Destiny - Focused Feedback: Crimson Days

Focused Feedback: Crimson Days

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 05:30 AM PST

Hello Guardians,

Focused Feedback is where we take the week to focus on a 'Hot Topic' discussed extensively around the Tower.

We do this in order to consolidate Feedback, to get out all your ideas and issues surrounding the topic in one place for discussion and a source of feedback to the Vanguard.

This Thread will be active until next week when a new topic is chosen for discussion

Whilst Focused Feedback is active, ALL posts regarding 'Crimson Days' following its posting will be removed and re-directed to this thread

Any and all Feedback on the topic is welcome.

Regular Sub rules apply so please try to keep the conversation on the topic of the thread and keep it civil between contrasting ideas

A Wiki page - Focused Feedback - has also been created for the Sub as an archive for these topics going forward so they can be looked at by whoever may be interested or just a way to look through previous hot topics of the Sub as time goes on.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Bungie, I'm a casual, and I hate the way the game caters to casuals.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 08:20 AM PST

Good books aren't simplified beyond repair so someone can read them within the span of a lunch break. If you start catering more to the hardcore players, you'll find that casuals will keep coming back in order to complete the same activities.

And most importantly, they'll have FUN.

Edit: Top Post. Wow.

submitted by /u/TheChunkMaster
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Are we going to have another 500,000 sub celebration when we drop below it?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 08:11 AM PST


in all seriousness, i hope things turn around before it happens. it has been on a slow but steady decline for a few weeks now.

submitted by /u/chrisc1591
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The worst thing I could have done starting the game was read this subreddit

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 09:35 AM PST

So here's the thing: I get that the game is in an arguably bad place. Many articles and discussions talk about how the game has failed the userbase. Almost any forum I go to talks about nothing but how much they hate the experience.

But for someone just starting to play, that's really, really dissapointing. I have been swept away by great visuals, awesome music and sound design, and solid if a little too-easy gameplay as I work through the story.

But the thing is, I am just EXPECTING to hate the game. Like, I am just sitting here, waiting for the game to start sucking, like one day I'm going to boot it up and Deadly Premonition will be there instead, without any explanation.

And it was this sub that did it. Just saying, I know there are a lot of things that need work and improvement but damn, this place is NEGATIVE.

submitted by /u/Jorumvar
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The 'absolute balance' in PvE is one of the worst things about it

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 02:45 AM PST

PvE is the one situation in Destiny where some weapons should be overpowered, as these weapons give players something to aspire to without ruining anyone else's experience. In order to make the game more 'casual-friendly,' it seems these weapons have been completely removed. Where's my Black Hammer? Where's my Sleeper? Where's my Gjallarhorn/Vision of Confluence/Fatebringer etc.?

In making the game more 'casual-friendly,' they've forced everyone to play like a casual - and this isn't fun.

submitted by /u/NergalMePlease
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My wife surprised me with a Destiny-themed office and battlestation!

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 05:39 AM PST

Link to the album:

EDIT: To all those commenting about the spacing, my wife has since straightened it. She apparently put it up after the desk was in place... It was just one nail she had to move and it's perfect now!

The red and black color scheme was largely inspired by SIVA. I also put Cayde-6 (the Destiny 2 pre-order bonus from Gamestop) into the computer itself. As you can see in the pictures, my wife went above and beyond finding art on Amazon, Etsy, and other sites. It's kinda hard to see in the pictures, but she even found a 3D printed Ghost and Engram!

I am blown away but how great it looks and I wanted to share with r/DTG - the only group that loves Destiny as much as I do!

submitted by /u/FrostyWampa
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[SATIRE/HUMOR] Luke Smith updates us on the state of Destiny 2

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:06 AM PST

Link to the video

Had a lot of fun editing this. Obviously not meant to be taken seriously. Hope this brings a few laughs to some Guardians, enjoy!

Link to the original source video

Edit to my edit: Hoping this isn't viewed as part of the "salt" epidemic on this subreddit. Destiny will always have a place in my heart and this is just a lighthearted way of expressing the struggles that come with that right now. Any feedback is much appreciated! I'd like to do more like this in the future.

submitted by /u/Tiredness
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We need our voice back, and to get rid of the cringy dialogue in dlc 3.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 11:44 AM PST

Sinple as it is. Ghost was okay in d1, back when he knew how to shut up and let the guardian be the main character.

Every cutscene feels clunky and out of place without our guardian's voice, and ghost makes the problem worse.

submitted by /u/SextingWithSirens
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A guide to r/DestinytheGame’s guaranteed ways to one-phase getting to the front page.

