True Dota 2 - Shoutouts to teammates that trust you even after mistakes.

Shoutouts to teammates that trust you even after mistakes.

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 12:25 PM PST

Playing in a ranked game and I'm shadow shaman 5 with a clockwerk 4.

Beginning of game he manages to trap weaver in cogs, but I made a mistake and left because I thought he missed. Then we do disastrous chase in which we both die because I hesitated in chasing.

Then we go mid and I fuck up hexing the right person because I was brain dead and hexed/net the willow instead of SF. Causes us to both die because he got razed.

Even after all this he continued to initiate expecting me to follow up. We ended up winning. Thanks man for not focusing on my mistakes and trusting in your teammate.

submitted by /u/Johnhong
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Support wraith king

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 04:02 PM PST

I want to hear reddits thoughts on support wraith king. The idea is to get arcanes and spam the everliving shit out of your amazing stun. Then itemize like normal and translate into a semicarry.

submitted by /u/K4sp3r00
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Alternatives to Manta on PL?

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 03:10 PM PST

Manta is a staple item to build on PL, but I've always found it to be a bit boring. The stats are okay, but you already spawn illusions. The purge is great, of course, as is the ability to farm waves with the illusions, but is it so good that it has to be core every game? As a thought experiment: for the same price (approx 5k gold), you could bulk up with Skadi or HoT. If you wanted the damage and movespeed, you could grab an early butterfly for the same price. You could even buy a radiance! If you needed to spawn illusions to initiate a fight, you might go crazy and pick up an Aghs.

Assuming there was not a specific reason you needed a manta (such as silences you needed to purge), when might skipping it in favor of other extension items be better?

submitted by /u/jtaulbee
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Dual mid heroes meta?

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 02:28 PM PST

I don't play any more but still actively watch dota, and there seems to be a current meta of teams picking up two traditionally mid heroes as their position 1 and 2? Can anyone explain this? I'm talking heroes like OD, QoP, DP etc

submitted by /u/Blobbypengu
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Killing yourself as Techies is almost entirely as valuable as killing an enemy

Posted: 11 Jan 2018 08:43 PM PST

I've been grinding the Road to 6K recently and I've been spamming Techies. He is incredibly strong right now and extremely difficult to punish.

If you can draw attention to yourself and force supports to rotate on you, and then successfully suicide you have possibly created more space than killing a single enemy would have provided. I love orb of venom on techies because it allows him to harass enemies in lane and if you can suicide your way to lvl 5 you gain immense farming and depush potential.

I recently played a game where I had 9 successful suicide denies (1 neutral creep) and we managed to comeback after I drew so much attention from the enemy agression. Techies is honestly a pretty valuable feeder.

submitted by /u/neptune_1
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Phantom Lancer builds this patch

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 01:23 PM PST

So I was watching Cancel's stream and I saw a BF Silver Edge PL and checked dotabuff and it's actually being used frequently by high mmr players, can anyone explain me why is people building battlefury and "non illusion heroes" items now? I understand the reasoning behind Slark battlefury build but I still don't know why PL would want a battlefury since illusions don't benefit from cleave nor from bonus damage so his illusions are actually pretty weak compared to the diffu manta build. Also why would you pick PL when you want to go for that kind of build when there are way better heroes with those items?

submitted by /u/soundgarden134
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why do qops get 2 levels in dagger when before I would see 1-1-3

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 05:40 AM PST

I don't really see how exactly an extra point in dagger does. Well im not a midlaner nor do I play qop, just wanna know. Maybe it's just enough levels to play aggresive when u know the limits of the hero?

submitted by /u/XaeVius31
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Avoiding stupidity is easier than being good at DOTA

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 01:25 AM PST

Just read this blog post and at my skill level it is definitely relevant and it might be helpful to others as well for that mindset boost.

What are your favorite basic things you rely on or do to unstupid yourself when playing DOTA? Things that don't require godlike skill or split second reflexes.

My own favorite is

  • Avoid pushing high ground(unless you obviously can't fail, sometimes even noobs can recognize a sure thing) when the other two lanes are close to your base and/or pushing closer to your own base. Sure taking a tower or rax is great but the risk is that you will lose 2 of your own lane rax if you fail. This is setting yourself up for failure. When you are good you can take all the factors into consideration such as enemy skill timings, uptime for enemy ultimates, enemy buybacks, enemy team composition(some heroes wreck buildings(luna)), respawn times, enemy item builds, etc. For most players keeping track of your own shit plus keeping track of when your teammate with the big teamfight ulti is ready to go is stretching it
submitted by /u/h0ist
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Immortals' Map Movement vs. Other Teams

Posted: 11 Jan 2018 10:56 PM PST

This is hard to really put in words, but my general impression from watching other teams is that they all basically have similar or comparable decision making about when to group up, when to gank, when to go high ground.

Watching Immortals today, I was able to notice all kinds of decisions where they do things that seemed really not standard. Going HG, strange TPs across the map...

I'm really struggling to find the correct vocabulary for map movement, because it's a really advanced dota concept that I'm wrapping my head around.

I was wondering if Immortals would be a "better" team if they had more "standard" map movement, or if they have found that this style of map movement better matches the style of Dota their players are best in.

[edit] Seems like their late game is more standard. I'm guessing that the later the game gets, the more people agree on what the best things to do are.

submitted by /u/lookseedooso
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pos 6 - priming jungle camps?

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 08:54 AM PST

Suppose a support player gets a jungle creep or camp to ~10% HP then leaves XP range and lets a core get 100% of the reward.

Generally XP is pretty valuable on supports while cores care more about the farm. But some cores can benefit a lot from a fast 6/etc.

Have any pro teams done this in competitive games? It seems like something that a ML bot like OpenAI would eventually abuse.

Obviously there are a number of considerations:

  • It's hard to damage jungle creeps efficiently outside of heroes like CM.

  • All jungle creeps now have small regen. Large Satyr camps of course would be resistant to this.

  • Overall can take a large commitment (perhaps better spent on the map or just stacking), and is vulnerable to enemy roamer stealing it.

  • Jungle creeps are worth less xp than ever.

My hunch is that it would be extremely uncommon to find a situation where this would be worthwhile, but in theory it can let your core get a particular level ASAP.

submitted by /u/chimpan_z
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Posted: 11 Jan 2018 05:42 PM PST

Why is bristleback so overpowered? How do i deal with him?

submitted by /u/Barksdalee
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