RimWorld Who needs graves?

Who needs graves?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 12:08 PM PST

Tribals - Squirrel Friend

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 03:52 PM PST

The reason why you see random empty buildings and structures everywhere

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 04:38 PM PST

What the hell, game?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 06:39 PM PST

Vladislav really has this wardening business down to an art

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 06:59 PM PST

Randy Random is really fucked up o.0

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 05:09 PM PST

There was a colony. WAS. My fuel in generator was ending, i was placed at desert, my trees wasn't fully grown so i used my last wood resources. Then hot wave came. I build 1 fan to cool my mountain's colony. Generator stopped working, fuel end. It was damn hot. Another disaster came - Raid. (I have mod that rolls more additional raids) so instead of 1 raid it gave me 2 + 1 siege xDD. I defended myself , 1 man lost leg ( i bought leg but instead of helping him he cut off his arm), 1 group of enemies still shooting my base. MY TREE FARM IS BURNING, SHIEET. Wizard summoner (TMagic mod) went to the siege camp and summoned 3 golems, i defeated them. My farm burned, my colonists are wounded, my 1 woman is pregnant ( children mod) and there is no food because rice farm have burned too... Ah and at the end a tornado came.

Sorry for my english. I hope it would be good story, sad because its real story.

submitted by /u/SzaryKaptur
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Thanks modders! i hate it

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 09:13 PM PST

This has been my saddest game yet

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 08:35 PM PST

Boomalope Farm & Chemfuel Generators seem to be the definition of sustainability

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 10:17 PM PST

My calculation concludes that a single adult boomalope can provide fuel for 2 generators. I've got 12 boomalopes providing 24000W of electricity, simply by grazing in the wilderness. It becomes a problem when the numbers of boomalopes boom, but the courageous raiders take the risk of slaughtering them for us. I would never forget their regular heroic sacrifice.

submitted by /u/cramer1592
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Boomalope herd vs. Mortars (2nd try)

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 12:08 PM PST

Infestation and Boomalopes

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 11:59 AM PST

I had my second infestation, this time in my prison that I built in a small mountain near the edge of my colony. I am in a very hot jungle biome, and I had originally dug it out to make a climate controlled hydroponic garden to grow devilstrand, but I forgot that you can't grow that devilstrand with hydroponics...so I built a structure over some fertile soil instead, and converted the empty space into a very impressive multi-room prison.

Anyway, when the infestation hit there I was sort of disgusted...the prison was new, never used, and empty...I had the power shut off in there. My colonists had just recovered from a siege raid. The only entrance to the area was a very narrow corridors with three steel doors...no easy way to get a large crew in to take them out...they would have to go in single file and get in each other's way.

Then I remembered my small boomalope family...I hadn't planned on having a boomalope family, the mom had self-tamed and was already pregnant with a male, and I didn't mind the free chemfuel, so I let them sleep with my wild bores. It occurred to me that I could afford to send in two, so I zoned the prison and restricted them to that zone. They wandered in through the triple doors, instantly got attacked, exploded, and set the whole inside on fire. I watched the temp rise to 1300F and all the bugs scrambled to get out but eventually collapsed from the heat.

I poked a few holes in the marble walls, put out the fire and rebuilt, not a single scratch on my colonist.

submitted by /u/BrianMincey
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"A Brain for a Brain."

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 04:04 PM PST

[Short story]Septober morning

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 09:46 PM PST

So my friend is writing Rimworld fanfiction and I thought I'd share it here (with his permission)... If you like it I'll share more, Enjoy:

Septober morning; A Rimworld tale.

I was startled awake as the door of my cell clanged shut. I look over towards the noise and see the food Patricia left me for breakfast, the outline of the plate barely visible from the light under the door.

They kept me in the dark, literally, until Jeffrey's daily visit. He'd been trying to recruit me for weeks now since the raid. Every time he spoke I would get so angry, thinking about Eva.

She was my everything. My amazing warrior woman, gun or blade she could take down anyone single handedly. I was always better with a shovel than a blade but I couldn't let her go on the raid alone. What kind of man would let his wife go on a raid on her own? I wonder now if she'd regret letting me come with her. Trapped in this cell for weeks with my other tribesmen, one after another deciding to join Jeffrey's crew. I could never forgive him for what they did to her, the idea of joining him after losing her was too much.

