Guild Wars 2 - Just noticed what a cute handmade helm they made for Balthazar in Amnoon

Just noticed what a cute handmade helm they made for Balthazar in Amnoon

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 05:43 AM PST

20 000 Divine Lucky Envelopes opening and numbers

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 01:28 PM PST

TL;DR Anet is on drugs Steamed Red Dumplings and they can go and steam themselves.
Heyo, 20k divine envelopes, ain't that neat. Anyways, the usual link to the video should be around HERE.
Magic Find was 951%. To reach those high numbers you can check the wiki page for magic find or this reddit post totally not by me.
And thanks to everyone who made this possible! Virtual hugs or handshakes or thankful nods to the sellers, depends which ones you want. Can have all even!


NUMBERS! (20000 divine envelopes opened at 951% MF):

Item name Item count
Golden Dog Figurine 20900
Ornamental Golden Trophy 1026
Lucky Dog Lantern 720
Lucky Great Dog Lantern 40
Lucky Draketail 14062
Lucky Guild Firework 1864
Lucky Prismatic Rocket 1908
Visage of the Gread Dog Firework 1412
Fried Golden Dumpling 7072
Spring Roll 935
Steamed Red Dumpling 921
Sweet Bean Bun 689
Essence of Luck (fine) 47680
Essence of Luck (masterwork) 16249
Essence of Luck (rare) 16894
Essence of Luck (exotic) 6793
Essence of Luck (legendary) 626


So all in all from vendor trash (figurines and thropies) I got 27695.8288g or around 1.3848g per envelope.
Also got 4 650 250 luck (which is 354 800 luck more than required for getting account luck from 0% to 300%) or around 232.5 luck per envelope.


As you can see, no riceballs or those other fireworks in the common loot table. Magic Find was just too high for them to drop.

submitted by /u/sutgon
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When you dont delete your mails.

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 07:22 AM PST

Just a friendly reminder... Lunar New Year ends in 14 hours from now (10 A.M. PST | 12 P.M. CST | 1 P.M. EST)

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 06:56 PM PST

So if you were hoarding envelopes to open on the last day.. better do it now before it's gone since you get the bonus 15% MF from the event. Since today is the last day.

submitted by /u/SaiyanOfDarkness
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My thief painted by /u/Lishtenbird

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 12:58 AM PST

Looking for a Path of Fire playthrough on Charr character

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 06:27 AM PST

So I've been updating the wiki's pages on the Path of Fire story missions, and one thing I've noticed is that they did a much better job this time of having different races say different things at certain times (in addition to other differences). Not all the time, but enough to be interesting. This is especially relevant because PoF deals heavily with the human gods, and some other races don't have a very good (or just a different) opinion of gods.

So while I'm updating the wiki, I'll watch videos of others' playthroughs of the missions to capture the different statements made by the different races. However, I'm having a hard time finding a playthrough on Charr. I found a few early missions, and a random one or two, but not a full playthrough (and since I do this when I can't play, it's not like I can just play it through myself).

I have a source for Norn and Sylvari, and human/asura are vastly over-represented (although that makes it easier to find a human that worships different gods, which can also result in differences). Does anyone know of a full playthrough of the story using a Charr character?

Edit: Found one, provided by /u/PersonaJXT

Edit 2: How is this over 100 points? Do people feel strongly about Charr representation? Or just a slow news day?

submitted by /u/Vahkris
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The music of GW2

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 07:56 PM PST

I think this is the first MMO so far that I just don't turn off the music right from the start, I been playing for about a 3 weeks now, and I still enjoy it, that is all.

submitted by /u/Tanhubas
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ArenaNet Forum Chats scrapped or just delayed?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 12:27 PM PST

Two months ago, Anet announced bi-weekly forum chats with Devs/dev teams to start in February.

Has this been scrapped or is it just delayed because they needed to delay episode 2 as well?

Would be nice to get some info on that and which dev/team we will be communicating with first.

submitted by /u/rude_asura
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Up to date roaming builds

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 04:08 PM PST

Howdy, all! I am trying to get myself and a couple friends into WvW small group roaming and was wondering where I could find a comprehensive list of strong roaming builds.

Currently, one of my friends and I have got a lot out of a Trapper DH and a Condi Shatter Mirage, but are looking more specifically for a good support build that has good synergy with these two for our third friend as the DH typically gets targeted and blows up under pressure as well as a bit of a bruiser build for our other friend.

