Destiny - A Special Gift To The Developers Of This Community

A Special Gift To The Developers Of This Community

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 02:24 PM PST

Hey y'all,

As I mentioned in this post from a few days ago, we have something special we've been working on. Now I know I said a few weeks at most, but I lied. I suck at communication and holding to timelines, so I'll just get to it.

As a subreddit mod team we wanted to find a way to better recognize all the developers in this amazing community. The developers that have put in thousands of hours creating unique tools, sites, services, etc that we have all used. Some dating back all the way to Destiny 1 - Year 1, and some that have only spawned in the short few months that Destiny 2 has been out. With our revamped flair system this has allowed us to create thousands of user flairs with reletive ease. And that's just what we did.

We have created special user flairs using these sites and services logos and have assigned them to all the amazing developers out there. So when you see them pop up you'll know what they represent and that they are actually with that dev team.

We do have some qualifications for this, and we aren't setting any public limit to what qualifies and what doesn't as we don't want to turn someone away without giving a fair discussion. However the sites/services that we're looking for is those who've made a major/lasting impact in the Destiny community that have created some type of website, service, app, etc that is used by a significant portion of the community. The tiny site used only for your clan isn't on the scale we're looking at, neither is an individual person like a streamer or youtuber, but with the list below (n no particular order) should give you an idea what we're talking about. If you think that we've left something out, please sound off in the comments or send us a message and let us know. There were a few that we've reached out to and have declined, or have not gotten back to us with a list of developers reddit names, so do keep that in mind.

Service Reddit Username
DestinyItemManager u/eutral, & u/sunburned_goose, & u/vid_boi
Ishtar Commander u/TheRealDesignker
DestinyTracker u/htr_xorth, & u/sgtfrankieboy
Trials.Report u/FartSausage - Note: List is incomplete
Guardian.Theater u/chrisfried & u/mym6 u/Flatlyn
Destiny Vendor Gear Tracker u/Arkh4s
Wasted on Destiny u/binarmorker
D2 Checklist u/dweezil22
Destiny Sets u/ninth_reddit_account Note: Awaiting logo Note: Missing developer list
Charlemagne - Discord Bot u/TorKallon & u/waterpolotrev67
Ishtar Collective Note: Missing developer list
DestinyKD Note: Missing developer list u/Eander
submitted by /u/D0cR3d
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[D2] Trials of the Nine Megathread [2018-01-19]

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 09:00 AM PST

This thread is for all general discussion, questions, thoughts, musings, wonderings, etc. for the Trials of the Nine.

When does Trials of the Nine end?

  • Trials of the Nine ends at normal Weekly Reset at 9am UTC on Tuesdays.

Trials of the Nine Map


Game Mode


7 Win Options

Relentless, The Long Walk, and Cold Sweat.

Flawless Options

  • Leg Armor

  • Class Item

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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It's been said before, but Nightfall needs traditional matchmaking now more than ever

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 07:45 AM PST

This idea behind "you need a mic to communicate for the Nighfall" is just a blatent lie. Half the people, if not most who do guided games, do not have a mic. And if they do they don't talk to each other. I mean you REALLY don't even need one.

I am currently sitting in guided games for the nightfall to get this hood ordiment for the faction rally because no one in my clan plays this game anymore and it's been around 30 minutes and still no match. Wanna know why? Because I'm pretty sure everyone else in everyone's clans do not play anymore either, equalling no one being able to do guided games nightfall.

Bungie really just needs to implement traditional matchmaking for nightfall, because the wait times are just too damn long....but I know they wont.

EDIT: it seems like most somewhat agree. But others are saying what about solo nightfall? Duo Nighfall? Easy. We already have two options for the night fall, guided games and regular. Literally all they need to do is change it from that to regular and matchmaking as suggested below.

EDIT 2: the point that I'm trying to make is that in a triple A title that has come out four-ish months ago, one should not have to look outside the game just to find people to play with, especially since this is a somewhat multiplayer centric game

submitted by /u/link55588
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List of New Weapon Names!

