Destiny - [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-02-24]

[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-02-24]

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:05 AM PST

Planetary Challenges

Planet Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
EDZ Lost Sectors: Sunken Isles - Loot a Lost Sector in the Sunken Isles. Event Horizon - Successfully complete a public event. Devrim's Sniper School - Use a Sniper Rifle to defeat 10 enemies in the town of Trostland.
Titan Lost Sectors: Siren's Watch - Loot a Lost Sector in Siren's Watch. Walking the Beat - Complete 3 patrols. Chain of Command - Defeat 5 Fallen Captains.
Nessus Lost Sectors: Glade of Echoes - Loot a Lost Sector in the Glade of Echoes. Event Horizon - Succesfully complete a public event. Cut Off One Head - Defeat 3 Vex Hydras.
IO Pyramidion Raider - Defeat 40 enemies around the entrance to the Vex Pyramidion. Treasure Hunter - Loot 3 Vex or Cabal supply caches. Dark Decimation - Defeat 3 Taken Centurions.


Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Point Blank - Defeat 20 enemies with precision attacks at close range. Null and Void - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Void attacks. Ricochet - As a Sentinel, defeat multiple enemies by throwing your shield, 5 times. Concealment - As a Nightstalker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your smoke grenade. Devouring Void - As a Voidwalker, defeat an enemy using Bloom.

Heroic Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Point Blank - Defeat 20 enemies with precision attacks at close range. Null and Void - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Void attacks. Ricochet - As a Sentinel, defeat multiple enemies by throwing your shield, 5 times. Concealment - As a Nightstalker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your smoke grenade. Devouring Void - As a Voidwalker, defeat an enemy using Bloom.

Crucible Challenges

Mode Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
Quickplay High Voltage - Defeat 15 opponents with Arc final blows. Moment of Glory - Defeat 5 opponents in a single life. The Big Guns - Defeat 5 opponents with Power weapon final blows.
Osiris Quickplay High Voltage - Defeat 15 opponents with Arc final blows. Double Play - Rapidly defeat 2 opponents, 3 times. Blaze of Glory - Defeat 5 opponents using your Supers.
Competitive Sound And Fury - As a team, defeat 20 opponents using Supers. We're Going Streaking - Win 3 consecutive rounds in a single match. Shoot the Glowing One - As a team, defeat 5 opponents while their Supers are active.
Osiris Competitive Pack Hunting - Defeat 20 opponents with two or more participating players. We're Going Streaking - Win 3 consecutive rounds in a single match. Deny Their Supply - As a team, load Power ammo 3 times before the opposing team loads any.
Mayhem High Voltage - Defeat 15 opponents with Arc final blows. Moment of Glory - Defeat 5 opponents in a single life. The Big Guns - Defeat 5 opponents with Power weapon final blows.
Trials of Osiris Tribute - As a fireteam, defeat 150 opponents. Fulfillment - Win 20 rounds. Judgment - Win 5 matches.

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Honestly I'm getting really tired of playing a game that has moved into a "cosmetic only" state

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 01:16 AM PST

In D2 the items are "cosmetic only". Emblems that track the amount of Titans you have killed. Emblems that track your Crimson Days matches. A Ghost Shell that tracks your Leviathan runs. An Emblem that tracks your PvP KD. Ornaments that you apply to your Armor so that it "stands out". Isn't that what a Shader is for? Not to mention everything in this game is just a reskin. Why should I care about this crap? They don't offer me any benefit to my overall Guardian and their power. Where are the cool armor pieces that have unique perks? Fuck the Mods system. Nah, I want a Helmet that gives me more super energy when killing minions of the Darkness. Ya know shit like that. Where are the bad ass weapons? Every weapon is just the same.

I'm also even refering to the Illuminated Engrams/Crimson Engrams. Emotes, Shaders, Ghost Shells with different skins. Lowkey tho Crimson Days was a snooze fest. Why am I gonna grind for Engrams only to open them and get something that doesn't help me at all? How does a Shader help me? I don't even look forward to ranking up anymore.

