Civilization - New casus belli spotted: War of Retribution

New casus belli spotted: War of Retribution

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 04:13 AM PST

The KOOH [コ] canal of Japan!

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 03:06 PM PST

Here you can see one of the loveliest canals I've ever settled _ I called it KOOH because it looks a little bit like the japanese charakter "コ" for "ko" in Katakana and the four canal cities start with the letters K,O,O and H xD Enjoy ;)

submitted by /u/Heliotre
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Posted: 14 Jan 2018 05:21 PM PST

Gwanggaeto will lead Korea in Rise and Fall as a modded alternate leader!

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 12:59 PM PST

Historically accurate Inuit start

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 04:21 PM PST

I was screwing around as Russia trying to win with only one city, turns out 5 tiles in all directions is the maximum border size.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 12:41 PM PST

I see people saying that you can't play tall in Civ VI - Why not play as Japan?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 04:22 AM PST

Civ VI best attempt to recreate Banana Island, Nigeria

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 04:45 AM PST

If I've only met one other civilization, can I wipe them off the face of the earth without warmongering penalty?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 03:03 PM PST

I'm on an island alone with Gandhi. I'm unsure if he's met anyone else, but I'm a ton of turns in without seeing anyone. Can I just take him out completely and keep that as my dirty little secret?

submitted by /u/newbzoors
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[MOD] Holy double release Batman! Mohkemeona'e leads the Cheyenne!

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 02:23 PM PST

I'm too close to him, again.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 03:21 PM PST

A story of how I unexpectedly became hitler. My first domination victory on Immortal

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 06:11 AM PST

New player, I usually play on King and enjoy my sandbox, go for more peaceful victories, culture, science etc. This time - Immortal and Aztecs. Some story time (my apologies for poor english)

I wanted to try a little higher difficulty than usual and went for the Aztecs. Montezuma seems like a great choice for early domination. I still planned to ultimately win in science or something else late game, after crippling other civs a bit.

So I was lucky to spawn near Catherine de Medici. Spammed military, b-line archery with boost and strategically located my armies at the french doorsteps. By turn 40-50 I had two out of three french cities. I never planned to entirely wipe out civs on this playthrough... Her last city however, was located in a really nice spot and still had no walls around. Well, here comes my fourth city. My civ grows nicely, my Eagle Warrios happy and I got tons of free builders.

I met Gilgamesh to the far, far east, and since his military power was twice as much as mine, I went for some poor deals and he slowly became friendly. I actually managed to get declared friend, which lasted for almost the entire game.

Meanwhile I had surprisingly good relations with China, located north of my kingdom. They praised me for not raising wonders and agreed to declare friendship but kept on sending units near my borders all the time. I noticed they lead in science, doubling my output but their military was not as strong as mine. Welp, as soon as friendship ran out, I sent my armies north to conquer some of that China. I located my units ready for a blitzkrieg. It was over in about 5 turns.

Again, their cities were just too good to pass. I conquered the whole kingdom. It was satisfying in the beginning, but seeing the sadness and despair on the Emperor's face made me re-think my moral choices a just little bit.

Not much though, since England, which I just found to the east, denonuced me literally next turn after I found their civilization. I still had a big army, not so far from London soooo you know what they say, you don't jump out of a running train. Also, England was going heavy into religion and I definitely did not want to lose to that.

We should be approximately in renessance era now, and Gilgamesh agreed to form an alliance with my civilization, going HAM on my enemies (which now included both Egypt, England and at least 4 city states). Ally of Enkidu, they say. He ended up completely conquering Egypt and Russia, which I found earlier and got denounced by.

Thanks to chinese science districts I managed to get tanks really fast. I upgraded my units and steamrolled through England, actually razing some of the useless cities. The screams were...not as satisfying as I thought they would be.

Oh, what's that - next to England there was Hojo Tokimune! Guess what, he denounced me 2 turns after I found him, for being a warmonger. Well, since I already had my tanks in the area, I figured why not just roll there and see what happens. Brogamesh declaring wars left and right on my enemies fighting by my side. Meanwhile I grabbed fascism because of its usefulness to my continuous conquests.

