Street Fighter Win a FREE trip to Los Angeles in this FREE online tournament presented by Body Count Fighting! Make sure to sign up!

Win a FREE trip to Los Angeles in this FREE online tournament presented by Body Count Fighting! Make sure to sign up!

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:19 AM PST

New AE screenshot shows Juri FSE V-Trigger is now 2 bars

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:01 AM PST

How to Third Strike

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:08 PM PST

Playing drunk, and losing several thousand points.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 02:27 AM PST

Playing Matches Excellent Adventures Style

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:14 AM PST

Does anyone else do this?

My best friend and I have been doing this since SF4 came out, basically. We get drunk and/or stoned and pass the stick back and forth with fight request on. We used to play ranked in the SF4 days, but now since we have the option we play casuals so we don't lose a ton of points when we are fucked up and end up fighting shittier players lol.

Anyone else? I always wondered if opponents notice when we play a few times in an evening, cause we don't play the same character and we play pretty differently at times. It's a lot of fun and it's kind of our little tradition.

submitted by /u/DalauanFinch
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Looking for some help against Menat as Birdie

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 05:44 AM PST

Hey guys. Went to a monthly local session yesterday and played against a really good Menat. Got bodied pretty bad. Haven't had a chance to really lab against her yet, but she seems to be able to out poke me pretty well. Hard to grab her with my chain as her stHP(?) can be used as a punish. Even throwing the can seemed dangerous as she could walk up and punish. The only advice I got was to use fHP more, but it's just too unsafe on block to abuse.

I know she gets beat up bad once you get in, but getting in seems to be the hard part for me.

What do you guys do?

submitted by /u/HAdewthedewKEN
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Matchup Knowledge Series: Ryu Punishes Karin

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 10:50 PM PST

Abigail + Ed vtrigger combo

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:07 AM PST

See Europe’s top Street Fighter V players fight it out in this Top 8 recap from WSO Open Xmas Special

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 10:08 AM PST

Where do I start?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 04:08 AM PST

Hello everyone!

I am a new-ish player trying to find his footing. DONT WORRY this is not another "how do I learn fighting games" post. I have dabbled in and out of SF for 1 year now, never truly committing consistent time to get better. With that said, I am aware of all the resources out there to help me learn, this is not what this post is about..

What I am here to ask is your opinions on which street fighter I should learn. I do not own a console or PC powerful enough to play SFV so thats already settled, so my options are SFII, SF Alpha 3, SFIIIStrike, and USFIV. I have easy access to all these games. Ive played Alpha 3 the most out of these.

I want know which of these games will teach me the best habits for all fighting games, and wanted to hear some opinions on the matter!

submitted by /u/HumbleAsFudge
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Weekly Hardware Discussion - Sticks, monitors, keyboards, platforms, connection, etc - December 03

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 04:05 AM PST

Welcome to our weekly thread where we talk everything and anything hardware related.

Hardware can actually hold you back without you even realizing it! It's always important to make sure your setup is up to par.

Incomplete list of topics and resources:

  • Sound system
  • Sound delay and testing (important for reactions)
  • Headphones to use (open vs closed)

  • Platforms
  • PC hardware (stick recognition, delay)
  • xbox issues
  • PS3 delay stuff

  • Anything else hardware related
  • Streaming and recording setups
  • Cleaning and maintenance

If you have anything you want to add or change to this list please post below!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Red Bull cans in Spain?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 03:48 AM PST

Where can I find them? I've searched in Carrefour, Mercadona, Hipercor and some minor stores witn no luck so far. I live in Málaga, I'm starting to think that they are only available in bigger cities, like Madrid or Barcelona.

submitted by /u/Zerion87
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PS4 SFV Newbie Fight Club - December 3rd

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:28 AM PST

Join our Discord!

NEWBIE Lobby Hosts Reddit Name Time available
PSN: AgentMadMonk /u/Pyrite_Pirate 7 PM EST
PSN: DrewStiylz /u/atrodger 7 PM EST
PSN: Dolopeko /u/dolopeko 7 PM EST

What is this? The Newbie Fight Club is an event that is held every Sunday and the occasional Thursday that promotes a learning environment. It is open to all skill levels as long as the more experienced players are a) willing to help out those that are struggling should they have questions, and b) play characters that they have a very limited understanding of, as we all are.

What is expected of the players Know how to hold your L's. If you're new, it is likely that you will get paired up with players that are learning their 3rd/4th/5th character and thus have a deeper understanding of the game. Ask questions; the best way to get better at fighting games is by playing people that know what they're doing.

Newbie Lobby Rules: There will be a 3-match win limit in each lobby in order to prevent a single player from dominating. There still may be a higher-level host in the lobby as well, but their purpose is to help with advice and organize the lobby -- they will not be playing their main character.

To join a lounge: You may either add a host to your friend's list, join the party through the PS4 community, or ask for an invite via Discord.