EDIT: Alright so I need to address something. People are making comments like "use some common sense and stop playing the game". Who said I still play the game? I'm just speaking in general. I don't play the game anymore BECAUSE OF the reasons I state in my OP. I looked at Crimson Days and took a hard pass. I tried out Doubles, but for the most part the rewards were only cosmetics which means nothing real to chase. I played one game of Doubles, said fuck this and got off. That was Feb 13th when the event started. I'm just talking about in general of why I no longer play the game. Faction Rally is going on right now, don't care, haven't participated since the first one. Ornaments are not a "grind", they're a vanity item, and the weapons are re-skins that suck. Same goes for Iron Banner.

submitted by /u/Richiieee
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In my opinion, rarity is what we are missing. Rarity is what makes for a good grind. Seeing someone with a gun and saying "Damn, I want that." I hate how easy it is to get exotics and all the guns.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:54 AM PST

Let's be honest, there's a lot that needs fixed. And I really feel we put ourselves in this situation by the complaining done throughout D1.

-Duplicate exotics

-"I've gotten 35257353 engrams and still can't get a gjallahorn/ice breaker/red death"

-"forever 29"

For me, in D2 it is too easy. If you take away duplicate exotics, take away exotic quests, and make it so that everyone can get everything really quickly, then the grind is gone. Bring back rarity. Bring back that crazy brutal bitch of RNG. It drives people crazy but it makes things RARE. Makes them desirable. Gives me something to chase after. In D1, I must have gotten 100 Crest of Alpha Lupi, but each chest exotic engram was exciting for hope it would be something else that I still needed.

I don't want to be handed all this stuff that should be hard to get. It's exotic for a reason. Not everyone has to have every single exotic. It doesn't have to be fair. We don't need participation trophies. Sure, people will complain if they can't get something awesome that they want. THAT FUELS THE HUNT.

There's a lot of stuff being discussed and I think random rolls help bring back some of the grind. But dammit, make things hard to get. Make them scarce. Make it so that when I FINALLY get that exotic to drop, I wake up the whole house screaming like I just won the Olympic gold medal for curling.

Give me back my grind.

Edit: One quick edit since it's a common theme in responses, I want things to be rare AND worthwhile chasing after. The Colony would have been a great thing to chase after. The Fighting Lion is not.

submitted by /u/doctorj1
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Do you guys remember in Y1 the respect you would have for a player with maxed gear, due to the grind for mats they had to do?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 03:19 AM PST

The good old days of running loops to farm mats for hours.

submitted by /u/sciencethedrug
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Why the history of Shaxx and the Crucible (sort of) makes sense.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 06:16 AM PST

I already posted this in the Destiny Lore subreddit but I think it's something that enough people have also asked about in this subreddit to post it here also. I basically wanted to try and describe why the timeline of the Crucible might make sense and how everything all might fit into place. It basically boils down to two questions:

  • When was the Crucible formed?

  • How was Shaxx a part of it?

I wrote this in response to a previous post linked here:

What's the Crucible? Before the days of the City and the Iron Lords, it was a place to pursue vendettas. To battle for territory, and pettier reasons. The whole world was a Crucible arena. The Crucible today? To Cayde-6, it's a gambler's paradise. To Zavala, it's a resource sink where equipment goes to die. To Ikora, it's home—though she would never admit it.

In the City's earliest days, various factions vied for the hearts and minds of the refugee masses. Power struggles threatened to shatter an already tenuous existence.

This is the obvious one to go to. "The whole world was a Crucible" to me is more of a comparison to the days of the Dark Ages and how it compares to today. Back then, Light Bearers would fight each other and settle their differences in battle against each other. Iron Lords , Warlords, Faction members, all fighting for victory over one another. I don't think this is the Crucible in the sense of how we know it today, but it was probably the forming of the Crucible. A much more brutal and unsactioned way to fight amonst each other. Saladin mentions that they weren't even sure if they could die at this point so it probably resulted in a lot of brutal fights where many deaths and resurrections happened.

Ikora Rey's second life has been long and colorful. As an iconoclastic new Guardian, 8she made a reputation in the Crucible* and in the halls of Warlock scholarship as an outspoken, unrelenting opponent with no patience for dogma or etiquette.

"I made quite a reputation in the Crucible. Spent some time trying to outrun it." - Ikora Rey

"Admit it, Ikora. Without Osiris, you would still be running training exercises with that loud brute, Shaxx."

