Dead by Daylight Monday Dev Q&A Thread - February 26, 2018

Monday Dev Q&A Thread - February 26, 2018

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 07:14 AM PST

Monday Dev Q&A - February 26, 2018

Hello people of the fog! Monday Dev Q&A are weekly threads where you can ask questions, give suggestions and feedback about the game directly to the developers. Comments are submitted to the developers and answered Tuesday.

Some rules and guidelines specific to this thread;

  • Top-level comments must contain a question, suggestion or feedback about Dead by Daylight or BHVR for the developers.
    • If you're looking to get a question answered by the community, see our Tuesday No Stupid Questions threads.
    • No questions about the subreddit itself; modmail the subreddit moderators.
  • Keep feedback insightful and constructive. Check your salt at the door.
  • Avoid repeat questions.
    • Refer to our bhvrplz list to see popular, oft-repeated suggestions.
    • Also see previous Monday Q&A threads.
    • Check the thread before commenting to make sure your question hasn't been asked already.
  • No bug reports, technical support, or ban appeal questions.
  • No reporting other players.
  • If you'd like your comment to be seen by a particular developer, mention this at the beginning your comment.
  • Don't spam the thread with questions; keep your questions contained to one comment and edit as needed.
submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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New additions to r/deadbydaylight and upcoming changes

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 05:36 AM PST

Hello people of the fog!

We hope you're having a good time grinding these spicy coins! Today, I have a few announcements for you, though attentive followers of our subreddit and the weekly Developer Stream on Thursday might already know about them, so take it as a "Just in case you missed it" kind of announcement.

Weekly Developer Q&A on reddit

It's been already announced last week during the Developer Stream, but we'd like to remind you that it's actually happening:

From today onwards, you can ask the developers of your favourite asymmetrical horror game questions, give constructive feedback or share your suggestions in our new "Weekly Developer Q&A" Megathreads on Monday, starting at 3 pm (UTC)! It's not a live AMA though, so you'll have to wait for the answers until Tuesday. We've prepared more information in the actual Megathread today, so please take your time and read it thoroughly :)

That said, our weekly "No Stupid Questions" Megathread will now take place on Tuesdays instead.

New Moderator

A little late, but we'd like to officially welcome /u/Ps4_and_Ipad_Lover as a new moderator of this subreddit! Feel free to say hello and contact them if you have any questions and concerns about the subreddit :)

CSS Changes

Shoutout to the lovely /u/maglavios who dedicated their freetime to pimp our subreddit theme! :) You will now find the most important links (post filters, weekly threads, links to official websites etc) in the menu bar beneath the header. Furthermore, our "Calendar" and "Shrine of Secrets" sections have also been improved visually.

Thank you for the awesome work, it looks amazing! <3

Save The Best For Last

We promised to keep you posted on the ongoing discussion about memes in our subreddit, so I'd like to give a short update on the matter!

As things stand now, we will remove Thoughtful Thursday soon™. We are currently working on a "Memeless Mode" (similar to Night Mode) to move away from our current filter system and to offer users who do not enjoy memes a better experience while browsing our subreddit. We will also amend our subreddit rules to increase quality control on memes in order to encourage more creative content and balance out different types of content.

This is still a work in progress - if you have any suggestions or ideas, please don't hesitate to share them with us!

submitted by /u/ms_claymore
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When your teammate dies on the hook and the killer is running BW

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 01:39 AM PST

When the survivors teabag you just a little to far from the exit

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 05:43 AM PST

That special moment

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 07:58 AM PST

I like the mods here.

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 10:25 AM PST

Can we please get 1 thing deleted from the game?

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 06:29 AM PST

Mobile DbD Clone... Wth

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 07:57 AM PST

In Anticipation for the Weekly AMAs, I have a suggestion--

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 07:41 AM PST

Can we not bandwagon and treat the Dev's like shit? I understand that everyone is furious about many of the bugs, nerfs, and issues they have been experiencing in Dead by Daylight. I sincerely know certain aspects can be anti-fun and frustrating.

However, they still were the ones who produced the game we are all addicted to. They wouldn't have agreed to do this AMA unless they cared about what we have to say as a community. I know y'all are preparing your 'play civilization' 'fuck survivors/killers' 'how dare you nerf freddy' etc etc but please act appropriately. Attacking, ripping, or being rude will do nothing but make them second guess their decision to do these AMA's.