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 08:31 AM PST

"Going Forward"

"Better Insight"

"Working Toward"

"Things Coming in the Future"

"A Solution"

"Fully Resolved"

"We Are Aware"

"Hard at Work"

"Monitoring Feedback"

"Taking 2 Heart"

"Clear B4 Hand"

"Weeks 2 Come"

Look forward to seeing more from you if you come across any =)

submitted by /u/RlxdN10sity
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Bungie: I’m guessing Iron Banner will drip feed weapons too over the course of Season 2. At least make this next Iron Banner Mayhem so we have a reason to play.

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 07:05 AM PST

Mayhem was AMAZING for the Dawning. People played it. A lot. On all characters. Non-PvP players like me did the Call to Arms for the first time ever. And actually ended up doing Call to Arms every week on all 3 characters. Because Mayhem is fun.

Please throw the playerbase a bone and force this next Iron Banner to Mayhem. We need this!

EDIT: Official reposes from /u/dmg04 that we WON'T see Mayhem until Season 3. But info on Iron Banner will be coming next week. see:

submitted by /u/Hollywood_Zro
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Bungie, where did all the amazing perks go?

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 08:42 AM PST

Hidden Hand? Icarus? Rangefinder? Luck in the Chamber? Final Round? Feeding Frenzy? Tripod? Firefly?

Sure we still have Crowd Control (Rampage) and Reactive Reload (Kill Clip), but a big reason weapons feel so meh is because you removed most of the other powerful perks from the game. This whole "sacrifice-power-and-fun-in-the-name-of-balance" design philosophy needs to go.

submitted by /u/platotudes
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Thanks, Bungie, for this sweet new explosive diarrhea ornament.

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:27 PM PST

Just finished all the ornaments for my Dead Orbit Hunter and am really disappointed in the pants... Also, from the front it looks like I pissed myself with the right shaders.

submitted by /u/pridd27
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Let us “trade in” multiple copies of same weapon for a masterworks version

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 09:18 AM PST

Or, let us trade 10 any legendary weapons for one random masterworks weapon

And expand this economic system to include armors

submitted by /u/devilmaycry0917
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Josh Hamrick's sandbox update uncut - full transcript here...

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 01:11 AM PST

UPDATE: Josh Hamrick shares his thoughts on the sad passing of Nutty McNutface: :D

Hey guys, Josh Hamrick here. I know, I know.. you want to know what we've been up to and we're always so vague and non-committal. Well, no more. Here, in full, no-holds-barred, is what the sandbox team have been working on, in preparation for the Season 3 balance update.

As I sit here, my mouse – which has just been replaced by IT because my scroll wheel stopped working – is hovering over a little Word file titled 'Sandbox S3 Changes – The Sandiest Changes yet'. They're funny things aren't they scroll wheels? You think 'Hey I don't need a scroll wheel, I hardly use it,' and then when the little bugger breaks you're like 'GET ME A SCROLL WHEEL! I CAN'T OPERATE IN THESE CONDITIONS!'.

Anyway, I got a new mouse and I'm good to go. I don't actually think it's a new mouse to be fair. I think it belonged to Jessica in accounts, but she got a laptop so she could work from home more and I think I've just been given her old mouse. Point is, the scroll wheel works fine.

So with that said, let's talk about someone you are all familiar with, Jon Weisnewski, or 'J. Weisnewski', which is what we call him for short. You all know who he is by now, he's the guy with the elbows and stuff. So Jon has been working hard on the Exotics in order to make them very special indeed. Greg Peng actually popped in the other day and was like 'Hey guys, I've just thought of this but, you can't get exotic without 'toxic' and the community provide that, we just provide the 'E'!!'

I think Grant laughed a bit, and then Claude asked Greg what he meant when he said that we provide the 'E', and then Greg laughed again and said 'YOU KNOW!!!' and then he left the room. I think the new Bruno Mars song was playing. What's odd about that song is that it's had a real remix when you compare it to the album version, and obviously he's got Cardi-B to feature on it. I always think it's weird when the album version of a track is different to the single and then you're like, 'Well which one should I listen to Bruno Mars?'.