We know that Ikora rose up through the Crucible and made a name for herself. This period of time for me seems to be after Six Fronts and the forming of the Consensus, so there was probably more unity between the Guardians. Since Sagira says "without Osiris, you would still be running training exercises for Shaxx" we can make assumption that this was before Osiris became her mentor. Fighting amongst each other was most likely a large part of their culture still and I'd say that they might have continued on the tradition as a way to hone their skills and gain reputation. I don't think this was still like the Crucible as it is today, but it does appear that Shaxx was involved and Guardians went through training to compete.

/ It feels criminal.

/ I got word from the Consensus says it's not.

I get the impression that it was probably overseen by the Consensus before Shaxx took over and therefore while it was official, it seems there was bribery and cheating involved and that was an accepted part of the Crucible. We know that the Consensus was a little bit more corrupt than they'd like us to believe so briberies accepted by them don't seem out of character.



Ikora's Vanguard career is described as her "second life", so you'd assume that she gave up the Crucible when she became a member of the Vanguard. Therefore, you'd assume that these results took place before her Vanguard days, which began during Osiris' exile and before Twilight Gap. So the Crucible must've had some records even before Shaxx took over.

"I beat you fair," Cayde said. "Don't ever—"

He raised his hand high to wag a finger under Shaxx's nose.

"—try to outrace my Golden Guns."

Two children ran by in a blur, laughing.

Shaxx shook his head slowly. "It was a tactical error. Won't happen again."

"Next time doesn't matter. You lost today, and today you owe me."

With regards to Cayde, it seems like he possibly still takes part in the Crucible from time to time. I don't think there's anything mentioning Vanguard member not being allowed to take part. So while it's unprofessional, Cayde doesn't strike me as the professional type. Shaxx can take part because Shaxx is Shaxx and who the fuck is going to say no to Shaxx?

The Iron Banner seeks great champions to lead the fight against the Darkness. It was born to honor the Iron Lords and their efforts in the earliest days of the City.

"Those who find victory in the Crucible will win salvation for our City." - Iron Banner maxim

If the Iron Banner was "born to honor the Iron Lords", then it would seem weird to me that it would be developed after Twilight Gap. I'd argue that the Iron Banner was developed soon after the Iron Lord's demise so that Saladin could honour their deaths. With their maxim mentioning the Crucible, it's probably safe to say that it was put in place to compliment the Crucible.

The Crucible gave birth to the thanatonauts: Warlocks who hunt for secrets in death

"The name? Pigeons are the only birds left in the City sky. One of the many 'last things' we fight for. If you have a problem with that, we could step into the Crucible." —Saint-14

"I never thought I would see a Hammer of Sol hurtling through the Crucible again. I'm glad it's in hands as capable as yours, Titan. Don't disappoint me." —Lord Shaxx

These three quotes to me also suggest that the Crucible existed before Shaxx took over. Osiris and Toland were both Thanatonauts, which apparently the Crucible gave birth to. Saint-14 also recommends that people "step into the Crucible", and in my opinion he didn't ever return to the City after Twilight Gap, so this must've been said before. Interesting that Shaxx mentions that the Hammer of Sol was used at some point in the Crucible though.

This isn't your fight, Shaxx

All battles are my battles, whelp. If you want to bicker, take your fight to the Crucible. I'm sure Ikora will be more than happy to meet you there. And after your Ghost revives you, maybe then you will be willing to act like Guardians

We fight to prepare for the greater battles that are to come. And war is coming. It's coming to our City

These quotes are from the comic and are the main reason for all the controversy. The comic takes place before Twilight Gap, so many believe there shouldn't be a Crucible. It does seem to be slightly contradictory that Shaxx seems to be in charge at this point, but then he was training recruits for the Crucible at this point so he definitely still had an affiliation or authority within the Crucible. I think there's definitely a Crucible in the City at this point, and while Shaxx seems to take authority that doesn't necessarily mean he officially runs it. It's possible that he takes pride in the work he has done for the Crucible or believes that the Crucible is the best place to settle arguments, as he would. The sort of philosophy he talks about with preparing for the battles to come are the exact philosophy of his Crucible. This is what he believes the Crucible should be used for and what it should become, and we see this exact philosophy implemented after Twilight Gap.