I ended up wiping out Japan entirely, because Kyoto was simply too good to pass. Mr Tokimune almost commited seppuku on the spot and I thought - allright, I'm DONE with warmongering, let's get some science, culture etc.

Unfortunately - Sumeria, my declared friend and ally, had insane culture output, snatching great writers and musicians all the time. His armies compared to mine were nothing but a peanut. He was the last obstacle between me and a victory. He had tens of knights located near my capital but that was nothing a few tanks couldn't handle.

I located my armies at his doorsteps, getting ready for yet another blitzkrieg. I took my time to put my tanks and bombards next to all of his cities. As soon as the alliance ran out, I decided to declare war, there was no time to waste because we're deep into modern era.

My centuries-long friendship and aliance had ended. In literally a couple of turns I took the majority of his cities. He was furious, and for a good reason. I wiped out his army of knights with my tanks in about two turns. I headed for his last city, Uruk, and got captured it with my faithful level 5 infantry army, my very first eagle warrior unit.

The misery and pain on Gilgamesh's face killed all my pleasure of victory. I won. There was no other Civ left, but the Aztecs. All hail fuhrer Montezuma... Wait a minute. I literally became hitler in this playthrough, even though I aimed for a science victory initially.

This did not feel as good as I thought it would. Betraying an ally, a friend from 2750bc to 1950~ad felt horrible, even though it was just means to an end.

I think I'll play peaceful culture Kongo next, or take a break from the game all together. Too much conflicting emotions on this playthrough.

TL;DR: Played Aztecs, first time on Immortal, Civ 6. Early conquest of France, wiped them. I betrayed China declared friend - wiped them. Declared an alliance with Sumeria. Wiped out England and Japan for no reason. Modern era - as soon as the alliance with Gilgamesh ran out I had to DOW and execute him because of his culture output. All while going blitzkrieg style warfare with fascist government. Feels bad man.

submitted by /u/JohnMaddn
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Great wall of England

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:09 AM PST

Which Civ is best for a noob?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 03:55 PM PST

Thanks to humble bundle, I've got all Civilization games but I've never really played any of them. I'm not very good at strategy and management games. Which one is the easiest to get into?

submitted by /u/09ijn
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How to make a unique Canadian civ

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 03:17 PM PST

One of the things that was mentioned is that Firaxis likes adding civs to the game who would be different from civs already in the game. This is a problem for a Canadian civ, because the most obvious bonuses for Canada are already taken: Russia has the bonus to tundra tiles, and Australia already has Citadel of Civilization. Thematically, a British Dominion is already taken by Australia.

What, then, could be done to make a truly unique Canada?

I'm open to ideas below, but here's my shot at an idea.


National Ability: Liberator - Canada may use a war of liberation against any Civ that has captured a city within the last 10 turns. During a liberation war, Canadian units are 50% stronger for the first 10 turns, and Canada receives 10x the production value of any city it liberates to its original founder as culture. If Canada liberates a city state, it receives that city state's bonus as long as that city state exists.

National Ability: Cultural Mosaic - Canada receives no penalty for having citizens who are nationals of other civs. Canada assimilates foreign nationals at half the normal rate, and receives one culture for each foreign national. (This would revive a concept from Civ 3.)

Unique Infrastructure: Hockey Arena - Replaces the arena stadium, and provides bonus culture and faith.

Leader: Lester B. Pearson

Unique Unit: UN Peacekeeper - Replaces the Mechanized Infantry. Has open borders with any nation that has a warmonger score, and has a combat bonus against warmongering civs.

Leader Agenda: Liberator - Friendly to civs that have not captured cities in war. Hates civs that have captured cities, and tries to liberate them.

So this would obviously be a very culturally powerful civ, but it would be cultural in a different way than usual, as gaining culture would require playing Canada fairly militaristically, and this would make Canada a rather unique civ. It would also make Canada a capable foe to human players, as Canada's combat bonus would rise against players who have warmongering score, as most militaristic players would during the end game.