One person in our sandbox team you won't be as familiar with is Susan Trent, because I just made her up.

Speaking of Susan, Grant has been working hard on Mods 2.0. We know you are desperate to know more about Mods 2.0 so I've let Grant sit at my computer and write the next paragraph for you. Here's what he wrote, word for word:




I hope that clears things up. He said he had a few issues trying to unlock my PC but I'm pretty sure that's an in depth enough insight for you and your appetites are suitably whetted.

In other news, Nutty McNutface, the squirrel we all loved so much, who used to wander the green areas around the Bungie building, has died. He got run over by Deej when he was backing out of his parking space. We'll miss him, obviously, but it has allowed us to crack on with more weapon balancing than usual and let's just say, one of the weapons or perks that you'll see in the future, will give a little nod to our late nutty friend.

Finally, as with every year when we head into February, our minds turn to mobility, resilience and recovery. There has been a lot of chatter on Reddit and B.Net about this particular topic and so I went and spoke to Geoff Barton, sous chef at 'Big Dog's' food truck, to get some clarification of the changes going forward:

'I'm not sure what you mean Josh. Do you want onions or not?'

Bear in mind folks, everything here is subject to change. Planning changes for a huge game like Destiny is a tricky balancing act and things sometimes alter, despite everyone's best intentions. But we will strive to keep you in the loop, every step of the way.

Hamrick, OUT.

Please note, absolutely no salt present here, I love the sandbox team!

Thanks for the gold anonymous redditor!

submitted by /u/ChrisCohenTV
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New Destiny 2 Problem, New Bungie Apology [Kotaku]

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 10:55 AM PST

Did Bungie Stealth-Nerf Silver Dust Gifts?

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 08:36 AM PST

I asked this once before, and got no view or replies... here goes again.

I'm trying to crowd-source whether or not ANYONE has received a Gift of Silver Dust from Tess since Season 1 wrapped. I theorize that Bungie did, in fact, remove these from the game without adding it in any patch notes.

So far, nobody I have asked (friends, clan, randoms) has been gifted any Silver Dust since Season 2 began.

So ... anyone?

Quick edit: A couple have said they've seen a gift drop. So perhaps not totally removed, but anecdotally: it seems they've been nerfed.

Edit 2: Thanks for all the replies... I can take my Spinfoil hat off now. I'll still contend that they greatly reduced the rate at which they are given, but I couldn't even begin to support that.

submitted by /u/SaintKaars
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I understand Destiny has to die at some point...but not like this.

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 11:59 PM PST

This is a game that after the first three years I spent as a Sherpa, a Fireteam leader, and just an everyday player I thought would go down as one of my favorites of all time. Something I could look back on nostalgically and reminecse about for years after it had died down. The player base would be satisfied but Destiny's lifespan would have simply run it's course and like all great franchises, slowly end after releasing it's one final send-off expansion. Destiny 1 sure felt that way after age of Triumph but with D2 on the horizon, it felt like we were just getting started.

Now, the franchise I watched being built for three years is dying, not slowly, but rapidly being crushed by a salt mine caving in around it. It's dying, not being surrounded by a fanfare and a loyal, loud, loving base, but instead is being massacred by a fan base that rightfully is angry at what this franchise has become.

Once there was a thriving community here, forged in the ashes of the Taken King. We stumbled into the black spindle, solved the mysteries of the Sleeper Simulant and Outbreak Prime, and celebrated Destiny by baking amazing cakes, making awesome cosplays and montages, and delving into a vast lore. That's the community I want to remember when this game is gone.

Instead, we are left with a community filled with anger and discontent. Every other post showing something going horribly wrong or something from D1 that was scrapped inexplicably in D2. This isn't how I want to remember our community, our game.

As Switch says, "Not like this..."

submitted by /u/AceWolf18
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Josh Hamrick on Twitter right now

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 09:44 AM PST

Text for those of you on mobile:

Concerning yesterday's TWaB: Lots of folks had asked if Sandbox was involved after @cgbarrett's last update. I showed up to introduce myself & the team, to those who don't know us, and confirm Sandbox has begun to plan/work on several of the first items.