Lord Shaxx is one of the heroes of the Battle of the Twilight Gap, having led the counterattack that pushed the Fallen from the City walls. Fearing that another full-scale assault would be more than the City could repel, Shaxx chose to stay in the City to mentor Guardians in the Crucible.

One day Shaxx vows to return to the war beyond the City, but only after he is confident the fires of the Crucible have forged a new generation of warriors.

When he chose to remain in the City to oversee the Crucible, Shaxx had Arcite's combat systems deactivated and rebooted with the Tower's more civil vendor protocols.

"You either learn to work with other Guardians or you perish. Twilight Gap taught me that." —Lord Shaxx

"Now onto the next order of business...Shaxx is here with another proposal for his Crucible."

These are the main quotes we're looking at. The ones that cause dispute. The wording is:

  • "Shaxx chose to stay in the City to mentor Guardians in the Crucible"

  • "One day Shaxx vows to return to the war beyond the City, but only after he is confident the fires of the Crucible have forged a new generation of warriors."

  • "When he chose to remain in the City to oversee the Crucible"

  • "Shaxx is here with another proposal for his Crucible"

None of these specifically say that Shaxx formed the Crucible. They talk about him choosing to remain in the City rather than returning to the war beyond the City. We know that he was running training regiments for the Crucible while Ikora was taking part in it, so I believe it's possible that he chose to stay to mentor the new generation of Guardians. I think the important distinction is that it is now called "his Crucible". This, to me, suggests that when Shaxx took over it became a new era of Crucible and he took it to a whole new professional level. What the Crucible was before was probably an official title for the competition between two sets of Guardians, but Shaxx has made it his own and is now using it to prepare Guardians for the Darkness and the battlefield. It will now represent what he believes it should: to prepare for the greater battles that are to come. The City wasn't ready for the Fallen at the Battle of the Twilight Gap but he will now make sure that they're ready for future battles.

[u.1.01] He's going to use these frames to take the arenas? They just came online.

[u.2.01] It's Shaxx. They'll work out.

[u.1.02] Yeah. Or they might explode. Shaxx knows it's a fifty-fifty with frames, right?

[u.2.02] Except Arcite. He's been here since they built the Walls. And the frames can hear you.

There's also this that is said that describes Shaxx using his frames to take Crucible arenas. It seems like he had frames built ("they just came online") in order to take these arenas to use for the Crucible, the first being Twilight Gap. Arcite is a little different since it is a frame "here since they built the Walls", but then this seems exactly the sort of frame that Shaxx would choose.

[u.2:01] Dahlia? We call her the Antiquity. You can pull more Fallen blades and bullets out of her chassis than Shaxx's armor, but she keeps coming back. I mean, she's logged what? Forty-plus missions.

[u.1:02] Those are Arcite numbers.

[u.1:01] Shaxx is pulling Arcite from the field.

[u.2:01] Not Dahlia? She's a natural for modifying foundry gear. Her combat numbers are through the roof.

[u.1:02] You can fistfight Shaxx over it, if you want.

[u.2:02] Dahlia's the last 'jack standing, then. Maybe it's for the best. New frames have trouble data-linking with her and Arcite. The two of them have been around since the beginning, and their heuristic systems keep rewriting everything.

Arcite's memory banks still remember the battles he has seen. This knowledge makes Arcite uniquely qualified to equip Guardians for combat. His outward disdain for untested Guardians is a combination of learned behavior - a byproduct of years in service to Lord Shaxx - and personal experience.

When he chose to remain in the City to oversee the Crucible, Shaxx had Arcite's combat systems deactivated and rebooted with the Tower's more civil vendor protocols.

I believe that Arcite was chosen as one of the Redjacks due to his experience in battle. It's unclear really why Shaxx would've chosen Arcite over Dahlia, but Arcite was chosen to be his quartermaster based on the amount of arenas they cleared.

"Shaxx has been running the Crucible for a long time. A long, long time. He's old. And he's pretty much seen it all. Takes a bit to impress him. Grab some friends and make a splash." —Amanda

I think this just gives an idea of the timeline snce Twilight Gap. The Crucible is Shaxx now. He's been running it for as long as any civilian of the City can remember and everything the Crucible is today is represented by Shaxx.

