Fortnite Epic I love you and this game is amazing. One thing I know Stw players old and new can agree on is that honestly sucks and needs to get a rework is stamina!

Epic I love you and this game is amazing. One thing I know Stw players old and new can agree on is that honestly sucks and needs to get a rework is stamina!

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:44 AM PST

I know it has been said but it needs to be. Honestly some characters can run out almost instantly. The cool downs are more than enough to stop ability spam and it really does not need to be connected. Please epic just turn it into a sprint bar! I doubt any one would be upset and it would be a huge quality of life improvement. I know bugs still need to be fixed, things are being fine tuned and time is probably always on a crunch for your development team. So epic again thank you for my favorite PvE and PvP game. Keep up the good work and remember to keep reaching for the stars I know you can and will reach them.

Your pal, GrimTombstone

Edit: With all the responses agreeing I have attempted to reach out to the mods to see if we can reach the devs and make this happen. Cross your fingers. I will update if I get a response.

submitted by /u/Grimtombstone
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Please add crouching to PVE

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 11:49 AM PST

It's such a small thing I know, but I'd really like the option to crouch, especially after I tried Battle Royale and crouched.

Please add crouch to PvE.

submitted by /u/QuantumForge
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'Play With Others' needs to show off the mission before you go into it...

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 06:58 AM PST

Seriously, PwO is such a nice feature. 20% more XP + rewards? Hell yeah.
I think, the reason, why it is not being used so much, is that it includes an element of surprise.
Currently, you don't know the mission you're about to join before pressing the button. If it's a mission type you don't like to play, you just wasted several minutes. It doesn't seem profitable.
Easy Solution: Make mission type visible before you have to join, so you could eventually back out.
---> less forced feature

submitted by /u/BuddyJumps
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The Full Build Guide List

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:17 AM PST

Need some ideas for your base? Well here is a list of Videos that will help you with that. Hi, my name is Justin and these full build guides are months in the making.


*Main base Part 1: (Top Rated)

Traps Part 2:

Amplifier A Part 3:

Amplifier B Part 4:

*Amplifier C Part 5: (my favorite amplifier build)


(Mega Base)

The Mega Base Part 1:

The Mega Base Part 2:

submitted by /u/Perky-Space-Nuts
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Storm Shield Defense Additional Runs!

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 07:23 PM PST

I feel that we should be able to run test runs through our SSD. Able to maybe pick a spawn point, and run a few hordes through it. That way, we don't know where the actual spawn point will be, and we can test our base. I really want to be able to do additional defenses after we have completed the required four or five. The reason being is that I have a Storm Shield just sitting here inactive after I have completed them. It is so far between defenses, and the grinding is becoming monotonous. I am currently level 57 in Canny Valley. I would like to go mess around in my Plankerton and Stonewood Storm Shields, but they are literally useless now. I am coming up on Canny Valley SSD 4, but it is taking forever. Once I finish all those defenses, that base will also be rendered useless. For me, the most fun part of the game is testing out your Storm Shield, but I rarely get to do it. Oh, and Fragment Flurry Jess is kind of fun to use. Sometimes I can pick up 6 fragments, sometimes only 3. It has been super glitchy for me lately. But dropping down 4 bears, and then earning another one shortly after is pretty awesome.

submitted by /u/madakira
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There needs to be a better way to navigate through missions on console. [Possible solution]

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 03:27 PM PST

When you're trying to select a mission from the world, some missions seem impossible to go to. When all you can use is the D-pad or analog sticks, it makes it very hard to choose the mission you want to go to. The selection will either go to the left or to the right of where you actually want it to go.

I feel like a solution to this would be to have a small cursor when moving freely throughout the map and then selecting the mission your cursor is hovering over. This would eliminate the issue.

What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/blazeryan11
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Secondary Banner Color

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:13 PM PST

Please give us the option to change the secondary banner color as well... It seems like a no-brainer and the combination possibilities would allow for so much more uniqueness. It really should be a priority to allow more customization and distinction between individuals. And I'm no coder but I'm sure it's one of the most simple yet impactful things to implement.

Little time HUGE reward!

submitted by /u/Acid420
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Posted: 14 Jan 2018 06:06 PM PST

Soo let's get my subreddit off the ground!

I made this subreddit to Save the World. I feel the ingame chat isn't a good place to find a party.

Also don't want to floo d this great sub with party requests

submitted by /u/Kosherlove
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Daily Llama Thread 14/Jan/2018 - It's a Llama llama

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 04:01 PM PST

Hello Storm Chasers! Today's Daily Llama can be found below posted by /u/stormshieldonebot in the comments below!