Consider it a prologue.


If you've followed me for a while you likely remember me tweeting a lot last year, @ the end of D1. Hopefully you already know I enjoy talking & sharing details with the Destiny community. If not, I hope you start to see it now as I intend to get back to that for #Destiny2.


Since these first two initial tweets, he's been replying to several of the commenters in the twitter thread he started. I recommend going to his profile and reading all of what he has to say. It's more descriptive than his first two tweets.

Second Edit: He has since added this statement:

At the highest level, we want to make you feel more like a god as your playing the game. I think that will influence all of our decisions and I believe is what, if you totally condense it all down to a single statement, is what I'm hearing from the community as well.

Which I believe hits the nail on the head. IIRC it's the first time a Bungie dev has actually acknowledged the desire to create a greater power fantasy. Thank you, finally!

submitted by /u/razobak09
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I paid for DLC and still have not been able to play a new nightfall

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 06:56 AM PST

I know there was one in play shortly before it got switched out but that was before I got a chance to play. I know Bungie is in a sticky situation here with people whining about being locked out from activities but it's about time to actually move the game forward. Every game like this moves forward when new content is released. Who even plays this game seriously and doesn't buy the DLC?

submitted by /u/Microtendo
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Datto to stop doing weekly Xur Videos "for awhile".

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 12:07 PM PST

In his latest video Datto states that this would be his last Xur weekly video for awhile. He sounded pretty defeated about it and almost sad. Its a shame to see such a popular person who is known for Destiny videos to finally get to this point, whether it is true or not. He has done a video for Xur every week since the arrival of Xur in D1. In the long run it might be good to take a break from it for awhile and come back at a later date with a new breath but who knows.

submitted by /u/InvadingBacon
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In mods 2.0, drop the class specifications.

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 10:50 AM PST

There's no reason to have a Arc Impact Mod which reduces Arc melee cooldown by 9%, and a Solar Impact Mod which reduces Solar melee cooldown by 9%, and a Void Impact Mod which reduces Void melee cooldown by 9% in stead of a single Impact Mod which reduces All melee cooldowns by 9%.

All this does is clutter inventory and force players to hold on to three copies of the same type of armor just to use the same mod sets for different elements.

submitted by /u/Gingevere
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Faction Ghosts should be exotic ghosts that are rewarded after turning in 30 packages in a season.

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 01:25 AM PST

Give us something more useful to grind for that justifies the throttling of certain activities. Give each one something unique that is in line with what the faction stands for. For example, Future War Cult's could be: Ghost Name: Future Uncertain Flavor Text: ...but whose? Special Perk: The Decider Bonus Reserve Heavy Ammo

Lore tab (creative writing isn't really my forte, but I'll give it a crack): RECORD 343-CHASM-9897 I saw him last night Ghost. His light was still there... encapsulating my gaze, along with theirs. I knew what they were trying to do. To tell the truth, I was foolishly trying to do the same.

Simulate. Gather data. Find out how it was possible.

And then it was gone. All of it. The mist, the Gorgons, the maze. But most importantly, the light. It was as if it knew what we were doing, or at least trying to do. And I was alone in the darkness.

Only a faint whisper remained "Lakshmi, there's always room in the back of the mind for hope. It's the crack that let's the light in." I hadn't felt this close to the light since you found me. And yet, I was in total darkness. Do you understand what I am saying Ghost?

Yes. The future remains uncertain. Only one thing is constant.

submitted by /u/BedfastDuck
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Banshee-44 is still not dispensing Gunsmith shaders since CoO.

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 09:13 AM PST

I'm pretty sure that this has been occurring since CoO launched, around the same time Ikora decided that she was lonely, and wanted to beckon everyone over to her;

But I've noticed after handing over a hefty few gunsmith materials to Banshee, that I'm no longer reviving the odd Hakke History, or Suros Modular. (Not the shiny ones from Eververse.)

