Fallout - The Original design for Supermutants in Fallout 4. A softer more humane design and missed potential.

The Original design for Supermutants in Fallout 4. A softer more humane design and missed potential.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 08:53 AM PST


This is really interesting and i think it's a great shame that Bethesda scrapped this. We really could have used friendly supermutant NPC's and whatnot in Fallout 4 and not just as enemies.

The Glowing sea would have been the perfect place for a big supermutant settlement where they would live and thrive. Food would be scarce and Strong actually comments on this if you bring him with you into the glowing sea, he says he doesn't like it and that there is no food but Supermutants could easily make scavenging trips to the commonwealth for food and Supplies.

They could even have made a questline where you help the Supermutants and you eventually gain their trust and you could help them build like a scavenging outpost on the edge between the glowing sea and the Commonwealth.

Or what if when you gain their trust and you are a member of the Brotherhood of Steel you could betray the Supermutants and organize a coordinated attack with the Brotherhood of Steel and wipe them all out simply for existing.

Or what if when you become leader of the Institute you could organize a program where you help Supermutants with food & supplies and in return they allow you to study them and take blood samples.

Or perhaps with Strong you could overthrow the current leader of the community and make Strong leader. You could make a millitary style settlement in the commonwealth where you could send squads of Supermutants to raid and pillage for nearby settlements.

What if the Supermutants could be a main faction and you could wage war on the Brotherhood of Steel and the Minutemen.

Or... the craziest idea yet. Once you strenghten the supermutants and gain more numbers and followers and equipment you can attack and take over Diamond City. Just imagine you sneaking in and opening the gates and then your Supermutants flood into Diamond City killing anyone who tries to fight and capturing the rest as food/slaves.

Fuck i hope a new Fallout game get's revealed in 2018 and that Bethesda has learned from their mistakes with Fallout 4.

Sorry if my English and grammar isn't perfect, English is not my native language.

submitted by /u/NordicIceNipples
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To all the modders out there.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 05:55 AM PST

I'd just like to thank all the modders who might be reading this for all the awesome work you guys do. Whether it be bug fixes, overhauls, player homes, quests, or just wacky stuff.

Thanks for all the awesome mods and many extra hours of gameplay from these games. Love you guys. Keep up the good work.

submitted by /u/PancakeGuy55
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[FO4] Do you kill raiders that run away from you?

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 09:02 PM PST

Bethesda did a very very VERy semi good job in humanizing the Raiders. With constant talk about quitting the works, to feeling sorry for the people they kill, I know that not all raiders are psychos.

I killed a group of raiders. One had a note from his friend, saying that the food paste from that school is turning him rabid. He even killed a citizen running away, which is apparently looked down upon in raider gangs. I learned they only kill people that stick and fight, and don't kill anyone that runs.

Do you kill raiders that run from you?

submitted by /u/Itz-Blitz
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The West Coast vs East Coast theory

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:54 AM PST

[add on]This post is specific to the nostalgia theory in particular the music. It's a theory/fanon.

I mentioned in a previous post about the fan theory regarding why the East Coast has fallen behind the times and there was some interest about fleshing it out, so here it is. I've struggled to find the original post regarding this theory and the music choice by DJs but I'll continue to look and post in the comments if I'm successful.


The West Coast has recovered significantly better from the Great War than the East Coast because they are determined to move on whereas the East Coast is nostalgic and trying to cling onto what once was instead of moving on. This has resulted in the West Coast becoming progressive with defined factions and trade while the East remains almost tribal with a fight or die social system that hasn't changed much since the bombs dropped.


Music Choice - Fallout 3/4 feature music from the 30s - 50s most of which focus on radiation,the atomic bomb and reminiscing a lost love etc. Examples are 'way back home', 'civilisation', 'atom bomb baby' and 'crawl out through the fallout.' Even Enclave Radio focuses on American classics and discusses how everything was before i.e. 'America the great.' Intentionally leaving out 1 and 2 due to the shorter time after the bombs and the more instrumental soundtrack, New Vegas features music which expands into the 60s. Titles include 'Begin Again' and 'Home on the Wastes'. Developer Joshua's Sawyer intentionally contrasted the music. NV features a heavier, adventure style soundtrack suitable for the location whereas 3/4 have an upbeat soundtrack which represent the music from before.

