Fortnite Daily Llama Thread 01/Jan/2018 - It's a Llama llama

Daily Llama Thread 01/Jan/2018 - It's a Llama llama

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 04:01 PM PST

Hello Storm Chasers! Today's Daily Llama can be found below posted by /u/stormshieldonebot in the comments below!

How likely is a Llama to show up?

Llama - Click for details Percent
Ranged 33%
Weapon 18%
People 13%
Trap 12%
Melee 10%
Legendary Troll Stash 3%
Super Ranged 3%
Super People 3%
Super Hero 3%
Super Melee 1%
Legendary Troll Truck 1%

Source - Storm Shield One

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Me & my buds very work in progress castle

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:06 AM PST

Basic wall funneling with diagonal walls

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 11:18 AM PST

Alright, got asked to make a visualisation on how to build a basic funnel with diagonal walls. I mainly use two different setups, depending on map and spawn locations, so I want to explain it a bit in details.


Video link to first setup:

This method is essentially a normal 2-wide tunnel. Except by placing diagonal walls as barricades, you force the husks to group up much more.



  • Smasher friendly. They will not attack the walls and just move along like all the other husks.
  • Handy for AoE abilities.
  • Melee friendly. You don't have to waste time with running around.
  • Easy to hide from laser mouths. The diagonal walls provide cover when they fire.
  • Traps can be placed at the choke.
  • Suitable for wide spawn areas. Because the choke technically counts as 2-wide, it can easily draw the husks' attention on a 6(!) wide spawn area.



  • Can obscure vision, particularly for lobbers standing all the way in the back.
  • As any other funnels, it is vulnerable to propane tank activations. So be careful to shoot if propanes start to spawn nearby.


Video link to second setup:

This method is a bit more niche. It uses only one tile for choke, but the openings are angled.



  • One tile choke. Great if there is not a lot of room to build.
  • If a lot of husks spawn, they tend to "wait" in line at the start opening. Can slow down husk advancement significantly.
  • Cheap to build.
  • Provide cover for lasers.



  • Not smasher friendly. Smashers may start to attack the start opening if too many husks are in line. Though often times they will ignore the end opening.
  • Not possible to place ceiling. In order to place a ceiling tile, you must build supporting ceiling tiles around the choke.
  • Not possible to place wall traps at the choke.
  • Can obscure vision. Just like with the first method, lobbers can hide in the back.
submitted by /u/air2watr
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Seriously, Epic. Permaban frequent afkers.

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 01:44 PM PST

I get that people who frequently go afk are rare, but they do exist. There's at least one player on the X1 in particular who's known by name among some of the people who regularly farm PL100 Rescues and Radars.

This player has afked so many matches that their status on Xbox Live is now labeled as "Avoid Me". Obtaining that status requires LOADS of reports, but without a direct ban from Epic we're still stuck with this person in Fortnite.

Like the main image for this post points out, the worst thing about this player is that they even go as far as to gloat about their afking. That along with the fact they've managed to get to PL80+ by doing stuff like this is not okay.

This is a team-based game. People like this? They clearly have no regard for others or for the rules. Please, Epic, consider permanently banning this person and others like them. You would be doing the entire PvE community a great service by sending a message that this type of thing cannot and will not be tolerated.

If anyone at Epic is willing to take action against this player in particular, I'd be more than happy to provide them with the uncensored screenshot of this player's Xbox Live gamertag and a short clip of their nonexistent mission score. Just tell me where to send them.

submitted by /u/ListenToKPOP
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Let's change things up a bit, what's the worst advice you can give to a Fortnite player?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 12:58 PM PST

Put every schematic you can get your hands on in your collection book, it's worth it.

submitted by /u/Ridentlor
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Let us use higher levels mats in exchange for lower level mats.

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 07:32 PM PST

I don't know if anyone has had this idea, but I just thought of it. But basically what if you could use your lightning in a bottle for drops of rain. Like say you need 20 drops but don't have enough, you could use 10 lightning instead. (Fair exchange since lightning is a higher level material) I'm sitting at around 200 lightning but I can't use them cause I also need drops of rain which always low on.

This way you could just focus more on the higher level missions and not need to go back to lower level zones for drops.

And basically what I'd say would be a good exchange rate is this

1 lightning = 2 drops

1 eye = 2 lightning

1 storm shard = 2 eyes

(Maybe even 3 or 4 items per exchange like get 30 drops of rain for 10 lightning, but I didn't want to sound too greedy)

Or the requirement for lower level materials to evolve stuff to higher levels could be removed. I don't see why we need rain when evolving from 3 to 4 or 2 to 3.

