Elder Scrolls Online - Just how my character's appearance changed through gameplay... what have I become?

Just how my character's appearance changed through gameplay... what have I become?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 04:25 PM PST

Since we're showing off our characters all together, here's my secret Santa gift!

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:24 PM PST

Sméagol is that you?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 03:23 PM PST

When you can't sleep so instead you just watch the sunrise in ESO

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:27 PM PST

Did you know? Your character "complains" if you spin them around too much.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:08 PM PST

So I was looking at my characters in the "Character Select" screen and ended up spinning them for a while. That's when I started to notice that they were "reacting" to the spins. They would point at the screen(me), look disgruntled, sad, shake their heads, facepalm, throw a knife, cry, tell me to stop or even call me crazy.

I thought that this was really fun and how different each character reacted. Give it a shot sometime and you'll see.

submitted by /u/Maulclaw
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[Suggestion] Outfit System: Change left and right shoulder separately

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 03:39 PM PST

[Media] My healer, tank, and DPS, all posing together and being bros

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:48 AM PST

[PC] Many thanks to the PUG that allowed me to do my first trial today! Now I'm hungry for more.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 06:36 PM PST

My Attempt at a Dagoth Ur outfit=P

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 02:27 PM PST

[Media] House Redoran's best and brightest are on the job.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:12 AM PST

All I want for my Argonian...

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 06:47 AM PST

...Is a personality/Emote that activates when you gather a Fetcherfly/Butterfly/Dragonfly of his tongue shooting out and eating it.

c'mon ZoS, Take my Crowns.

submitted by /u/_Snaffle
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The best addition to Leveling Characters: Dungeons are now blocked by levels

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 06:49 AM PST

How do damage buffs and DOTs interact?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:57 AM PST

If I have minor berserking and a dot, which should I cast first?

If I cast a dot THEN berserking, will the remaining ticks of damage be increased?

Or does berserking need to be active at the time of the DOT being cast? If so, does damage fall as berserking falls?

Sorry if my question is unclear!

submitted by /u/WassaRuiner
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The Lone Monkey

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 05:01 PM PST

So, I was keep going with my adventures when suddenly I spotted a lone monkey and decided to take a Pic.


I was kind of a loner as well, so I joined him.


The end.

submitted by /u/EuronFuckingGreyjoy
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Main quests out of order for new players? (SPOILERS)

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:53 PM PST


So I'm a new player, I've just completed the main quest in Vvardenfell and saved Vivec. Also cleared most of the smaller towns and whatnot. With nowhere left to go I check out the docks and go to Ebonheart (my alliance) and discover a ton of quests in Mournhold where I arrived.

Now a few problems:

  • my main quest now is Soul Shriven in Coldharbour, which in my journal states "I died, but that was only the beginning... I awoke in Oblivion [...]". Wtf? When did I die?

  • Naryu Virian, who I helped extensively in Vvardenfell, appears to be meeting me for the first time. And in her very first dialog in Mournhold she's talking about some Maulborn (?) thing which is never explained to me, and she talks as if I'm supposed to know why we're meeting. It's like I'm thrown into the middle of a quest... from the past.

What's going on? Are the quests just badly written? Was I not supposed to do Vvardenfell first?

edit: thanks all. Figured it out, I'll do my next main quest (Soul Shriven in Coldharbour) which will lead me to Bleakrock and the "old" story.

submitted by /u/criticalshits
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Using Dungeons to Level Issues

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 05:35 PM PST

I've been dungeoning since lvl 10 and almost lvl 30, I was wondering if I were to just dungeon to max level, would I run into any issues afterward?

-Would my quests become useless?

-Rewards are meaningless?

-Would things be harder?

I'm pretty new to the game so I don't know everything in the game so if anyone could shed some knowledge of what to expect or what I should be doing instead please.

submitted by /u/Illacen
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Call to Arms! As a Community We Need to Update the Wiki!

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 01:11 PM PST

As i'm sure many of you have noticed the fextralife Elder Scrolls Online wiki is very out of date. Most of the dungeons have outdated mechanics guides and recommendations as old as the old Vet Level system.

If only a handful of players could help fill in some of this content we would have a much better resource for newer players.

As an example, it's been over a week since release (not to mention PTS) and there is still not a walkthrough up for Fang Lair:

The fextralife wiki is the first thing that shows up in many google searches for ESO, and it's really a shame it has been neglected by the community so much. Please help your fellow players out and update!

submitted by /u/Blackdragon1400
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Is tanking fun? In comparison to healing.

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 03:58 AM PST

Hello there, I have to say I dont like playing dps in this game very much. The rotation and it just feels weird. On the other hand I do enjoy healing since you can also do dps etc. I wonder how is tanking? I tried that a bit in normal dungeons but it felt like no one really needed me there as the content was easy. I wonder, in more difficult content do you find tanking fun? Isnt it just about holding block for the most part and keeping agro? Or is it more active and actually fun?

submitted by /u/Trhanec
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How is mag warden in pvp

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 03:56 AM PST

Title.. I'm trying to find which character to change over from I've to pvp so I can play with a friend in ep. How good is it and any rec financed gear?

submitted by /u/cadeross
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When to start normal trials a tank?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:00 PM PST

I'm nearing cp levels on my tank alt and am wondering when I should take up trials. I realize there's not as clear of benchmarks as there are for dps and I'm a bit unsure what I need to do in trials.

submitted by /u/Hoohehahafuneeee
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The benefit of knowing a ton of recipes?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:51 PM PST

So is there any real benefit to knowing a ton of provisioning recipes? I've heard it increases your chances of getting a master writ when you turn in prov writs but is that actually true? just trying to figure out if I should buy these recipes to learn them or to resell. EDIT: specified provisioning recipes

submitted by /u/Corgeo
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As a tank, when do I need to block?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:20 PM PST

I'm a fairly new tank and found that outside of trying to solo world bosses I can generally just soak up all damage and never need to block. I've been running some normal PUG dungeons and neither the mobs nor the bosses attacks put much of a dent in my health even when I'm unbuffed and don't have any damage shields up. I've got around 35k health which from what I've read is typical for a tank.

When and where do I actually need to block?

submitted by /u/Rufio45
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Use for stolen items?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 03:17 AM PST

I'm specifically talking about the treasures. I keep looking online, and it seems like they're only there to sell, but every time I fence a blue treasure, I get the dialogue box that says "are you sure you wanna do that?" I feel like I'm making some terrible mistake by selling them.

You can't use them to furnish a house, right?

Is there someone out there that has quests related to these things?

I thought they might work like Trophies, but I don't see a similar list for the.

If there's no other use for these things, why is there a dialogue box that questions your decision to sell them?

submitted by /u/OgreJehosephatt
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Farming Gold and Playing Merchants

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:36 PM PST

Can someone help me on the current best spots - ways to farm gold?


I was thinking on making an Imperial - Sorc - DPS to kills tons of mobs while having bonus gold on every armor piece (+ race bonus gold) and making a couple of thief chars to steal and sell treasures...

Is this good? I want to make at least 1mill every week


Also, playing merchant, I have been told to sell unrefined mats and that's the best bet, is this true? And the best way to get unrefined mats would be to destroy all my loot items and gather around while also having the hireling, right?


Thanks in advance guys!!

submitted by /u/Muregain
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