What happened to these Shaders? Surely they're not Season specific?

submitted by /u/Esterite
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Ikora: Cayde, we need to talk.

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 08:28 AM PST

Ikora is walking with pace across the shipyard, inspecting one of her weapons. She approaches her fellow head of the Vanguard, Cayde-6

Cayde-6: Ikora! Nice to see you venture into the shipyard for a change! For what do I owe the pleasure of your company on this fine evening, come to get your hands dirty?

Cayde-6 holds out a wrench as if to offer it to Ikora. He was met with her usual look of utter disregard to his ever growing need to be humorous, and for a moment, she wonders if he is ever trying to make anyone but himself smile, and why

Cayde-6: You do know you can smile at times other than when you've just learnt something new right? But really, you never come down here, what gives?

Ikora: Here.

Ikora hands her weapon to Cayde-6

Cayde-6: For me? Your weapon? Well, I'm honoured but really I... Wait a minute... What did you do to the...

After inspecting the weapon Cayde-6 tosses it back to Ikora

Cayde-6: Nice try, but you'll have to try harder than that to catch me out. Why would you- What you tryna to do, get me killed?

Ikora: That modification isn't one of mine. It was Banshee's.

Cayde-6: Okay, why would you get Banshee to-

Ikora: No, you're not listening. This is how he handed it to me, as standard.

Ikora opens up her Primary weapon's magazine, the green glow of the Specialised ammo inside starts to shine

Cayde-6: Wait, you don't think he's starting to...

Cayde-6 paces over to one of the Tower's weapons caches. He finds a shotgun and rips it open, the Purple glow of the Heavy ammo spilling out lights up his now-solemn face.

Cayde-6: How did no one notice this until now? Have all the Guardians been using weapons with the wrong ammo calibration?

Ikora: The Guardians assumed after the Red Legion's assault we just updated our weapons management system and switched their priority. You would of known too if you used anything other than that Ace up your sleeve.

Cayde-6: Hey! Sometimes Aces are high, sometimes they're low, what can I say.

Ikora noticed the faintest look of sorrow in Cayde-6's eyes for a moment when talking about his favourite weapon

Cayde-6: Besides, they bought that? How is no one else asking about this?

Cayde-6 lowers his voice

Cayde-6: Has anyone figured out the truth?

Ikora: No, we can keep that between us for now, this is at most a rumour.

Cayde-6: A Rumour? You mean like the "Wiped 44 times" rumour? You of all people know that isn't a-

Ikora: I am aware, and that's also why I'm here.

Cayde-6 stopped in his tracks. Even after all these years of living as a machine, still, Cayde-6 felt what could only be described a chill down his spine. THE chill. The cold metal. The fear. The ice...

Ikora: Cayde?

Cayde-6: You want me to take him back there? Again? We haven't had to... I thought there wasn't going to be anymore-

Cayde-6 now has an unusual, panicked quiver to his voice

Cayde-6: Look, I-I know we've got an issue here, but after last time w-we almost lost him altoge-

Ikora: We owe it to the guardians we send out to make sure we're giving them the right tools for the job, what if this went unnoticed and lead to yet another fireteam being lost to history? Or should I send word for Eris to return and remind you of how-

Cayde-6: Alright, alright. I'll do it.

Ikora: Are you sure, you don't seem to-

Cayde-6: I'm sure. I know how bad it can get if someone doesn't step in.

Cayde-6 takes a moment to calm himself before heading off towards Banshee-44's station. Before he leaves, he turns back to Ikora

Cayde-6: Besides, if you knew where the station was, I'd be Cayde-777 by now.

Cayde-6 noticed the faintest smile appear on Ikora's face.

Ikora: Thank you, Cayde, but can I ask, why don't you want the other guardians knowing about this process? It's something all Exo's will have to go through at some point, right? Don't you think some of them should know?

Cayde-6: When they need to know, sure, I'll spill, but until then...

Cayde-6 looks across the shipyard and sees a group of Exo Guardians kicking a ball to each other

Cayde-6: Let's not give them any more reason to lose sleep.

