Destiny - This Week at Bungie - 2/01/2018

This Week at Bungie - 2/01/2018

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:39 PM PST


This week at Bungie, we deployed an update to Destiny 2.

Update 1.1.2 went live on Tuesday, infusing the player experience with Armor Masterworks and Raid Mods. Rewards have been restructured for Leviathan and Eater of Worlds completions, too! For a full rundown on patch notes, make sure to sort through the bullets.

On Wednesday, part two of the Fall of Osiris webcomic series became available. Right here on, you can follow the continuation of the story.

We've also mapped the road ahead, plotting a course through the coming months with a full schedule of updates. Christopher Barrett provides commentary for upcoming changes, with some insight as to what you can expect for the future of Destiny 2. Take a peek, and sound off with your thoughts. Something you've been talking to us about might be on the list.

Image Link

With all that has been said and shipped this week, we have many new questions to tackle. When's the next Sandbox update? Have you heard our feedback about movement in Destiny 2? What about Shoulder Charge?

Read on if you want to know more.

Sand People

On the Development Roadmap, we forecast one update that players have been talking about a lot. We've been gathering lots of feedback about the Destiny 2 Sandbox, and seeing it on a deployment schedule sparks more questions. Design Lead Josh Hamrick is here with the first of many rounds of answers.

Hamrick:Hello again! We've been promising more details about our work on the Destiny 2 Sandbox, so here we are.

Before we get started I want to lend some context. The Sandbox Team is currently working on lots of updates for Destiny 2. Over the next several months, as those various delivery dates approach, there will be many visits from me or one of my teammates. Know that we'll be chatting with you again and again to share more details with you as we acquire them. This meal will span many courses. Here's the first…

We've begun playtesting a series of changes that you will have in your hands in the next few months. Sandbox is lovingly begun to refer to this series of changes as the "Go Fast Update." These are the changes we are currently playtesting. They're not guaranteed to ship, but the outlook is good at this point.

Our goals for this round are to provide individual players with more hero moments by increasing overall speed and mobility, increasing the amount of supers you charge to demolish your enemies, and increasing the frequency and impact of our most montage worthy power weapons, especially in the Crucible.
Here's what we're doing:

  • All three glides plus Catapult and Strafe Lift have been retuned and buffed to make them more unique and faster.

  • The mobility stat has had its range expanded and been completely retuned as well. In short, everyone gets faster and the high end is higher.

  • The players' ground speed cap has been increased, allowing for faster total movement speed, regardless of how you may get there.

  • Arcstrider, Sentinel, and Striker all move faster, and at the same speed as one another, while in their Supers.

  • Arcstrider, as a whole, is performing well in PvP but mostly due to its neutral game perks. We've made the following changes in an effort to get the Super to be a more competitive option:

  • Faster Attack Animations.

  • Faster Dodge Animations.

  • Increased range of all attacks.

  • Supers recharge faster for everyone!

  • We've buffed several weapon archetypes (including, but not limited to, Hand Cannons, Pulse Rifles, Sniper Rifles, and Shotguns) and a few specific perks, as well.

  • A key goal here is to make Shotguns, Snipers, and Fusion rifles more prevalent in the game.

  • We've also been working side-by-side with our friends on PvP to increase the pace of PvP combat and the frequency of power play. Here's a sneak peek at their hard work:

  • Player respawn times for all Quickplay modes have been decreased.

  • Power Ammo respawn timers for all Quickplay modes have been reduced ~30%.

  • Power Ammo respawn timers in Survival have been reduced ~40%.

  • Power Ammo respawn timers in Countdown have been reduced ~25%.

  • Ammo counts have been adjusted in relation to these timers, and in relation to weapon type.

  • Enemy players now drop their power ammo on death.

    • The dropped brick is available to anyone until picked up or 30 seconds have passed.
      Finally, the Shoulder Charge changes that went in a couple of months ago have been fully reverted. Shoulder Charge's movement utility was perceived as more valuable than its damage utility, which made it feel bad to actually hit someone with Shoulder Charge. The movement was effectively a "free" dodge.

The goal of the untargeted distance nerf was to discourage using the ability as a movement mode by making it only effective when using it against enemies. In retrospect, we think this change was a mistake and we've heard you all say the same. We believe there are a number of gameplay atoms like this that perform or are used differently than we expected but are thoroughly enjoyed nonetheless. In the future, we want to embrace the state of gameplay atoms like that and balance around it, not against it.

One final note that will be important to all the snipers out there. Many of you have rightfully complained that Snipers flinch too hard when you're taking hits, especially as they are now power weapons. We have dug into this and found that somewhere along the way towards shipping D2, we acquired a bug that is preventing us from being able to successfully tune this to the values that we would all like. While the current batch of changes we are playtesting go a long way to bringing snipers back to where they should be, this bug will still prevent them from feeling perfect. That bug, which we are actively working on fixing, requires some deep changes to the art of each of the individual snipers in the game. That will take us a while to stomp out. We'll get it fixed and pushed out to you as soon as we possibly can.