The tactics and techniques that will save us in wars to come are birthed in the Crucible, during live-fire training. The Vanguard are so preoccupied with their own agendas they're missing the Vanguard of tomorrow rising right before their eyes. *Ghosts find Guardians. The Crucible forges them. *

Whether alone or with a Fireteam, Guardians enter the Crucible to hone vital survival skills, build their own reputations, and win the patronage of City factions. Most importantly, the Crucible allows Guardians to train against formidable adversaries without fear of disaster.

"The Crucible is a training ground, preparing Guardians for war against the Darkness. But it hosts a battle fought in parallel—a political one between the City's Factions carried out by Guardians they recruit. Shaxx has attempted to curb their influences, but they're a reminder the Vanguard serves a City of many agendas." —Commander Zavala

City dwellers often sport totems and tunics denoting their favorite Crucible combatants and teams.

I think these quotes mostly just represent what the Crucible is. It is a medium to forge Guardians and prepare them for war. It's also a sport to the citizens of the City and to the faction it is a way to recruit Guardians and promote themselves. I get the impression that it was probably very important early on for the factions and gun manufacturers to make money and we know that there were some dodgy deals and cheating going on. Whether this happened after Shaxx took control is unclear, but Shaxx is definitely strongly against cheating and bribery.


"Hey, so I was lookin' for you, but you were out on the Strike. Wanted to know if you could make a Crucible bet for me. Under the table, of course. I think Shaxx was on to me. Followed me around the whole time you were out there." —Cayde-6

He banned one of my bookies from the Crucible. So I, uh, made a bet in your name. Don't worry! Shaxx is none the wiser, and I made it up to you - Cayde-6

Ghost Fragment: The City Age 2 grimoire card is quite telling to me. It suggests that the Consensus were more than happy to allow weapon manufacturing companies to use bribes in order the make their weapons look good. The card takes place after Twilight Gap and people probably weren't aware of Shaxx and his methods of how he ran the Crucible at this point. It was probably common to cheat or bribe the Consensus in the pre-Shaxx Crucible, but it soon became clear that bribery and cheating wouldn't be accepted by Shaxx.

You don't wear full battle rattle to a Crucible match unless you expect something to interrupt the match.

The Crucible is a series of grueling challenges that pit Guardians against one another in open combat. Crucible combat is live-fire, with Ghosts standing by to save the dead.

"The Crucible isn't just training and spectacle. We use live rounds. Winning a match is winning a battle in the truest sense." —Lord Shaxx

"Those who distinguish themselves in large-team combat are the ones who become leaders in the field. A valuable trait, indeed, and one the Crucible readily rewards." —Lord Shaxx

"Knowing the best time and range to utilize specialized weaponry is the key to success in the Crucible. And the battlefield." —Commander Zavala

Osiris's belief that Guardian minds and bodies can be sharpened as one sharpens a sword is a damn good idea. You've seen the results in the Crucible. Do I really have to say any more?

Shaxx revels in running the Crucible. He treats it with a somberness one treats actual battle. When you win, he's confident you'll take that prowess to the stars against the Darkness. When you lose, he feels like he lost, that it was his fault. Remember he's as tough on himself as he is on you." —Ikora Rey

"Guardians often criticize Lord Shaxx for the grueling battle conditions in the Crucible, from live weaponry to hazardous arenas. But when matches begin, these same Guardians step up, hoping the experience will harden them against the Darkness." —Commander Zavala

To answer why Shaxx didn't get involved with Dredgen Yor killing Thalor, I think there are two possible answers. The first is that this happened before Shaxx took over the Crucible where the Crucible was less regulated. The second is that the Crucible is supposed to be a competition that represents the battlefield. It is supposed to be a place where the strong rise up against the weak in order to prepare Guardians for the Darkness. If Shaxx stopped Yor from killing Thalos then it goes against everything that he believes the Crucible represents. It is supposed to be hazardous and you're supposed to go in there with no fear and are expected to try to your best to not just beat the enemy team, but to demolish them.

So in my opinion we have a timeline of:

  • Light bearers fighting against each other in order to settle disputes. Iron Lords and Warlords battled against each other and different factions fought amongst each other.

