Dead by Daylight Saturday Tech Support - February 24, 2018

Saturday Tech Support - February 24, 2018

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:11 AM PST

Hello people of the fog! Here you can ask tech support questions, such as workarounds for certain errors and configuring the game for certain setups.

Some rules and guidelines specific to this thread;

  • Top level comments must contain a tech support request.
  • Don't spam the thread with requests; try and keep them contained to one comment.
  • Check before commenting to make sure your request hasn't been asked already.


submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Nobody needs poor Bubba, except…

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:30 AM PST

[item idea] Music box

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 03:45 AM PST


  • This item provides fake visual effect to the killer.
  • This is used to send the killer to the wrong place.


  • When you use this item, it will be installed on the ground.
  • The installed music box will make big noise after 20 seconds.


  • killer can crush the music box.
  • destroyed music box is completely consume.
  • If it has not been destroyed, you can use it again.



  • Small gear (timer reduce 5 seconds)

  • Large gear (timer increase 5 seconds)


  • Micro Gear (timer reduce 10 seconds)

  • Jumbo gear (timer increase 10 seconds)


  • Attachment wheels (move forward and leave footprints)

  • Automatic timer (repeats noise cycle until destroyed)

Very rare

  • Explosive device (3 seconds blindness if the killer destroy the item)
submitted by /u/Will_comet
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Change The Shape's prestige mask to what it should've been from the beginning...

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:59 AM PST

Nea Automata

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:08 AM PST

Can we get stat pages for survivors and killers?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:08 AM PST

It would contribute nothing to gameplay, but I think it would be really cool to have.

For the person that mains a particular survivor, you can keep track of things like how many times you've escaped, how many generator repairs completed, how many times you've died, minutes spent in chase, etc.

For killers, you can track how many times you downed a survivor, how many you have used a Mori on, how many you've hooked, etc.

I don't think it would be terribly difficult to implement, and could offer something nice to people that main a few specific characters.

submitted by /u/Moth_Meat_Pies
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I like doing all five generators to get hooked and left by the rest...

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:53 AM PST

Just had to deal with every generator and the killer at the same time. Welcome to rank 10.

I'm this fucking close to deleting this game.

submitted by /u/xRenamonx
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another example of the bad ranking system...

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:37 AM PST

The black bubble after a hook

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:41 AM PST

This is intended to be helpful to the killer yes?

Because it is absolutely no help to survivors.

I used to think it was there as an aid to survivors, but they can see the red hook aura just fine. Then I FINALLY realized it's probably there to stop survivors from seeing which direction the killer went or if they left at all.

Am I wrong?

submitted by /u/datbigmofo
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PSA: There is no Killer Shortage, feel free to play Survivor.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:00 AM PST

I've noticed a lot of killer mains talking about a killer shortage. I just wanted to let you guys know that at least in my area (North America, Eastern Time Zone) the matchmaking times are relatively comparable. Excluding lobby dodges, I'd say it takes a bit longer as a killer to track down a match.

So while I appreciate the community service, it isn't fully necessary. If you find yourself wanting to play survivor for a different experience, there shouldn't be any sort of deleterious effect on matchmaking times.

submitted by /u/-Unproductive-
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Who is your favourite killer?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 04:54 AM PST

Not who is the most powerful killer. Who you like playing the most.

submitted by /u/EctoplasmPhantom
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Surprised playing on a Vita is actually worth it. Anyone else play on the go?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:00 PM PST

Petition to follow MCote's advice and become a Civilization subreddit

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 05:35 AM PST

Or at the very least allow posts about Civ to be posted here

submitted by /u/FrankWest21CP
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Well,I think this Michael invented a new strategy. Backcamping !

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:52 AM PST

First person mode

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 06:51 AM PST

When I see people talk about new game modes I never see them mention first person, why is that? I personally would enjoy playing as survivor in first person. I also think this would make survivors a little more afraid of killers since they wouldn't be able to look around them as easy. Again this would be a new mode not replacing anything, if you would still want to play third person you can just a thought

submitted by /u/69clarkkent
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If he picks up his saw and he cuts you in half...

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:11 AM PST

It's a mori!

I'll see myself out

submitted by /u/Force3vo
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Most Hilarious Game I've Had

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:38 AM PST

With all of the frustration that can be found on this sub I thought that this story of mine might be welcomed by some. So yesterday I was playing killer and two pizza dwights loaded into the lobby, I forget their names exactly but something like cult leader and cult follower. I found them near the start of the game and they were just crouched, nodding their heads at me. They then proceeded to run around the map exposing the other survivors to me with bond. It became a really cartoony image with all of these characters running around in a train, the dwights oftentimes nodding their heads or just staring straight up when running. We had some good times huddled around a trashcan fire, all nodding our heads together. I didn't want to kill anyone that game, but I downed one of the "heretics" by the open exit gate, and the two dwights and I just stood over him nodding our heads as he crawled out. I laughed so many times that game, my favorite DbD experience by far.

submitted by /u/blackzeppozzica
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Designed a playmat

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 01:37 PM PST

Did anybody actually notice that when asked about their next goals in the Q&A, Mathieu said it was game-wide quality of life?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:41 AM PST

Everyone is hate-masturbating to the first third of his answer to the last third of the player's question like I hate-masturbate to spiders, so I assumed not. I actually didn't really notice myself until thoroughly combing through; I only remembered the part about "awesome original chapter".