Like I mentioned, this is the first part in a series of Sandbox Updates that we hope you come to enjoy. As these changes continue to solidify, we'll have more to say. The next items on our agenda after these changes include the mod system rework (which we plan to use to buff ability cooldowns) and the Exotic balance pass. We're also continuing to evaluate Destiny 2's weapon slot system and how all the different types of weapons in Destiny fit into the game, how they are being played, and what we can do to improve that experience. Expect to hear more from us about that in a future update.

Until next time,


Iron SupportImage Link When downloading and installing updates, Destiny Player Support is on tap to keep you on course. From the moment we open the floodgates after a maintenance period, associates on the team begin monitoring the forums for rising issues.

This is their report.

XP Issues (Resolved)
With Destiny update 1.1.2, the amount of XP required to earn a rank up was changed from 160k XP to 120k XP. Shortly after deployment, an issue was discovered where the API was displaying incorrect XP gains and totals.

After communicating our findings, players continued to report odd XP earn rates in-game. Through quick investigation, an errant server flag was discovered in the live environment, which was throttling XP rewards. While our test teams had verified the incoming XP changes in a test environment, this did not properly reflect the player experience due to the missing flag.

The errant flag was immediately removed, and the issue was resolved. We would like to thank all players who reported the issue and provided screenshots/videos. If you experience any other oddities in XP gains, please post a report to the #Help forum detailing your experience.

Destiny Update 1.1.2 Vital Information and Known Issues

  • Shader Previews: An issue was discovered shortly after deployment impacting Shader Previews. If a player attempts to preview a shader, the tooltip will automatically change to display the first page of shaders in inventory. The issue has been escalated to the appropriate team for investigation.

  • Lost Sector throttle: A short-term solution was shipped, reducing the throttle timer from 10 minutes to 5. We have a Hotfix planned for mid-February to fully address this issue, but we wanted to deploy this change sooner than later to reduce impact to the player experience when clearing multiple Lost Sectors in short amounts of time. Stay tuned to @BungieHelp for announcements on when to expect this Hotfix.

  • Future XP Balancing: Destiny Update 1.1.2 has reduced the required amount of XP for a rank-up from 160k to 120k XP. Additional balancing for Crucible XP rewards are currently in development, planned for a future Hotfix. Both Quickplay and Competitive playlists will receive an increase to XP rewards. Additional information will be shared when available.

Focus Image Link

Cozmo has been out a few days this week due to illness. That leaves it up to me this week to check out the Creations page in search for some inspiration. Some of the plays you'll find below have me questioning which Exotics should be equipped for Iron Banner. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

Movie of the Week: The Legend of Acrius Video Link

Honorable Mention: Telesto'd Image Link

Winners, expect an awesome emblem in your Collection once the week is out. I'll holler on Twitter once your prize is available.

What a week. Iron Banner is in full swing, Masterwork Armor is available to earn, and Raid Mods have been equipped around the world to approach raid encounters with new strategy. Next week, we'll talk to the Raid Team about some of the next challenges they'll deliver to make you feel more prestigious in the Eater of Worlds Raid Lair. We'll also be providing details on the upcoming Crimson Days event, going live on February 13.

What's been presented in the Development Roadmap will become available to all players of Destiny 2, and serve to pave the way to Season 3. At the start of the new season, Expansion 2 will also become available with its own Raid Lair and an assortment of new content. We have much to do between now and May, and we'll keep you updated every step of the way.

Cheers, -dmg04

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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[D2] Trials of the Nine Megathread [2018-02-02]

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 09:00 AM PST

This thread is for all general discussion, questions, thoughts, musings, wonderings, etc. for the Trials of the Nine.

When does Trials of the Nine end?

  • Trials of the Nine ends at normal Weekly Reset at 9am UTC on Tuesdays.

Trials of the Nine Map

The Fortress

Game Mode


7 Win Options

Beep booo awaiting results

Flawless Options

Beep boop awaiting results

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Bungie, don't forget about making our "2nd, 3rd and 10th" Better Devils interesting!

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 06:27 AM PST

Through all the conversation, updates and road map, I don't remember seeing one mention about loot drops/existing rewards. If there's something that I missed recently where it was mentioned, please let me know.


I think this is arguably one of the more important aspects of the game that needs to be addressed. Static rolls makes loot feel shallow and uninteresting. When you've been grinding for hours and all you get is the exact same guns to dismantle, it just feels frustrating and fatiguing, like my time in game means nothing. It really does mean nothing, because there's no sense of progression, and no sense of finding something new.


We need a reason to investigate dupe weapons. I should be able to look at 5 different versions of the same weapon and find something different in each. Random rolls is a solution I'd happily welcome back, but there are alternatives.

Here's what I propose. Keep base weapon perks static, but add a "bonus" perk or bonus mod slot that adds a perk, that perk slot is completely random, but make us have to use the weapon to unlock it, or do something specific to unlock it. It gives the player an excuse to use a gun they normally wouldn't use if they think the perk is worth unlocking and experimenting with. If PvP balance is a concern, simply disable that perk slot in PvP.