  • After Six Fronts, the Guardians formed and found some unity. However, the tradition of fighting each other continued and the Consensus allowed the Crucible to continue and accepted bribes. The Crucible was a place for Guardians to gain reputation and demonstrate their skills.

  • Shaxx trained recruits and ran training exercises to prepare them. He believed that training would help Guardians prepare for the wars to come.

  • After realising how unprepared the Guardians were for the Fallen, Shaxx officially took charge of the Crucible after Twilight Gap in order to mentor the new generation of warriors to make sure they were ready for battle. The bribery and cheating of the past was no longer accepted by Shaxx and it became much more regulated and official. He used his Redjacks as a means to provide more realistic Crucible zones on planet across the system in order to better prepare Guardians for their enemies and environments.

I spent far too long putting this together.

submitted by /u/dobby_rams
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I can't believe I'm saying this, but buff sparrows

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:56 AM PST

They have the durability of a toothpick with polio, not only that but they removed the ability to perform tricks in the air with sparrows. Why is it always 1 step forward 2 steps backwards for you guys seriously come on.

submitted by /u/phatballs911
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[Fan Art] The Dawnblade

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:37 AM PST

I started doodling a pose and about 6 hours later here we are!

I wanted to capture the intensity of the flames like an inferno, would you guys to see more of these?

Here's the Twitter and Bungie Creations link

submitted by /u/fmekki
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I was killed by a Rift Collapse... in D2... in PvE... by a Dreg.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 06:51 AM PST


(Here is the link to the same image, if that matters)

Ok, So I was farming Faction Tokens in the EDZ and was in a Shoulder-Charge-Anything-That-Moves mood on my Titan.

During a Lost Sector run in "Atrium" (the one inside/underneath the church), I had already killed all enemies except for the Boss and a single Dreg. I went to introduce my shoulder to this Dreg, as any self-respecting Titan would and... exploded.

Apparently I had failed to notice a red barrel which was near the Enemy-Supply Cache... that was sitting on top of whatever-the-square-thing-in-the-middle-of-the-room-is. So it was either that or a red barrel (or both!) that ultimately caused this to happen...

Now, I'm not really into PvP (aside from a bit of IB), so the "Rift Collapse" (as seen in the top right of the screenshot) didn't really register with me at first. I knew something was odd, so I took a screenshot.... but had I realized what it was, I would have recorded a clip. *sigh*

Does D2 even have the gamemode "Rift" (yet)? I know it was in D1... (this is the one with all the weirdness when it lags, like double rifts or something, right?) but I certainly don't remember Dregs playing it in PvE.

submitted by /u/StabbysAltAcct
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Manning the Tower Guns (Glitch)

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:51 AM PST

So the other day, I showed you guys what was behind the Speaker's Door in the Tower...nothing. (Rip)

Today, I was able to fulfill another bucket-list item. I was able to glitch behind the glass in the Hall of the Vanguard and get up on the guns.

The view is breathtaking.

Here's a 1 minute video of me getting out of the glass and exploring the guns.

submitted by /u/JewBoy300
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How is optional matchmaking for Nightfall/Raid not here yet?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:11 AM PST

I've seen a lot of people say they're against matchmaking for NF or Raids. If it were mandatory, I'd understand, but why not optional?

Destiny 2 shouldn't just try to bring back things from Destiny 1 it should give us new features. Not just weapons or stories, but actual features that many other games have.

I've been back on The Division and it has optional matchmaking for ALL endgame content. Wanna run solo? You can. Wanna run with your group? You can. Wanna match make because all your friends play Fortnite? You can!

Why hasn't this been implemented and why are some people in the community against this?

Edit: They've tried static rolls and timed Nightfalls, why not optional MM for all content?

Edit 2: Front page! Cheers!!

submitted by /u/thesolinox
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World Bosses?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:37 AM PST

Hey guys,

What do you think of adding ''WBs'' to the game like in D1 with Skeleton Key's and thoses bosses have a RNG pool and can drop weapons, ornaments, shader, unique armors/weapons and they can spawn randomly like public event?

submitted by /u/Jdpozzi27
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I don’t want new emblems, I want more guns.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 02:45 PM PST

Am I alone in not giving a shit about emblems?