Cayde-6 slowly makes his way towards the gunsmith, each step heavier than the last, he knows where he needs to go, he knows what's at stake if he doesn't, but never thought he would need to go back again, not in this cycle

Since the Red Legions assault, Banshee-44 has been calibrating most of our weapons to accept a different type of ammo than they used to take before, forcing us to change the weapons we can use in certain situations. Most thought of this as yet another upgrade to our loadouts, but behind the scenes, Ikora and Cayde-6 have seen this behaviour before, and fear the worst. Cayde-6 will have to revisit a place he never thought he'd have to see again, to save a comrade, and restore credibility to the once highly regarded Tower Gunsmith, or face the consequences.

This is my second piece of Tower dialogue I've written to try and provide a narrative for potential fixes to the game, the first can be found here. In this one I've tried to mix story elements together to create a story for why our weapon loadouts changed so drastically between D1 and D2, as I'd find it much more interesting if there was a story for these changes rather than them just happening randomly. Any thoughts, feedback or suggestions for future pieces, let me know!

submitted by /u/cadamson87
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Can we still talk about the baffling design decisions of fireteam sizes?

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 09:34 AM PST

Patrol is 3 Crucible is 4 Raid is 6

Let's say I'm raiding with Bob, Fred, Sally, George, and Alex. We finish up, crush the Boss, and now we are sitting in orbit wondering what to do with our lives.

"Let's play some crucible" George says. But everyone wants to keep playing. Now we have to vote two of our Fireteam members off the island.

"Sorry Alex and Fred, but you two are our weakest links" says Bob.

"Fuck off" they say as they rage quit.

Now Bob, Sally, George and I go crush some crucible because we are the best Fireteam ever. Now we finish up and we all need to go do flashpoint. We awkwardly sit in orbit until Bob says "Fuck it...I'll leave" and his ship flies off.

Sally, George and I load into earth and are fighting our way through public events, listening to Bob grumble about having go it alone when and behold I look up and see Bob waving in the distance...right before he is suddenly crushed by a Cabal Drop pod.

Seriously? Who decided to size up fireteams like this? Is there any way to fix this? I would love to see Patrol and Crucible upped to 6 so I never have to boot my own Fireteam members. It was a problem in D1, and it's even worse in D2.

submitted by /u/AceWolf18
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Hamrick on Twitter just now: At the highest level, we want to make you feel more like a god as your playing the game. I think that will influence all of our decisions and I believe is what, if you totally condense it all down to a single statement, is what I'm hearing from the community as well.

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 01:19 PM PST

Why ask why Bungie?

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 06:09 AM PST

I think as dedicated fans of this game we deserve an answer of why. Why are things the way they are with Destiny 2? Was there a reboot of the game 16 months before release? What were your original plans for this game and what are now the realistic plans for this game going forward? The full transparency is not there. Pull back the curtain and let us understand what is going on at Bungie. Destiny 2 is a very solid game that feels great to play but is lacking the basic QOL things from D1. It's very sad to read all the negative posts and press about my favorite gaming franchise ever. This game has so much potential as we all know and the things you have talked about for future updates are nice but not enough. It's hard to get excited about updates that should have been in the game already. Again is this because the game had to start over 16 months before release? You guys have something so unique in a game that the fan base would do anything to play. I hope everyone will stay around through the hard times and want to play the game if or when the updates make it to the game. The majority of the fans will appreciate the honesty even if it's not the news they want to hear. Be the game we all want to grind for hours and hours with our friends. Be the game that still has a dedicated fan base that will follow this franchise forever. So if you're thinking why ask why, just put yourself in our spot and think about what you would want to hear from your favorite game.

submitted by /u/rdogg28
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Fortnite developers openly responding to community identified bugs within hours of posting. Bungie, please let your team talk with us!

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 04:17 PM PST

Fortnite community notice a bug in the new patch, where players can get inside the environment:

Within just a few hours, Fortnite developers respond not just that they'll look into it but also openly detailing how the bug occurred and again re-iterating that it will be fixed asap:

Sorry guys, this is my fault. I literally just forgot to add the collision before we locked 2.2 update I'll make sure it gets fixed for the next update.

