True Dota 2 - Underlord on 7.07 is freaking awesome and fun to play

Underlord on 7.07 is freaking awesome and fun to play

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 06:02 AM PST

Hey guys I've been spamming underlord on pub games since 7.07 is out and on the last two weeks I've got +400mmr playing with him on my ranked games. Since I noticed that dotabuff mentioned this hero and that he has been picked on a few games on Summit 8 it's more than fair to discuss about him!

So a few analysis I've made on Underlord:

  • Hood of Defiance is a must for him. Since Underlord has an ability that helps him farming, you can close hood on ~15 min mark or even earlier, making this item very powerful for underlord. And on ranked, when your carry doesn't make BKB and your supports are getting nuked by magic DMG, you can close pipe and help your teammates.

  • Medallion of Courage can be very interesting. It can helps you push waves, kill enemies and defend your allies. But what is most neat is doing roshan with it. Underlord can tank roshan with no issues and his Q + medallion really makes getting aegis easy.

  • His W is SUPER strong. Seriously. If you have any lockdown on your team (Pudge ULT, Storm W, Rubick Q, Abysal blade) your root duration seems a lifetime. I've got rod of atos many times to combo with Pit of Malice and it's laughable at how much control you get of an enemy hero. Also, you can root enemies in the fog and it becomes very clear how many heroes are in there and their position (see this PIC).

  • Underlord's passive is very helpful, lane phase you make so much harder for the HC to get last hits and it helps a lot to get that gold from creeps when they are under your tower. By the way, when you kill someone it's an extra 45 DMG (60 with talent) for a minute making you a monster to push a tower.

  • His ultimate was SO tough to get the hang of it because you can use it to help gank another lane, you can use it to split push, to defend a tower, to GTFO of a team fight with your team... but truly this skill is so powerful when you get used to it.

  • IMO this patch is all about fighting so auras for your team can be very useful. And most core items for Underlord can become auras or items that will help your team later in the game:

    • Vanguard -> Crimson Guard
    • Arcane Boots -> Guardian Greaves (BTW arcane boots is only good for him if you aim on doing guardian otherwise phase boots is much better)
    • Hood of Defiance -> Pipe of Insight
    • Force Staff
    • Medallion of Courage
    • Assault Cuirass
    • Shiva's Guard
    • Lotus Orb

CONCLUSION: if you are like me and never liked playing on offlane, try this hero! Super fun to play, very useful on team fights and so fucking versatile. I could make this post much longer but I don't think it's necessary... BTW sorry for my english, I mostly only speak in portuguese and it's hard for me to write on another language.

submitted by /u/guicoelho
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When to buy Sange & Yasha?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 02:14 PM PST

I'm really unsure about Sange & Yasha in terms of when to buy it. What does it do for me that other items don't?

I feel like it's heavily midgame oriented and I really forget that it exists when I play heroes that pros situationally get it on, like Sven, Lifestealer or Terrorblade for example.

I'm around 3.5k for measure.

submitted by /u/Krusti69
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Techies Tricks in 7.07c

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:17 PM PST

Here's some of the tricks I use for Techies in 7.07c:

submitted by /u/Licheus
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Midas, when and why?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 07:11 AM PST

I'm not talking g about hose times where you have an amazing lane and can get a 5 minute Midas or something. Nor about heroes who almost always want to build it, like invoker and lone druid.

I'm talking about those times where a support goes for a Midas 19 mins in, where a carry gets a Midas etc.

From the way I see it, Midas costs 2000 gold, and will net you 200 gold every 100 seconds, meaning 120 gpm. Meaning around 17 minutes just to get back your money. Getting it on a support, instead of a forcestaff for example, can lose you the game easily. So, when would you get a Midas, and why not go for a different item?

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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You can unlock ranked after 25 games now ?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 03:47 AM PST


Posted: 17 Dec 2017 07:26 AM PST

Do i get more exp by last hitting?? wondering

submitted by /u/kinchongpro
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Axe battle hunger?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:12 PM PST

What are your thoughts on this spell? I never really use it and I usually level it after spin and call are maxed. It doesn't seem to have much synergy with the hero

submitted by /u/alabamanigs
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Dota 2 concept discussion: High ground.

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:24 PM PST

So, I would like to get some more discussions going on in this sub, and I thought that the first concept should be "High ground", It has a lot to talk about, and can be game winning a lot of time to use it the right way.

So, what's so special about high ground?

  • Vision: High ground limits your vision, making it very hard to fight against, since u may go up thinking there is one hero, when suddenly there are 3 heroes there. The opposite goes for the enemy, saying that since they are high ground they can bring in 3 heroes easily without being seen. A good way to deal with this is wards, but some places, such as bases can be very limiting in how much vision they can give, and where they can be placed.

  • Miss: High ground has a natural 25% miss chance, meaning that 2 ranged heroes, with same hp, armor and damage, while one is lower than the other, the highter one will statistically win the fight, since the lower one will miss 25% of his hits. Obviously this can be handeled by going up, but that takes time, and gives you a bad position in fights.

These two things are what is special about highground. Base defence on the other hand, not only has highground, but also has towers, giving true vision that eliminates placing wards in most of the base, and deal a hefty amount of damage, meaning that you need some kind of unit to tank it so you dont take too much damage in the fight. Due to that high ground defences can turn the tides around in a lot of games.

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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Dota2 Active playerbase is on constant decline since March, 2016.

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 08:15 AM PST

Monthly daily average decreased from 709,178 in February 2016 to 496,630.3 in last 30 days. More data available here Despite of being amazingly entertaining game with endless replayability Dota2's playerbase has been growing relatively slowly compared to other MOBAs and in fact it has been on a decline for last year.

What are the possible reasons behind this? Valve is surely trying to attract more players by introducing new mechanics like turbo mode and fancier ranking system. But is it really enough? Or maybe Dota2 is just too hardcore and complicated for average gamers and pre-destined to die in the age of fast-paced games like Overwatch and PUBG which don't involve steep and comprehensive learning curve like Dota2.

submitted by /u/exp0devel
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How To Play As Support When Cores Wont Listen Or Look At Minimap?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 11:16 PM PST

As a support, you do your best to save your cores more from themselves than from the enemy. You can ward the entire map and have 100% vision of everyone but they will still die.

For instance, I was just in a game where the enemy Slark had a fast shadow blade and I had eyes on him and his motion. I pinged my OD mid that Slark had a Shadow Blade and that he should back off because the Slark was coming for him. Sure enough, enemy SK starts his TP mid and OD is still hitting the mid T1 tower. I keep telling the OD that he is in danger while starting my TP to our T1 tower, knowing that he will ignore me.

He dies to a super obvious gank that I tell him about.

This has occurred several times yesterday and today when I played. Cores that won't listen or pay attention to wards.

As a support, this is the most frustrating thing. Should I be drafting more defensive supports like Winter Wyvern when this occurs? If not, what is the best way to deal with this?

submitted by /u/YC_SP
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