Learn Dota 2 - I'd like to thank you all (as a community) for today I finally hit 3k playing support 95% of the time

I'd like to thank you all (as a community) for today I finally hit 3k playing support 95% of the time

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 08:11 AM PST

Cutting down my hero pool, what's missing? (1k and sub-1k)

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 03:32 PM PST

Inspired by the Dota New Year's resolutions thread, I've decided to commit to focusing on a half-dozen or so heroes this year and learning them well. Trying to make sure I have a group that offers a good option for all roles and against most enemy team compositions. So far I'm thinking: Brewmaster, DK, Gyro, TA, Undying (mainly pos4), maybe CM?

I can fall back on Axe or Spirit Breaker if the game calls for it but don't intend to concentrate on them. Haven't decided on a support for sure but CM seems to work in most situations in this bracket while her shortcoming go mostly unpunished.

submitted by /u/l33t_p3n1s
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[Huskar] Just how strong is the new Inner Vitality compared to before 7.07? Is it actually worth taking in the early game?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 11:27 AM PST

From the 7.07 patchnotes:

Inner Vitality:

Reduced default health regen bonus from 5%/10%/15%/20% to 6%/8%/10%/12% of primary attribute.

Reduced boosted health regen bonus 20%/40%/60%/80% to 22%/30%/38%/46% of primary attribute.

That's a pretty rough drop in the later game, but 7.07 also fiddled with how strength buffs all hp regeneration, so how much did it actually reduce overall?

The first point is actually a little stronger nowadays, but is it actually worth taking a value point in it? In the early game it seems barely stronger than a tango, and he only gets a few casts of the spell before he's utterly drained of mana.

I can't help but think that keeping a salve or two and a wand handy during level 6-10ish to survive tower dives and other fights, and only getting IV at 11-14 seems like a stronger build that lets max out his passive 2 levels earlier, as most of the time the issue isn't getting kills with Huskar, it's surviving the time where the burn stacks have secured the kill.

submitted by /u/Prezombie
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How could I have won this game?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 11:43 AM PST

I'm a Herald 4 player that is really struggling to win some games. What could I have done differently to win this game? P.S. I was the Morphling

Match ID: 3655355343 Dotabuff Profile: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/347894091

submitted by /u/MagicPants01
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Winning games by playing #5 hard support (Skywrath Mage, in Divine bracket)

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:57 AM PST


Hello reddit. I am currently staying at Divine 2; just an average 5k player in SEA server. I mainly played support. This video may help you if you're planning to specialize in supporting to climb. I can see myself that I still fuck up a lot of things, but my strengths are: I use microphone and talk a lot.

Ask me any. All feedbacks are appreciated.

submitted by /u/profHam
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Antimage laning

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 05:40 PM PST

Do you get a quelling blade? Why/why not?

submitted by /u/oxsaltlamp
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TB item builds + how to farm faster?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:50 PM PST

Hey there,

I'm not in the usual situation of being on a long loss treak and wondering how to break it, on the contrary I've won 11 of my last 12 TB games but I feel like I've been under performing and my wins have been due to the fact that this hero pushes so fucking fast.

My item build is usually stout + tangos + salve to start into a qb into wand, aquila, treads, dragon Lance, manta, bkb and then butterfly or skadi and gg. Heart seems like it might situationally be a nice item, perhaps satanic. I've never really gotten to that point in any of my games.

In terms of farm I usually get around 40-60 lh in 10 mins depending on the lane, 120-150 in 20 and then around 200-300 in 30. I usually jungle with main tb and send illusions to Lane after 10 or 12 minutes, but I have trouble with unit auto attack settings. I can't lh with the auto attack on and without it when I send a unit to a camp or to push a Lane it will only attack one unit.

So, does anyone have tips for improving my TB game? I've been climbing quite fast recently so I'm worried that I'll get to the point where suboptimal playing won't cut it. Is diffusal worth it over Lance? What about drums?


submitted by /u/screaming_tiger9
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Brewmaster. When should I pick him and when should I not?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:19 PM PST

Good mid heroes to learn?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:28 PM PST

Currently trying to master the mid lane, which are some good mid heroes that are in the meta right now? Thanks (: (also, some tips and tricks for the mid lane is also acceptable.)

submitted by /u/JTGalaxy
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Did I get the wrong items on spirit breaker?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:10 PM PST


I was in a party with CM, I'm crusader 0 and he's archon 1 so I'm guessing there's a good chance I was the worst player on this team. There's nothing I can do right away about my poor mechanics but I'm looking for advice about my decision making.

I had a couple of stupid deaths and I kept getting deleted in big teamfights. In some fights I tried to run soon as I initiated but I realized Bara's useless when not in front of an enemy.

Was this a BKB game? I tried to get one near the end, would Aeon Disk have been better? What about aura items, Vlad's, Drum or Pipe any good here? I was a bit bummed out to find huskar also built an urn but I couldn't not otherwise I'd have no sustain.

Also I know I was underfarmed, I was trying to be more involved in fights, I was trying to be a roamer although I suppose I don't understand the role that much. I was avoiding farming lanes so the enemy would play cautiously. Should I have just shown?

submitted by /u/antonm07
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My item builds feel really stagnant as hard support. Please help!

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 12:33 PM PST

Heroes I commonly play are: Winter Wyvern, Witch Doctor, Dazzle, Shadow Demon, Treant, Venge.