Like 60 rain along with eyes and lightning is crazy. I can barely even evolve my survivors because of it. Hell I haven't even evolved a survivor for weeks because I've not gotten much rain and the rain I have gotten I used it all up on traps, weapons, and heroes.

submitted by /u/aZombieDictator
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Shielders Not Dropping Data

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 11:30 AM PST

I joined late December and I've been burning through my quests as quickly as I can but I can't seem to complete the side quest "Lok's Book of Monsters: Floating Freaks" which requires me to gather 20 shielder data. I currently have 0 data and haven't seen any drop in my mission after killing shielders. Is shielder data rare? Do I need to play certain mission? Is it bugged?

Any help would be appreciated as I would like to get the 100 vbuck reward as soon as possible.

submitted by /u/Stxffen
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Scale of 1 to 10 how bad is this weapon?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 01:01 PM PST

Fortnite mech workshop ep.3 - How to calculate Damage

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 11:32 AM PST

Hi guys and Happy New Year!

Welcome to my series of theorycrafting articles on Fortnite mechanics. In the 3rd episode I will talk about damage calculations and rounding.


The Damage Formula

Knowing the exact way damage in this game is calculated has helped me discover how other things work. Like the pellets mechanic, debilitating shots stacking, exact headshot bonus and to some extent irregular RoF patterns. Or to reverse the base stats of a weapon I have seen only on screenshots in internet. It also is cool to be able to determine the schematic tooltip damage for a weapon based on parameters that are much easier as a concept themselves.

So, here is the formula with the most commonly used multiplier mods:


ranged_damage = [base_damage * rarity_mod * evolution_mod * crystal_mod] * pellet_count * level_mod * offense_mod * perks_mod


And now let's have a breakdown per multiplier and how exactly each one is calculated:



The Multipliers

base_damage is the damage of the common (gray) version of the weapon. For pellets weapons it's the damage of a single pellet. It is always an integer number. You can find the base damage values of all weapons in my Interactive DPS Simulator, "tab Base weapons", column "DMG".

pellet_count is self-explanatory - it's the total number of pellets this weapon fires per shot or 1 if it is a single solid shot. The pellet count for all weapons can be checked in the same place as the base damage numbers, column "Pel", or in my previous episode dealing exclusively with this mechanic - Fortnite mech workshop ep.2 - Shotguns. The schematic damage displays the combined damage of all pellets, but when a shot is produced the damage is calculated for each pellet then combined for each target hit.

rarity_mod is a coefficient applied based on the rarity of the weapon. Each rarity above Common adds 0.125

rarity color coef
Common gray 1
Uncommon green 1.125
Rare blue 1.25
Epic purple 1.375
Legendary orange 1.5

These same coefficients are used at many places in the game not only for damage but for everything that increases in power. Impact, healing, health, shield, ability damage, cards plvl and more. Durability and upgrade costs follow different progression - the one for economy, which is steeper.

evolution_mod starts at 1 and increases by 0.2 each time you evolve the schematic. The formula is [1 + (stars - 1) * 0.2]

stars coef
* 1
** 1.2
*** 1.4
**** 1.6
***** 1.8

crystal_mod is equal to 1.2 if you chose the shadowshard crystal path when evolving a non-explosive weapon to 4*. Else it is 1.

material coef
Copper 1
Silver 1
Malachite 1
Obsidian 1
Shadowshard 1.2
Brightcore 1
Sunbeam 1.2

You can combine the evolution and crystal modifiers into one but I find it easier to keep them separate.

level_mod starts at 1 and increases by 0.05 each time you level up the schematic. The formula is [1 + (level - 1) * 0.05].

Mind that a 20/20 weapon and a 20/30 weapon have the same level modifier (1.95) and the damage of the second one is higher only because its evolution modifier is 1.4 instead of 1.2.

offense_mod is your ranged damage multiplier coming from the offense FORT stat and any survivor squad set bonuses. Technically it is more correct to call it ranged_damage_mod or something like this but since offense is the main contributor I find it more intuitive this way. Formula is [1 + (offense + set_bonuses) / 100]. Never forget to add the ranged damage from survivors to offense.

perks_mod is the sum of all damage perks from your weapon, main hero, support hero and buffs (like war cry). Formula is [1 + sum(perk1, perk2, ..., perkN)].

For example let's have a L30 Special Forces Banshee main, L30 Master Grenadier Ramirez support and L30 Grave Digger. If your target already has the affliction dot and you cast War Cry, here are all damage modifiers from perks:
- 10% special forces Advanced Tactics
- 24% special forces Assault Damage
- 24% master grenadier Assault Damage
- 25% grave digger +% Damage
- 22.5% grave digger +% Damage to Afflicted
- 40% special forces War Cry
- 10% special forces Fight or Flight

total = 155.5%
perks_mod = 2.555

NB: In the weapon schematic tooltip the 22.5% to afflicted targets won't be factored because the game doesn't know whether you will shoot an afflicted husk with it or not.


