RimWorld I just had a pyromaniac go insane right as a raid started and when I tried to arrest him he beat a one hour old kitten to death

I just had a pyromaniac go insane right as a raid started and when I tried to arrest him he beat a one hour old kitten to death

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:02 PM PST

Fuck you McLean

submitted by /u/shivvyshubby
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You already know what this is.

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:39 AM PST

my prison.

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 01:06 PM PST

I love how Faction Control makes my world maps look. You can have whatever factions clustered that you want!

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 01:41 PM PST

This happened just after my other colonist had her eyeball clawed out by a warg.

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 10:22 PM PST

Oh God, what a way to die...

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 03:20 AM PST

I did this and I am ashamed....

(And maybe, uh, Tynan ought to look into this minor feature correction? Dunno how to page him, though.)

So had a super-duper soldier I routinely sent on trade runs solo, because I knew she could outrun any pursuit, and probably outsnipe it if she had to. Loaded the launch pod for a trade run. All was well. Had to wait for the load to complete.

...got distracted by my daughter. Forgot I'd started the load. Didn't notice it finish.

...five days later I see "Colonist died" on several colony need charts. What the hell? No one's died! What's going on?!

...flip around... "My Rival Lenka has died." WHAT?! My super soldier? She never... what... she's not at the trade...where...

...oh god.

I opened the pod and her starved form tumbled out. Time to build a new coffin.

Tynan? Would it maybe be possible for the game to not just completely forget characters in launch pods exist? I mean, I know there's a coding reason somewhere, but...

She literally just starved to death, silent, ten feet away from the kitchens, man. My super soldier that faced down so many foes... dies, cold, alone, starving, inches from warmth, companionship, and food.

What a way to go.

submitted by /u/FriedrichPsitalon
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The crossover I'd love...

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 11:46 PM PST

... is an import-export tool between Rimworld and Faster than light.

You start a game in FTL with a standard ship.

If your ship gets destroyed in a random encounter, you can drop on a planet and start playing rimworld (you should move the crew to the newly-introduced escape pod room, so for the last hits the ship is left unmanned... or you could need to leave someone behind to get some more time to save the others...).

FTL has each system slowly conquered by the bad guys as the front advances tick by tick like this. So I'd say that each tick is 2 rimyears.

As long as the rim panet is in the clean area, you play a normal game. If it is reached by the baddies "explorers", you start getting high tech, high power attacks (possibly with drop pods in the middle of your base). If it is reached by the main evil force, game over.

In the time you have, you can build a ship that will become your ship when you go for the stars again, with the pawns you chose to embark acting as crew.

You launch and you can restart the FTL game.

what do you think about this?

submitted by /u/Cocco81
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Playing Rimworld with my GF

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 10:45 PM PST

Hey guys, we bought Rimworld a couple of days ago and we're loving it.
"It's kind of like sims." Is what my girlfriend established. She doesn't use reddit, so she doesn't have the knowledge on this game that I do. Bless her soul.


We've had a lovely time so far with our second colony. (We do not mention the first colony)
We've also finally managed to take someone as a prisoner, which I was hoping would happen soon. My excitement very much shined…. to be honest, that should've tipped my GF off.
Apparently it is not okay to take a lung, even if the client can still breathe afterwards.


Long story short, does anyone know how to get rid of the "Rebuffed by GF" mood affect?

submitted by /u/Vilanu
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It all started from a couple of bears...

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:07 PM PST

Oh My God.....

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 05:20 PM PST

so... i got a new computer for Christmas because my old one was crappy (and the speakers didn't work)...... so i spent the first month or so with it just playing other games my old computer couldn't handle.....and when i started a new game the first thing i heard was the music and i was shocked..... it was like a deaf person being able to hear for the first time (now i know you all will think this is a way for me to boast about Christmas that happened a month ago but it isn't..... i was just really shocked when i heard the music for the first time ever....)

submitted by /u/Puppyl
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Umeko started an insulting spree on Lilith. Randy is on my side

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:16 AM PST

Human Pemmican

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:02 PM PST

Apologies if this is a stupid question but just got back into the game after a year or so and didn't have much experience then. Killed a raider and was going to make pemmican to help stave off food shortages in the winter. Will my pawns still get the mood debut from eating human flesh if it's in pemmican?

submitted by /u/WebHead934
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Rate my fist Colony after a Year of absence.

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 05:16 AM PST

Love, Bionics, and ungrateful bastards.

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:56 AM PST

A wealthy explorer lady lands on Rimworld. One of the first native people she meets becomes the love of her life, and they're shortly married in front of the three other lost souls that have joined the colony. Tragedy strikes when a single scyther attacks the fledgling colony and shatters her beloved's spine before the remaining colonists killed it. Unperturbed, she puts her best scientist to work researching bionics, cares for her husband, and manages the colony. She eventually builds a bionic spine and performs the surgery personally, replacing his old scarred left arm with shiny new bionics at the same time. Patient and persistent, she'd formulated a plan to restore her bedridden husband, because that's what you do for your one and only. Within about a year, she'd put him back together better than ever before.

A day later he divorced her.

Ass. (Good one, Cassandra!)