Also, the question didn't even use the work "balance", and not a single shithead here (including me) understands what balance is anyway. The question was about "stress" and "the experience", which is pretty much exactly what "quality of life" changes aim to counter.

submitted by /u/Zephandrypus
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Anyone else feel like the hag gets no love?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:44 AM PST

I mean this in all senses of the word. She gets no cosmetics, she gets very little players, and is unfairly ranked on tier lists.

Let's go through these one by one and by the end of it you'll be at bhvr's office with picket signs saying "Hag rights!".

1. Hag cosmetics

Let's face it, the hag has a pretty fuckin cool model. She's unique in her stature, texture, and height. Now, wouldn't it be neat to see what different outfits would look like on this model? well guess wHAT? YOU CAN't! Although bhvr did give her the coolest prestige, so that kinda makes up for it.

2. No players

The hag is a bit punishing to play at first, much like the nurse. If you're bad at her, your gonna get bullied the whole match. But if you're good at her, you can be certain that instead of butt-dances, there will be blood. Now, I know what you're thinking, if she's So GoOd when you master her, why don't people play her like the nurse?

Truth is, the hag at her best isn't as good as the nurse. Most killers aren't. People play the nurse because they know that once they get the hang of it, survivors will quake at the mere sight of them. But the hag has a punishing beginning, AND an (if compared to the nurse) underwhelming master level.

But, here's the ticket, the hag is hella fun once you learn her ins and outs. There's nothing more satisfying than chasing a survivor right into one of your traps, teleporting, and smacking them right in the kisser. Plus, you don't have the guilt of playing the nurse. So that's a plus.

3. Unfair rankings

I believe that the hag is constantly put down by these TYRANNICAL tier lists that the community dreams up. And I know why.

As mentioned before, nobody likes slogging through a punishing beginning to get higher-mid tier results. So if people try playing her, all they get is the punishment of the start. So they think "Well I guess hag is a bad killer". Other times, survivors encounter hags who are really bad at being hags. That's because of those stupid hag dailies that people want to get rid of. They go hag without really knowing what they're doing, and make total fools out of themselves.

Take a look here at this community voted tier list. Know where hag is? Right above freddy and wraith. She doesn't deserve this. It's the community's bias and misunderstanding of the hag that brought her where she is.

Take another look here. This one has an "explanation", but it's filled with inaccuracies. This list claims that the hag suffers from "The same set up time problem as the trapper", when that is far from true! The hag's setting time is much much faster than the trapper, plus her set up time addons are very easy to get and have very good results. An even more outlandish claim is that she's below the trapper, because her traps don't "Guarantee damage". A good hag can make any triggered trap a guaranteed damage opportunity! Shame on you /u/TheMyrco!

Side note: The mint rag is listed as a good add-on, but it's kinda trash unless paired with the rusty shackles. Double shame!

Now that you've read this, I hope I've changed your opinion on everyone's favorite mud grandma. Better yet, I hope I've encouraged you to try her out, give her an honest chance!

submitted by /u/nomoreinternetforme
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Eyyyyy I hit a landmark

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:11 AM PST

Funniest killer of all time so far

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:56 AM PST

Finally unlocked Huntress Mask (The ole gal looks quite good)

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 01:41 PM PST

Stay in lobby with friends after games

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:13 AM PST

I prefer to play this game with a friend of mine as a survivor, but every time we group up and end the match, we get put into a different lobby, and have to re-invite each other again. This gets pretty annoying over time, especially when you just keep playing some games together for a few hours. Why isn't it possible to get brought to the lobby screen where you were grouped up with a friend, after the game has ended? Like, add a button that says "go to group lobby", which returns you to the lobby with everyone who was in your lobby previously. It's a minor annoyance in the game, but something I'd love to see being done for a better experience of playing with friends.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I would like it if this would also mean that it sends you back to your group lobby when for instance the killer disconnects from the matchmaking lobby. Currently when joining as a group, finding a match, and the killer leaving, will send you back to a solo lobby, which is obviously annoying as well for a group player, as this means having to go to the main menu, survive with friends, invite player, wait for them to join you, and only THEN can you start looking for a new match again, instead of simply being able to press Ready, to start the match making.

submitted by /u/JoJoDeath
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Can we cause as big an outrage as the nurse nerf about items getting stuck in chests / the game not giving you the actual item you picked up?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:46 AM PST

Seriously, this is insanely annoying bug that I very rarely see people talk about.

submitted by /u/demidisco
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