Learn Dota 2 - EE vs. rtz 1on1 mid practice VOD

EE vs. rtz 1on1 mid practice VOD

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 01:22 PM PST

Update: Japan has already been blocked because of five identified tracks. You can download the source FLV files through the archive link if the clip gets blocked or muted in your country too.

Update 2: The mp4 file is now hosted at Google Drive, at /file/d/1ILVu9Gzok9-H8G2lZmaa7ajCQTqGcpd-/view. It's a 7zip archive with password 2ez4rtz.

A couple months ago I mentioned I have come into possession of parts of the recording of the now infamous EE vs. rtz mid matchup practice. Sorry to all that waited for me to not deliver, I hope you found the source yourself, and thanks to the guy who pushed me to take a final stab at it.

Here it is, with two caveats. First, I kindly ask you not to repost this to r/dota2. I'm not sure how ContentID works, but if this clip gets too much traffic, I reckon chances are the background will get muted within hours and most people will miss out on easy access to EE's commentary. Not reposting won't stop that, but at least postpone it for a while. I feel like I'm trying to herd cats with this one, but one can hope.

The second caveat is that this was recorded in 2013. A lot of this stuff, especially the minute details regarding the numbers, is most likely outrageously outdated. If you decide that you want to study this material, use your head. Be skeptical, cross-reference and try to interweave what you learn into your game instead of obsessing over the most insignificant bits.

Hope you'll enjoy. A link to the page containing links to the original files is also included in the description of the video. Sorry for the artifacts in the beginning of the video, this is how the source recordings are playing back too (which, while not an excuse, is a part of the reason I took my time with putting this together - I thought it's my PC freaking out during re-encoding, so I kept trying to figure out how to fix it).

submitted by /u/yakcyll
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Glimmer Cape on Core

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 04:29 PM PST

I saw w33 buy it on Razor multiple times and Fear on DP for example as well. So it is like a casual Hood? Does anyone know who started it?

submitted by /u/Durdel
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How to play against Bristleback

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 09:01 AM PST

I was playing Natures Prophet and I have no idea what I could have done to play against the BB here. He got so absurdly tanky that we would end up killing ourselves trying to 5 man him. I'm not sure if he got that great of a start but nearer the mid and late game he started to completely demolish us.

Any tips would be appreciated!

Dotabuff link: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3654342555

submitted by /u/dumbly_
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New Year's Dota Resolutions

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 12:38 PM PST

Do you intend to play more support or maybe be a better carry? Perhaps you intend on learning how to micro better? Or you might even want to improve your itemisation. What would you like to improve on this year?

submitted by /u/thumbnailmoss
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Some Terrorblade questions

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 12:23 PM PST

1) How do I deal with strong magical AoE/burst like Zeus, Lina and Tinker? I know the best answer here would be to not pick TB against those heroes, but lets just say... in case of emergencies where I 3rd/4th pick TB and then someone pick Zeus/Tinker/Lina on the other team. If I'm planning to learn TB I'd much rather learn what to do in such situations instead of hoping that nobody picks Zeus/Tinker/Lina.

2) For an early tank item, how do I decide whether to go Drums or Dragon Lance? The latter is imo much more common, but still I've been seeing a fair bit of Drums lately inspite of it giving negligible amounts of Agi and less Str than a Dragon Lance. That leaves the mana regen and movespeed - I can still kinda wrap my head around the mana regen part, but can anyone tell against which specific heroes would the Drums movespeed actually help?

3) According to DotaBuff, the Metamorph attack range has a higher win rate compared to the -35 sec Sunder CD. Why is this so? Of all the high-level replays I've seen, the Sunder talent seems to be the favored one, and even I think of it this way - the attack range only does anything while you're actually in Metamorph whereas Sunder CD gives you (a lot of) utility at all times. Then again, essentially becoming Sniper with absurd DPS does sound pretty neat (plus it would be easier to keep the illusions alive since you can stand really far back).

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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Pango guide

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 04:51 PM PST

Can someone guide me to pango. I recently see SingSing play pango and its great but i cant watch him live because of timeline.

submitted by /u/Akashix09
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Where did me and my party of 3 go wrong in this alchemist game? [Shit tier]

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 02:24 PM PST

https://www.dotabuff.com/players/215930069/ there is my dota buff, the most recent game where I played alchemist. I was in a discord with the clinkz and treant. Also an obligatory "how the fuck do I get out of shit-tier (less than 500 MMR)" thrown in for good measure.

submitted by /u/OmniscientShadow
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Requesting an analysis of a game.

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:24 AM PST

Hello, would someone be kind enough to give me an analysis of themid lane match up during the first 10 min ? I was the Tinker and I had to stack camps to not fall behind. Did I do something wrong in lane ? I ended with soul ring + boots at 13 min and I feel I could have done better.

Dotabuff : https://fr.dotabuff.com/matches/3654845986

submitted by /u/programme-zero
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Did a recent update change how hotkeys work?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 06:44 PM PST

Blink used to be instant and in the direction I was trying to blink. I could have my cursor way to the side of the screen and blink would go that direction. Now, if my cursor is outside of the blink range, blink will not work. Any idea?

submitted by /u/Cygnus__A
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Where to find smurf players?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 05:52 PM PST

I want to watch a smurf player olay in my bracket. How do I go about finding such an account? I'd love to see a smurf playing offlane in 3k bracket for example.

submitted by /u/SuperPingu
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Mute Voice and text chat with one single hotkey possible somehow???

