True Dota 2 - [Help] Improving Shadow Demon Mid

[Help] Improving Shadow Demon Mid

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 03:05 PM PST

Dotabuff link:

Not looking for "stop playing SD mid"

So I've been playing SD mid for a while now to decent success. 7.07 seems to have been worse for me though. In particular, I've had more trouble recognizing the different stages of the game and where to farm up/group up. In 7.06 I used to be able to reach level 20 at a decent timing so I could really contribute to fights with 1s SP CD, but it seems to have been much slower in 7.07 (iirc an extra creep was removed from mid?). I've been having trouble closing the level 15-20 gap quick enough. The pos 1 safelane carries have also gotten to be more difficult to take down (my most difficult enemies tend to be Slark and Juggernaut).

I'm looking for any tips you might have. I already know I need to improve my laning mechanics, but there are some heroes I just have a lot of trouble with:

1) Juggernaut. His kit is really annoying to gank because of spin-TP, so he usually ends up just pushing down the safelane/our offlane and becoming too big to handle and will just run all over the game. I'm not sure how to shut him down as a mid, or if I should be focusing on that at all. Do we just need to draft spell piercing stuns?

2) Slark. The other carry I have trouble with, because offensive disruption doesn't copy essence shift (big reason why I pick SD mid against Luna because she kills her own team with illusions). He also seems to just run away with the game pretty easily. It's also difficult to gank him if he's competent with Dark Pact and Pounce. Tips for shutting him down safelane as mid SD?

3) Outworld Devourer. Winning mid against him is usually like 60/40 for me. It ends up usually in a "hiding war" where we try to deny each other last hits using our hide abilities. I've been trying to get better at micro-ing the illusions so they can harass him and last hit for me while they're up. Aside from that though, I feel like he just eventually gets force/blink and becomes unkillable and subsequently runs away with the game. He does a lot of damage with just those two items. Should I be just constantly hunting him down? Even when I shut him down mid (like, kill him 3-4 times and lots of denying), he seems to just come back.

submitted by /u/ThealtenHeinder
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How to deal with lane stalkers

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 03:52 AM PST

Had a game where the enemy trilane our safelane but we cant fight them so we lane swap with the offlaner but the enemy keeps on following. How do we deal with this? Should we scounted better so we anticipate a trilane so we walk to other lane and reserved our tp if they followed us again? What if its too late, should we tp immediately to the other lane but they can just use their tp and suffer the same fate? Or just have a long walk of shame to other lane?

submitted by /u/ninjack_45
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What makes a hero a great carry?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 10:44 AM PST

Is it damage (1 hit rampage kunkka, Ursa, OD, God strength Sven), is it attack speed (windranger, terrorblade, troll), is it flashfarm capabilities (Sven, AM, Alch), is it superior escape mechanisms (Morph, Void, AM), is it mobility (Razor), is it team fight disruption (Invo, Void) or is it durability ( 'Dusa, Spectre) and survivability (TB, Wraith K)...what mixture/composition makes a hero carry and great one at that?

submitted by /u/kunkks_stunner
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I want to create a competitive league for amateur teams.

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 06:43 PM PST

How do I improve?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 03:12 AM PST


I feel that over the past year of me playing dota I have stagnated. I don't find any value from playing games. I guess it has to do with the fact that I switched over from playing 90% solo Q to 90% party Q, where I mess about with friends. Regardless of this fact, I still feel that I should be able to improve myself as a player. In our "stack" I am mostly the safelane carry, and ocasionally the mid. Due to this, I find it logical that I play safelane whenever I can to practice my role. The issue arises when I get into a pub and am forced to solo safelane against a strong dual offlane. I know there is still value to be taken from that circumstance, but how do I find it? This situation would very rarely happen in my stack as I would have supports, and offlane would be willing to swap lanes as well.

One thing I always hear is that I should review my replays. How does one go about doing that? What do I look for in my replays?

In general, the most important thing I want to ask is about my mindset. What mindset do I maintain during my games? What goals should I be looking to fulfill? In what way do I play the game to maximize what I learn from it? I know one key thing is to place less importance on whether I will win/lose, and more importance on how I performed.

Lastly, any little tips and tricks that you guys have for a safelane player are much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/iKnowButWhy
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Is there a guy out there who's really educational or has a lot of coaching sessions about mid? just like how BSJ does for safelane?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 01:33 AM PST

I'm currently trying to learn mid from different guides rn, like chaq's mid guide and the blitz episode from day9. But it would really help if someone knows a player who does like coaching sessions and helpful videos about playing the role like BSJ

submitted by /u/XaeVius31
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How does midlane work? (creep equilibirum, harassing, etc..)