I was the last one left of my fellow tribesmen. My friend Ben was here yesterday and had been negotiating terms with Jeffrey for days. As if he had some kind of negotiating skills, stupid idiot must have caved into Jeffrey's demands and decided to join him. Coward. I can't help but wonder what Eva would have wanted for me though. Would she forgive me for joining them? Would she forgive me for allowing myself to die in this dark hole of a dungeon? I would never get the chance to ask her now. I miss her so much.

I reached over for the plate as hunger pains started to rumble. Corn again. Don't these idiots know how to grow some god damned strawberries? I start daydreaming of being outside, sowing the fields and watching my crops grow, carefully tending the soil to maximize yield and picking the sweetest strawberries for myself and her. I hear a noise and realize I may never see the sun again.

The lights flicker on, the door jerks. I'm blinded by the light which I'm sure isn't that bright. The heavy slate door and smooth slate walls make this place seem darker than night most of the time. I can't see anything past the door as the lights in the room make it impossible to open my eyes.

"Good morning Steven." Jeffrey says.

I sit in silence chewing on the corn quietly.

"Silent treatment again today I see. That's always fun." I had let Jeffrey get my goat on several occasions in the past. Each outburst left me feeling more foolish than cathartic so I do my best to keep my cool. Once as the door was opening we'd tried to make a break for it. Two of us didn't survive that day and I'm pretty sure I still have a bullet in my leg.

"You know Steven, I admire your perseverance out here in the Rimworld it can often feel like we don't get a lot of choices. Like myself for example. Do you know why I'm the leader of our haggard group Steven? Is it because I'm the best looking, or the biggest and strongest? No. It's because I'm the only one who's got an intact Jaw and two working ears. I don't want to have to come here and talk to you every day, but I choose to because I think the alternative won't be better for anyone."

He's glaring at me, arms crossed as I am finally able to open my eyes a crack. "How was breakfast by the way?"

"Corn again... It's fine I like corn."

"Good observation my man. Do you know why you got corn again?"

"Because your herbalist can't plant worth a damn?"

"You're actually right Steven, Mary can't plant worth a damn after your tribe left her in a coma. I've been sowing the fields myself and my green thumb is about as black as my jacket here. It's slow, hard work, and I've got worse news than that."

He takes off his hat as my eyes are adjusting to the light and places it down on the table near the door. I sit silently as I'm sure he's about to finish his thought without me asking.

"After several days of sowing we got hit by a blight that wiped out just about all of our rice and potato plants. All we have left is about 2 weeks worth of corn and with it being early Septober we're going to be hard pressed to get another crop in before the winter comes. I have some people working on an indoor farm as we speak but it might not be ready in time and until then everyone is pulling double duty in the fields. I could really use a man like yourself out there to show people how it's done and get a little variety back on the menu."

I stay silent. It feels so good to know they need me.

"I'm sorry about your wife you know. Ben told me all about her yesterday, I didn't realize you had lost someone in the raid, that explains why you've been so resilient and moody. I felt the same way when Patricia first told me Mary's diagnosis. Like I said before though, the Rimworld doesn't give us many choices. So I'm trying to choose to move on, and I recommend you do the same."

He seemed sincere in his apology, and I looked down at the floor and quietly say: "Thanks for the advice, and breakfast."

"I have to say I think this is going to be our hardest winter yet. I'm going to have to make some tough choices and people are going to have to choose to do things they're not comfortable with. Ben really drove a tough bargain on what he was and wasn't willing to do for our team so I made a tough choice and put him to work. Everyone's gotta be useful to the group. I was hoping you'd join us sooner so you could see that we're not so bad, Patricia has been asking me every day to let her take that bullet out of your leg, and we got a prosthetic with your name on it after you're done in the fields. I hope you'll make the tough decision so I don't have to... For what it's worth, I think it's what she would have wanted."

"You have no idea what she would have wanted." As the words leave my mouth I know in my heart he's right. She was so strong, and never would have wanted me to sit in this dark hole rotting away.

