Elder Scrolls Online - Veteran Adventurers

Veteran Adventurers

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 07:30 PM PST

I wanted a cool screenshot, got photobombed by my monkey

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 08:43 AM PST

The Day I Became God

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 11:58 AM PST

Pink Chicks of ESO presents: Valentrials Day!

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 01:35 PM PST

[Discussion] My first visit to Cyrodiil (PC NA)

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 04:07 PM PST

So I have been playing ESO for a couple of months now and I finally plucked up the nerve to stick my head into Cyrodiil. Ran through the tutorial and saw in chat that we were trying to take back Chalman Keep, so I jumped on my trusty camel, and rode off to see if I could assist.

Let me just say upfront that I had no business being in Cyrodiil. I am sitting on 105CP and built primarily for my own solo PvE gameplay. That said, we took back the keep, held it and fought off a few invasions before I had to leave.

I died a lot.

Brutal deaths.

Vicious, brutal, deaths involving damage numbers I hadn't experienced before. But I rallied each time, especially when one brave soul shouted in chat "Remember the Chalamo!" (in reference to the valiant stand we were making at Chalman Keep)

This visit to Cyrodiil won't be my last, but I am going to have to do my research before setting foot in their again. I may have to roll a new character just for PvP.

For the Pact!

submitted by /u/Burgundy_Lotus
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Dual Wield - 2nd best option after daggers?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 03:01 AM PST

I'm making this set:

  • 2 PC Velidreth
  • 5 PC Automaton (2 body + Jewelry)
  • 3 PC Vicious Ophidian (3 body)
  • FrontBar: 2PC Vicious Ophidian
  • OffBar: vMA Bow

For the frontbar, I don't have 2 VO Daggers, but I have 2 Axes and 2 swords

What is the best option in this case?

Axe+Sword? Axe+Axe? Sword+Sword?

Also, which one should be main hand?

submitted by /u/Gibus043
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My bad

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 01:16 PM PST

Have been waiting for awhile now to hit 10k fir the first time and buy the cheapest horse, finally do that, rush to a stable master and buy the Sorrel Horse

I get a notification in my collections and go to mounts so I can equip it as active and what do I see? The Nix-ox steed.

I had no clue I had a free mount for owning Morrowind, didn't read that anywhere, and it didn't equip automatically so whenever I accidentally pressed the mount button it would just tell me I can't do that

Currently typing this with 42 gold and a little salt, luckily I like the horse better, just wouldnt have spent all my gold on it if I knew

submitted by /u/Lyudos_
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Looks like a good place to find a chest, right!?!

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 01:26 PM PST

which house should i buy?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 01:09 AM PST

Ive come to 2 house choices that interest me,but I can't make a decision.hundings palatial hall or amaya lake lodge,and why?

submitted by /u/theresalight_
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ZOS I'm pretty sure a lot of people would appreciate an unlocked camera during dialog.

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 09:57 AM PST

I downloaded this mod called "Free Dialog Camera (First and Third Person)" and I think it is a really refreshing point of view. The static camera for every npc can be a little cold at times. Walking up to someone in third person is like setting up your own movie shot each convo. It's nice in first person too.

Here's a link to the download for this mod.


submitted by /u/TheMoraf
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I'm Excited I Just Hit CP160!

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 02:40 AM PST

I managed to salvage this from a deleted thread because my whole title was in caps including the number 1, 6, and 0.

Just hit CP 160 tonight, I think now it's time to get my affairs in order. I'm basically a casual scrub that only plans on tanking Normal Content. Since I'm still heavily questing at the moment I figure I can keep all my CPs going toward a Butcher Build, grab a Plague Doctor set, those Weapons that start with a T (Torgald or something), then would it be permissible to grab a set that focuses on Stamina? I figure with a Stamina set I can still block a lot while doing enough DPs while questing, the Plague Doctor will up my health, the CP points will still enable me to quest at a reasonable rate, what do you suggest for decent work horse 2 Hander?

Like I said I only plan on doing easy group content until I get bored and good enough to do Vets at which point I'll grab a different set more geared for tanking to go with Plague Doctor.

Thanks again for any one that's already seen me post about this weeks ago, probably a bit annoying.

I'm an Argonian Dragon Knight.

submitted by /u/Raids_For_Casuals
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Why is my fps so low?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 04:06 AM PST

As mentioned in the title, I have a Gtx 1070 and i5 4670k and have no trouble running The Witcher 3 at max settings, but in ESO most of the time I get around 40-50 FPS at max settings, am I doing something wrong?

submitted by /u/llviownvll
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Let's face it: Group questing in ESO isn't all that great. Here are some ideas on how to fix it.

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 11:24 AM PST

Hey everyone,

I originally got ESO as a game to play with my friends in a Skyrim style, questing with my friends. Unfortunately for the past me, the game has taken more of an MMO route with questing primarily being solo and the mutliplayer aspect coming in on various aspects such as trials and world bosses.

So, how are some ways that ESO can become a better place for friends that want to quest together?

It should be noted that before 1T Craglorn was supposed to be a "group questing" zone, but it quickly became dead and only used for trials and guild traders in Belkarth. So what was wrong with it?

First of all, the quests themselves weren't particularly great in Craglorn. Many involved going around the zone killing things and collecting their essences without much reason. There were multiple quest lines happening at the same time, and it wasn't always clear on where to go next.