Posted: 18 Feb 2018 06:48 PM PST

Video tutorial and screenshots/map to follow.

Now I know many Guardians have already gotten their first front-page clear, however, there are still many others who might be unfamiliar with the tactics. This guide aims to provide the correct information on being able to get this done.

If you have additional tips, feel free to add.


The Encounter:

r/Destinythegame is a very simple boss fight that has few mechanics.

  • Anger = anger accumulates at the rate of 10 points per second throughout the fight; once it reaches 100, the boss casts [Outrage] which causes all Guardians to lose their super charge, ammo, friends list, and feel bad about the lack of weapon rolls
  • Rationality = rationality accumulates at the rate of 0.5 points per second; everytime [Outrage] is cast, rationality goes back down to 0; if rationality reaches 100, you're probably hacking since that's impossible; in case it does reach 100, you proc [Enlightenment]

The goal of the boss fight is to reach [Outrage] as many times as possible. Doing so gives you an exotic that is -supposedly- 'locked behind a paywall', which means you won't get it anyway.

You also get the [Front Paged] challenge objective completed.


The Fight:

Split your fireteam into two.

Team 1 will be composed of 5 players who will try to stack anger, by standing in the same place, and doing the same thing as others. You need to mimic and echo the actions of your teammates while in the boss' chamber.

Team 2 will be composed of one guardian who will try to stack rationality by not fully copying what the other team does.


The Tactics:

In order to get as many [Outrage] procs as possible to get the [Front-Paged] challenge, you need to stack Anger points a lot. The easiest way to do this is to say something negative about the boss.

You're almost always guaranteed an Anger point there, however there are more techniques.

Here are the best ways to gain Anger points:

  • mention "faster TTK"
  • mention "having no fun"
  • mention "power fantasy"
  • talk about "how your ~nth Better Devils is not interesting"
  • talk about "catering to casuals"
  • cite that people are being forced to make payments
  • have knee-jerk reactions
  • swear a lot for no discernible reason
  • make up a bug that doesn't exist (ie. Public event chest throttling)
  • consider the effects of certain changes as the end of the world (ie. exp throttling, lost sector chest throttling)
  • come up with a reason why "the Traveler is not listening and is not fixing bugs immediately"
  • compare software developement and maintenance to ordering at a restaurant
  • compare a video game to an important day-to-day asset like a car
  • compare a game to another game
  • mention how much money you spent to buy said game
  • mention each week how fewer Trials players there are compared to the previous week
  • feel badly about certain changes coming up because your particular concern was not addressed
  • feel badly about certain changes coming up because they are not happening instantaneously
  • publicize how people should not be happy or praising anything
  • call for someone to 'get fired'
  • use wacky conspiracy theories
  • claim that certain huge portions of the playerbase are part of the problem with the game or the industry itself
  • claim that your teammate who stacks Rationality points is a shill/fanboy (credits u/H2Regent)
  • deliberately misspell a company name so that it rhymes with "Tungle" or "Bongo" (credits u/occorau)


You also gain extra Anger points if you mention the following...

  • "being a huge fan"
  • "playing since the Alpha/Beta"
  • "I'm very PASSIONATE"
  • "according to a streamer..." = x2 multiplier if you suggest that a random streamer should be in charge of video game/story development (credits u/Benjo_Kazooie)
  • "all my friends are gone"


Credits to u/lunacyabove:

An even more in-depth tactic is to have one of the players assigned to [Anger] say: "Bungie fix <X>."

Next, have another player ALSO assigned to the [Anger] team say: "Bungie do NOT fix <X>."

The conflicting statements will cause confusion and more [Outrage] procs.


Credits to u/Gmasterg:

You can see this particular "Let's Play" "Let's Post" by Gmaster and how he tries to stack Anger points to get the [Front-Paged] achievenent.

Let's wish him luck before the weekly reset guys!

UPDATE: He did it - one-phased!



To gain more Rationality points:

  • say something positive
  • say something objective or balanced, meaning you can point out both positives and negatives
  • cite a possible logical/statistical reasoning for certain changes
  • cite detailed and well thought-out solutions that are a win-win for everyone
  • start discussions that are fun/light-hearted
  • write a poem/be creative (credits u/Negative_Splace)
  • be an adult

You can do these special moves (which are harder to pull off) in order to proc [Enlightenment].


Known Issues:

There's also a Relic you can pick up when you proc [Enlightenment].

You can use it on other players to cleanse Anger stacks. But apparently it does not work since Anger does not seem to go down.

