The Legend of Zelda - Self Post Sundays! - December 03, 2017

Self Post Sundays! - December 03, 2017

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:09 PM PST

To foster more discussion about the games every Sunday we turn the subreddit into self-post only mode.

Self-Post Sundays are our main discussion day. On those days we only allow text posts directly about the games themselves.

Please save your images, fan art, screenshots, videos, etc to the other days of the week. Use this day to discuss the games. Other posts will be removed.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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It’s not perfect by any means, but I am pretty proud of how this Breath of the Wild piece turned out!

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 10:13 PM PST

Happy holidays fellow adventurers! Year 5.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:33 PM PST

I'm saying goodbye to this beauty ;;

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:19 PM PST

Dragon Roost Island [WW] [OC]

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:09 AM PST

Bride from today. The ring box read "Its dangerous to go alone!"

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 10:52 PM PST

Final boss (spoilers)

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:24 PM PST

The final boss is fricking difficult in master mode if you don't defeat the Divine beasts and don't have enough arrows. Got through the 'blight ganons, did pretty good damage on calamity, then he got on the walls and just kept regenerating health. Vicious cycle, couldn't break it because I wasted all my arrows on the blights... Going in for 2nd try, wish me luck!

submitted by /u/thekiddzac
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Drew best Link and best Zelda

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 10:42 AM PST

I was finally able to go underwater in Breath of the Wild... kind of.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:17 PM PST

How do I post a picture?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 10:00 AM PST

How do I post a picture in this sub? It says this sub only allows text posts. Sorry for the noob question, I've never posted here before

submitted by /u/WhereTheFunBegins66
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Birthday Scavenger Hunt!

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:29 AM PST


I'm planning on making a zelda based scavenger hunt for my boys birthday. His favourite game is ocarina of time, however I've only ever played about 2/3 of it (I was never any good!) so am having some trouble putting together some ideas...

I'm hoping to lead him to an old tree for the great Deku tree which will start his quest to collect three spiritual stones. This will include:

  • Me as Navi pissing him off the entire quest.

  • Some cardboard pots to break to give keys and hints

  • Balloon based Skulltulas

  • Treasure chests containing spiritual stones

  • A cardboard sword to kill the skulltulas

  • Forcing him to carry me for some of the quest - Princess Ruto Style

I'm looking for any good ideas which I may have missed. I'd like to incorporate the ocarina somehow but I'm drawing a blank!

Pics will follow once I've carried it out!

submitted by /u/riza961
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Heading to The Symphony of the Goddess in Milwaukee tonight. Anything I should Expect?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:50 AM PST

My wife got me surprise tickets as an early Christmas gift. I'm super excited to go, but have no idea what its going to be like. Anyone else who has gone have any input?


submitted by /u/EggsOverDoug
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BoTW Question (Trials)

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:25 AM PST

I just beat the Beginning Trials but can't seem to get past the 5-6 level on the Middle Trials. Anyone have advice on how to move past as well as how to get ready for later levels?

submitted by /u/A7X_foREVer27
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Any tips for the sword trial dlc

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:25 AM PST

I tried it 3 times and I failed it's really hard got up to stage 8

submitted by /u/alphafighter09
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Special Breath of the Wild live broadcast event on December 12th!

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:07 PM PST

One of the only zelda games i haven't got to yet, what are your opinions?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:19 PM PST

Breath of the Wild's Archery Camp Minigame tip

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:02 PM PST

Hello everyone! I know this is super late, but I was going back for a BotW 100% playthough. At the Archery Camp, I was having trouble getting the second piece of armor for my horse, and the instructions on the internet could only help me to the first piece. So I apologize if this is obvious, but if just in case this helps anyone like me who's struggling, I figured out a trick that finally got me to 23 balloons.

I had bought the bow from Akkala Lab, and my horse was 5-star except for her 4-star speed. I had saved beforehand and reloaded each time after I failed.

When there was less than 2 seconds left on the clock, I lept off my horse and started to shoot in slow-mo. I successfully hit 24 balloons, and because of the short time period, the minigame was whistled as over before Link's feet touched the ground. I DID land on the ground since my horse was running, but the timer had ended beforehand. So I was not disqualified!

The guy did hint at this in his dialogue. Maybe I was just a bit too tired from doing the game over and over, but I'm sure this has been a pain for others too. I hope this can help another person trying for that total complete playthrough! Happy Holidays r/zelda.

submitted by /u/thedragonguru
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From Symphony of the Goddesses

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 05:20 AM PST

What is that Sheikah stone in the Temple of Time? I've never seen it before, and I've been doing a run through OoT again. Though, via an emulator so I can use HD textures, but still. Even on this second run, there is nothing like that. Played through on the N64, and I also have the GameCube edition, so I (tried) to play Master Quest, though some of the Master Quest puzzles are.. I could use a few select words that I'm choosing not to, let's say that.

submitted by /u/FengoVolkov
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My newly done Triforce of Wisdom tattoo done at Living Canvas in Columbia, MO

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:30 PM PST

Just found out a little tip for the Sword Trials Final (Spoilers?)

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:12 PM PST

Just beat the final on the Sword Trial DLC, and found out AFTER that you can use ancient arrows to one shot a Lynel.....


submitted by /u/YodaBrains187
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Follow up question to a post I made about not being able to climb a mountain

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 03:41 AM PST

This is the previous post. So I unlocked the Faron region map, and I looked for a waterfall, which is where I was told I can get up to the forever-raining mountain, to get to its shrine. All of the waterfalls in the region lead up to the same mountain. I even had the place marked, so I was sure that was the place.

But when I get up there via waterfall, there's nothing of the things you guys told me would be there: No Kass, no shrine, heck, it's not even raining. The Shrine Sensor isn't even going off. Am I in the wrong place? I have the map unlocked now, so it would help if you could tell me the exact name of the place.

submitted by /u/Andrew13112001
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Does zelda dlc ever gets discounted...if so how much

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 03:39 AM PST

Eu player here first playthrough and debating if i should get the dlc or wait for a that ever a think with nintendos eshop?

submitted by /u/ison2010
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Possible Breath of the Wild beta footage?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 12:55 PM PST

Link to gif:

Forgive me in advance if this has been discussed or solved, but I have yet to find anything on this few seconds of footage.

This gif is taken from a video by GameOver Jesse on YouTube. The video is titled Top 5 Unreleased or Cancelled Zelda Games. Around the 1:03 mark, the footage shown isn't discussed, just seemingly thrown in at random and not shown again.

I can't seem to find any source to the footage or any proof it exists elsewhere. Few people in the comments of this video seem to ask about the footage with the only response from Jesse being that it's beta footage from BOTW, but no mention of a source.

Anybody have more info on this possible beta footage? Am I late to this discussion?

Link to video:

submitted by /u/iamadam10
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Posted: 02 Dec 2017 06:12 PM PST

What is the largest boss in legend of zelda?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 04:38 PM PST

I have only played a few of the games, but I definitely think that it could be either dark beast ganon(botw) or tentalus(skyward sword).

submitted by /u/mischievous44
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