Does anyone have any better ideas on how we can make loot interesting again?


EDIT: Some people are expressing that Masterworks was what was meant by this. Even though that may be true, that is not the point trying to be made here. Masterworks doesn't fit the definition of the quote and isn't the solution players were asking for. It's still a problem, and the quote here is meant to emphasize that they haven't delivered on the expectation.

submitted by /u/MookMacDoodle
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We need to stop using buzzwords as criticisms and suggestions for Bungie. Widespread phrases like "Less ability spam!" and "More primary battles!" are what got us here in the first place, as we left the interpretation of the fix up to Bungie. Let's change the way we criticize and suggest solutions.

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 07:22 AM PST

First off, I know there are some people out there who already do this. It's not directed at everyone, but I see a lot of people around this subreddit, and in the community in general, who have latched onto a couple of popular ideas and now spout them at every given opportunity.

  1. Decrease the time-to-kill for non-power weapons.
  2. Revert back to Primary-Special-Heavy loadout system.

And that is basically the extent of their offered suggestions. Just those two sentences right there. Which is okay, in a way, because I don't think many people would complain if those two things were done, but the issue I have is people making it seem like it's just a switch to be flipped, or a button to be pushed, and wow everything is back to working perfectly. In reality, that's just not the way it works. What these suggestions are doing is very similar to telling Ford "Make a faster car." Okay? Why? How fast? Telling Bungie simply to "Decrease time-to-kill!" doesn't help them to diagnose the root of the problem, and it leaves the solution open to interpretation.

Somewhat ironically, this type of criticism is exactly what has gotten us into this issue in the first place. At the end of D1 Year 3, we had several suggestions just like this that were first pushed forward by known names in Destiny, and then taken up as a rallying cry by the rest of the community.

  1. More primary battles!
  2. Less ability spam!

Now the thing is, when these suggestions originally came about, they were often times accompanied by explanations and suggestions that detailed why the person was upset, and what they would prefer. For example:

  1. More primary battles! I feel that primary weapons have been made too weak, and they struggle to compete with special weapons. I would like primary weapons to feel stronger, so that I can choose which weapon to use in a given situation and not feel forced to use one or the other. Special weapons are extremely strong, which I like, but being made to use an Icebreaker or Sidearm because my primary weapon kills too slowly is not fun.
  2. Less ability spam! It's not that I want fewer abilities, it's that some of the abilities are far too easy to use for their prevalence and lethality. For example, Fusion Grenades are one hit kills, but they also track extremely well. Skip Grenades do a ton of damage and are very difficult to outrun. Thunderstrike has incredible range, auto-aims to targets, and can chain lightening far outside of normal melee ranges. I would appreciate it if these abilities required more skill to use if they are going to be this lethal. Thunderstrike could have less auto-aim or a range decrease, and Skip and Fusion Grenades shouldn't track as aggressively.

Criticism like this existed. People wrote articles and made videos discussing them, but as they became more popular the criticisms themselves became filtered down, almost into buzzwords that people threw around without any real weight behind them. Destiny 1 PvP isn't fun? Well I want more primary battles and less ability spam! Okay cool, now we have it and it's D2, and exactly what none of us wanted. This is the problem with buzzword criticisms. You tell Bungie you want something, and then you leave the interpretation of both the root of the problem and the solution up to them. This is not what we want. We want them to understand the root of what it is that we don't like, why we don't like it, and what we would like so that they can angle their changes in a direction we appreciate.

  1. Decrease the time-to-kill for non-power weapons. I feel that having times-to-kill between 1.00s and 1.33s is too slow for primary weapons. It increases the prevalence of team shotting, increases the likelihood of a person being able to escape from an engagement without dying, and in general makes the primary weapons feel weak when compared to their D1 counterparts. In my experience, the most fun I had with primary weapons in Destiny 1 was when the top of the line weapons killed in around 0.67s (think Red Death at its peak) and the worst weapons kill in 1.00s (Hung Jury in PvP). I thought that this made primary weapons strong enough to compete with special weapons, while not so powerful that they felt out of place in the sandbox and were abused (TLW with the crit damage glitch, Thorn 2-tapping, Vex Mythoclast originally).
  2. Revert back to Primary-Special-Heavy loadout system. Part of what made Destiny unique was that the sandbox allowed you to basically play with two power weapons at one time (Special and Heavy), while still having a utility weapon (Primary) to fall back on. No other mainstream shooters allowed this, and it felt great. Special weapons were one trick ponies that were highly rewarding for being used in their optimal engagement types, while Heavy weapons were great all around, but the ammo was scarce in order to balance them. Primary weapons had strengths and weaknesses depending on the class and archetype, but they worked very well in conjunction with Special weapons to form a sort of balance that each player could tailor to their own particular style. It made me feel powerful as a player. I loved being able to use a Sniper and an Auto Rifle, while not having to sacrifice my Rocket Launcher to do so. Currently, I have two Primary weapons, and the fact of the matter is a Scout just doesn't feel as good as a Sniper at long range, but if I want to use a Sniper I lose my Heavy weapon. I feel weaker, handicapped basically, and I don't like that feeling.

