Civilization - I just noticed the time on Marbozir's live stream, he's playing in true Civ spirit

I just noticed the time on Marbozir's live stream, he's playing in true Civ spirit

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 04:37 AM PST

Seeing as Scotland with Robert is all but confirmed, figured I might as well share this

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:40 AM PST

A teaser for tomorrow has just been released.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:13 AM PST

One thing that really bothers me is how I can't tell the other AI Civs to stop attacking the city states I'm allied with

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:37 AM PST

I remember in Civ 5 they told me to stop attacking their city state ally but I can't tell them to stop in Civ 6, and I think you were not able to do it in Civ 5 either.

I'm in a game in Civ 6 where Kongo has been attacking Seoul forever and I want it to stop because Seoul has been my ally almost the entire game.

submitted by /u/Danpannine
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I Want to see more geographical details, like this.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 04:03 AM PST

quill18's request for the Petra

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:27 AM PST

China is going to be wonder whoring like there's no tomorrow with Rise&Fall

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:16 AM PST

Think about it ...

  • +1 builder charge by default
  • +1 builder charge from base-trait of governor
  • +1 builder charge from (almost guaranteed to get) Pyramids
  • +2 builder charges from feudalism
  • +50% settler production bonus and each new city grants a free builder thanks to 'Ancestral Hall', which you can get pretty early
  • a further +50% settler production bonus from policy card

You'll get a shit-ton of envoys from Apadana, +3 amenities for all cities near the Colloseum and +4 faith to all cities near Jebel Barkal (can be the same cities), 25% discount on Great People patronage thanks to Oracle so you can spend that extra 20 or so faith you make per turn, a guaranteed Petra in a newly-built city that would otherwise take ages and ages to build it, not to mention all those improved tiles and chopped forests, and so on and so forth...

Left alone, China can become an unstoppable snowballing monster by the time the Medieval Age starts, just in time for it to get its defensive Unique Unit out...

submitted by /u/BogdanM_87
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Is it just me who thinks that city-states have a bit too much units most of the time?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 01:21 PM PST

I heard you thought you had I bay? I regret to inform you, those were mere coves!

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:47 PM PST

Pericles demanded I remove my threatening army from his borders

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 05:25 PM PST

Ive never seen a stranger location for Uluru.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 08:07 AM PST

Scotland Release for Burns Night?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:49 AM PST

So I am probably way off here, but it would be awesome and make sense if Firaxis releases the Scotland first look this week for the Scottish Holiday, Burns Night.

What do you folks think?

submitted by /u/Ealdwulf1066
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*Looks at marbozir post* *sniffs*

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:25 AM PST

Blogpost: Civilization VI: Rise and Fall preview!

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 01:10 PM PST

The r/Civ Battle Royale Mk2.1, Part 102: Emergency Activated

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:59 PM PST

Civ 6 - T157 Deity Peaceful Science Victory

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 05:46 PM PST

I heard England is willing to pay their most precious to get their culture back

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 10:55 AM PST

Civ 2 on win 10 x64 after update

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 08:05 PM PST

Hello. Before the major update to windows 10, I was able to run the civ 2 binaries linked in the sidebar. However ever since windows has been updated, the executable crashes after trying to interact with any text fields in the game. Does anyone else have this problem?

submitted by /u/modex20
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Civ6 R&F Government Plaza and Buildings

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 02:04 AM PST

Now that we have all the information on the government plaza and the buildings in it (at least in the prerelease version), what do you guys think about it? Which bonuses seem strong, and which don't look that useful? Here is a summary of the bonuses and my two cents on each tier.

Info taken from

Government Plaza

Requires: State Workforce civic Base Cost: 30 Production; Maintenance: 1 Gold "A district placed once in your empire to commemorate your government choices. Provides +8 Loyalty per turn to this city, and an increase of +1 to the adjacency bonuses being earned by any adjacent district. Awards +1 Governor Title." Notes: Based on your current government type, you will be able to build a number of new buildings in your government district, each of which unlocks policy cards. You can only have one Government Plaza per civilization.

As all the bonuses from the buildings are empire wide, it doesn't seem to matter that much where you place the district, your main consideration will be to put it adjacent to as many districts as possible to give them the adjacency bonus, or for the loyalty.

Tier 1

• Audience Chamber (Tier 1 Government Building) Base Cost: 150 Production; Maintenance: 1 Gold Requires: Government Plaza. Can't share the same district with another Tier 1 Government Building. +1 Amenity and +4 Housing in Cities with Governors. -2 Loyalty in cities without Governors. Awards +1 Governor Title. Unlocks the Legacy Policy Card for the current Tier 1 government type.

• Warlord's Throne (Tier 1 Government Building) Base Cost: 150 Production; Maintenance: 1 Gold Requires: Government Plaza. Can't share the same district with another Tier 1 Government Building. Capturing an enemy city grants 20% bonus Production in all cities for 5 turns. Awards +1 Governor Title. Unlocks the Legacy Policy Card for the current Tier 1 government type.

• Ancestral Hall (Tier 1 Government Building) Base Cost: 150 Production; Maintenance: 1 Gold Requires: Government Plaza. Can't share the same district with another Tier 1 Government Building. 50% increased Production towards Settlers. New cities receive a free Builder. Awards +1 Governor Title. Unlocks the Legacy Policy Card for the current Tier 1 government type.