Just spitballing an idea. Any other takes on how to make Canada unique? Or perhaps you have an idea for another civ that's quite different from what's already in game?

submitted by /u/CanadianFalcon
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Can we please stop debating skin tones

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 02:22 PM PST

Ok there have been some noticeable issues with some character designs, Wilhelmina was orange and Seondeok was lazily put together from the Indonesian character model when they should've started from scratch. But the discussion over skin tone has gotten very out of hand and frankly disconcerting. When they put together a leader that died over 500 years ago from a multiethnic nation such as Georgia, do we really need to suddenly go and make them whiter to be more "accurate." They aren't trying to erase white people from the game clearly, but the community needs to chill over the racial obsessions. A quick glance at the portraits of the Bagrationa dynasty reveal varying skin tones reflecting the family's multiethnic heritage. We do not know for sure what Tamar looked like and their portrayal is not disconnected from possible reality. The obsession over skin color in this sub is getting ridiculous and creepy.

submitted by /u/Mitchford
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I miss building tall

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 01:39 AM PST

In Civ V it was possible to win with a 3-6 city civilization, while maintaining good diplomatic relations and generally living peacefully, fighting only when necessary.

I miss that peaceful gameplay. In Civ VI, especially on higher difficulties, you basically have to conquer one or two neighbours to stand a chance at winning on culture or science. I am usually playing on deity, and every game every AI hates me for warmongering. Any diplomacy is non-existent. I don't really get to develop my relations with neighbours (except droping some casual nukes to stop their progress a little, while trying to conquer as much as possible).

It feels like I'm missing half the intended gameplay, just because it's not possible to win otherwise.

submitted by /u/Gr1mR
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Gandhi and Peter are both building rockets and going for a science victory..... In the year 1790. How is this possible?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 08:08 PM PST

After playing 1000 hours or so of Civ V, I'm finally playing Civ VI.

I don't think I'm doing poorly compared to real life for my own part in tech, but this seems ridiculous. I'm playing on the standard difficulty level!

Is the campus, library etc supposed to be the first things you build in every city?

submitted by /u/Trussed_Up
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Using Yet Another Map Pack Ludicrous size, this is as close as I'll get to making the Roman Empire

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 07:37 AM PST

Does anyone actually enjoys Religious Victories on Higher dificulties?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 05:46 PM PST

*English is not my first language, but ill try my best to express myself.

Im currently playing a game as Poland, deity difficulty, I have way superior faith output than anyone else, but anytime I convert an enemy city, they just spam inquisitors and reconvert it. I have many +20 TCS apostles to "kill" the inquisitors, but they just need 1 spread to wipe my religion. I find this victory path to be the most frustrating. I just dont feel rewarded for being ahead, it takes no effort to wipe an oponents religion out of your cities.

submitted by /u/ThanatosMvP
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Civ 6: they need to change the Drama and Poetry inspiration

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 03:44 PM PST

Building a wonder is almost impossible in higher levels, meaning this civic never gets boosted. It makes Theater Squares feel incredibly late when you're already playing catch up. My hope is that it can be changed to maybe build 3 or 4 monuments so it still requires effort.

Alternatively, put Theater Squares lower on the tree. Maybe at Mysticism level. There's almost no reason to not beeline Political Philosophy, so this makes them feel even later.

submitted by /u/fiskerton_fero
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Civ V has more interesting promotions.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 07:21 PM PST

I missing being able to get 3 range logistic gatling guns.

There are really pointless promotions in VI like scale cliff walls. Its so situation. I've never had to use this promotion before.

submitted by /u/ciyfer
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What If Stealing A Tech Gave You Unique Units and Buildings?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:27 AM PST

Like if for example you were (I'm using Civ V examples because I don't have Civ VI) Spain, and using a spy you stole machinery from England, wouldn't that make it so you could build long bow men, since that's how your spy saw the English doing it, they wouldn't just make up their own crossbow design, you would take the one you stole, stealing the unique unit from England. This suggestion is for Civ VI because I'm assuming it would work there too

submitted by /u/yago2003
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