Now these criticisms and suggestions are unique to me as a player, in that I don't pretend to speak for everyone out there. But I do feel like this is the type of criticism that removes the opacity from our suggestions as a playerbase. We can't leave it solely up to Bungie to figure out how to fix the issues we have with the game, because at this point they've shown that when they do that nobody is happy. Simply telling them to do things isn't enough. We need to explain both why something needs to change, how they should change it, and then why they should change it this way.

submitted by /u/Mercules904
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Bungie DONT make PC Chat OPT IN - MAKE IT OPT OUT!

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 05:38 AM PST

Cant say this more clearly. People wont use it if its opt in. Let them turn it off and stop coddling. Hell throw a potty mouth filter on automatically if you must


submitted by /u/ZepharusCMG
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Remember the 8-man strikes in the D2 beta?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 07:29 AM PST

Y'all remember when the Crucible matchmaking got all borked up and matched people into the strike?

How about we get this as a goof-around playlist. A 6-player strike playlist with reduced rewards, but mass chaos and fun. Add modifiers for extra nonsense. Could be a great playlist to just chill with friends in. Almost like extremely relaxed raiding.

submitted by /u/A_DVS_NTT
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Can we stop with the witch hunts of the individual devs please? These are real people just doing their jobs, being disappointed with a video game isn't justification for personal attacks

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 11:17 AM PST

It's sad that I even have to make this post, but things have gotten out of hand here.

I'm as disappointed with Destiny 2 as anybody, and I mean that literally. I think I've actually been in a state of depression since about October, I miss my friends that I used to play with and I miss looking forward to playing this franchise. I'm absolutely gutted over what they did to our favorite social activity for the last 3 years.

But there is no reason this subreddit should be filled with front page posts that are basically just brutal verbal, PERSONAL thrashings of the people responsible for making this game.

Please, voice your displeasure with the game. Feel free to tear down the company itself as an entity if you must. I'll probably be there upvoting your posts right alongside you. But cut the shit with the personal attacks of these devs.

You don't know these people, as much as you might think you do. About 90% of the shit I see posted about them on here I know to be pretty inaccurate anyways (misinterpreted or just flat out misinformation that spreads like wildfires), so the shit you think you DO know about them is also wrong in the first place.

But regardless, these aren't just nameless and faceless cogs, here for you to anonymously take your angst out on. These are actual human beings with feelings and families and dreams and goals and problems all their own, just like the rest of us.

Don't just assume because you saw something on twitter or you watched a 10 minute interview from 3 years ago that you now completely understand and are qualified to speak on the psychology and inner workings of these COMPLETE STRANGERS, who are all just doing their best to get by like the rest of us.

Can the rules to this place quickly be changed so that we're no longer allowing people to just write shitty personal attacks about individual Devs? We have rules here protecting little johnny ddos'er from having his gamertag thrown out in the wild, but nothing to look out for real identities of developers being destroyed by idiots with bullshit information.

Do better, DTG.

submitted by /u/letthepastbethepast2
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My fireteam put another team into mercy. The final score was 71 - 8. Bungie, why did it have to go that far?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 08:07 AM PST

Even being first place on the winning team didn't feel that great. It didn't make me feel good, it didn't make me feel elite. I've been on the receiving end of a good fireteam putting the game into mercy and I can't believe it takes that long. I mean seriously, that final score is ridiculous.

submitted by /u/hailcable
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Two Man Argos Kill, Eater of Worlds Raid Boss

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 09:21 AM PST

Video Link:

Hey everyone!

This is a very difficult demonstration of two manning Argos, the final boss of the Eater of Worlds raid lair. Previously, the lowest number of people that had completed this was three. Now, thanks to some assistance from the new raid armor perks, the two man becomes MUCH MORE feasible. HUGEST thanks to Modern for the crazy ass run.

What made this improbable before?

DAMAGE DAMAGE DAMAGE. You simply couldn't do enough damage for the kill. Argos has roughly 13,000,000 health. This means each player must do around 6.5 million once all is said and done. That means doing about 1.6+ million... per DPS phase... per player. Those are really big numbers and very demanding.

Also, survivability was an issue. There are so many things that can kill both players in an instant. Argos's cannons. Minotaurs. Bombers. Harpies.

Staying alive and doing the damage was possible before, but EXTREMELY unlikely... basically to the point of being impossible.

Why were you able to complete it now?

RAID ARMOR PERKS and ARMOR MASTERWORKS. The main raid armor perk is called "Emperor's Blaze." It grants a 25% damage increase to all solar abilities. This can be found on class items. The other perk is called "Striking Hand." It grants a 20% damage bonus overall. This can be found on gauntlets. When both of these stack, it's a 45% damage bonus. Emperor's Blaze was used the entire fight, while Striking Hand was only used when able or when necessary. These helped significantly in achieving the 13 million damage goal.