I like the Tier 1 buildings, they support three different approaches, mostly to the early game, but also throughout the game. The Audience Chamber will be better for a tall(er) approach, where you put governors in most of your cities, and you get a nice amenity and housing boost to grow them faster. Warlord's Throne would be good if you plan to do some early game conquering, but can also be useful down the line. Ancestral Hall is great if you plan to expand aggressively, pumping out settlers faster and getting a free builder to start up your new cities.

Tier 2

• Foreign Ministry (Tier 2 Government Building) Base Cost: 290 Production; Maintenance: 1 Gold Requires: Government Plaza, Tier 1 Government Building. Can't share the same district with another Tier 2 Government Building. Leveraging City States costs half Gold. Leveraged Units gain +4 Combat Strength. Awards +1 Governor Title. Unlocks the Legacy Policy Card for the current Tier 2 government type.

• Intelligence Agency (Tier 2 Government Building) Base Cost: 290 Production; Maintenance: 1 Gold Requires: Government Plaza, Tier 1 Government Building. Can't share the same district with another Tier 2 Government Building. +1 Spy and Spy capacity. All Spy operations have a higher chance of success. Awards +1 Governor Title. Unlocks the Legacy Policy Card for the current Tier 2 government type.

• Grand Master's Chapel (Tier 2 Government Building) Base Cost: 290 Production; Maintenance: 1 Gold Requires: Government Plaza, Tier 1 Government Building. Can't share the same district with another Tier 2 Government Building. Grants the ability to buy land units with Faith. Pillaging Improvements and Districts provides bonus Faith. Awards +1 Governor Title. Unlocks the Legacy Policy Card for the current Tier 2 government type.

Tier 2 has some interesting buildings, but ultimately doesn't look that exciting to me. If you are going for a more peaceful approach, the only viable option seems to be the Intelligence Agency, and it's quite good as spies are really strong in this game (and the only way to win on higher difficulties without wiping out the other civs with war). The other two are mostly a way to get more units using your resources – either gold or faith. Foreign Ministry in particular seems a bit underwhelming, but maybe it's because I almost never levy city-states military.

Tier 3

• War Department (Tier 3 Government Building) Base Cost: 580 Production; Maintenance: 3 Gold Requires: Government Plaza, Tier 2 Government Building. Can't share the same district with another Tier 3 Government Building. All units when they eliminate a unit, they heal up to 20 hit points. Awards +1 Governor Title. (It doesn't say it on well of souls but probably Unlocks the Legacy Policy Card for the current Tier 3 government type.) (Not sure if there is Tier 3 Legacy Policy Card)

• National History Museum (Tier 3 Government Building) Base Cost: 580 Production; Maintenance: 3 Gold Requires: Government Plaza, Tier 2 Government Building. Can't share the same district with another Tier 3 Government Building. Provides 4 slots for any Great Work. Awards +1 Governor Title. (It doesn't say it on well of souls but probably Unlocks the Legacy Policy Card for the current Tier 3 government type.) (Not sure if there is Tier 3 Legacy Policy Card)

• Royal Society (Tier 3 Government Building) Base Cost: 580 Production; Maintenance: 3 Gold Requires: Government Plaza, Tier 2 Government Building. Can't share the same district with another Tier 3 Government Building. Builders gain the ability to use all of their charges to provide bonus Production to a District Project. Awards +1 Governor Title. (It doesn't say it on well of souls but probably Unlocks the Legacy Policy Card for the current Tier 3 government type.) (Not sure if there is Tier 3 Legacy Policy Card)

Tier 3 buildings seem very focused on a particular victory type, which makes sense, as they come later in the game. War Department gives you a light version of the Scythia ability, which is going to be useful for late game warmongering and Domination (Edit: As someone mentioned, we don't know if it applies to Religious Combat as well, and if it does, that would be helpful for Religious Victory). The National History Museum will help you with Tourism, but if it doesn't get a theming bonus like normal museums do, it seems a bit lacklustre. The Royal Society looks really strong for the Space projects (also Nukes). Between this, Pingala, Great People, and possibly some other stuff, looks like you can pump out the Space projects in no time.

submitted by /u/Kibikus
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Craziest Diplomatic Situation I've Ever Been In

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:30 PM PST

Joint Win in Rise and Fall

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:52 AM PST

I haven't been able to find with the revamping of the Alliance system in Rise and Fall are they adding the option to win with your ally if your alliance score gets high enough?

I don't mean setting up teams before hand- just to specify- I mean organically forming an alliance with another Civ in game and winning with them in the same respect as winning as a team.

submitted by /u/rameninspace
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In CiVI, I dream of a Civ that will have Baba Yetu as their theme

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:40 PM PST

Just as every Civ has a musical theme that evolves and grows more complex as you progress through the eras, can we please have a proper Civ, maybe Swahili based, since that is the language spoken in Baba Yetu, so Baba Yetu can receive this treatment in Civilization 6?

I don't have a very good grasp of geography or African culture, so maybe somebody savvy can point out a solid African country where having this as their theme would be appropriate?

Its a big dream of mine, to say the least. Hearing four different versions of Baba Yetu slowly building up to the real thing would be dope.

submitted by /u/MaximusPaxmusJaximus
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Who says civ isn't historical?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 05:09 PM PST

An Archer has the combat bonus from Garrison, but isn't even in the CS' borders

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:47 AM PST

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