Bedrock base? 7 Days To Die

Bedrock base?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 03:23 PM PST

How are these meant to work, I've dug down to bedrock to get ready for the construction but I'm curious how these protect you as the zombie crawlers and spider zombies can dig down or just break the hatch and come and get me? So how are you meant to stop this happening?

submitted by /u/Waterdodger123
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Game recommendation

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 10:42 PM PST

So I feel like I'm starting to get burned out on 7dtd and need a break. Any games you can recommend when I enjoyed 7dtd greatly?

submitted by /u/scared_of_bread
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Spider zombies at 7 days

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 06:11 PM PST

So, I've never had this happen before. I started a new map, and got a little horde bunker set up in time to fight the 7 day horde.

I didn't put any overhangs on, because it was the first horde. Well, right in the middle of the horde, things are going well. Then I hear that chitenous, stuttering screech. My blood curdled. Not one, but four of them!

Anyway, I survived but I was not expecting that, it definitely made things hairy. Has anyone gotten spiders that early or was this unusual?

submitted by /u/Zalkenai
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Forge location

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 07:41 AM PST

So i have been told that the heat from forges attracts screamers. If i bring the forges down deep in the mine within my house will i still get 4+ screamers a day? Is there a good method for keeping forges in a place where hordes wont fuck your house?

submitted by /u/captainbezoar
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Thinking of picking this up on ps4. Previously played it on pc, how does the ps4 version compare?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 08:38 PM PST

As the title says, im thinking of picking this game up on the ps4 as well. How is the console version compared to the pc version? Is it up to date content wise? Performance?

submitted by /u/Allstarcappa
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Turrets malfunctioning.

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 11:21 AM PST

I have a few turrets set up for horde night help. Four are from a generator, and four are from a battery bank charged by solar bank. All eight are shotgun turrets. My issue is that for no reason whatsoever, they will suddenly go all H.A.L. and try to kill me. Died a couple times from this, no biggie, but I don't really want the folks I'm allied with to get killed if they come to trade. I've made sure that the turrets are set to Zombies and Strangers only. I did a few suicide test runs to make sure I had the Self unselected. Just finished a horde night, everything's good, killing zombies and it sounds like a warzone...loving it. Morning comes, I go to loot and chop up the corpses, and suddenly I'm getting tagged by my own turrets. I've tried picking them up and replacing them, on/off at the power source, emptying and reloading the name it, I've probably tried it. What am I missing?

submitted by /u/keltsbeard
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A bug so unusual on Xbox one I simply can’t play any more, random items missing, others still there? Any help?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 03:22 AM PST

Ok so I play with my fiancé on Xbox one, yesterday evening was the last time we played. Logged in today to find this total shit show.

-The castle we started last weekend and finished yesterday was gone, all except one wall.

-All other structures that we have built together are intact, some which we made modifications to only recently (within the last few days).

-The minibikes that we inside the castle walls were now outside but intact.

-There was dense tree cover where the empty castle courtyard use to be.

-Crops which I sowed yesterday evening at a different base, just before I logged out, were still there.

-My fiancé is logged into the Xbox and I play as the second character. His character was intact, full bag, full tool belt, all his recipes, absolutely fine.

-I play as the second character, my tool belt was intact but my bag was empty and my recipes were gone.

I've read loads of posts about people logging in and finding their whole game/character have reset, their stuff is missing and their builds are gone, but how in a month of Sunday's has a build I finished yesterday afternoon gone missing, plants I grew yesterday evening still there, minibikes intact but the castle they were sat in missing? This doesn't feel like a straightforward corrupt file?

Can I retrieve a previous save on an Xbox one? Is there any way of saving a hard copy next time, where does it even go in the first place, onto a cloud? Any ideas wtf just happened. I'm fine with the game crashing every hour but I don't think I can play a game where it removes parts I create completely randomly, I'm devastated to be honest.

Edit: it seems we have been hit by an MD5 error, which explains why the minibikes survived but the castle did not. It doesn't explain the bags and recipes missing, but we are half way there. For more info follow this link which explains it better.

submitted by /u/Trotterswithatwist
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Set Day to Horde Night 791?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 02:18 PM PST

Hi all,

So I am trying to set the horde night to night 791, but whenever I do this, the amount of zombies never match the horde night. Is there something else I need to change? My friends and I just want to fast forward to horde 791 and see how long we last! Thanks guys!

submitted by /u/pdiddy6938
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This game is so unrealistic that I hate it.

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 08:47 PM PST

Things I have an issue with:

  • Every meat that isn't zombie can be bacon.

  • Three beers is enough to get me buzzed all night long

  • Never once has my character poked a zombie stripper's boob to see what it feels like.


submitted by /u/Tobacconist
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Are the devs still working on this?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 06:06 PM PST

So me and my friends just bought this game on Xbox one, after a week of building up defenses we get to the day before night 7.

Game crashes, I think whatever happens all the time, load back up and our entire base is NUKED!!

Thinking quick on my feet I forced closed the game, deleted my local save and synced from Xbox Live only to find that it was completely destroyed.

Out of frustration and to make sure it doesn't happen again I Googled it to see if something we did caused the issue all that anticipation all that anxiety for night 7 our first night 7.

To my resolve I find that people have been reporting this issue since 2016 how long does it take to fix this bug did the developers even care or they find with just keeping our money...

submitted by /u/taylasch
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anyone interested in peer2peer with me?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 07:59 AM PST

i started a new world, made all the ressources scarce (75% drop chance), the world is massive, difficulty 6 (hardest) and the airdrop is every 7 days. if youre interested in joining, leave your steam here and ill add you!

submitted by /u/BurningChild
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Just a little critique if I may...

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 02:24 AM PST

First let me say I am very much a fan of this game. My brother forced my hand by buying it as a gift for me. So thanks bro, you where right. But, in all honesty in my first two weeks of playing there is only one thing so far that has grated on me. The "lighting" rules. While I understand it's a survival game. Why exactly are the rules for light sources so fantastically stupid. First and foremost, why the hell can I not carry a torch or a flash light in my left hand? While I certainly understand the point of making dark areas more challenging. Could we not just have to find batteries or more fuel for torches? Rather than playing this game of musical items. Secondly, is my character incapable of using duct tape for ANYTHING other than recipes? Case and point, taping the flash light to his back pack strap? or to a rifle barrel? What bothers me most is the need for a mining helmet. Yes it's nice. But, it ruins the experience afterward. I think just a few minor changes to how flash lights and torches work could lend itself to a longer and more rewarding aspect of gameplay that doesn't quickly become an afterthought by finding or building a single piece of gear. Maybe something changes on day 55 I don't know about. But as of now the lighting system is irksome and sadly mundane.

submitted by /u/TheLamerGamer
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