Civilization - Civilization VI: Rise and Fall – First Look: Cree

Civilization VI: Rise and Fall – First Look: Cree

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:00 AM PST

I Finished the Colossus by a Hair

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 05:15 AM PST

I was at the USS Midway Museum in San Diego today when I saw this. I think this the first time I’ve ever seen Civ 6’s America symbol used outside of the game.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 02:12 PM PST

Today, Today i struck gold.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 03:10 PM PST

I guess that's an okay amount of policy slots...

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:56 AM PST

Civilization VI: Rise and Fall – First Look: Cree

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:01 AM PST

Naval Warfare

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 11:08 AM PST

Naval Warfare There are a few things I'd like to see added to the game to help add some flavour to the oceans. I love using ships, especially after building the Venetian Arsenal, but I feel it can sometimes be not much more than just some frigates and battleships. So:

Storm Clouds: Rough terrain on land has two effects: it limits movements and it limits vision. Patches of storm cloud which move around the map's oceans could have the same effect: to move through a tile of stormy sea, it would require an additional movement point and you couldn't see what is on the other side. Units from and before the Renaissance Era would take damage from storms (e.g. 20 damage per turn), working just like nuclear radiation – you can move through it but if you end your turn in it, then you take damage. Perhaps melee naval units (ironclad & above) could see through storm clouds once radio (i.e. radar) has been researched, meaning they have no effect on visibility (although they would still require 2 movement points to move into, since the sea is still rough, with or without radar). Additionally, storm clouds would mean that ships could be protected from aircraft coming from aircraft carriers by ducking into the storm – even if the ship is still visible to the enemy, they can't be attacked from the air, since the planes can't fly in the stormy conditions (or perhaps planes take damage each time they fly in storms, or maybe even for each stormy tile they fly through e.g. 10hp per stormy tile, lose 20 hp if flying through 2). Of course, storm clouds would only cover a little bit of the ocean at any one time, so they wouldn't always be that important. The generation of these storms would be random, but it would be nice if they grew in size over several turns as they travel and then shrink over several turns too, breaking up as they reach the coast, maybe only beginning in deep oceans and then travelling in any direction.

Mines (Naval Support units?) Mines could add another layer to naval warfare. To add them, a new unit would be required: the mine sweeper. The mine sweeper, unlocking with electricity, would act like a support unit – that is to say, it wouldn't have any combat strength and can be destroyed by moving a unit onto it, just like a medic. Mine sweepers would have two abilities: the ability to place and to destroy mines. To destroy enemy mines, just move the mine sweeper over a tile with a mine in it and the mine disappears (like destroying an enemy medic and so can only happen if you're at war with the mine's owner). To place a mine, the mine sweeper would simply have an action associated with it. This would take up two of its 6 movement points (thus limiting the mine sweeper to two mine placements per turn, to prevent a huge wall of mines being placed immediately). As for the production of mines, they would need to be built in a city with a harbour, developed up to a seaport. However, although they would be fairly cheap to produce, they would not be purchasable, just like walls, since they could kind of act like walls if you placed them around a city and so should not be rush-able. When produced, the mine enters a stockpile (just like nukes) and as such can be used by any mine sweeper around the world. A mine would do some amount of damage to any enemy unit that passes over it (unless the unit is in formation with a mine sweeper), perhaps a random amount of damage between 20 and 30 hp. Finally, mines would be revealed by any submarines (including nuclear subs) if they are in sight. Thinking about mine sweepers made me think about support units in general and how only land units have support units. I spent a while trying to think about what kind of naval support units there could be, but the only two to come to me were mine sweepers and also oil tankers, which could act as medics for modern-era-onward ships.

Naval Bases: It would be nice if military engineers could make naval bases. Having a navy far away which can't heal (without the 3rd tier promotion) can be a problem, so the military engineer could be able to place a coastal improvement like an air strip, allowing 2-3 boats to be stored (and heal) there. If pillaged, no boats can enter. It could also have zone of control, to slow passing ships. A potential issue with the naval bases is that you could set one up right along the enemy's coast and stop them from pillaging it by using some ranged boats, while still allowing your boats to heal right by their city. To prevent this, maybe naval bases could only be built on tiles more than 6 hexes away from any civ's city centre (but not be removed if another civ settles within 6 tiles of your already-existing base). However, they would make islands more useful, since they aren't so good, as there's no land for districts to be built on them.