I feel like I constantly build Glimmer Cape+Force Staff as my core build and it's getting a tad repetitive. I also think it probably isn't necessary, there are some new support items, and ones I never build like Drum, etc. I'm curious as to what other items I should be building on these heroes and 5's in general. Thanks.

submitted by /u/T_Stebbins
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How to micro brew’s “PRIMAL SPLIT” ?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:38 AM PST

I know how to lane using brew but i cant really micro his R well.

submitted by /u/BaklangSupot
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Replay Analysis Request for a 3.6k Chaos Knight Game (Typically I am a Support Player)

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 12:23 PM PST

Dotabuff Match Link - https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3654994751

So I was forced into playing core this game, and I for the most part stomped the laning phase against the Clockwerk, however I think that quite literally everything I did after the laning stage was game losing. What I think I should have done was sit in the safelane after taking the Tier 1 tower until I got another core item to kill medusa more easily, instead of tp'ing to the offlane to try and contest medusa and take another tower, but idk, would love to have a core players' insight.

submitted by /u/Mickleton_Mouseroo
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What heroes can I play that will help me improve my map awareness and also last hitting.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 12:12 PM PST

I posted my dota buff recently and people told me I needed to work on my last hits. Also I've known for a long time that my map awareness is not good. So what are some heroes I can play that will automatically force me to either look at the map or get better at last hitting in lane?

submitted by /u/OmniscientShadow
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When would you build Aeon Disk? Which heroes is it good on, or good against?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 11:53 AM PST

Tiny on lategame

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 11:40 AM PST

His laning phase used to be so passive but thanks to tree grab now he is a beast at laning stage, it's also easier to farm a dagger now which means i can gank earlier with him.

overal this rock is so powerful from early to mid game. but the problems come when i reach the late game stage,especially if my midgame is mediocore.

first his combo start to fall off (ok this is every nuker problem), and his split push isn't as strong as it used to be. It's also hard to convince my teammates to stick and end the game in my bracket so i will pretty much will always facing the lategame stage with this rock.

so what should i do in this situation ? back then his tree hit building very hard that i can splitpush and destroy the tower before any enemy tp'ing to that lane.

he is my favorite hero because killing with ava-toss is so satisfying.

submitted by /u/jimimy66
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Posting this here as well as the main sub, this has been my goal for a while (all wins in recent) and it feels great!

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 07:59 PM PST

Searching for a Practice Partner on 1v1 Solo Mid

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 10:06 AM PST

Anyone open to get better at mid like aggro tricks, blocking, harassing etc. ? I am a 3.4k Legend 1 Scrub btw

submitted by /u/CoolPopsicle
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Doom reigns?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 12:01 AM PST

Doom is my favorite character in the game, by far. I know it isn't many matches but I have a 77% winrate on him over 21 matches, and what is his role? I usually build phase into vlads into shadow blade into assault cuirass and stomp the enemy team, but I feel like that isn't the most effective way. I never see him played like that at high MMRs. What is he meant to be?

submitted by /u/haydenhayden011
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How to win a lane as OD?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 01:37 AM PST

I seem to do so well with this hero once I get an item or two, but the laning stage seems to be my problem. I usually end it with no kills, and sometimes a few deaths. I had one game where I went 0/4 and then one the game by going 20/4. I feel if I could perfect this part of the game I would win more often.

How do I get kills without rotations? I get the idea that I astral when a teammate comes to get an easy stun into my q, but solo I don't see how I could do this.

Also when do you go max astral Vs maxing your q? (After your E of course).

Any other general tips, let me know!

submitted by /u/KappaLion
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laning with pangolier?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:14 AM PST

how am i supposed to do laning phase as pangolier? i play brewmaster and i survive with drunken haze and drunken brawler. i play nyx assassin and i have ridiculous health regen. i'm not sure how to survive as pangolier in lane.

edit: now that im reading these replies im guessing pangolier is harder to lane as compared to brew and nyx, eh? hmm

submitted by /u/chokee03
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“Bad players” in top 200 dota streams

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 02:44 AM PST

So there seems to consistently be really bad players in the top 200 or so where everyone on a team agrees the person is bad. How do these players even get to this MMR? Anyone here high enough MMR to shed any light?

Just seem to see games pretty regulalry where the streamer explains how obviously stupid the super unorthodox build is and everyone in the team is also complaining about the core and their stupid but build

Or you'll see initiators who just always show in lane and need to be told 500 times not to show in lane.

How can people like that be top 200 I'm just genuinely confused as a 3k player

submitted by /u/negativory
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Query regarding commends.

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:29 PM PST

I'm a Lv.33 (tranquils) and I have about (last I checked) 432 commends- from 403 wins

I have noticed posts where people are at higher and much higher levels having a lower number of commends or taking a longer time to reach as many commends. I must also state that I rarely play in a party.

While the in-game performance is the best judge, can it be safe to assume that I would play a more commend worthy game more often than higher level players in proportion or am I missing something here?

One more thing, is it true that if you commend someone, that they get 4 commends in their commend count?

Thanks peeps

submitted by /u/Likeabhas
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Playing 1v5

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 01:59 AM PST

I'm guardian 3 so I'm in the scrub tier. My friends tell me I should be able to climb to crusader as I play a decent pos 1 on my comfort heroes, but I have experienced often enough that I end up with 4 numnuts on my team that shouldn't even be Herald 1.

Although this situation doesn't happen often, it happens often enough that it's frustrating. So my question is simply what heroes can come back even after a crap laning stage and do enough that even 4 headless chickens can be carried into a win? I know I won't win all, but at least so I can think to myself that it's still winable and with some good plays I can maybe rally my team to victory.

By all means, I know I'm not archon level or anything like that. I do tons of mistakes in every game and my map awareness is not what it should be. There are probably just as many matches where I get carried as those when I actually carry and probably too many games where the loss is because of me.

submitted by /u/storgodt
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