No matter how many times you cleanse, players assigned to the Angry group remain debuffed until they go blind.



As you can see, getting Anger points to proc [Outrage] is very easy, and you should be able to complete the [Front-Paged] challenge quickly.

However, this is like cheesing; and 90% of players already cheesed to get the challenge done via [Outrage] spam.

But if you try to stack Rationality points to proc [Enlightenment] instead to get the [Front-Paged] challenge completed - you actually get the prestige version!

It's a lot harder to do since you can't use the Relic to cleanse Anger stacks.

This achievement is something only 0.25% of the population have.


Goodluck, Guardians!

submitted by /u/el2mador
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Argos, Eater of Worlds killed with Grenade only!

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 08:51 AM PST

EDIT - We've been approved for Movie of the week, give a look if you enjoyed this.

Shoutout to Datto, Dimitri, Sports, Asura and Rndy for helping with this.

First, let me just say this challenge was actually fun as hell. It is exactly the type of mix of difficulty and fun that a lot of us "dedicated players" want from the game. The chaos and the late fight heroics as seen in the vid is what is sorely lacking in destiny at the moment.

Right off the bar let me just state, while all of the damage done during the DPS phases to Argos are all grenade damage, it seems either impossible or extremely unlikely to stagger Argos with grenades when he goes into void readings spike. From what we saw the pulse tick timers are just too inconsistent in continuous damage to break off his limb, much less 2 of them, and every other grenade either does far too little or just bounces off instantly. Therefore the only time that a gun is used on Argos throughout the entire challenge is strictly during void readings spike. If not literally required to, we would have done it without a gun.

Now onto the fight explanation, This fight is literally only possible with this challenge for a few reasons

1 Titans can hold 2 pulse grenades at a time aka the best grenade in the game.

2 Titans also have tower barricades, which appropriately help you survive exploder harpies....A LOT

3 Insurmountable Skullfort is OP AS FUCK! (Bungie no nerf pls)

4 Class item (arc) Raid mod, Gauntlet Raid mod (striking hand) and the Helmet Raid mod (arc) are all great for this (yes the useless helmet mod is good!)

5 Did i mention skullfort is OP?

So first off you have the built in strategy of using a top tree striker titan that holds 2 pulse grenades and can restore chunks of grenade energy upon contact with shoulder charge attacks/kills (this is per target so if you hit a huge mob of goblins, you're getting TONS of energy back) thanks to in combination with Insurmountable Skullfort

The next layers include the class item mod that instantly give your pulse grenades a 25% boost in damage, plus the striking hand gauntlet mod giving you an additional 20% when you kill an enemy with a melee attack (aka shoulder charge with skullfort)

Now i know what you're asking, how the hell do you use the raid helmet mod if you're wearing skullfort? Well you see, eventually you'll run out of targets to shoulder charge for energy because there's just so many of them and there's 6 of you flying around like Captain Falcon with a jetpack punching vex to death.

So your last second effort for the current DPS phase is to go into your menus, switch out skullfort for your raid helmet (with the arc raid mod on it) and immediately pop fist of havoc, proceed to give that floor under your feet a thrashing with several slams (no knees, slams take your energy faster) until your super is gone, now you're awarded with a free grenade, chuck it at Argos for some extra DPS and then put skullfort back on!

NOTE - I was full potato the first rotation of damage and thought i had arc on the helmet the whole time when infact i had solar on like...well, a potato. But i fixed it mid fight and boy was i happy that i did (see the final round of DPS to see what i mean)

NOTE #2 - Harpies actually DO NOT die from one shoulder charge normally, so if you're going to be a lunatic and go after them like i did, make sure you have the striking hand buff active when you do because they DO die if you have the buff already applied.

If i forgot something, I'll be sure to edit it in later on.

submitted by /u/RegisterVexOffender
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Thank you Bungie for Crimson days.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 02:14 AM PST

So much salt and shit get's thrown at Bungie nowadays that I wanted to say to them that in my view Crimson days has been a big success. I've really enjoyed playing doubles and that's as a solo player. It was cool that you could drop the engrams from just playing the game so yeah thanks Bungie. Good job.

submitted by /u/the_for5aken1
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[TowerThought]: Mods 2.0 should be Perks 2.0: Replace the +5 Power Mod with a Random Perk (Third Eye, Firefly, etc.) that can be obtained at random from High Level Activities like Heroic Strikes, Nightfalls and Raids, as well as from Xur. Tess should sell novelty Perks: a la Grunt Birthday Party.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 01:02 AM PST

The TL;DR is the title for anyone who isn't interested in my ramblings..