I have visited Metabattle, but many of their builds for roaming seem to have been made a long time ago and the comments and reviews typically 6+ months old so we're not very confident in some of them.

submitted by /u/LordDaedhelor
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2nd Week of GvG's starting in 1 hour!

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 06:07 PM PST

Hey guys!

For anyone who was watching the past week, we concluded the NA Season 1 GvG Tournaments first round of GvG's last night, with PYRO taking out DC 4-0. You can view the full brackets here if you want to take a look at how all the other matches went.

You can also check out the schedule for any upcoming GvG's here

Tonight we will be kicking off the 2nd round of GvG's with BOO (who we saw 4-0 DEF last week) going up against TBT! We haven't seen TBT fight yet, as their scheduled GvG was cancelled last week when PB had to pull out of the tournament. Tonight's match is going to be streamed on Gregor's channel and we'll be starting that up in a little under an hour, so make sure to come check it out. There will be a giveaway or two as well during the stream ;)

Big thanks to all the guilds who we saw GvG last week, as well as everyone who tuned in to the streams. We hope you guys continue to enjoy the fights coming up!



submitted by /u/Roile
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Anyone experiencing lag lately? Huge spikes and dc

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 01:16 PM PST

Mainly on ranked spvp for me. I am new to this game not sure if its me.

submitted by /u/gabtielhguedes
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beastmode skills

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 09:39 AM PST

Instead of having pet archetypes, the F1-2 skills should be based on which pet you're using. Pets such as smokescale, bristleback, rock gazelle and the plants already do so- no wonder you see most soulbeasts using them. No wonder they're still the best pets to use!

The cheetah and sand lion are the worst offenders. they are PoF pets, yet use the exact same skills as the other cats. The cheetahs F2 is a shadowstep, which would be amazing to have in beastmode. Why on earth use the same old F1-2 that all five other cats use .

If you changed the beastmode skills to reflect which pet you merged with, I can see a lot more previously never used pets gain a use. Gain stealth with the jaguar, blind enemies with the raven, fear with the wolf. If you're using the tiger, a ferocious pet , why does one of your beastmode skills do bleeding.

TL;DR pet archetype skills in beastmode are absolute garbage and should be changed

submitted by /u/ChartFish
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Horrible FPS problems -- help?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 01:49 PM PST

Of late, my FPS in this game has become unbearable. My FPS hovers around 25 and often dips down to 5, even when I'm not in a crowded area; sometimes it even freezes entirely (it doesn't freeze my whole computer -- it's just GW2 that locks up). I have everything set on Best Performance, and I even make sure to turn off ALL unnecessary background programs via Task Manager (stuff like f.lux, any Google Chrome bits that might be hanging around, my external drive auto backup, etc.), but I still have this problem.

My computer isn't a hardcore gaming machine, but it's not exactly a potato either. Here's my specs:

Windows 10 64 bit CPU: Intel i5 650 @ 3.20 GHz RAM: 12 gigs GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti. My drivers are up to date. HDD: I am not sure about what type this is exactly or how to find out. It's a normal HDD though, NOT an SSD, about 1 TB total.

Other games run just fine, even other MMOs. I play Elder Scrolls Online, a game which came out in 2014 (two years AFTER GW2) and I'm able to run that game on very high quality graphics settings with nowhere NEAR the same problems I have with GW2.

Is there anything I can do to improve this? I don't need perfectly smooth 60 FPS at all times -- I'd just like the game to be playable again.

submitted by /u/LucidSeraph
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What I do when I'm stuck at work for 3 1/2 days straight

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 08:39 PM PST

A rare glimpse of a Slubling's communal gathering serenading "The Circle of Life"

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 12:45 AM PST


Posted: 21 Feb 2018 07:00 PM PST

So I'm a new player, just a month in. So I heard raiding is hardcore PvE content. How rewarding is it? Where to begin? I already gave manged to get a full set of ascended armour and 2 ascended rings too. I play a Daredevil thief (almost full berserker) so will I be accepted into groups? What else do i need?

submitted by /u/EtherealDemon666
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I never played GW2 before. Whats the current state of the game? Should I give it a try?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 02:16 AM PST

Ty my comrades.

submitted by /u/Linkarus
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What would have to change to make any variant of Necro other than Scourge attractive for raids and T3/4 fractals?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 08:12 AM PST

I play reaper, because I find it tremendously fun. Also, I worked too damn hard crafting Dark Harvest to just toss it in the bank.

Is there any positive outlook or potential for Reaper becoming welcome in raid and/or higher level fractal groups?

submitted by /u/sigshane
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Fashion Wars Gone Wrong

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 08:36 PM PST

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