Masterwork armor now has a crucial perk. It improves your damage resistance while in super. This solved the survivability issue, allowing for maximum DPS.


Character builds - Two top tree Hammer Titans. (Almost) Full raid gear with perks and full masterworked armor. Lion Rampants exotic gear. Hand cannon of choice. I used Valakadyn as an energy weapon; Modern used Coldheart. We both used Wardcliff Coil and Curtain Call.

We start off with Modern shooting the tip of one of Argos's cannons that pokes through the barrier. You can see the rock he's standing on and where he's shooting. This eliminates one cannon right away. MASSIVE shoutout to wjprberg for telling us about the cannon thing!!! Can't thank him enough. It's also important to destroy the other cannon later on, after getting the first stun.

The DPS phases commence as you normally would, planting the craniums where needed. We have very specific strategies for each DPS side.


We DPS from an upper stone pillar near the back left. Modern takes a single charged cranium up there while I grab another one and hand it off to him. He then juggles two craniums while I jump back down and grab the final third one that is needed. The important thing to note here is that Modern must be juggling two DIFFERENT colored craniums. If you try to juggle two craniums of the same color, you must drop one and pick up the other, which can be tricky. Once we are both in place, I shoot one orb and Modern takes down two. For DPS, we empty the craniums, pop a Titan rally barricade, and be sure to avoid the net projectile. Then we both activate Hammers and spam them at the boss. As the final hammers are being thrown, we jump down to grab extra previously planted craniums and finish them off into the boss's head.


For Arc, we have a very similar strategy as Void. We take up most on top of some more rock pillars near the back. Same as before: Modern juggles two, I bring over the third, we plant all extras into Arc. DPS also follows the same exact pattern.


Solar is tricky. It's a pain in the ass!!! You have two choices. 1) Tough it out and do your best. 2) Pre-plant for a second shield break and just DPS from the second spot. Modern thought up the brilliant second option late in our attempts; fortunately we didn't have to use it in our completed run. Solar sucks because there's no place to take cover and safely DPS.

To explain the second strat for solar: you follow the SOLAR-ARC-VOID orb rotation, and you pre-plant the next three craniums as if you were going to take his shield down and DPS twice in one phase. Obviously, you must also make sure that the correct craniums are placed to take the FIRST shield down. Once you take the first shield down, you abandon the area and get situated for the next shield break. This will most likely be on the next side in the CLOCKWISE direction. Then you just DPS there as described above.

Stunning with two people is pretty self-explanatory... Titan rally barricade and energy weapons. Other than that, it's just lots of picking up power ammo with Wardcliff equipped and farming enemies for super in between each phase.

We both found this to be a pretty challenging feat. I'd rate it at around 8/10 on a difficulty scale. To give you a reference from my personal experiences, I'd rate soloing Aksis at a 3/10 and solo one swording 390 Crota at a 9/10. This took us around 17 hours from strategy development to the end. I thank everyone who supported us throughout the runs and everyone who watches it now!

Please let me know if you have any questions about our DPS tactics or anything at all! Take care.


submitted by /u/GladHeAteHer182
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Seeing the “Bungie Responded” Flair on a post immediately makes me want to read it no matter the post title.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:06 PM PST

It could be positive or negative, but the fact that Bungie commented makes me read the whole post. It could say "Ranch dressing is superior to Thousand Island" and if Bungie replied id read the shit out of it to know what they say about it.

submitted by /u/Kahiyao
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Bungo Pls: The current set up of heavy in PvP is toxic

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 04:26 AM PST

I don't want to play a game where my teammates are fighting me for the heavy.

Please go back to the D1 days of heavy for all players near the box when pulled.

submitted by /u/youngsyr
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Lets be honest. Player count won't spike till May for DLC2. Bungie lets keep them this time.

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 06:16 AM PST

I for one love these new changes and can't wait to see what else Bungie has in store for us. I really hope they keep the changes coming and keep up the translucency.

But that all being said, their patches and TWAB's aren't going to bring people back. The community has mostly lost their interest with playing destiny all together. So lets rev those advertising engines, kick start the hype generator, and grab some extra end game content.

I for one am really optimistic to come back for DLC2 in May. And I'm sure I speak for alot of people that the game still needs to go a long way but these first steps are in the right direction (finally). Bungie keep it up, make this the game we all want it to be so we can retain the DLC2 players and invoke that excitement that once was "Destiny".

submitted by /u/bl1ndman
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That was a perfect time to drop the mic.

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 12:41 PM PST

I always drop the mic after a public event, but this time it just happened to be when I got a Bright Engram.

submitted by /u/noblesteeda
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I just want to thank you Bungie for putting the best raid mod on the class item.

