are some reworked champions which are still hybrid, such as Warwick, Shyvana, Kog'Maw (before his rework was reverted), and Shaco, but they were already hybrid before. The only champion which gained the possibility to build hybrid with a rework was Mordekaiser, which used to be viable only AP. Now he can build AD items too, even if he still builds AP most of time. That said, outside of this fact, his rework was a complete mess.

Most recently released champions also can only build either AD or AP, not both. They also have single scalings. We used to have very few champions which would scale only with AD, now they are a common occurrence.

That's what I like about Kai'Sa, it seems like she will have a lot of diversity when it comes to possible build paths. Full AP, crit, on-hit hybrid carry, hybrid/on-hit bruiser, lethality, she can build focusing on her autos or focusing on her spells! The only build that isn't viable on Kai'Sa is full tank. Her kit even supports the fact that she is going to be an hybrid champion.

I wish Riot released more hybrid champions, but I can understand why they don't do that often. I am afraid that some of the future reworks will remove more hybrid champions, Akali is a notable example, she is one of the very few hybrid assassins we have.

submitted by /u/YumaS2Astral
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Aphromoo aint playin around no more

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 09:33 PM PST

A friend and I spend the last months building an app to find new friends for League of Legends. Here is the result.

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 12:42 PM PST


  • A web & mobile app to find gamers you really enjoy playing with and chat for your friends.
  • Check it out here: www.getsoj.com


Hey League community,

I guess you all know the pain to play SoloQue with toxic strangers that feed, leave or flame. Strangers steal your role in champion select, wish you cancer when you make a mistake, report you for bullshit reasons and make unpredictable gameplays that will lose you the game. Playing a game that needs an incredible amount of team play with strangers is, in most cases, a pain in the ass. And by nature, trying to solve the complex challenges on the rift with 4 random players that don't communicate with each other is close to impossible.


The most obvious solution to solve this problem is queuing up with a team of friends. You can discuss your strategy and champion picks in advance, make good calls during the game and in general, playing is 10 times more fun because people you know won't flame like strangers do once a mistake happens.


But what if playing SoloQue with strangers is the only option for you because:

  • Nobody of your friends is available to play?
  • Your friends are on a different skill level (like Bronze and you Platin)?
  • You don't have lots of friends playing League or don't know anybody?


A friend and I experienced the problem playing with toxic strangers over and over and thought:

Why isn't there a solution to easily find gamers you really enjoy playing League with?

We've now build an app to solve the problem and want you to give it a try.


How it works



Create your profile with: League information (in-game name, ranking, role, favorite champions) Personal information (profile picture, username, age, and description)

When you add your in-game name (Summoner name) we'll check with the Riot API your level, ranking and online status and display that information only to your friends (gamers you accepted on the app). If you have multiple accounts (like smurfs) you can add those too.


Find New Gamers:

You can swipe through gamers and send a friend request if you want to connect. To make sure you'll only see those that match your preferences we've added filters like ranking, role, region, age or language. Filters enable you to e.g. only search for a support player on gold who's 20-23 years old.

You can also find players directly by their unique username in the app (the @name). You can also share the URL that links to your profile to let other gamers find you (like an OP.GG link).


Chat, Friend List & Online Status:

Once gamers accept your friend request, you can chat and see if they are online to easily figure out when to play. You can also see on which Summoner Account they are currently playing (e.g. main or smurf). Think of it as a combination of WhatsApp and the League of Legends friend list.


Status & what's coming in the future:

The app currently works in the browser on your PC & Mobile phone and we're planning to add more features in the future. Next, we want to make the current version more stable and build the Android app. Later on, we're planning to add group chats and a group finder feature, just to name a few :)


If you made it this far reading and also had a look at the app, we're curious what you think :-)

Sven and Phil, the developers.

submitted by /u/PhD1337
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