Hearthstone - Streamer Sundays Weekly Discussion

Streamer Sundays Weekly Discussion

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 04:11 PM PST

Do you enjoy watching streamers? Do you wish there was an easier way to find new up-and-coming streamers beyond the well-known, established Twitch goliaths?

Do you have a stream yourself? Are you looking to get exposure but not sure how given how Twitch displays streams and how one-shot stream promotion posts on Reddit tend to get ignored? Is anyone still reading these questions?

This thread is for you!

If you are a streamer or know of a cool, lesser-known (read: doesn't regularly pull in 1K+ viewers) streamer feel free to post the URL and a short, informative pitch about why you feel others would be interested to watch it. Why should someone watch your suggested stream rather than one of the hundreds of other streams out there?

The next great streamer might be just one comment away.


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"Oink in charrrrge now" - Porkches

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:16 AM PST

Naga Sea Witch is not OK

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 11:08 PM PST

TL;DR) I don't like having someone play a 5/5 and 4-5 giants on turn 5 unless I am holding a Lightbomb in my hand.

Greetings fellow Hearthstone players. I am here today to talk about the interaction between Naga Sea Witch and the giant cards. First of all, let me state that I am a Wild format player. I prefer to have more deck archetypes open for me to play and to play against. I don't like standard because I feel like I am losing cards from my collection.

For those who are unfamiliar with this interaction, Naga Sea Witch sets the cost of all cards in your hand to 5 and the giant cards get reduced cost for various things (having less health, having more cards in your hand, number of minions on the field, etc.). The combination of these cards can result in an extremely powerful play. On turn 5 (or 4 with coin), a player can play Naga Sea Witch followed by up to 6 giants if they have good enough RNG.

Whenever I find someone using this combo, they average 3-5 giants in one turn, and this is usually TURN 5. Having a board of 5 8/8 minions and a 5/5 on turn 4 or 5 is completely unfun to play or to play against. This often results on whoever plays these winning 1 or 2 turns after.

One of the reasons I believe this should be changed is the ways to counter it. Aside from freeze effects, there is ONLY 1 card that can deal with this combo the turn after it is played: Lightbomb. Because a player has built a large board of large minions so early in the game, most board clears in this mana range will have no effect on your the giants board. Lightbomb is the only exception because each minion takes damage equal to their attack, but aside from Lightbomb, there are no other board clears of 6 or less mana that can deal with this.

Another reason I think this interaction should be changed is because of how many decks it is used in. This combo can be used in any class (Hunter, Warlock, Druid, etc.). I have seen many different types of decks such as Midrange Hunter, Demonlock, Aggro decks, and more using this combo of cards, and I have also been seeing it very frequently. When so many different types of decks are using this combo, it takes away fun from the game. I play wild because I like to see the variation of gameplay, not the same strategy in every deck.

In conclusion, I think that the Naga Sea Witch card should be changed back to its previous state. Being able to build a board of 3-5 giants and a 5/5 on turn 5 is very unfun. If you share these opinions or just want to tell me I'm butthurt from these cards, feel free to discuss it here.

(Edit: Equality + Consecrate/Wild Pyro can also kill them, but there are still too few ways to deal with it)

submitted by /u/TheTimeLord725
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I feel sorry about this guy.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 03:07 AM PST

I made Holy Crab art

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 01:56 PM PST

[Firebat] Why Barnes is broken and dumb

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 01:57 AM PST

Found someone while getting boba today.

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 04:34 PM PST

Which one do I choose guys?

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 03:15 PM PST

Don’t give priests treasure chests

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:50 AM PST

The best flare I've ever played

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 12:52 PM PST

Hearthstone, by far the "hardest game" to get into!

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 03:32 AM PST

So I recently reinstalled Hearthstone because of a hand injury and wow, they really made this game great after all those years. I remember when this game came out, it played like a sub par android game. Now it's a great card game. Respect for that... but... this game is by far the most pay2win game I've witnessed. You basically can't even do dailys because you get crushed left and right due to bad matchmaking. Basically all you get is get beaten up. You literally have to farm dailys for months if you want to get "better". Or you throwing a huge amount of money at your screen. I even bought the beginner pack right away and it gave me NOTHING. 400 dust for a legendary I didn't need. So after basically dusting everything I have to make a spell hunter deck, I quickly realized that one of the core cards "cat trick" is only available for me if I buy the Karazhan adventure for 20€. Wow, what a bummer. I really think this game is great playwise. But it's just a huge pay2win / rng mess that doesn't allow new players to do anything. Basically going on a lose streak for months before you can do anything. I think I was never that disappointed by a game. Why is that like that though? Usually BLizzard games are so easy and fun to get into.

submitted by /u/Nornuk
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A History of Nerfs: The Legend of the Warsong Commander Retold

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 08:51 AM PST

"I love this place so much," said 3/3 Shattered Sun Cleric as she stepped through the time portal.

"I agree. It brings back such memories..." nodded Sunfury Protector, giving taunt to all of her friends, no matter their placement.

"Yeah, my inventions are AWESOME again!" said Gelbin Mekkatorque. "Poultryizer transforming only enemies, Repair Bot healing only allies... They're not useless anymore!"