Settlements - In particular 3 and 4 have settlements that try to replicate the American dream. Andale on the surface tries to appear wholesome and suit and tie wearing. Tranquility Lane although a simulation is featured. Tenpenny Tower wants to be left in pre war luxury that it doesn't want to share. Even Rivet City and Megaton although grittier don't want to help anyone else than themselves and try to show a 'we're doing just fine' attitude while not progressing forward. This can be contrasted to something such as Necropolis or Vault City which although 100 years+ in the past have been able to create tradable communities. Shady Sands was able to become the Capital of the NCR a faction that has progressed far through the West to become one of the government type figures there.

Government - As mentioned before the West have the NCR, Legion and in the earlier days a heavier Enclave and Brotherhood presence. The East still in 2287 struggles for a government system with the Minutemen trying to rebuild again. The Brotherhood provide no government system or assistance as with the death of both Lyons they have reverted back to not helping the community and instead focusing on recalling technology and distrusting outsiders. The Brotherhood collect technology so that's the Great War is not replicated etc, so once more the East focuses on what has happened in the past instead of moving on.

Reasons Why:

There are plenty of reasons other than the irl Obsidian/Bethesda. I'll leave it open to the comments to really get into the reasoning but examples mentioned before are that The East was harder hit, the Enclaves actions early in the West, New Vegas was already a desert type wasteland before the bombs etc. One of my personal thoughts is that the Vaults of the West seem to feature more survivors particular in 1 and 2 which allowed for early settlements and progressions. They experienced the past so weren't as eager to go back to it. Whereas with a heavier population loss in the East there wasn't as many pre war influences which can make pre war seem ideal. Such as those that say they love the 50s but choose to forget the racism and sexism simply because it's more colourful.

There is so much more I could say about all of this but I don't want to make the post too long.

[Add on] Music choice is in regards to the development of the game. Not from the view of the wastelanders.

submitted by /u/boltyadobber
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Still think Houston is great area for Fallout 6

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 12:25 PM PST

Lorewise and Mapwise

The map could be 9 times the size of Boston. (And can use the entire Houston area as a model.)

You could be able to encounter every faction from every faction. (From what Remains of Caesar Legion, Brotherhood of Steel(every chapter), NCR, Reminence of Enclave, Reminence of The Institute, Some form of the Minute Men, Vault Tech, Chinese and all raiders plus etc.)(with huge room to spare)

Plus the DLC Possibility - Aliens, Swamplands of Louisiana, Mexico, and Mountains of Colorado

submitted by /u/Jesterskull25
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Anybody else deliberately never take light step because they like the tension of traps/mines?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:05 PM PST

Watched a Dead Money playthrough where the guy had light step and it made it so much less intense than it felt when I did my first playthrough.

Wondered if anyone else does the same, feels like a chunk of game content goes missing when I take it, love the tension they add.

submitted by /u/frankowen18
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WTF? Settle down there Nick!

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:42 AM PST

In fallout 4 how did the people in the upper stands of Diamond City get rich?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 12:32 AM PST

What Environment Do You Guys Prefer?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 11:56 AM PST

Do you guys prefer a dark, mysterious grim wasteland like in Fallout 3 or a more vibrant colorful lively environment like Fallout 4? Also what theme would you guys like to see next? Fallout 3 to me had the most 50's theme to it, New Vegas had the Western/Vegas aesthetic and Fallout4 had the Revolutionary Colonial theme. What theme would you guys like the next Fallout to have?

submitted by /u/HardyV2
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Taking Independence is Bugged

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 09:57 AM PST

After I kill all the Mirelurks and break all the eggs, I still can't access The Castle's workbench. This is annoying me very much, needless to say. Does anyone have a solution? The sooner the better.

submitted by /u/MediaMix1
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What's a quick and easy online way of telling if a mod is available for XBox? Thanks in advance.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 11:39 AM PST

Snap'n Build Back!!!

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:57 PM PST

I have been so upset ever since I had deleted this mod not knowing that it would be gone the next day but today I was going through the mods on most favorited today and their it was waiting for me to download it and so I did.