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 05:20 AM PST

Putting the raid mod that boosts boss dps (and grenade damage ) onto the class item is a great decision. Really happy with it as the class item doesn't affect your armor stats at all. You can run your normal build and simply swap the class item out to get the lovely dps boost with your super (and nades). Argos I'm sure is not a fan but my raid group had a great deal of fun with it last night.

submitted by /u/DTG_circlejerk
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I just think it's funny that patrol zones don't support more than 3 party members

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:08 PM PST

Got done playing Iron Banner and us 4 all had materials for Mars, party leader selects Mercury and we cant join because we have 4. So we get broken up and we kinda just finish playing. I'd gladly not have anyone else join the patrol zone if we have a squad of 4-6. Such an awkward feeling deciding who should leave.

submitted by /u/soccerking15
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Bungie I would like to see you bring in some hardcore Destiny PVP players to play test your game now and not before you launch it.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:43 PM PST

I'm really trying to stay optimistic that the PVP changes are going to work out but let's be realistic, it's most likely the same people who thought it was good with what we have now. Bring in some Destiny players that have left to see if it would bring them back. A lot of us would buy into that!

submitted by /u/niquil_n_you_
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[D2] Xûr Megathread [2018-02-02]

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 09:02 AM PST

Agent of the Nine, Xûr


Xûr comes and goes freely, his strange curios too valuable to risk.



Exotic Gear:

Name Type Cost
The Prospector Grenade Launcher 29 LS
An Insurmountable Skullfort Titan Helmet 23 LS
Lucky Raspberry Hunter Chest Armor 23 LS
Ophidian Aspect Warlock Gauntlets 23 LS


Name Type Cost
Fated Engram Engram 97 LS
Three of Coins Consumable 31 LS

What's a Xûr?

Xûr, Agent of the Nine is a strange vendor who randomly appears in a Public Sector in each of the four Worlds, depending on planetary alignments and Bungie's whim. Xur sells Exotic equipment and only takes Legendary Shards in exchange for them.

TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal.

When does Xûr visit?

Xûr visits every Friday at 17:00 UTC and departs at reset. If you would like to see all the live conversions of Time Zones, please follow this link here.

Sort comments by New to join the conversation!

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Speed Kills - Why reducing the TTK may not be 100% necessary with the new sandbox update.

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 09:24 AM PST

I Have The Need

In the most recent TWAB, the sandbox team has mentioned that they will be increasing movement speed in Destiny 2. Glide and Lift will be faster, and the Mobility stat has been "expanded and retuned," so that "everyone gets faster and the high end is higher," which hopefully means Mobility will now affect sprint speed.

Furthermore, "the players' ground speed cap has been increased, allowing for faster total movement speed, regardless of how you may get there." Currently, in Destiny 2, the maximum sprint speed has been capped at 110%. Reddit user /u/Crystic_Knight has made a thread that shows how sprint speed increasing stats work in D2.

To give you the basics, sprint speed increasing perks increase your sprint speed by 5% (except for MIDA which increases it by 8.5%). Lightweight Frame on a weapon like The Showrunner increases your sprint speed by 5%. Dunemarchers, Transversive Steps, and Stomp-EE5 increase sprint speed by 5%. Class perks like Focused Breathing and Keen Scout increase sprint speed by 5%. In the current system, you can get up to 115% sprint speed boosts, but only 110% are used, meaning one perk goes to waste.

Let's say that Mobility does affect sprint speed in the new update. If each point of Mobility increases sprint speed by .5-1%, It would be possible for Arcstrider and Nightstalker, when stacking every sprint speed boost in the game, the capability of moving at 120-125% current normalized sprint speed. To give you an idea of that speed, just watch any Destiny 2 video on youtube where someone is sprinting, and up the playback speed to 1.25. That is a pretty significant difference.

Furthermore, I doubt very much D2 will ever be as fast as D1 was. It stands to reckon that if D2 is slower than D1, than TTK can be slower than D1, as well. Bungie has already stated they are planning on buffing certain weapons. I doubt very much D2 will every reach D1 levels of TTK, but having movement speed and TTK be somewhere between D1 and D2 makes the most sense, and it is plausible with the revamp of the mod system we see more "damage" type perks like Rampage and Killclip to aid in this.


Brave Sir Robin

These changes have a lot of people concerned, and for good reason. If the movement speed is increased, with D2's extended kill times, won't people be able to just run away from every losing engagement?

While that is a reasonable concern, there are a couple of things to take into consideration. First, if you are running high Mobility for movement bonuses, you aren't running high Resilience or Recovery. Low Resilience means TTK will be slightly lower on you, making you easier to kill before you flee. Low Recovery means that you are hurt for longer, giving yourself or teammates more opportunity to finish them off and keeping them out of the fight longer.

In (actually good) game modes like Control and Countdown that have a geographic objective, forcing an enemy to retreat can win you the game. If an enemy let's you take the B flag because you've hurt them a little, they've essentially allowed you to take a x2 multiplier that doubles your entire teams score. Forcing an enemy to flee can mean the difference between the bomb going off and the enemy defusing it.

This does also come into play with modes like Clash and Supremacy, for things like forcing enemies away from Power Ammo and Crests, but it is overall less effective when the primary motive of those modes is "kill more than you die." However, killing may be a bit easier in the new sandbox because of...


