DayZ - Any way to make the scopes and crosshair less transparent

Any way to make the scopes and crosshair less transparent

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 05:43 AM PST

I'm trying to range at 800m with the svd and it's really hard to see the ranging scales. Also I've seen videos of people with pure white crosshair, mine is kind of transparent.

submitted by /u/yasen400
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Some of my old .43 screenshots

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 11:16 AM PST

Dayz Private hive servers

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 12:35 AM PST

Hi all!

Im looking for a private hive server with persistent options. Witho good community, and popular server. I tryed a Dayz Village, but too high ping for me... Sadly... Big lags.

Anyone help me please to find new good server?

Thank you for the answers!

submitted by /u/TDPAPA90
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half of community servers spawn me as new / another character

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 02:59 AM PST

Is there a way to see which servers have their own character / forced respawn?

Some servers use character 1 others use character 0

Is there a way to differentiate between them? Seems like all offical servers use the same character. Community is confusing....

submitted by /u/Troutpiecakes
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Becoming A Tornado of Lag

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:58 AM PST

Recently Came back to the game, I have A LOT of questions. (Bear with me)

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 11:01 AM PST

Greetings, I recently came back to this game, in hopes of rekindling the flame abit before 0.63 comes out (Crossing fingers!) and to get used to the controls and cities and stuff again.

I have some questions here and some other things that I wanted to find out, so hopefully this isnt going to be too long, and if you take your time, thank you.

  • 1: Zombies:

So Zombies aren't really that difficult to deal with, you lock them inside houses, they do their own things on the side aslong as you dont sprint infront of them its alright, but is there something you can do with them? I know some players can hoard them inside good locations to prevent people checking for loot and stuff. (Like locking them all inside a police station or something) after looting it, what do you guys think?

  • 2: Loot

So I'm still on the "I dont know the entire map yet, but I know the coast pretty good" Lane right now.

But I digress.

How long am I supposed to remain on the coast? How often do people find "decent" loot in there? I know its pretty much looted on a high pop server, and I dont really like PvP all that much so staying there is a chore.

Or is it simply spamming apples and wells and just run inland as fast as possible? I've checked out some loot guides on youtube and whatnot and I get the picture somewhat, but what is there to look out for if I dont want to run into other players alot? (Like the airfields/police stations/Elektro etc.) I probably wont go to these places, but what are some good lonely places to have for beginners that cant really handle combat right now? (Or that doesn't want to fight unless needed)

  • 3: Navigation

So I have a basic idea of where I am thanks to my map that I made myself and I know the coast quite well by using the train tracks and basic signs.

But where should I be heading from spawn most of the time? I heard just running away from the coast is the best bet, is this always the case? I usually find a compass and just run northwest or just follow the map I made. (I used an HD map from a site and used paint to type all the towns in russian and english using normal letters.) Is this enough to get around? I know eventually I'll memorize it, but I'm abit far off from that right now It feels like.

  • 4: Lonewolf/Bandit

So as I play alone, mostly being a lonewolf, I refuse to interract with other people, the only reason I have the voice chat on is because I want to be able to hear others giving away their position and whatnot. (I have removed the buttons in my options, so I cant even activate voice if I wanted to.) Its just a personal thing.

How do I play as a lonewolf most of the time? Do I bandit? (Or opportunist?) I'm not a KoS kinda guy, but If you are standing still and there is no one around (To my knowledge) then I would probably shoot that guy, is this considered bad behavior? I dont want to make people feel bad, or make people think I'm evil or something.

Should I develop a paranoid sort of playstyle? always wary, always checking everything, always using binoculars and whatnot for several minutes before approaching a town, if I dont see any zombies that means there are people there? etc etc.

I have a very methodical playstyle in most of games and I'm a tactics kinda guy, I like to think and take my time (Like I would in real life) I'm not the guns blazing and shoot everything type person like some people are in DayZ (No offense)

How do I approach this game, is it viable to have this sort of playstyle as a loner? to never interract with others and if It comes to it I will simply kill them for their goodies, because life is harsh.

I dont want to be a bandit, but I also dont want to let the chance go when there is an easy target, what do?

  • 5: Public Vs Private Server

Very simple question, I dont really care about building bases and whatnot, but if I did want to, what server is the best for doing this? I know some roleplaying servers that does not condone bandits and KoS people and I would simply not go there if I wanted to but, what server do you guys recommend?

Is it adviceable to join an empty server and just re-learn the game? I would hate to keep dying in a high pop server and I dont learn that much from that when everyone is a bandit and wants you dead, is it fine to play on an empty server instead? (I know its a silly question to ask others on how I should be playing games, but hey.)

  • 6: Building bases

So I've been abit fascinated by the thought of having my own permanent holdout in the far north somewhere, where people dont usually go and look around, is building bases with something like barrels viable? Where would I put them in that case? (Not specific locations but, like far west or north? or in a pond somewhere?) or if its simply not worth my time to build a base just to have it raided by a lucky guy who somehow magicly stumbled upon it?

  • 7: Rainy servers and hypothermia

So most of the servers I've played on had a lot of freakin rain, and I mean a lot, If I didn't find a rain coat I was either confined indoors or freezing to death outside, how do I make a fire in the rain? Do I really have to find some sort of warehouse building and just sit in there huddled at the fire until the rain stops? It feels like such a waste of time.

How do people manage the rain without raincoats if I wanted to run from city to city? Prolonged exposure like that gives me hypothermia and has killed me a couple of times already.

I'm a strickler for animations and that the player animations are better and I love reload animations and sounds, I think 0.63 is going to scratch that itch, I am stoked for the release and I cannot wait to get back into the game.

I might come up with some more questions later, but hopefully this is enough to get me going, I wasn't really sure if I was supposed to type this out or not, we will see how it goes.

I wish you all the best and thank you for responding if you do.

Have a wonderful evening! ( 0.63 hype! )

submitted by /u/ZirzoR
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Speaking of Tornadoes...

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 10:17 PM PST

Ready to go fishing!!

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 02:43 PM PST

NWAF Frenzy

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 05:20 PM PST

I can't run DayZ anymore and am looking for some replacements. Any Ideas?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 02:52 PM PST

I used to play DayZ at 30fps and now I can't even run it due to devs adding more stuff to the game. Anyway to get more FPS or atleast a replacement for the game untill I get a better PC?

submitted by /u/JohnnyIsEdgy
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Just started playing DayZ! I'm in Stary Sybor. Only have a trumpet. Where should I got next to find some loot?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 01:53 PM PST

Any ideas are helpeful!

submitted by /u/mikeman3334
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Prison island tour. Dayz Village

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:03 AM PST

Am I the only one, who thinks that all the Item icons look like garbage?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 10:32 AM PST

Like please what, even the icons from Runescape Classic look better

submitted by /u/xSyndicate58
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Red 9 Double Kill!

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:58 AM PST

Official BI Feature Timeline

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 02:53 PM PST

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