Other Multipliers

These were most but not all of the multiplicative modifiers. I listed them because they are the ones important for the schematic tooltip number. Here are some of the other ones:
- crit, headshot and crit+headshot
- elemental weakness/strength
- debilitating shots
- storm zone mutations
- urban assault support headshot
- distance drop off


Hard Rounding

Maybe you have noticed that in the formula I have separated the first several multipliers in square brackets [ ... ] . Well, they produce a number which is rounded internally and then stored this way when you acquire / evolve the schematic. Thus the hard rounding term. If the weapon shoots pellets (pellet_count > 1), the rounding is to the first decimal place. Else it is rounded to the nearest integer.

The reasons why pellets weapons are coded this way is additional precision. Normally the damage per pellet is very low so an integer rounding would result in very jumpy progression, making the difference between two neighboring rarities awkwardly small or awkwardly big.

The reason for having a hard rounding at all is performance, I suppose. The client and server have several less multiplications to perform per shot and also the net packet is smaller because of fewer parameters and trimmed precision for the precalculated one.

Pellet count, schematic level, offense and perks are outside the rounding because these are parameters that can change. You can hit with only part of the pellets and/or some of them can hit the head while the rest hit the body. Your skill tree nodes determine the cap of maximum effective weapon level so if someone crafts you that weapon, your cap is what is applied, the weapon is the same in the game storage. Offense is capped by the zone you are in and party members contribute to it - it is rather dynamic. Perks are obvious - the main and support heroes, your active buffs or enemy debuffs change this multiplier all the time.


Soft Rounding

When you shoot a husk the final damage is rounded to the nearest integer and displayed as a floating text. Simple as that.

Also, in the schematic info the damage (and dps) is rounded to the first decimal place.

I found something very strange though. If the final schematic damage is exactly .05, .15, .25, .35, etc., it is not rounded up to .1, .2, .3, .4, etc., it is rounded down to .0, .1, .2, .3, etc., instead. Even if there are more decimal places and the third digit is rounded to 0, this round down occurs. For example .65047348957983475 becomes .6 instead of .7 as one would imagine. I suppose it is a combination of 2 chained effects:
- For performance reasons there is a cap in the decimal places carried to 3.
- The damage with 2295 offense and 5 survivor set bonus for example is not carried as [X * 24], it is decomposed as [X + 22.95 * X + 0.05 * X]. Combined with the fixed decimal places, some precision is lost and the final number becomes slightly lower than ._5 instead of slightly higher than it.

The good thing is that you encounter this phenomenon so rarely and the difference is so low that it doesn't matter why and how. Hard rounding doesn't have this glitch: 2.45 is 2.5 for pellets weapons and 2 for the rest.

Trivia: Elemental damage multiplier to the same element or from energy is exactly 67%. It is not 66.666...%. Tested with a high damage per shot weapon where the difference in precision would make the final rounded number different.



Here is a screenshot in game of my L40 shadowshard Hydra. My offense is 2295 and I have 5% ranged damage from survivor set bonuses. The currently equiped main hero is L50 Urban Assault Headhunter, the support one does not affect numbers.


ranged_damage = [base_damage * rarity_mod * evolution_mod * crystal_mod] * pellet_count * level_mod * offense_mod * perks_mod


base_damage = 22
rarity_mod = 1.5
evolution_mod = 1.6 (1 + (4 - 1) * 0.2)
crystal_mod = 1.2
pellet_count = 3
level_mod = 2.95 (1 + (40 - 1) * 0.05)
offense_mod = 24 (1 + (2295 + 5) / 100)
perks_mod = 1.4 (1 + 10% + 10% + 20%)


22 * 1.5 * 1.6 * 1.2 = 63.36

It is rounded to 63.4 because it is a pellets weapon.


63.4 * 3 * 2.95 * 24 * 1.4 = 18852.624

It is rounded to 18852.6 for the tooltip.



Well, I can't think of what else to add. I hope the way actual the damage is calculated helps you refine other mechanics which otherwise would suffer from precision and unknowns. Stay tuned for the next episode where I will need your active help to figure the exact way irregular rate of fire patterns are implemented.


submitted by /u/Septemvri
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Just a quality of life thought, removeing undamaged traps? And demolishing larges areas(only in storm shield defence)

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:27 AM PST

I don't know if anyone else has come across this but when you first started the game your stormhiem defence was probably just a huge box over your shield generator, and for me it was a rather large area. And it would be really cool if you could demolish an area, say 3x3 at a time or an entire area instead of tile by tile. Any thoughts? And also traps don't you hate it when you place the wrong trap in the wrong place and now you've lost it.

submitted by /u/tealeaf_6201
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Evac is already a rush build then 3mins to go the present drop ****'s us

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 09:42 AM PST

What's the best defender type with which weapon?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 07:41 PM PST

I heard the bruiser defender is the best one before not sure if it's worth buying the bruiser from the store. I have some decent melee weapons.