Now all the people not lucky enough to be able to afford pc, you can once again get this mod again so go, go and build yourself something nice.

submitted by /u/kingsultan11
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I recently bought New Vegas, do you guys have any tips or know secret locations to head to?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:27 PM PST

I got it recently for my new PC for around $20 on steam, really looking forward to playing it.

submitted by /u/axeintheface
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The Next Fallout Location

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 05:51 AM PST

Which location/city would you like to see for the next fallout game? Why would it be a good idea?

My personal vote goes for Fallout: Peking. I want to see what happened to China after the bombs fell, and whether communism or dynastic rule won out. I understand the Fallout series establishes itself in 50's Americana, but I would love a change of set-dressing.

submitted by /u/KingOfCranes
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Fallout Wallpaper Android/IOS

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 09:17 AM PST


Enjoy. Any requests are welcome and I will edit if needed.

Edit: honestly, don't know why it doesn't work for my phone. I'm sure it works with others.

So i made it a desktop one: https://imgur.com/a/fwYL1

submitted by /u/HarraReeves_
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Tilde no longer opens console? Help

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 11:55 AM PST

Title. I can't open console anymore, not sure why, worked yesterday just fine

submitted by /u/ElPanandero
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Does anyone know of any quality immersive/roleplaying Fallout 3 or Fallout NV playthroughs?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:27 PM PST

On YouTube? Thank you all.

submitted by /u/DAran67
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When should the next Fallout take place?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 08:20 AM PST

Should it take place directly after the events of Fallout 2 (preferably so that it's a prequel to Fallout 3) or should it take place long after Fallout 4 (a true sequel in every sense of the word)?

I think it should take place 25 years after the events of Fallout 4 in the year 2312. Mainly because there's a bit more breathing room to have as far as continuity is concerned.

Or, it could take place 10 years directly after Fallout 2 (2251) as a means of setting up the events of future games that would chronologically succeed it.

Either way, it'd be nice to see how society can evolve in a post-Nuclear world 235 years after the fact.

submitted by /u/TheForlornGamer
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New Update on Fallout Tabletop Game

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:18 AM PST

Hey everyone,

So I put together a quick summary on the recent update on the Fallout tabletop miniatures game: Fallout Wasteland Warfare.


I'm really looking forward to this actually, already got my pre-order in for the two player starter set.

submitted by /u/Stainless001
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Can a voiced protagonist realistically work in Fallout?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:57 AM PST

I like many others was very disappointed in the dialogue system of Fallout 4. There was rarely a response available beyond 'be nice press ..' or 'be sarcastic press ...' that I chose. Often at many points in the game it felt like I couldn't ask important characters essential contextual questions. I was hoping, for example, for Elder Maxson to open up about Eleer Lyons, the Brotherhood civil war etc over the course of the his campaign and was genuinely surprised when there was no interaction with him regarding the Minutemen ending for the game. There were also many questions I feel Father should have been able answer about why the gen 3 synths are being created in the first place, what experiments are being run etc, beyond 'we're pushing boundaries for the sake of it'. Skill checks and bonus dialogue through perks like Child at Heart were also done away with.

This had me wondering eventually whether a voiced protagonist can even realistically work well in Fallout in its current state as I'm not convinced it can. It's much easier in games like the original Mass Effect Trilogy or the Witcher series because those protagonists, though open ended and customisable always have some definable characteristics, making the dialogue much easier to write well. I genuinely would have preferred Nate and Nora to be more defined characters if it improved the dialogue, rather than Bethesda trying to cover all personality types through short sarcastic, nice and rude responses. If I had a choice though I'd rather go back to voiceless.

So what do you think? Do you prefer a voiced or voiceless protagonist? Would you prefer a more predetermined character if it resulted in better voiced dialogue? Or maybe you think the current method is making the best of a difficult situation? Can anyone give me an example where an open ended character has been voiced successfully?

submitted by /u/OldMrAbernathy
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[FO4] (Boy in a Fridge) {Minor Spoilers}

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 12:36 AM PST

Really!!? Am I given to understand that a boy survived the nukes by hiding in as fridge for 200+ years?!

Sure, he was 'ghoulified' but does that change one's need to eat, sleep, shit and urinate?

And I'm guessing being locked in a tight space for even a day or two would be severely detrimental to one's sanity.

Furthermore, no one, absolutely no one stumbled upon that locked fridge for all this time?

What kind of ass-backwards logic is this?

submitted by /u/21crescendo
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