True Dota 2 - On Storm Spirit, can someone compare a treads kaya orchid build a to treads kaya bloodstone one?

On Storm Spirit, can someone compare a treads kaya orchid build a to treads kaya bloodstone one?

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 10:14 AM PST

I usually build the former unless I'm against a team with relatively few stuns

submitted by /u/C0ncept8
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Itemization on Jugg

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 05:28 AM PST

I know Jugg is a very versatile hero regarding his items. In most of the games I have pretty good farm and I manage to get phase Aquila and fury pretty early and from there I snowball. I have 2 questions though.

1)When the laning phase isn't that good, should I opt for maelstrom to speed up the farm or get diffusal, Manta etc?

2)If I build fury early on, is it better to replace it with mjolnir as the last item and if yes, in which situations?

submitted by /u/The_7oker
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Just hit 3k/Archon 5 and I need advice with all the new stuff people are doing/attidude

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 12:42 PM PST

Yea I just got to Archon 5 a week ago and I need some help. Lot of the players seems to have new rules and it's confusing, considering 2 years ago I was 400 mmr. (subtle not as trash as I was brag)

I know this sub is mostly about in game questions, but this seems to be the only place where I could get decent advice.

1) Is rolling for mid/role an accepted practice in higher mmr brackets. This really isn't that important because I loathe playing mid, but it has come up once or twice and i'm curious

2) Under the same idea, is using someone's medal to decide one's role common. Lot's of arguments between low Legends and high archons and it confuses me cause there literally one medal away from each other.

3) Any general advice for this bracket. Personally i'm taking DK offlane (sometimes mid but usually someone else wants it) and building what my team needs. If we have low carry potential, ill go HC. If my team needs initiation I'll go blink and shadow blade. If my team needs durability I'll go blademail/pipe/crimson.

submitted by /u/GooeySlenderFerret
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Puck offlane, when and how?

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 08:28 AM PST

What does puck do in the offlane to be better than others, how does he offlane? and who does he not want to deal with?

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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Want any mid advice

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 05:36 AM PST This match (TA) I won this game but i feel carried by teammate. I don't know how to work psi blade either how TA attack range weird. I want to get any advice about efficiency,when i should fight or not. How psi blade works? Also 5carry is common thing in my game.Do you guys know any good mid hero don't require much farm?

submitted by /u/eeve5
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What to do when u end up countered mid

Posted: 20 Dec 2017 07:58 PM PST

Some exanples include Invo vs razor Sf vs qop Ember vs mk

submitted by /u/DotaFeg69
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With the buff of Chen at the recent patch, he is sure interesting to learn, but where do I start?

Posted: 20 Dec 2017 07:30 PM PST

Hi, I really like to be able to play Chen as a pos 4 support, but just by playing few bot games as him, I find it really difficult micro-ing the creeps and end up not using the creep skills or making the creeps clump together.

Do you have any tips for me to git gud as him? I played other micro heroes (I'm not an mid-high player) such as Arc Warden, Meepo, Visage but these heroes seems a lot easier than chen to micro because they have easier control and shortkey.

All help and input will be appreciated, thanks!

submitted by /u/AirnyaGosong
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Do you know you can improve but don't try?

Posted: 20 Dec 2017 11:26 PM PST

I'm just curious if there are many others out there like this. I'm well aware of where I'm weak in the game, and I know I could spend a few games focusing on each weak point until I solidified them to a higher level and moved to the next.

I could force myself to rotate more, actually look at enemy hero items, proactively push/split push, farm safer, etc. but I don't because I just like to play the game how I do already, slightly tired and not entirely focused.

submitted by /u/Koolaidguy31415
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