I have a level 30 assualt rifle defender right now it seems to be useless. It's usually dead 2minutes into a wave.

submitted by /u/Lostcause1990
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Are the devs planning on buffing melee anytime soon?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 02:52 PM PST

Edged weapons don't stun and do terrible damage compared to guns, and blunt weapons don't reliably stun and knockback and deal even worse damage. Please, Epic: Melee weapons need a faster swing rate and less costly specials. They are terrible options compared to guns, which have higher dps, the ability to headshot, and don't force you to go face-to-face with husks.

submitted by /u/fruitloopers
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As a relatively new player, which llama in the rotation should i be saving up for?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 09:24 PM PST

Players outing husks to another player build zone on build the radar grid maps getting out of hand.

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 07:00 PM PST

There was a really good level 94 build the radar map up tonight in twine peak and I kept getting players running by me while im building my tower with a herd behind them. The herd would quit chasing them and attack me. Some of these players did it more then once while they didn't even try building towers.

submitted by /u/Fallen----0ne-
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Level 30 now - more AFK people?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 05:12 PM PST

I hit 30 this morning. And like a light bulb I suddenly have level 13 and 19 people showing up in my games, and just AFK'ing.

I'm still in plank, I was doing a 28 ride the lightning. It's irritating as balls. Even if they're not AFK, they're still half the level of the mission so it's not like they're going to effectively stop husks, and I get tired of soloing.

Is this a thing? Is it because of the holidays? Or should I just expect it to get worse as I play?

submitted by /u/reallynotgroot
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Worth leveling as a lobber killer? or just wait till I get a super shredder?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 08:34 PM PST

Offering 1 or 2 carries for the PL 70 map today [PC]

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 01:57 PM PST

Going to run through at least one, maybe two 3 day missions today in about 30 minutes (around 2:30 PST).

If you are interested reply to this post with... 1. Your in game name 2. Your powerlevel (this is 99% irrelevant, I just want to know) 3. Why I should pick you for this. Amuse me, I'm bored.

I'll pick one or two people to friend before we get this going, and assuming they arent AFK we'll get it done. If you are AFK and I move on to the next person, sorry in advance.

I will do more carries later on in the week (or maybe later tonight).

Happy New Year all and good luck!!

submitted by /u/Necrologyx
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Suggestion for game mode: Build and defend

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 06:37 PM PST

I believe a 50vs50 mode where one team has 5 minutes to build a base with X amount of resources and the other team searches for loot would work great. The team defending would have a random circle on the map to defend which they start off in with basic guns. Perhaps a time limit could be implemented instead of a shrinking circle.

What do you think?

submitted by /u/getmoneygetbigger
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Are there any legendary schematics I should keep an eye out for more than others?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:00 PM PST

I'm relatively new to the game (lvl 15) and was wondering if I should keep and eye out for any specific weapons schematics or which ones I should avoid leveling up entirely.. thanks In advance. Ps I am using ninja Sarah as my main right now

submitted by /u/ImZeTiger
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freeze up

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 03:46 PM PST

is anyone else having frequent freezeups, making you quit the game and relaunch? often not getting any rewards because of it.

submitted by /u/nodgin
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Player compensation debacle suddenly disappeared?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 09:44 PM PST


I was closely following this reddit over people who had lost their items, suddenly the main thread was removed and the subject died?

Was their closure? I have bought this game for around 3 of my friends and 4 more have joined the banned waggon, 6 of us were affected with the losses, 1 player was compensated generously while the others weren't at all?

I am curious to hear what had happened with you as we already file bug reports constantly, sent emails , submitted tickets and have invested in a LOT of vbucks as well.

submitted by /u/Bass-abb
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Worth buying now?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 03:25 PM PST

I discovered Fortnite BR a couple weeks ago and have absolutely loved it. Amazing game especially for the price. I looked today and saw that the PvE version is half off for the holidays, and am very tempted to buy it because it also looks very fun. But I'm hearing that "in 2018" this version will become free. Is it worth it to purchase now? And is there a rumored release date? I'm really going to hate myself if I buy it now and it becomes free next week or something.

submitted by /u/lscheumann22
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How do i start over?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 09:17 PM PST

I wanna delete my profile and start over with a friend that just got save the world. Id love to go through the tutorial again and start fresh. Please tell me theres a way to do this by now.

submitted by /u/PaUZze
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