I know Mods 2.0 is probably too far along in development for anything to change now, but hear me out.

I was just thinking that a system that allowed the current archetypes to remain in place while also adding some randomness to the mix would be really nice. I know that there are players who enjoy the static rolls and know what each gun will do when they get it and I know there are those of us who crave a grind, so here we go...

In my mind it would look a bit like this:

Rather than the Mod system we have now, that is basically used to boost your Light Level, you still have the Mod slot only now it's the Perk slot. The weapon archetypes stay the same, with their prebaked Perks but now you are able to obtain addition Rare and Legendary Perks by playing high level activities. Play the Nightfall and you have the chance for a Legendary Perk to drop - say Firefly or whatever - and then you can equip it to a weapon of your choosing and BAM! Now your Lincoln Green has Firefly.

The more challenging the activity the better the drop could potentially be (Heroic < Nightfall < Raid) but there would always be a very slight chance you would get lucky and see a drop from most activities.

In addition to getting the Perks from activities, I think the only other place you should be able to aquire them would be from Xur. Aside from selling us Exotics we all have dozens of by now, Xur really doesn't have much of a point in D2 so let's throw him a bone and have him be the only* Vendor you can get Perks from (plus, because they would be random, each week you would still get that rush of "what does Xur hav?" only to feel the crushing disappointment of seeing Army of One for the third week in a row!).

*Ok, I say only Vendor because I think Xur should be the only option outside activities to get meaningful Perks from BUT I think you should be able to get "novelty" Perks from Tess and Bright Engrams - stay with me here..

Right now, you can get those sweet Blue Mods from Bright Engrams (or I think that's still the case, I haven't played in awhile); I think a better alternative to that would be to let us get Perks from Bright Engrams that Do Not affect gameplay but instead offer some form of entertainment to your gun or armour.

Basically, you would choose to opt out of a "real" Perk and in its place you would place something like Grunt Birthday Party (which, for those that don't know, was a Skull in Halo where headshots to Grunt enemies would result in a multicoloured confetti explosion from said cranium and the cheer of children) or it would make your bullets ricochet around the room like Hard Light but it would be random colours and wouldn't do additional damage.

I think this would keep the gameplay affecting loot in activities where it belongs but would add some extra "fun" loot to the Bright Engrams.

Finally - and I'm gonna go a little in-depth into some made up systems here, so feel free to skip this if you want because it is all ideas based on my own ideas...

Anyways, FINALLY.. To "solve" the problem of are they one time use consumables/"what do I do with all these Blues?" I think it would be a system similar to how mods are now where they are a consumable BUT once they are unlocked you can reapply them to the same gun that they were used on. Use Third Eye on Origin Story but want to try a different Perk? That's fine. Third Eye can be reequiped to Origin Story at anytime BUT the Perk itself has been consumed and cannot be used on a different weapon.

What about my stack of Blues? Well those can be turned in to Banshee for a Perk Kit that can be rolled for a Random Legendary by a "Glass Needle" sort of deal, again sold by Xur (what? He needs something to do. Oh and Three of Coins? Yeah, those now affect the drop rate of Perks, not Exotics because COME ON!).

This, of course, still doesn't bring back true "random rolls" or the hunt of a "God Roll", nor does it solve the eternal "what makes my nth Better Devil's special?" but it would add in some extra customization and at least make weapons feel a little more unique - especially in certain Perks only came from certain activities.


TL;DR: Mods 2.0 should be Perks 2.0: Replace the +5 Power Mod with a Random Perk (like Third Eye, Firefly, etc.) that can be obtained at random from High Level Activities like Heroic Strikes, Nightfalls and Raids, as well as from Xur. Tess should sell novelty Perks: a la Grunt Birthday Party.

submitted by /u/Oakengrad
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Sitting in my Music 101 class and I noticed a familiar set of lore.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 07:47 AM PST

Bungie should re-release all Y1/Y2 legendary weapons into the D1 loot pool

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 08:21 AM PST

So many amazing weapons left behind. Its a shame

submitted by /u/4507862401892
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After playing Crimson Doubles as a Blink Warlock, I'm even more mad that Arcstrider doesn't have Blink.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 08:58 AM PST

Title. I'm a hunter main and an average PvP player at best, but dang is the mobility of blink amazing. Especially in the 2v2 setting where a little repositioning quickly can mean the difference between a trade/death and a kill. If only Arcstrider had Blink... Blink + Double Skips... A hunter can dream...