If you wanna be pissed, be pissed. But type out your questions ahead of time and reread it before you post. Be professional and courteous. It's possible to type a frustrated question without being a dick.

submitted by /u/misspence
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[Fanart] My Sweet, Sweet Sally

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 08:21 AM PST

Dead by Daylight has made me scared of humming people

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 07:36 AM PST

I'll make this quick: I was late coming out of class today, when a guy who was walking behind me started to hum to himself. We were alone as this was a secluded place in the building I was in, and the first thing that popped into my head was "OH GOD walk faster". I couldn't figure out why for the life of me and then I remembered The Huntress. Thanks Dead by Daylight.

submitted by /u/bevdog67
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Suggestion for Basement

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 07:51 AM PST

The current basement is really cold and not a nice place to be in. I am suggesting to implement some jazz music to the basement. If you enter the basement you will hear it and it will brighten your day. @devs pls add this

submitted by /u/easy-lol
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QoL change to Lithe: sprint starts at the moment of impact to the ground, not immediately after the vault.

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 02:37 AM PST

In its current state Lithe cannot be used to it's full potential due to the burst if sprint being active during a fall. If the sprint was to start at the moment of impact with the ground this foolery would be avoided. Survivors using Lithe still suffer from the speed decrease after a fall.

Thoughts on this change and other QoL changes are welcome!

Edit: I learned that Balanced landing has Sprint burst in tier 3. If the changes I suggest were implemented, BL would just be worse Lithe. In the end QoL changes are not needed to SB, BL or Lithe and each perk gets keep it's unique slot.

submitted by /u/Heihlsson
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Why won't you just die, Dwight?

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 05:58 AM PST

live, unedited footage of a dwight watching you hooked from a locker (credit /u/SuperMantium)

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 11:14 PM PST

No where near finished but poster progress on all the killers so far - ElliotHardyArtworks!

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 04:59 PM PST

Could we at least get a buff to Freddy where he can see?

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 09:59 AM PST

Would that be asking too much? The ability to see what is going on in the game. Can we at least do that since he isn't even a killer at this point? He is a nuisance. Or at the very least can you stop giving me rituals for him? It is bad enough I spent money on this steaming pile of garbage. Don't make me play as him.

submitted by /u/AgrosLastRide
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First I was bummed about playing the Game map as Billy but I think my Ruin totem placement is "pretty good job so far" and singlehandedly won me the game, I just chased and hit people

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 09:26 AM PST

Killer Main Opinion - Survivors have it tough...because of survivors

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 08:24 PM PST

So 40 coins down for my killer head costume, thinking to myself "Lets get the hard one out the way first"

Then the survivor 80 should be a breeze. I'm 700 hours in, maining as a killer. I thought I knew survivors. I learned quickly how wrong I was and how difficult being a survivor is.

Being killers is hard, due to the advantages that survivors have over the killer, 3rd person camera, the perks, tools and map advantage.

3 matches in I learned of the survivor difficulties and surprised that I rarely see posts about it. So I'm here to talk about it and get the conversation going.

Being a survivor is hard because of other survivors.

I spent half the day yesterday farming for the coins and I got 19 more to go but by the entity I've seen some shit.

  • Repairing gens to give the killer the 3 gen setup

  • Drawing the killer to a gen you're working on

  • Not repairing lunar gens (during a timed event)

  • Wasting all the pallets

  • Failing skill tests without any perks effecting said test

  • Sandbagging during chases


  • Unwillingness to go in for the save when its save, THIS TWO THOUSAND TIMES

  • Survivors standing by the entrance, while you're being chased around the hatch. Seriously, leave. Someone might be stuck near the hatch and you're stopping that person from surviving so you can get 250 points for a hit or you might get blood warden happening which means you're/we're all fucked.

  • Getting the killer to chase you AROUND THE HOOK THAT YOU'RE HOOKED ON. I lost my voice screaming at the monitor "LEAD HIM/HER AWAY YOU WHORE" while a team mate Benny Hilled the killer around my hook, while I went into phase 2 and had to start beating my spacebar like it owed me money.