Notice how happy the community are? It's wonderful to see and makes me pine to be part of a game community as close with it's developers as that.

Meanwhile, r/DTG has a front-page post praising the Bungie Community Management team, one of whom hasn't posted in 3 months.

At this point I should make it clear that I am not personally attacking Deej as a guy doing his job. I believe these chaps are being cock-blocked by multiple layers of management red-tape bullshit every time they want to open their mouths. Not to mention they probably aren't able to get a single straight-answer for any of the community concerns, given the evident cluster-fuck that represents the decision-making entities at Bungie right now.

Bungie, it doesn't have to be this hard. Just let your guys do their jobs.

submitted by /u/Arxson
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[D1] Xur Megathread [2018-01-19]

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 01:02 AM PST

Agent of the Nine, Xûr


Xûr comes and goes freely, his strange curios too valuable to risk driving him from the Tower.


Beep boop! We're searching!

Exotic Gear:

Name Type Stats Cost
Legacy Engram Primary Weapon Engram 31 SC
Empyrean Bellicose Titan Helmet 42 Int // 40 Str 13 SC
Knucklehead Radar Hunter Helmet 42 Int // 39 Str 13 SC
Apotheosis Veil Warlock Helmet 43 Int // 46 Dis 13 SC
No Land Beyond Sniper Rifle 23 SC


Name Type Quantity Cost
Heavy Ammo Synthesis Consumable 3 1 SC
Heavy Ammo Synthesis Consumable 10 3 SC
Three of Coins Consumable 5 7 SC
Glass Needles Material 1 3 SC
Plasma Drive Vehicle Upgrade 1 23 SC
"Emerald Coil" Vehicle Upgrade 1 23 SC

Material Exchange:

Name Cost
Mote of Light Strange Coin x2
Exotic Shard Strange Coin x7

What's a Xûr?

Xûr, Agent of the Nine is a merchant within the Tower and Reef. Xûr sells exotic weapons, armor, and consumables in exchange for Strange Coins. He can be found around the Tower or Reef in different locations every weekend.

TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal.

When does Xûr visit?

Xûr visits every Friday at 9:00AM UTC and departs on Sunday at 9:00 AM UTC. If you would like to see all the live conversions of Time Zones, please follow this link here.

Sort comments by New to join the conversation!

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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[D2] Xûr Megathread [2018-01-19]

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 09:02 AM PST

Agent of the Nine, Xûr


Xûr comes and goes freely, his strange curios too valuable to risk.



Exotic Gear:

Name Type Cost
Transversive Steps Warlock Leg Armor 23 LS
Tractor Cannon Shotgun 29 LS
Actium War Rig Titan Chest Armor 23 LS
Knucklehead Radar Hunter Helmet 23 LS


Name Type Cost
Fated Engram Engram 97 LS
Three of Coins Consumable 31 LS

What's a Xûr?

Xûr, Agent of the Nine is a strange vendor who randomly appears in a Public Sector in each of the four Worlds, depending on planetary alignments and Bungie's whim. Xur sells Exotic equipment and only takes Legendary Shards in exchange for them.

TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal.

When does Xûr visit?

Xûr visits every Friday at 17:00 UTC and departs at reset. If you would like to see all the live conversions of Time Zones, please follow this link here.

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[D2] Xûr Inventory Infographic [01-19-2018]

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 10:03 AM PST

eyes up, Guardians! here's your detailed look at Xûr's Inventory until reset on 1/23!

Imgur Link

submitted by /u/thatdudereeg
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Prometheus Lens to be fixed in Jan 30th patch

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 12:31 AM PST

Just thought I'd make a topic about this, since it wasn't mentioned in TWAB as far as I saw and I think a few people may be interested in actual specifics.

There was a nested comment that had this information in it:


You won't have to wait until Season 3. It will be updated on January 30th.

(Hope that's the right way to link comments)

submitted by /u/TurquoiseLuck
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