"Good for you," said Warsong Commander, who was sitting away from the group.

6 mana Stormwind Champion approached her, putting his hand on her shoulder. "You're still upset about your nerf?"

"Of course I am! Why did it have to be me? Frothing Berserker used to be 1/4, then they doubled his attack. Why they didn't nerf him? Or Grim Patron? Or someone else?" Warsong Commander was crying now.

"Come now, it will be alright," said 2/3 Master Swordsmith and gave his bonus to Twilight Drake who was already 9/9 thanks to the 9 other cards in hand. "It could've been worse."

5/5 Captain Greenskin sat beside her and drew a card. "You were already nerfed one time, am I right?" he asked, the 1/2 Captain's Parrot sitting on his shoulder.

"YES, SHE WAS ABLE TO GIVE ME CHARGE," the voice of 10/10 Molten Giant thundered through the air.

"AND ME TOO," 10/10 Mountain Giant joined his friend.

"She was able to give everyone charge, no matter their attack!" shouted Shieldbearer angrily, enraging himself to +1 attack.

"I was," Warsong Commander agreed. "So they nerfed me. Then I wasn't used for quite some time. Even OTK Warriors didn't need me."

"But you rose again alongside the Grim Patron Warriors, didn't you?" said 0/5 Nat Pagle. Then he was lucky enough to draw a card at the end of his turn.

"I did rise again. I was useful again. But in the end, it was all just a dream. It was all for nothing."

"That's not true," 5 mana Gadgetzan Auctioneer said. "If there's one thing I've learned, it's that no deck rules forever."

"Exactly," 2/4 Dalaran Mage concurred. "Everything has to come to an end eventually."

"I know. It's just... I..." Warsong Commander sobbed.

"You were not prepared," 7/6 Illidan Stormrage finished her sentence and discarded a few cards from both his enemies and allies, then let them draw again.

"I wasn't. I mean, it's such a drastic change. I'm utterly useless now. I'm even more situational than Raid Leader!"

"Tell me about being useless..." 1 mana 1/2 Mana Wraith said.

Warsong Commander continued: "I mean, look at Sylvanas Windrunner. It doesn't matter if she's 5 or 6 mana, she's still a great card! Why can't I be like her? Why did they have to destroy me?" she asked her friends, sorrow turning into anger.

"Sometimes cards just have to change. I'm not saying it was a reasonable nerf. But hey, at least you had your blast," said Tinkmaster Overspark while he targeted his device towards one of the imps that 1/6 Imp Master spawned.

"Exactly," 1/2 Novice Engineer agreed just as she was given taunt by 3/3 Defender of Argus. "You were part of one of the strongest and most popular decks in the game."

"And you were most essential part of it," added 1/4 Lorewalker Cho.

"Don't you want to say something, Leeroy? Weren't you upset about your nerf too?" asked Dark Iron Dwarf while he gave +2 attack to him permanently.

"At least I had chicken," said 4 mana Leeroy Jenkins before he was summoned with a 2 mana discount by Pint-Sized Summoner.

"You know people will remember you, right?" 4/3 Cult Master was trying to comfort her.

"Don't be so hard on yourself," 4/3 Argent Commander added.

"And always try to make the best of your situation," said Mana Addict with +3 attack bonus sitting beside her friend, Undertaker with +1/+1 bonus.

There was a silence for a while.

Warsong Commander stood up. "You know what, guys? You're right. It's a tough change, but as long as I remember what I used to be and what I was able to do, I think it's fine. It won't be easy. But knowing that I was part of something bigger - something legendary - will help. My existence had meaning. And while I'm not needed right now, it could change in the future again."

She was smiling now. "And I know I won't be alone. I'll be waiting with you, guys. Our time will surely come. But for now, I think I'm ready to take my place amongst the legends of the past."

-The End-

Note: I recently came across this little piece of old fan fiction that really made my day. Now Corridor Creeper, Patches the Pirate, Raza the Chained and Bonemare can all join the ranks of Legends.

Full credit for the writing goes to HorLukRos as seen on Hearthpwn. https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/347793-legend-of-the-warsong-commander

submitted by /u/TheGunnolf
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Do I take the meme, the lose condition or the RNG fiesta?

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 11:34 AM PST

Happy New Year

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 11:15 PM PST

My Hearthstone fanart - Murloc the Hunter

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 09:19 AM PST

No, you shut up!

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 08:15 AM PST

They updated Candleshot!

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 12:13 PM PST

Name a more iconic duo.

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 05:49 PM PST

(Tavern brawl) Gahz'rilla + Bouncing blade combo

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 10:47 PM PST

Poor aggro decks

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 01:16 AM PST

Finally got Blade of Quel'Delar after about 100 Dung runs

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 05:16 PM PST

I had a gut feeling to keep Swamp King Dred in the mulligan. It paid off.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:34 AM PST

Twitch IRL this Savant was playing Hearthstone and Piano simultaneously

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 10:31 AM PST

My opponent didn't think that through

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 09:07 AM PST

How unlucky can I be?

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 06:52 PM PST

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