Dead by Daylight Decisice strike - Dark Hood

Decisice strike - Dark Hood

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 10:12 AM PST

Thrill of the Hunt in a nutshell

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 05:16 AM PST

When the survivors accurately guess that you're using Fire Up and purposefully avoid doing gens so as to deny you that delicious 10-14% speed boost for various actions.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 09:27 AM PST

So that meme was right

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 02:36 AM PST

Keep telling yourself that Claudette...

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 06:23 AM PST

Dead by daylight community in a nutshell.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 12:31 AM PST

Dead by Daylight 2017, recapped in 26 seconds.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 05:42 AM PST

Me:Camping Is A Crappy Thing To Do To Survivors. Also Me:

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 12:18 AM PST

I don't know what to believe any more.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 01:57 AM PST

Trapper is best lover (Hand-drawn version)

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 08:41 PM PST

Killers are the good guys

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 10:17 AM PST

Title. But hear me out.

I'm a rank 1 survivor main. I know what I don't like a killer doing to me so as a rank 10 killer I try to not do the same. I don't facecamp unless you do something to REALLY deserve it (ie. Sandbag team mates), don't tunnel unless I have reason to (you're on death hook, dying light target)

But MAN some of the salt I still get is unreal. You get criticized over every little thing but meanwhile, It's the killer who decides to let you farm. Or let you get hatch if you've had a rough game. Or be nice and let the survivors escape in a double BP event.

And yet survivors will find SOMETHING to bitch about. I'm not saying there's not toxic killers. Cause there's a ton of them too. But the killer mains really tend to be nicer people.

What is everyone else's take on this?

TLDR: Survivor mains tend to bitch and moan about anything they can find. Killer mains tend to be more laid back as a whole. Exceptions to both. Discuss.

submitted by /u/_Bach_
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We skipped our school lessons but the teacher was fair enough and let us go

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 02:51 AM PST

When i play as Hillbilly

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 06:18 AM PST

What killer would everyone like to see?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 12:39 PM PST

I would like to see someone like ghost face where they can mimic a survivor until a timer runs out also if this has been suggested please have mercy I haven't been on this reddit long

submitted by /u/Eggyboi1211
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"Self Care is balanced and needs no changes"

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 06:18 AM PST

Before I start, I feel that I need to make it clear that this is not a request or demand to nerf Self Care, but rather a rebuttal to the most common arguments that are instantly raised when someone even dares to mention that something needs to be done with the perk. I do however feel like the perk is one of the better candidates for adjustment when it comes to bridging the gaps in game balance between survivors and Killers, as well as low and high ranks, so I think it might be important to make some things clear about the perk.

Whenever someone mentions that Self Care might be a bit too powerful or should be looked at by the devs, the same responses keep popping up:

"But it actually harms the survivors."

"But it slows the survivors down."

"But it's better to get healed by teammates anyways."

I believe that there is currently a large misconception regarding the perk, and how much it actually affects either of the sides in its current form.

If these people would actually bother doing the math on Self Care, they'd realize that it actually ALWAYS saves the survivor team time.

WARNING: Some maths and facts ahead! If you believe that your feelings are more important than actual facts in game balancing, click away now.

Still here? Let's roll.

Instead of the healer operating at 100% action speed and you, the healed survivor at 0%, the other survivor can now operate at their full 100% action speed while you're healing yourself at 50% speed. Healing with Self Care takes a total of 24 seconds when not affected by skill checks, so let's use that as the baseline duration for comparison.

Being healed by a teammate, you operate the first 12 seconds at 0% action speed, and the following 12 seconds at 100%, while they work at 100% action speed for the whole duration. Average action speed of two people over two 12 second periods: ((0%+100%)+(100%+100%))/2=150%.

Healing yourself while the other person is free to work on a generator for example, meaning that you spend the whole 24 seconds Self Caring while the teammate spends the whole 24 seconds repairing. Average action speed of two people over two 12 second periods: ((50%+50%)+(100%+100%))/2=150%.

Alright, so Self Care is actually overall exactly as fast as having a teammate healing you? Doesn't seem as horribly imbalanced as people keep saying?

...Until you remember that one of these options also requires you to locate and actually travel to a teammate.

Even if everyone was running Bond (in fact, even the grossly overpowered voice comms don't come close in this case), finding people would still be the worse option compared to Self Care; you take 12 extra seconds to heal with Self Care or you get healed by someone else, having 12 seconds of 0% action speed AND at least 10-20 seconds of additional 0% action speed as you're looking for said teammates.