Bungie talk a good talk about overhauling exotics, making it sound like they're working hard and the good stuff is coming soon then kick it into the never never and think they'll make it ok by giving us more terrible looking emblems that do not make our guardians kill things quicker or in a more satisfying way.

Ffs. Put out this dumpster fire, take staff away from emblem design and give us something good right now.

(Need. More. Punctuation)

submitted by /u/GoatmanPope
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The Crucible is just so damn sweaty now because PVP is in such a horrible state that no one plays.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:20 AM PST

Trials yesterday, I was on my 6th win, one away from flawless and we come across a team with two (yes 2) players who are in the top 500 for trials with a KD of over 5 (yes thats 5) partnered together with two 2.5 KD players. I am a 1.8/1.9 myself so Im no slouch when it comes to the crucible but I mean c'mon, a team that stacked is overkill. Before we even got there we had to slug thru matches of teams with players no less than a 2 and we had a 1.3 in our group. I can't imagine any players less than 1.5 ever going flawless in this day with the Crucible in this state.

This week in Quickplay I've had to play stacked teams more often than not, I am talking terrorfraud and legacy_of_hairy 4.0+ KD players. one_second_kill and players like toxxicviper who runs with a completely stacked team and I run into them more often than once a day. Then I look at the player pool and crucible is barely pushing over 200,000 players.

I try to play competitive and it takes 10 mins to find a game and when you do the players are over 4KD or 5KD and they get matched with you because they play with 2 players around a 1.5 so they can just run game.

This is the life of the crucible right now, I hope things can change and the playerbase starts coming back but pushing back sandbox changes and not addressing the TTK within the game is not how to generate player interest.

submitted by /u/Iron-Wu
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Matchmaking in the Guided Games was so long...

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:01 PM PST

...that I had time to deleted all the "blue geometry" shaders

submitted by /u/Ilya_Snow
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What was your favorite raid boss and why?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 03:10 AM PST

Personally I liked Oryx just because it was intense to slay a god after chasing him in the campaign. It was such an awesome and long raid.

submitted by /u/TheWokeHive_
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Thanks for calling me an oath breaker Bungo!

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 02:15 PM PST

So... I tried to do the seeker thing with the NF. Because nobody else seems to be playing this game... got pared up with some folks. 312 and 308... nice that I can see stuff like this before I accept the guides.

Anyhoo, off we went... and at the first encounter they died instantly.

I fought on, at the first rings they jumped through immediately and died... so only 2 minutes or so?

But I fought on... I lost them in the jump down towards the second set of rings but I began clearing adds. And then...

"A player has left your fireteam".

Rather quickly I was tossed to orbit... 30 minutes lost waiting in queue... and greeted with "you broke your oath"...

Like hell I did! And now I need to wait 45 minutes before I can even attempt to queue up? Say what you will about matchmaking - but regular matchmaking atleast avoids crap like this.

tl:dr; long rant about crappy guided games and their guides...

edit: yea I know the usual stuff about LFG sites, the /r/Fireteams and the D2 App... but that's a lot of work to jump through for a 15 minute activity... especially on PS4 which is rather idiotic about connecting people unless you are friends... though basically I was just frustrated at being locked out due to no fault of mine (and I've never had a disconnect on D2 and our Internet is rock stable)

and WOO! Frontpage baby! (that's required yea?) let's hope Bungie (/u/dmg04 ?) takes notice of our love for this system...

submitted by /u/gojensen
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D1 Audio files in MP3

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:07 AM PST

So, a couple months ago, u/meatInYourTeeth posted a dump of a bunch of audio files from vanilla D1. The OP said they were going to go through the files at some point and either catalogue them or convert them to MP3, but they never did.

Now, I'm working on a lore project, and I'd very much like to go through the audio files for the various Tower vendors and PA system. But, for technical difficulties I still can't figure out, my computer won't unzip the files without corrupting them. Would someone be willing to convert the .wav files into MP3s, or a some readily readable format? I'd greatly appreciate it.