How would you add to naval warfare, or is it good enough as it is? Also, do you have any ideas for naval support units, particularly units from early eras? Let me know what you think.

submitted by /u/ChimChimney8
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The Korean queen has some horrific hands. Wtf?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 02:25 PM PST

New natural wonder

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:16 AM PST

When you want to listen to Africa by Toto but you’re broke

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:44 PM PST

Thanks NQMod!

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 02:07 PM PST

Gilgamesh is a bro

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:50 PM PST

while all my former friends call me a warmonger (alexander had it coming) Gilgamesh doesn't care. when England declared a surprise war, Gilgamesh denounces them

10/10 would befriend again

submitted by /u/Jebediah_Blasts_off
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border patrol the game, stop sending missionaries and prophets into my domain!

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 12:34 PM PST

old/forgotten game mechanics - corporations

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 08:19 AM PST

Some time before civ vi was released I recall watching some video or reading article where team mentioned how you need to "cook" every new civ game in order to make it good. There was a rule of three one-thirds or something like that:

  • you take one-third of a previous game and not change anything
  • you take another one-third and improve it
  • you add one-third of completely new stuff

This got me thinking a bit about previous game installments and what one-thirds were added/removed at different times in this franchise. Mainly what comes to my mind, was civ iv corporations. They were added with one of expansions and I recall them as quite a nice addition into late game eras. It was a good push for late game expansion wars in order to get more resources, that weren't otherwise needed since "before corporations" one copy was enough. There were some decisions to consider, for example once you founded corporation, should you keep it domestic or spread to other nations as well. It allowed to nicely jump-start new cities that were lacking food/production.

This feature was never introduced in civ v, therefore it looks like it belongs to one-third that was not worth keeping. Now that we're in the middle of civ vi lifetime, I'm wondering if this could be something that Firaxis team could consider as good feature to include in civ vi in some way. Maybe in second expansion.

Does anyone know if Ed Beach or other team member mentioned corporations at any time, in any interview? What do they think about civ iv corporations? And what you guys think about it? Did you like it? Or it wasn't very popular feature in general?

submitted by /u/VGT-tomek
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Who else is excited for an Okihtcitaw early rush

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 10:37 AM PST

I hope they are the same cost or cheaper than the scout for this to be truly amazing. With the unique promotion tree that they are given, I see these being a viable unit all the way up until Renaissance Era. It will make the Survey promotion a much more usable policy card for the Cree.

submitted by /u/ElChupatigre
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The r/Civ Battle Royale Mk2.1, Part 99: Tonight We're Gonna Party Like It's CBR Part 99!

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:00 PM PST

Korean leader has a new face

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:24 PM PST

My Swordman take penalty for Attacking from sea while I have Amphibious promotion?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:27 AM PST

383 hours of Civ V, I did not realize there was a watermark of your flag on units

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:35 PM PST

Anyone got experience playing without any victory conditions?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 05:18 AM PST

I have played a fair amount of Civ 5 and 6. Usually playing on emperor difficulty. Recently I have noticed that I get really tired playing Civ normally, I get so focused on the victory conditions I'm going for so it gets really tedious. I was thinking of playing a game with only score victory enabled, trying to get a good score and winning that way in 2050 AD (at this point I'd probably be to tired to play any more anyways). Anyone got any experience with this? Is it any fun, treating the game like a simulator/sandbox game rather than the tedious grind for a specific condition? Do the AI behave differently if you turn all other conditions off?

submitted by /u/TorWhale
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Picked up Civ V dirt-cheap on the Steam winter sale, finally achieved victory!

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 05:21 PM PST

What AI Civ do you like having in your games the most? And Why?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 08:29 AM PST

Personally my favorite is Brogamesh, as he is always such a bro in my games.

Close second is Victoria though, as long as I am on her continent she is nice too me. and she is cute as hell when she mad.

submitted by /u/VistandsforVagina
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R8 my spawn

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:14 PM PST

How to make Wide Empires?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:13 PM PST

Whats the population want to have each city at when going wide? Do I ever want to stop growth at a certain pop? Please help.

submitted by /u/Gtsnow
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