  • Seagulling around the hook, when someone's been hooked. Most killers are running tracking perks, BBQ n Netflix or Whispers. They know you're near. Because you're hungry/greddy for those points, your seagulling is getting someone killed. Which knowing you, means you're going to get in inpatient and go in for the unsafe "rescue".

  • I'm on the ground and I would like a heal's ok...fix that gen...I'll wait.

  • You did something wrong, I better tell you. Oh your steam is set to private, I'll add you so I can tell you. 14 times this. I added them all and wanted to hear what they had to say. Some of it was valid, from yo bro that's a slow window, you need to wait a sec longer before trying to flashlight. Rest of them which 11, was usually a insult, informing I have relations with the same gender and how I'm new to this game or that my skill in a game requires me to end my life, or my personal favorite...that was my box, i'm going to find you a have sexual interactions with your eye socket. All have been screenshotted and reported. But I can only imagine that this happens to other players.

Not once did I get camped, I got tunneled but that was mostly due to the unsafe rescues, which is the correct answer to be pulled off the hook in front of the killer.

Survivors, I didn't think you had it hard. Besides dealing with killers who main nurse/billy or huntress but after spending half a day in your shoes...and having to do another few hours. I'm truly sorry. I had no idea how bad you really had it.

TLDR - OI, I wrote a beautiful piece, I'm not shorting my work.

Edit - Reddit posting is hard and I'm a terrible person

submitted by /u/Welshieone
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Improve your skillcheck with this

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 12:36 AM PST

I see a lot of people missing skillcheck in early ranks, so this simulator will allow you to train to get the timing right without making crucial mistakes within the game.

Credit goes to Mistersyms. It seems it got buried and no one seems to know about it anymore. It helped me a lot in early days, so I hope it will help people who aren't aware that the tool exists out there.

Here's the original thread:

submitted by /u/Kingdomdust
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Scoring a three pointer with Hardcore Parkour

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 01:08 PM PST

Why is good player always camped?

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 05:48 AM PST

I did zero t-bags, i did zero "click-click", i was stealthy. When killer spotted me, I was starting run. He chased me for 3 gens. Then he catched me a facecamped me. My teammates was useless noobs, they did only one gen. I had 3 000 bloodpoints and i lost pip. Where is justice?

What is harder? Do gens or juke P3 hillbilly for 3 gens?

I hate looping, but what I should did? Run opposite him and let him hit me? It is not my bad. It is devs problem.

So should I pretend that I am bad player and I will not be facecamped? Pls help me. This is thing which make me sad.

I dont say nothing bad about killer. I hate my useless teammates and BP reward system.

edit: sorry for my english, I tried my best

submitted by /u/MolotowSVK
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Scratched Mirror as The Shape is how being killer should feel

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 09:05 AM PST

So I've played the game for ages but never used this add-on as my thought process was basically, "Stuck in EW1 all game, no OHD, slow speed, no thanks" However after just using it I've seen the light, this add-on is broken OP, it makes the game surprisingly relaxing as a killer which is a massive rarity, just moving from one down to another, hooking as you go and knowing they can't hide and also usually can't actually hear you. This is how being a killer should be, it's fun, you feel OP, Survivors can't hide and are likely shitting their pants as you constantly pop out of nowhere, for killers sick of all the BS just run Scratched Mirror and bask in the greatness

submitted by /u/IMaySlayLizDaw94
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Lunar event

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 03:16 AM PST

Petition to have Bill removed from DBD, and replaced with someone else (same perks, don't lose progress on character when changed)

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 08:18 PM PST

Bill is a Vietnam vet who survived a horrific war, only to return home to a country that didn't value him. He makes it into old age, and then suddenly finds himself fighting for survival in a zombie apocalpyse, trying to save others. Finally, in a last act of heroism, he sacrifices himself so that others may live.... and for what? To be transported to a nightmare realm where he has to be hunted and killed over, and over, and over? And as a combat vet, denied even the dignity to fight back?!


Jesus Christ dev team, let this man have a rest.

submitted by /u/Demoth
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when you know the killer has mori but

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 07:21 PM PST

*pointing intensities*

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 02:54 PM PST

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