The original post:

submitted by /u/Glamdring804
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My Concept for D3 Prison of Elders

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:07 PM PST


D3: Prison of Elders click link for image

See image in link above

This is my concept for Prison of Elders in D3. I think a lot of people would like to see a setting on a grand scale of guardians or cabal in the stands watching a Roman esque arena fight with active modifiers. It'd be awesome to me, if the game launched with not only a raid but a POE event to feel more of a scale of the world being bigger with different events. Perhaps, a once a month event that allows up to six guardians facing the toughest challenges with other weeks only being the standard three member fireteam. What are your thoughts on ways to make POE awesome again for D3?

submitted by /u/blackngold51
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Bungie, please leave D1 exotics in the past instead of reintroducing subpar versions of them.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 02:29 PM PST

Young Ahamkara's Spine, Sunbracers, Feedback Fence, Telesto, etc. — these should never have been reintroduced in their current form. More than anything, they just serve to tarnish the memory of these fun D1 exotics.

Granted, some reworked D1 exotics are better off for it, but if the D2 versions aren't identical or improved versions of their D1 counterparts, then please leave them in the past. We don't need or want nerfed versions.

submitted by /u/platotudes
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I think an achievement list would be nice on PC

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 05:49 AM PST

So, I'm not one of those "trophy hunters" out there but given that doesn't have an achievement hub, I'd gladly use a simple in-game tab to track the achievements as most Blizzard games do. You know, Destiny is meant to be a collection game and all but I currently have nothing to "pursue" while playing, so this might be a good thing to fulfill those "I don't even know what to do now" moments.

submitted by /u/KnossJXN
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Let’s be honest with ourselves here. 90% of random rolls sucked. I’d rather see mods 2.0 deliver 1 or 2 random perks that we install into weapons/armour than see the complete return of random rolls.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 04:40 PM PST

3 Days of suffering are finally over and i got my Ornament! Competitive Crucible is shit!

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 04:56 AM PST

3 Days ago i decided to get the last Crucible Ornament i was missing (The Helmet) which i had put off for some time because i never were much into that PvP stuff and thought how hard can it be?

So i went in solo queue because my Clan died and now i'm Clanless and i didn't want to pull people from my friendlist into this just because i want an ornament.

Let me tell you.. over the last 3 days i had the worst experience ever and i was shocked that D2, which i play for chill & giggles, all of a sudden became something that made me angry, frustrated and sad.

The waiting times are long and i soon figured out that it's best to turn the TV on and watch something... and when a game was found, the Matchmaking is absolute garbage. I was constantly put against atleast one 2stack and very very rarely had a premade team on my side.

Fair matches, where i thought "damn this is intense and close because both teams are evenly matched", were nonexistant. It was always one team absolutely slaughtering the other team... most of the time to 0 .. which leads to the next crap that's going on: Leavers.

This gamemode is so infested with leavers who bail out the instant they get killed or one round is lost, that "Competitive" becomes a sad joke. Maybe they only want 25 wins, too.. i don't know but... the end since i found myself just joining "them" and not giving a fuck anymore.

I started leaving games where i saw within the first round that this will be no win regardless my effort. Don't get me wrong, i don't find PvP very complicated or difficult so when i "really" play i'm actually pretty decent and at the Top of the list most of the time. I can pull my weight but at some point i just couldn't be bothered with this shit anymore.

So in the end i got my 25 wins.

Did i earn them? No... i just joined and left games until i found one that would lead to a win. Pretty competitive isn't it?

Did i have fun? Maybe the first few games until i realised how Competitive "works" and from that point onwards it was just a frustrating, poor shitfest. Seriously... how can anyone have fun with this?

I'm glad that i got this done so i never ever have to play Competitive Crucible again and i really hope Bungie doesn't add anymore things that i could want with a prerequisite to suffer through Comp in the future... because i'm not sure if i can do this again.

Competitive is the worst!

submitted by /u/Namacyst
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I put interstellar music over me glitching from initial spawn all the to Argos, Eater of Worlds Solo

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 11:49 PM PST

Just know this is probly one of the hardest and best destiny 2 glitch to exist. From initial spawn all the way to Argos solo. imo

submitted by /u/Bakengangsta
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Friend just texted me saying he played the same stacked recovery team 4 times in a row. Just a little info for anyone considering playing trials this weekend.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:49 AM PST

Player count will probably dip below 60-65k this weekend. Didn't think this would ever be possible.

submitted by /u/Patj1994
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