submitted by /u/luckystrike1944
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Not sure if anyone cares but Bungie has 25% off their store with the code "crimsondays" until tomorrow.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 09:07 AM PST

I didn't see anything when searching so I figured I'd give you guys a heads up if you were interested.

submitted by /u/wilsonjj
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A huge ball! + Crimson Days

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 01:48 PM PST

A huge ball! + Crimson Days!

submitted by /u/jcowjcow
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People always go on and on about Quickfang, it's about time Crown Splitter gets some respect too

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 06:28 AM PST

Welp! Finally got the old DDOS in Trials

Posted: 18 Feb 2018 09:06 PM PST

Flawless game. We win the first round. Not even a steamroll, we just pulled it together and beat them. Stats screen hits, party gets all weird, then I get booted to the title. Internet goes down at the casa. It's like catching a unicorn.

That was fun.

submitted by /u/Tony_Blunder
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TIL in D2...

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 09:20 AM PST

While both our supers are active, I can't one hit a weakened striker titan (about 1/3 shield left) as an arcstrider hunter, but the titan can most certainly turn around and delete me from the map in one hit when I'm at full health+shield. Shouldn't have tried ):

submitted by /u/TheUser_27
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Bungie: Can Three of Coins please increase Masterwork Drop Rate?

Posted: 18 Feb 2018 02:51 PM PST

Once I have all the exotics in the game, Xur is completely useless to me. Can we please have his 3oC increase the Masterwork drop rate so I have something to do with 3oC or Xur in general between releases where new exotics are added to the game?

submitted by /u/thederpherder
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I'm tired of being the rudest Guardian in the land

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 08:00 AM PST

Not only is it horribly jarring with how they've approached the dialogue and the cut scenes that involve our Guardian, but as there has been no plot device used or anything of the sorts we just seem to be a bunch of rude assholes who cant string a coherent sentence together.

I feel like the experiences we've gone through throughout D1 and the Red war so far would sum up to an insightful and badass guy/girl!

I'd love to see us find our voices again.

submitted by /u/SmoothPounding
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A New Breed Of Fun Police

Posted: 18 Feb 2018 09:48 PM PST

Did I feel bad? Maybe a little.

Did it stop me? Nope.

submitted by /u/Hawkmoona_Matata
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My vision for Weapon Mods

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 05:33 AM PST


  • Increase power levels of weapons,

  • Allow for more individuality and customisation,

  • Add meaningful items to grind for across all game activities


Here is an example of how a weapon would look post-change, using my personal favourite Better Devils as an example



(Perks are now split into two pools - Major and Minor. Major perks are more powerful and would include the likes of Firefly and Explosive Rounds, whereas minor perks are less impactful, such as Battle Runner and High Impact Reserves)

  • Add a second perk to each weapon, so that it has one Major and one Minor base perk (e.g. better Devils has Explosive Rounds already so a Minor perk is added, for this example I chose Clown Cartridge

  • Double the effectiveness of all masterwork bonuses, but keep the shard system the same

  • Add a perk mod slot, can add a Major or Minor perk to the weapon.

(Minor perks (legendary) are rare drops from lost sectors, public events, heroic strikes, heroic adventures, PvP matches, patrols and world chests. Major perks (exotic) are extremely rare, but also drop rarely from raid encounters and trials wins.

Xur brings a bounty each week to be completed for an exotic mod, stuff like the exotic bounties from D1 like void kills in the crucible and special versions of strikes and missions.

Raid final boss kills and flawless runs have a guarenteed drop of an exotic raid mod e.g. ambitious Assassin and counterbalance)

  • Add an Enemy Specific mod slot

(Enemy burn mods include D1 perks like Mutiny, give a stunning effect or bonus damage against specific enemies like Minotaurs or Captains. Would drop from the specific enemy like runes did from Hive on the Dreadnaught)

Add an Ornament slot to all weapons to add aura effects unlocked from live events and endgame activities, for example Crimson Days ornament causes pink leaves to drop from the weapon, Festival of the Lost ornament gives a green smoke effect and Leviathan ornament adds a purple glow.

Personally, I don't mind the P/E/P system, but in order for it to flourish I believe the weapons must be at the same power level as they were in D1.

submitted by /u/TheWolfXCIX
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The Orrery, out of bounds fun

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 01:56 AM PST

The Orrery is the lost sector on the Artifact's Edge area in Nessus. I wanted to investigate the glowing triangles in the boss chamber and found a way outside.

This wasn't very hard to reach so it may be known already, but I found some cool things that I wanted to document so let's pretend I'm an intrepid explorer of the unknown.

submitted by /u/Cresset
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