The really funny part was that he ended up with ownership of the room with the double bed, which had been hers before they were married. I went back and kicked him out for her.

submitted by /u/Vizzini_CD
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Next level organ harvesting [Misc]

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 12:14 PM PST

Mods for melee only play through?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:35 PM PST

Interested in doing a melee only play through.. any mods that would help? Preferably I would like to disable guns, mechanoids, and make melee only viable.

submitted by /u/Daorange1
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I made a questionnaire for character creation that I use for my friends. I wanted to share.

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 05:07 PM PST

I am an avid user of EdB's Prepare Carefully Mod (steam) and I thought a fun way to include my friends in my shenanigans would be to make a questionnaire for them so I can generate a fairly accurate representation of them in a futuristic setting. Most of the questions are pretty benign I believe, and mostly things you would ask on a date or for a job interview. 5 and 6, while good for getting the injuries and face right, is more personal. So, don't be pushy with the person, especially if you don't know them that well.

-Each question covers roughly what is editable within the mod. 1 and 2 are to guide their backgrounds (up to you to make the best judgment), 3 generates their skills. You take the score they answered and roll that many d4's. 3 and 4 determine what their passions are. Scores of 3 in a skills question give that skill a small flame. Answers to question 4 give those related skills a small flame and if a skill is a 3 and also a stated passion, give it a large flame. Question 5 gives the character the various injuries in Rimworld, up to you how severe they get it. 6 asks for a selfie, so hopefully you get their face right!

-Skills (in order asked): a. Handling, b. Art, c. Construction, d. Cooking, e. f. roll for both answers, take the average of both for Crafting, g. Growing, h. Medicine, i. Melee, j. Mining and if 1, give Slowpoke trait if 3, give Fast Walker trait, k. Shooting, l. Social, m. Intellectual

-Extras: if you know their age, roll a d20, add it, for fun; knowing their name isn't important, you can make one up along with their user/nickname; For the most part, unless you really know them, don't worry about traits, roll a d6, randomize that many times.

Pastebin here

NOTE: Naturally, don't give these to random people and expect a (positive) answer. Also, ask the person first before you send it out. Do Not Be Pushy especially if they're online friends. Have fun! =)

submitted by /u/sora1202
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With the official 1.0 release coming, what can we do to make the different terrain types more interesting?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 10:31 AM PST

I'm not suggesting any too crazy but there are a couple of terrain areas that speak for themselves but others are strictly "challenge-mode" areas, that's fine but it would be cool if there were a few things unique to those spots that make landing there a bit more interesting.

Example: Ice sheets & Sea Ice might have a dead, frozen expedition you can loot once you've thawed their bodies out and ice can be harvested as a building material.

EDIT: Another idea, northern lights!

submitted by /u/CQReborn
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Highest value item in the game

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 07:23 AM PST

Ultimate insult for a late-game raider:

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 11:58 PM PST

"We captured and tortured your friends and kept them in inhuman conditions, but if you try to save them, you'll end up on the other side of their nutrient paste dispenser!"

submitted by /u/dan_prisoner
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RimWorld: Civ Edition modding?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:18 PM PST

Some forewarning: I'm not much of a programmer nor a modder for RimWorld. Just an enthusiastic player. The RimRoads mod had me wondering how far the tools in the game can be pushed: would it be possible to mod in a system wherein the player can establish colonies and then pass them off to the AI as a sort of equal but subservient base that the player can place regular resource tithes on? We can already found satellite colonies to gather specific resources or send off undesirables we don't quite want to kill, but these are wholly player-controlled. I imagine a system where we can act more like the ministers of the implied states that once lived on the rimworld (unless some other colony lost to time had some great civil engineering skills and decided to put down a few hundred miles of asphalt).

With RimWorld entering 1.0 soon, I'm curious about what players can turn the game into through extensive modding. We already have an advanced psychological profile mod and a cthulhu mythos game generator. Maybe we can add in RimCiv too?

submitted by /u/WoodenNickelDealer
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Wonders of Xeo

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 02:58 AM PST

I think I might cry.

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 07:26 PM PST

I was playing my game in my new world and have a prison set up. I rescued a young man being hounded by raiders and gave him a bed. He was an artist with a mohawk and was generally nice and calm and just chill. I noticed he came with an infection and didn't think anything of it. He was also hooked on lucerifum and dismissed that too untill his infection got worse. His infection is in his left femur, not his leg but it says femur. It's Carcinoma, it's cancer, the young only 23 year old guy is dying of bone cancer and since I am a young tribe with no electricity much less lucerifum I have no way to stop it. I've screamed in rage at this game due to the bs but never been brought to tears by it omg.

submitted by /u/Krisosphere
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Organ Harvesting Operation Idea

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 03:34 PM PST

I was trying to find info on whether or not this works, so if anyone has experience with this and can let me know if it's worth doing, I'd appreciate it.

I had an idea of a way to avoid having negative mood modifiers from organ harvesting by setting up a second colony with a psychopathic doctor and a "surgery shack" maybe guarded by some auto turrets. I was thinking by convoying my prisoners there to be "processed" I could avoid the negative mood-lets affecting my main colony, unless the modifiers are global and would cross over to the other colony.

Anyone try this before or now if mood-lets only affect the one map they originate from?

submitted by /u/ktastics
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Accuracy Check

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 10:30 AM PST

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