The only situation in which Self Care and team based healing are equally fast is if two people stand next to each other, Killer hits one of them and runs away. Can't remember the last time I saw that happen in a match.

Current version of Self Care can easily save your team tens of seconds. Minutes even, if the Killer plays well and manages to scatter the whole team (which of course doesn't matter at all since the survivors all have Self Care). At best this could mean a free generator's worth of time, without risk of running into the Killer or requiring any teamwork.

And this is for each time that Self Care gets used.

It's exactly things like this that give the survivors too much time to have too many people working on generators simultaneously, leading to gens going off quicker than expected.

Whenever the so called "gen rush" actually becomes an issue and the devs are required to look into it and really make some changes, do give it a moment of thought before reaching for the standard, ill-informed answers. Do you want the boring part of the game, that being repairing the generators, to start taking even longer, or would it actually be okay to take a swing at a perk that directly allows for gens to be repaired significantly sooner than they would be without the perk? Also, one of these options will have a significantly higher impact on new players (you know, the people that don't have the experience or access to these perks yet).

And just as a comparison, Leader, the actual repair-oriented perk, shaves off a measly few seconds of generator repair time. Not 10+ like each use of Self Care easily saves.

Self Care could easily be nerfed to somewhere around 25-35% speed and it could still regularly outpace the standard team based healing. Team based healing is actually so bad right now compared to Self Care that unless you need to be healed right away (Killer coming right towards a group that's wounded and in a position where hits can't be avoided), you're actually doing your team harm by running to a teammate for heals instead of using Self Care.

Is it really right for one perk to be both safer AND faster than its alternatives?

Just some food for thought.

submitted by /u/Loaderiser
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Literally unplayable. The inconsistencies of this game are incredible.

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 05:49 PM PST

The Hatch is bad design for Survivors too.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 03:37 AM PST

So we already know that the hatch is majorly unfair against the killer, basically it's "be within 50 meters of this spot to win" but i've exclusively been playing survivor for the past few weeks & god dam is there 1 consistent & annoying trend among survivors. In 3k games for killers, the 1 who does the least generators, gets the least saves doesn't fuck the killer around at all is the 1 who gets the hatch.

It ALWAYS goes this way too where this survivor does next to nothing to contribute & once the oppurtunity for the hatch arrives (1 survivor on hook 1 alive) they basically begin walking around staring at the floor. Doesn't matter that the killer clearly isn't there its all about them.

I'd like to see the hatch changed because its honestly ridiculous mechanic for the killer & as a survivor it causes randoms to constantly fuck 1 another over in order for them to guarantee their escape/

submitted by /u/The-Azure-Knight
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Is this bannable?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 01:05 PM PST

I was just playing a match as killer, and at the end a bunch of survivors were very toxic towards me, and told me that pressing my left mouse button is bannable! :c

I'm worried I'm going to get banned! Tell me, is it bannable?

submitted by /u/Tenshinen
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There needs to be a hook inside the big building on the badham pre school map.

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 09:27 PM PST

Just had a game where I was down to the last survivor, I caught them jumping into the hatch down stairs of the big building and the basement was at the shack. I had no reach to any hook so the survivor jumped off. In the end I just hit them and let them escape as I couldn't be bothered going through it again. If the basement isn't there then there should be a hook downstairs. Iv basically been robbed of more points and a 2 pip because of shit RNG

submitted by /u/Cherry_44
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TIL EW1 Shape isn't affected by aura reading perks

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 08:55 AM PST

So I was trying to get the Laurie adept achievement and was the obsession when I noticed that I could not find the killer. I mean, that's how object of obsession works. However, he was pretty close and stalking me. Later in the game, I was able to track him in EW2 and 3.

submitted by /u/Cynder_Burn
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When you get Auto Haven Wreckers and you are looking for your hex totem.

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 11:54 PM PST

If Dead By Daylight was a band.

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 11:29 PM PST

I realized just how easy it would be to come up with DBD song titles and decided to make an album cover.


  • Heartbeat Getting Faster
  • Hooked For The Last Time
  • Where Can I Escape?
  • Snap Me Out Of This Nightmare
  • Obsessed With You
  • Let's Do This In The Basement
  • Wherever You Go, I Will Follow

Since you made it this far enjoy this hatchet snipe!

submitted by /u/Not-Dreadth
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Happy Nea Year

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 02:56 AM PST

Survivors faces when they get caught in the looker?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 12:03 PM PST

Just curious of their expressions :)


submitted by /u/ale_peravi
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Why do the killer cards on the side of the subreddit log you out?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 09:10 AM PST

I accidently click them on mobile all the time and it's super irritating.

submitted by /u/HavelDad
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