Because of this, I will focus on the main zones and how to get them working nicer. Let's begin.

If you're short on time, start reading here.

The first big step would obviously be to make the quest sharing feature more forgiving. If everyone in a group hasn't done a quest (that isn't a daily), then it should be able to be shared and done cooperatively. And it isn't.

There's also a ton of other things that are either very small stuff (having groups be able to travel to some solo zones together) or way too big to be realistic (Changing quests to be more group-friendly), but I'll leave it there.

What do y'all think about improving ESO's group questing experience? I feel like if it can create a more appealing group overland experience it would feel more like the Skyrim-coop game that so many people were complaining about.

submitted by /u/Llama_soup
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What's wrong with some of the sets?

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 02:51 PM PST

Although I'm just level 50, I already farmed a few sets in dungeons and everytime I got disappointed by the use of some. My greatest burden: The Ice Furnace heavy armor set...

I picked the new Warden class and due to the Warden's Frost Damage skills, I thought this set would be awesome! When you have 5 pieces of this Ice Furnace set, you will gain this effect: "When you deal direct damage with a Frost Damage ability, you have a 50% chance to deal an additional 1046 Flame Damage to all enemies within 8 meters around the initial target. This effect can occur once every 1 second."

Nevertheless, it works with only 1 Frost Damage skill; Crystallized Shield which is morphed into Crystallized Slab and that's not even close to a big deal. I know that it says 'direct damage', but still...

Since the Ice Furnace set is already a few years old, why is there no update due to the Morrowind edition? I mean, it would work very good with the Warden's Frost Damage abilities and finally there would be a nice purpose for this set instead of using it with a Frost Staff. It's just a great opportunity, otherwise I guess the Ice Furnace set is ready for Sovngarde...

Do you guys experienced also struggles like this with some of the sets, or is it just me?

submitted by /u/HazeHopper
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Mod for a Dungeon Scoreboard?

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 11:44 PM PST

Is there a mod that track stats of all your party members? Ex. DPS, Damage Taken, Healing, etc? I used to play Neverwinter and it was always nice to finish the dungeon and see what numbers you led in, it helped me get better as well.

submitted by /u/ChrischinLoois
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Doing writs?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 03:09 AM PST

Hello there, pretty much I stumble upon in many topics that almost everyone does daily writs. I haven`t been playing for long time but I am cp 390 and have 8 fifties but never have I ever tried writs. Should I start? Is it a good income of gold or why should I do that? I usually farm gold grinding mobs in public dungeons or so, are crafting writs better or why people do that?

submitted by /u/Trhanec
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[Discussion] How do Magicka Nightblade and sorc compare in PVE and PVP?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 02:30 AM PST

Im interested in both of these classes but wondering which class is better at pve and which is better at pvp etc..

submitted by /u/wotad
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After meeting the bosmer king, I know I picked the right race.

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 09:40 AM PST

I love this dude haha. What are everyone else's favorite leaders?

submitted by /u/GAS_UP_THE_HUEY
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Looking for updated class guides.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 01:13 AM PST

as the title says i am looking for class guides for pve/pvp stuff i remeber there used to be a site alcast? but seems to not be updated anymore.

Where else can i look for ?

submitted by /u/burned20022003
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New to ESO!

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 01:15 PM PST

Hi all! I've recently picked up the base game for the PS4 and so far i'm absolutely loving playing a sorcerer!

Is there any tips you can recommend for a newcomer to the game?

Cheers! :D

submitted by /u/seshgoth
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Ice Staff proposed change: Chilled Status

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 10:10 AM PST

Hey Y'all,

I really like to Ice Staff Tank and something I've been thinking about is how Ice Staff could be used in DPS builds, I know there's everything with Taunting, which is taboo now, but I'd actually like to change the functionality of the Chilled Status effect.

Right now Chilled will give enemies Minor Maim, reducing their damage by a bit, which is great for damage reduction, but I'd like to change the effect to apply Minor Fracture & Breach, this will allow not only Ice-Tanks to supply better utility and increase team damage, but it'll also increase Ice Staff DPS, which is the lowest of all Destruction Staff Damage types.

What are your thoughts?

submitted by /u/Mr_Stach
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Malabal Tor Cribs

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 07:22 PM PST

This is my favorite zone!!! I have both the Cyrodillic Jungle House and Blackvine Villa house they are so awesome... I was wondering if anyone else feels the same way and can share their decorated house? I'm looking for some cool ideas:)

submitted by /u/fartsinsolitude
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Help with mag warden for imperial city farming

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 10:58 PM PST

Coming back after about a 9 month break and want to play my yellow with a friend in imp city and don't even know where to start other then that I have imperial physique. Any advice?

Edit: Should add I am max cp and want a good combo of being able to spa but also survive pvp'ng

submitted by /u/KushInMyBluntzz
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Monday Alt Quandry

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 10:53 PM PST


I am planning on rolling an alt on Monday, and since I have been playing a Stamina Nightbldade, I want to try a ranged nuking class. From what I have read, that really leaves me only two options, both magika-based: Templar or Sorcerer.

What's the common concensus on which is the better solo-leveling class? I.e., has better DPS/Sustain and survivability for PvE and a little PvP? My main can craft gear, but I really don't see being able to farm (or buy!) ultra-high end gear as I am mostly a casual.

Any opinions and tips would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/RocketRabbit
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