How likely is a Llama to show up?

Llama Percent
Ranged Weapon Llama 28.57%
Weapon Llama 15.13%
People Llama 11.76%
Melee Llama 9.24%
It's a Trap! Llama 8.4%
Super Ranged Llama 4.2%
Super Hero Llama 4.2%
Legendary Troll Loot Truck... Llama 3.36%
Super People Llama 3.36%
Legendary Troll Stash Llama 3.36%
Super Melee Llama 2.52%
11x Upgrade Llama Bundle 2.52%
Upgrade Llama (Seasonal Sale Freebie!) 1.68%
Six Pack Llama 0.84%
Triple Llama 0.84%

Source - Storm Shield One

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Bull Rush should pick up propane tanks on the ground

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 05:32 PM PST

It would add value to an ok at best ability and fit well with the constructor heroes playstyle of managing the base. I'd even be ok if doing so ignited them, adding in some skill/forethought to using bull rush to clean out the propane as you launch a volley is fiery tanks at a wave of enemies...or your allies standing in front of the kill box.

submitted by /u/phantom_phallus
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How hard is it to add Combat Pro in STW?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 07:55 AM PST

I know it's not a problem on PC But, it really sucks pressing triangle 3 times to get to stairs and then 3 more times to get to floor. Plus my brain just explodes whenever I want to switch to BR

submitted by /u/IntruderOfFate
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Is it always this hard to get people to help you defend your base?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 04:46 PM PST

I'm currently stuck on a low level base defense because I can't find anyone to help. Seriously, a warm body would be enough.

I post globally, add/invite friends, etc. Advice?

submitted by /u/ugh_in_HS
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Is this any good?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:28 PM PST

Siegebreaker I've been using this coupled with Urban Assault Headhunter since I got them and wanted to know if I should replace the siegebreaker.

submitted by /u/therevolution16
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Can someone from Epic explain why late game players have to wait days between getting missions we need?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 06:43 AM PST

Late CV, and Twine too from what I've heard takes days to complete one story quest. Not because they're difficult, but because the required mission type just won't show up.

For example I need either a shelter repair or a category 2/3 mission. Instead I get 2 retrieve the datas, a couple evacs and yesterday 3 deliver the bombs.

So why is this random? I get it if you make the lamas 'random' but at least have one of the required missions spawn if a quest requires it!


submitted by /u/Yqb13153
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How’s my husk stomper

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 08:57 PM PST

Is this hero any good?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 08:46 PM PST

Valentines event?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 02:40 PM PST

Is there an event planned for love day? That could be fun.

submitted by /u/DavidBK78
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Thoughts on leveling up rare weapon schematics w/ decent rolls..

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 08:23 PM PST

Does anyone here level up rare weps if they got pretty decent perks on them? Got a rattler with crit chance, dmg to afflicted, nature w affliction..

I usually recycle or throw anything below an epic into my collection book. But some I've been getting got rolled with okay perks. I know not worth going past 2 stars, but does anyone do this? I'm at PL55 btw..

submitted by /u/Crayonology
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Voice Actor appreciation thread

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 01:48 AM PST

I just want to give a shout out to the tremendous voice acting in this game, especially Rey. The dialogue is delivered with passion and perfect comedic timing, and that fully sells the often very absurd lines. Heck, even the explanation of the reason survive the storm changed was delivered with conviction and humor.

I really applaud Epic for the excellent writing as well!

I've heard the voice acting ends after Plankerton right now, so here's to hoping that Epic gets around to fleshing out the rest of the PvE game with this same high caliber of performance.

submitted by /u/Kahzgul
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STW - Inventory Full - Hero’s Locked - Advise Needed

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 07:44 PM PST

I have a full inventory and about 5 locked heros. I have a lot of ammo and I constantly make traps. I'm not sure what to do as a next step. I'm level 19. Are there common building items I should dump or do I recycle items? I just need some guidance because it's not clear and I think if I just scrap things I'll likely mess up potentially useful things for advancement.

Edit: Thank you for the response. The ammo was mentioned because I'm constantly making it order to free up inventory space. Thanks for letting me know it's disconnected.

submitted by /u/ryans213
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About mythic survivor leads.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 07:39 PM PST

If I get two different mythic survivors but they both have the same leader ability (marksman) should I just delete one or is there another use?

submitted by /u/youvanda1
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BlueGlow Rave Bug.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:05 AM PST

Are these good rolls? I know there isn’t any elemental but the knock back I haven’t seen before

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 06:45 PM PST

Which shredder should I shadowshard?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 10:00 PM PST

Which ones better ?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:48 PM PST

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