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 02:29 AM PST

I've seen some guides already about playing mid, but what I am most definitely confused about is how do you actually win at mid. In safelane it's pretty straight forward. Try to keep the wave just outside tower range, zone out the offlaner if you can, pull if the creep wave is in a terrible spot, etc..

But in mid it's totally different, I don't get why some players like to attack creeps for some reason, is it fine to push the wave? when do you want to pull the creep wave at your side? is it fine if I let the ranged creep die first or no?when should you harass? is it all matchup based?

questions like these. I'm all ears for any1 who wants to answer

EDIT: And also another thing i'd like to ask; what would be the best hero I start practicing mid with. I have a lot of experience in roles about safelaning so kinda leaning towards carry type heroes. would u guys say it'd be best if i can get comfortable with heroes like dusa, sf, and viper. or just learn how to play puck or qop or something. oh and is invoker like a kind of in between these 2 categories of heroes?

submitted by /u/XaeVius31
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Meepo in the current meta

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 03:00 AM PST

Hello guys! I am an all right player in all lanes with about 2k mmr and I am not very good at micro management, but I was unhappy with my flexwbility of 9 so I started queing the most stupid hero I could think of: Meepo! And to everyones supprise (me, my friends and the enemys): it worked very well! I won most of the games, even against Sven, Axe or ES and I have no idea how... My questino is: is it because of me being suprisingly good (i wouldnt say talented ), because of luck and bad enemys or because of Meepo being good in the current Meta (dotabuff says he isnt...) Thanks for all replys

submitted by /u/peterw1310
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Current Mid meta?

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 06:02 PM PST

Hey guys former 4k mid player here, really struggling since the last major update to adapt to creeps/other changes. I'll link my dotabuff so you guys could see my heroes etc.

Majority of my question is which heroes to work on and what mindset I need to have while playing them in order to be successful.

submitted by /u/_spenman
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Did recalibration do any good at all?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 04:50 AM PST

At the moment all of my games are horrible. Either I get griefers, or I get ragers who cannot handle an unusual team comp and then throw the game. If it's not on my team, then it's on the enemy team. Games are not enjoyable anymore. I've lost 700 mmr thanks to recalibration and the games after, and the skill difference in games are so vast that it might as well have been a custom lobby. I understand why players quit, the games I enjoy are so few that I would spend my time better in other games.

Edit: My dotabuff since it seems you must hav hard evidence for claims like these, apparently I'm the only one experiencing horrible games with horrible teammates. That "abandoned" game was because of windows update, I might've won that, even though my team was toxic, flaming and refused to work together.

I also did a post on r/dota2 which got downvoted for some reason, even though it contained that sought-after "hard evidence"

submitted by /u/Svvagolas
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Offlane Weaver

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 12:22 AM PST

This hero seems very good because with the changes to XP, you need to take more risks to get in to get to creep XP. Weaver invis appears to be a very strong laning skill for both CS and XP, especially if they have squishy supports you can bully. He is hard to kill, split pushes pretty decently, and can overall be a real pain in the ass consistently.

That said, this hero comes with a few caveats. You need to pick him into a draft that has few single target control against you. Furthermore, you don't really do anything but camp and push a lane much like a Abbadon because your teamfight presence midgame is relegated to getting onto the back lines and destroying the supports. In this case, you don't even need to show up to the fights until you have a decent idea of where the supports are (at which point, shred them). You also play more with a space creating and map-oriented playstyle instead of a teamfight.

Finally, the biggest one is that unless you do some crazy 5 man deathball with your team, your farm is extremely limited because this hero's farming potential is garbage. You're probably going to get a Deso/Solar/Diffusal and a survival item like Linkens/Pike/BKB/Aghs and that's all the farm you're going to get all game as the rest will probably go to your mid and carry. He falls off pretty quickly in my opinion (around 30-35 min you'll feel it).

But overall, I think he is a ok pick, especially if you have 2 farming cores and you're afraid of your allies picking a 3rd one. Furthermore, he can make a pretty good amount of space on the map and doesn't really start playing fearfully until the enemy has a basher or orchid. If the enemy is snowballing hard (free farm), the defensive item should be picked up. If the enemy is defensive, you can get your damage item first.

If allies are horribly underfarmed and useless, this hero feels pretty useless in teamfight too and I guess you build maelstrom? This one I haven't figured out.

What are your thoughts?

submitted by /u/YC_SP
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