Lemme BURST Your Bubble

BURST DAMAGE. The new sandbox may open more opportunities for burst damage to be more frequent and reliable. For those unaware, burst damage is essentially exactly what it sounds like: a sudden burst of damage. Things like melees, shotguns, snipers, and grenades are forms of burst damage.

My favorite way to play D2 right now is on Code of the Juggernaut Striker. I get into CQC, pepper my opponent down with an SMG, and then use Knockout to finish them off with a long range melee, regenerating my health with Reversal. When I get into CQC, someone dies. Either I kill the enemies EZPZ with a good push, or I get outplayed because I am a trash can. Very rarely does both parties walk away from a CQC encounter.

The reason for this is the burst damage from melees. Melees can very reliably do a near instantaneous 90 damage. I say melees are "reliable" because they are essentially auto-aim tracking damage that every single class has access to, the only caveat being proximity to the enemy.

Say you are running a Phosphorus MG4 with Phase Mag. It takes 13 shots to kill at 16 damage per shot to the body for a TTK of 1.2s. Since melees do 90 damage, you really only need to deal 96-111 damage with your SMG before a melee will kill them (depending on their Resilience stat). 7 shots to the body deal 112 damage and takes .6s to deal.

You can effectively cut your TTK in half in CQC by finishing with a melee ability. While a melee is not instantaneous (haven't done frame data on melees yet), once you've pressed the melee button, the enemy is effectively already dead (NANI!?). The only thing that could save them is killing you before the melee connects or trading melees. Either way, someone is dead and no one escapes.

The issue right now is getting close to enemies is very difficult on account of the always on radar and the slower movement speed. Enemies know you are coming. However, an increase in movement speed could mean it will be much easier to get in close and catch the enemy off guard. They won't know you're coming until you've already came. ( ͡° ͜Ê– ͡°)

Boom Does the Dynamite

In the TWAB post, Josh Hamrick mentions a "mod system rework (which we plan to use to buff ability cooldowns)." A reduction in ability cooldowns means an increase in accessibility to burst damage. An increase in burst damage should mean a decrease in unconfirmed kills.

For example, if you were to get into medium range quickly without the enemy immediately noticing you, you could open with a grenade. Most grenades have a "fuse" before they activate and do damage, on top of the travel time for them to fly through the air. Essentially, they would take a huge burst of damage right as you begin actually shooting them. Cutting their health in half with a grenade at the start of the engagement will also cut your TTK in half, as well.

Not to mention there are grenades with secondary effects that can apply a DoT, which can kill the enemy as they run (or at least let you track them through walls), or debilitate the enemy to keep them from being able to properly react (Smoke Bomb to slow, Flashbang to blind and remove radar, Suppressor to remove Lift, Glide, and Blink as retreat options). Having more access to aggressive options should lead to more aggressive gameplay.


Always Be Closing

Destiny 2 has a bunch of elements stacked on top of one another that is really slowing down the play and making it static. 4v4 is less chaotic than 6v6, so there is less "noise" to distract an enemy so that you can flank effectively. The movement speed is slower, meaning covering distances and getting in close is much more difficult. Pair this with the fact that we got a myriad of defensive options revolving around staying in place (Barricade, Healing Rift). Long TTK and weak, infrequent abilities means teamshotting is more effective than it used to be (it was always super effective in D1, but you could play around it with a myriad of hyper powerful weapons and abilities).

However, I don't think we need to crank the dial all the way back across the board in order to get Destiny 2 to a better place. Destiny 2 doesn't need to be identical to Destiny 1 in order to be fun. Destiny 1 isn't the only thing that has ever been fun. The thing I missed the most about Destiny 1 was the movement speed. Seeing speed being injected into D2, even if it is less than D1, is still a good thing.

Or maybe you're right and we're gonna be playing fucking space tag I don't know man I'm fat.

submitted by /u/Sliq111
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I think at this point Luke's Bungie team and Destiny live team should be referred to as separate entities.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:08 PM PST

Luke's Bungie team gave us D2. A game that made great strides from day 1 D1 and then ignores every quality of life update after day one that made Y3 so amazing. Destiny Live Team gave us Y3, moments of triumph, record books, strike modifiers and a bunch of other awesome shit. They have now given us this update along with a well thought out road map prioritizing the big stuff and communicating with us even though they know we are not going to like how long everything is gonna take. I recognize some people will say where have these guys been then?! I like to think they have been in the corner saying I told you so under their breathe as they refix everything Luke broke while he walks around complaining about us jerks on the internet.

Edit: thanks for all your replies everyone! Som things I've noticed alot are people don't think bungie should get credit for fixing something they broke, and one dude doesn't make a bad game, the whole team does. I definitely see where yall are coming from with that. I think for me Luke's overall smug responses to the community going back to TTK "throw money st the screen" in response to criticism makes him very easy to blame because he accepts no responsibility for the games short comings. Whereas Barett comes in and says hey we know y'all are pissed, we fucked up and we will do our damndest to fix it. He could be an asshole and we don't know but at least when he talks to the community he is very respectful of our frustration and wants to be better. Just my 2 glimmer. (Discussion)

submitted by /u/Cayde-19
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Illuminated Engrams can drop from the EoW Ring chest if you have the Contender's Shell.