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 07:36 AM PST

Hello guys, usually when one guy starts to tilt this forces a chain reaction so other guys in my team start pinging and voice abusing too. I usually have to manually mute the voice and text chat from all of my teammates. But when i am in the middle of lasthitting creeps i usually lose a few creeps in doing that. Is there a fast way to mute the voice and text chat of all players, like with one single hotkey? Sorry for my bad english, i am not a native speaker :D

submitted by /u/StevenHorn
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How does one increase their behaviour score?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 08:13 AM PST

As the title says, I'm spamming a bunch of turbo games without flaming or feeding and I heard that if you get enough green conduct summarys the score should go up, is that true?

submitted by /u/16bitnoob
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Why do pro players, like in this clip, move the courier out of their fountain? Is it to reduce courier's delivery time?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 12:24 AM PST

Mod where you get a new hero everytime you respawn?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 07:47 AM PST

Hello guys, i heard of a mod where you get a new hero everytime you respawn. I thought this would be a good way of learning new heroes. What is the name of this mod? Can you recommond me other mods like that?

submitted by /u/StevenHorn
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Drums on pos 1-2 heroes?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 04:05 PM PST

So as many of us know, drum is a pretty good item right now. I was wondering what peoples thoughts are on these cores with drums:

Silencer as a core hero seems to benefit a lot from it

Recently I've been replacing armlet with drum on dk, it seems so value most of the time, the passive mana and soul ring means you can constantly spam your spells and not run out of mana.

I love razor, probably my favorite hero to play, but drums has felt underwhelming on him, and I'm not sure why. Theoretically it's very good on him but I have personally found more success with sny instead.

CK drums seems decent, but armlet gives more value

Same with terrorblade, but manta instead of armlet

SF drums seems to be a trend in higher mmrs, not sure how I really feel about it.

So what are your guys' thoughts on drums on these heroes, or potentially others? I'd specifically like to know your results with razor drums, but any of these heroes will make a good discussion.

submitted by /u/Lavamites
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When to pick up items introduced in 7.07 as a support?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 07:20 AM PST

Guardian newbie here. I kinda know how each item works but I don't really have much clue when to buy these items as a support. Some advice would help.

submitted by /u/hugatreeplz
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How to Deal With Rat Dota in 7.07?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 01:31 PM PST

How to play offlane heroes in a 2v2 lane

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 05:41 AM PST

I just had a game when I first picked offlane Windranger and a teammate last picked Clockwerk. He went to my same lane and started to fight for every last hit. Due to the enemy having a Support Clinkz and a legion commander, they stole every bounty rune and I end up being under leveled and with no farm. Furthermore he seemed to not understand English and didn't answer to anything ...

What's the best thing I can do in this situation?

submitted by /u/raff100
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Best person/resources for every lane?

Posted: 31 Dec 2017 09:09 PM PST

So like how BSJ is the best resource for pos 1, frequent streaming and youtube vids.

CnCC is very good for mid when he streams it is very educational and answers every question.

Khezu plays offlane and is pretty known for having a very educational stream.


I don't really know anything for roamers and pos 5 but if anyone has other great free resources not excluding the ones I listed please share!

submitted by /u/Jonathan_Isaac
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How do I improve like this? (slightly odd question)

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 05:07 AM PST

I'll try to explain myself as best as I can here.

Thing is, I'm generally not much of a mid player. I do occasionally pick mid just to keep it interesting or when I feel like fucking around, and my win rate even on my most played heroes is rather low (sub-40% on SF, QoP and Tinker, with 20-30 games on each hero) and as a result I generally prefer to play sidelanes a lot more, safe lane to be even more specific. I've been trying to improve as a carry and support for quite a while now and so far its been pretty good.

The one exception to this whole thing is Zeus. I have ~60 games on him with a 76% win rate, and tbh I feel he's one of my most comfortable heroes. The obvious problem here is that he's a mid hero, or if some dickhead picks mid after me I just go offlane, in my bracket I can get away with it anyway, and every time I play him I feel like I'm not actually learning that much. That and the fact that he feels like a low-level pubstomper (I'm pretty sure higher level players know how to deal with Zeus, and going offlane just won't work above 3-3.5k I guess) makes me wonder if I should stop playing the hero and completely focus on playing safelane carry/support, but then it brings me to my first point which is that he's one of my most comfortable heroes and i don't think I'd want to stop playing him altogether. Thoughts?

And while we're at this, can anyone tell me how does Zeus have 61% win rate in 5k+? With the popularity or AM, and the assumption that 5k+ players would know how to punish Zeus effectively (weak laner, weak to ganks, does nothing against early Pipe/BKB) I'm a bit surprised as to how he's doing so well in that bracket.

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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Insightful analysis that isn't absolute basics?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 02:27 AM PST

What are the most insightful Youtube channels etc that you know of for DOTA?

When I started out I watched some Purge, but I think his content is mostly good for absolute beginners. In gameplay he doesn't talk about his decisionmaking aside from starting loadout and early pulls. His coaching sessions are the worst example of this, he tells people to pull and/or last hit better and that's largely the end of his advice. I don't mean to flame Purge, he plays a lot of heroes and you can see some tricks with each, but he doesn't really talk strategy at length and especially not after the first ten minutes.

The thing is, I've barely been able to find people who do analyse the game. Tsunami's "Be the better support" as well as his "dealing with.." guides sort of do this but they are fairly old and he doesn't seem active anymore. There was a pro player that made a video explaining that after the laning phase, your safe lane becomes the most dangerous place in the map for you. His name escapes me (I believe he was Asian-American), but I think that video was a one-off for him. BSJ is the one exception in being both insightful and active, but a different perspective would be nice.

submitted by /u/errkerr
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Mistakes that player below 6k do ?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 12:55 AM PST

Recently Im trying to get Ancient but im stuck in legend 5 for quite a while and need some tips that you guys used and learned when playing in higher rank

submitted by /u/GonHunterxHunter
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