"I'm sorry, you're right Steven, but I doubt very much there is any scenario that Mary would have wanted me to choose a life in a place like this." As he gestured around I notice there is paper on the table beside the hat. "I'm going to leave the lights on today, I've got some paper and a pen for you to write down anything you want to say and I'm sorry but dinner might have to be corn again. I hope you'll reconsider your position and think about giving our little group a try. We might really be able to get along, and Patricia is looking forward to getting to know you. She brings your food every morning before she even eats herself. After she feeds Mary that is." Jeffrey stands to leave the room and I think about the young woman who bandaged my leg when I first woke up.

As the door clangs shut again I feel a genuine wave of relief that the lights are going to stay on this time. I stumble over to the table instinctively reaching out my hand to feel for the chair despite being able to clearly see it this time. As I sit down and look at the paper I notice the hat still sitting on the table. I pick it up and as I turn it around, I see it. I see what Jeffrey meant by making tough choices. I make up my mind as I throw the hat back on the table, and gaze at Ben's lifeless face staring back at me.

submitted by /u/recoil669
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Go easy on the drinks on the funeral guys.

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 09:47 AM PST

I don't get this modern art...

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 03:18 AM PST

Loving the sculptures of my people

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 10:57 AM PST

This carving depicts an empty top hat suspended in mid air. A dead ant lies to the right of the main scene and the image is totally devoid of both closeness and good will.

Wow, deep.

submitted by /u/LavenderDisaster
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How to handle infestations in three easy steps.

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 07:55 PM PST

is there a mod which brings back the old relation density to raids?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 02:43 PM PST

You know when every 3rd raid had a relative of one of your colonists and you were like "we dont kill him, he is family - take his legs"

submitted by /u/Trollimperator
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It would be cool if you could have a ranged and melee weapon at the same time

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 08:11 AM PST

I'm getting kind of tired of my colonists having machine guns in their hands then when a mad animal attacks them they hit the animal with the blunt of their guns or firing 50 shots at point blank and missing each and every time.

I would love a system where if you have a decent level of melee and shooting you could have a weapon of either or along with your main weapon.

So lets say you have high shooting and decent melee, well you can have your machine gun and a knife

if you have high melee and low shooting, a long sword and revolver.

The colonists switch to either or depending on the circumstance. So lets say a baddie comes up to you with a mallet and you are in melee range, you take out your knife and start dueling

Or a baddie is running at you but you mainly use a melee, you take out your side pistol and start shooting until they drop dead.

Maybe even a bayonet system?

submitted by /u/MattTheFreeman
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First time playing - any essential mods?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 07:52 PM PST

I remember when I first started playing DF, I never would have even given it a chance without some QoL mods. Anything similar for this game before I fire it up?

submitted by /u/shurugathegreat
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Methods of creating disposable soldiers

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 04:39 PM PST

Alright I want this theme of a heavily militarized colony with soldiers and stuff just going around and doing soldier stuff, but good soldiers are hard to come by. I do have to training mod that lets you train the shoot stat with a dummy, so I might just set it up so they live in a barracks and a yard and literally all they do all day is shoot at the dummies, regardless of their passion for shooting.

So my problems are:

-Decent soldiers are hard to come by. Only 3/11 of my colonists have a flame for shooting, but they all play vital roles in my colony

-I get too attached to my colonists, and or they become too vital for the colonies survival to risk them in any high risk combat. I might have to consider renaming them to something more dehumanizing like "Slave 1" or something.

-MAYBE I might have problems feeding all my soldiers. I live in a 20/60 growing day tile, but i do have a massive indoor farm that grows all year round. I also have a 500+ surplus of fine meals in the freezer so I should be fine for a while anyways.

Equipping these soldiers shouldn't be a problem, all non-colonist dead bodies are butchered for their organs and sold for money, plus I have created my own mod that decreases the cost for nearly all weapons, because I think its stupid that just because it shoots better it should cost more, the creation of the weapon should be based on the skill of the colonist creating it not how much material you have.

submitted by /u/ThatBlueSkittle
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Newbie question, what research do I need to be able to attach bionic parts to my colonists?

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 07:37 PM PST

And what workbench do I need? Are there any other requisites to be able to do that?

submitted by /u/josefharveyX9M
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I just had a tornado destroy only my components in my entire stockpile.

Posted: 06 Jan 2018 10:38 PM PST


submitted by /u/ThatsWarren
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