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 04:22 AM PST

Happened to me yesterday, don't skip it !

submitted by /u/Havauk
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Visual-themes that Iron Banner need to adopt in the future...

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 09:18 AM PST

Not that there's anything inherently wrong with the Samurai-themed armor (I don't like it, but that's just me), but it definitely doesn't fit the theme of the Iron Banner.

In D1, they were regularly referenced as being Arthurian knights, I believe the Iron Lords also conjure images of Norse and Celtic mythology. As such, perhaps there is room for more inspiration...

Hunter - The Wolf

The Iron Banner has always been all about wolves, but if one class truly captures the spirit of the Wolf, I think we can all agree, it's the Hunter. We already had a wolf's head for a hood (and I'd down for bringing that back), but I'd continue pushing the boundaries of that theme, with more tribal ornaments and such.

Perhaps consider armor perks that cater specifically to increasing the damage of your teammates, as part of your "pack".

Titan - The Bear

Another beast that hearkens back to Norse and Celtic inspirations, I feel like Titans would be best represented by the Bear, representing strength and endurance. Thick, heavy pelts, perhaps even full-on fur kilts, with more of a "barbarian" vibe. Throw some war-paint in there while you're at it.

Oh, and I'd really dig another "horned Viking helmet", maybe this time with a T-visor or something? Titan helmets all look like garbage, so I'd appreciate one that looks like an actual helmet.

For armor perks, perhaps consider abilities that allow them to protect your teammates (ie. Teammates who assist in your kills begin recharging their shields immediately).

Warlock - The Raven

I feel like this is just a perfect fit. Odin's ravens were incredibly important in Norse mythology, and the Warlock class strikes me as one who really fit the theme already, as wise, cunning seers. Even better if their armor incorporates actual black feathers (perhaps Ornaments that cause them to smolder with fire, "zap" with electricity, or "smoke" with void energy, based on Subclass?).

For armor perks, perhaps they would "steal" a bit of cooldown energy from enemies on kill? True to their icon, the Raven, they would essentially feast on the "Light" carrion of their fallen enemies.

That's where I stand, in any case. I definitely hope to see some cool, inspired designs in D2's future, especially when D1 set the bar so high.

submitted by /u/Jcorb
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Say goodbye to the dark theme of Destiny. This line from Sagira in the new comic left me speechless.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:08 PM PST

Sagira's wit.

Edit: Kept the title spoiler free, so just a spoiler warning for the link.

submitted by /u/iahangir
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LOVE the Raid Mods!!! Thanks Bungie!

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 05:59 AM PST

I'm in a Dads of Destiny clan, which means we don't get to run raids as much as we would like (because kids are kind of needy and want love and attention like every day!). However, my team and I got together last night to try out the new raid mods. What a difference they make!

We are far from elite gamers. Very far. But we can typically destroy Calus in a 90-120 minutes. Last night, we were able to do it in 51 minutes. Our only wipe during the entire run came when the symbols changed on us in the shadow realm and the throne room team killed the wrong psion (not their fault, of course). It typically takes us about 6-8 plates to down Calus; we did it in 3 plates last night.

Since we finished Calus off so quickly, we decided to do the raid lair. It only took us 41 minutes. We almost one phased Argos. It was amazing!

Thank you Bungie for the raid mods. It allowed some dads who are lucky to get one clear a week be able to knock out two in one night. The most fun I've had with Destiny in a while!!!

submitted by /u/crimsonlaw
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[D2] Xûr Inventory Infographic [02-02-2018]

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 09:49 AM PST

eyes up, Guardians! here's your detailed look at Xûr's Inventory until reset on 2/6!

submitted by /u/thatdudereeg
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For limited-time events like Iron Banner, the vendor should drop 330 gear more often for max light players.

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 10:30 AM PST

One of the most attractive parts of IB in Destiny 1 was the chance of more powerful armor every time you complete a match, or when you hit certain ranks with the vendor. This kept people playing, and you could even argue that it kept players from quitting, since even the losing team has a chance at that sweet loot.

Now, we're playing for tokens that give you gear, but that gear is weaker than what you already have. Sure, it's nice that we can get the gear with tokens now, but why add an extra layer of RNG to prevent us from getting that gear on par with what we already have?

Honestly, the gear doesn't even differentiate itself much from what we can get in other activities at this point (other than appearance), so this decision makes even less sense. Might as well give us a little more incentive to play IB for that gear. The same can be argued for any vendor, but I won't get to that.

Maybe a solution could be to have the engrams drop at 325 on the first day, increasing by 1 light every day until it hits max and stays there for the rest of the event.

submitted by /u/Delta438
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