FAQ Answers
I don't have a mic. Is it still okay if I participate? Yeah! If you want to get better though, it's highly recommended that you get a mic so that you can communicate with the hosts. Also, be sure to send the host a PM with your CFN ID attached so that they know to invite you. If you use a fightstick/pad that doesn't have a mic port, remember all you have to do is put the stick in ps3 mode, then authenticate it as a legacy controller. This allows you to use the audio port on your DS4 to chat.
How long does this go on for? It all depends on how much everyone is enjoying themselves. It usually lasts a minimum of 2 hours.
Is there something like this for PC? Not exactly, but it's similar! Check here for more information. If you'd like to join our group anyway, you're welcome to do so. Just let us know to invite you via Discord.

If you have any questions or concerns, please leave a comment or send me a PM.

submitted by /u/Pyrite_Pirate
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Dont forget the Parry

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:04 AM PST

SFV black background

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:48 AM PST

I recently bought sfv on steam and have been having some issues. Originally when i loaded the game it just showed me a black screen (i think it's because of windows defender but i have windows vista and when ever i try to manually update it does nothing so there is nothing i can do) so to get around it i tried changing the name of the intro video. I then got taken to a bit where i set my controls but it didnt work properly as well as having a black backround. I then got taken to the first cutscene but that too was black and i could only see subtitles. I then played the tutorial fine but whenever i try to play now it takes me to the region selection screen which is also black and i cant see or select a region. I have spent over 7 hours trying to fix it but to no avail. Any ideas?

submitted by /u/EdanIsEpic
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Red Bull - Codes

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:47 AM PST

Don't play the game or own a PS4. Have two more cans to drink will post later.


submitted by /u/FizzleTicks
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Anyone experiencing buttons remapping?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 04:37 AM PST

Hello, I play on PC and wire my XBOX 1 controller via usb.

Been playing perfectly for over a year and this morning I'm playing ranked and in 3 consecutive matches I'm just doing my usual, but my light punch is making me taunt? And then another instance I go for heavy kick (I swear I only pressed heavy kick) and another taunt came out.

There are actually more examples, like going for a throw would make me taunt but work if i try it again.

Could it be my usb cord, or controller?

I go to the controller settings in the game and test out the buttons and they're all correct. Just weird.

Thank you for any responses.

submitted by /u/paperandpencil012
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People really do treat Abigail as a joke character online.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:45 PM PST

A lot of the time I find my opponents constantly disrespecting me like right off the bat. Not when the meta is being established it just right off the bat. I find it funny too when they don't rematch and constantly taunt me. Is the perception that he's a joke like Dan in sf4? Cause man he's the reason I play this game now.

submitted by /u/throwawaytiger91
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Why do I keep getting disconnected from the online servers. I can be in a match or just waiting in training mode for a match and I keep getting booted. Is anyone else experiencing this every 20 minutes?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:03 AM PST

[Daily General Lounge] Here is a collection of general information & useful resources. Casual conversations, quick questions and answers are welcome!

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 04:05 AM PST

This thread provides a place for everyone to ask simple questions and chat about anything reasonably on topic. To new players and new members of the community alike we encourage you tap into all of the resources of this sub.

  • If you're a new player looking for players around your same skill level, check out the New Challenger, the go to place for new players trying to level up!

  • If you want to learn how to play and become a better player at Street Fighter V, you must check out the useful resources below:

  • Just want to chat? Come visit our Discord server!

Street Fighter V Character Data & Move Lists

Rashid R. Mika ChunLi Ryu Ken
Cammy Laura Zangief Karin Nash
M.Bison Birdie Vega Necalli Dhalsim
F.A.N.G Alex Guile Ibuki Balrog
Juri Urien Akuma Kolin Ed
Abigail Menat Zeku

Character Discussion Index for character specific combos, tips and matchups

General FAQ

  1. I'm new to SFV and this is overwhelming! What do I do?
  2. Where can I find a basic overview of each character?
  3. What does _____ mean?
  4. Where can I find combos?
  5. How can I stop being bad?
  6. Are there other Fighting Game communities?
  7. Where can I find replays?
  8. Can my computer handle Street Fighter V?
    • Click here to see Street Fighter V PC Recommended Specs!
  9. What's Footsies?
  10. Execution problems?
  11. Advanced Techniques?
submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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30min of Infiltration's mean Menat. Enjoy the ride!!

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 10:16 AM PST

SFV's Unused Voice Samples (datamined by X-Kira)

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:56 PM PST

SFV Ryu option selects with inputs

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:45 PM PST

Red Bull Codes

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:47 PM PST

Hey everyone,

Have a couple of these and have no use for them, thought I'd share:


submitted by /u/arhurd
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Capcom Cup 2017 Player Analysis: Brolynho is the king of Latin America

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:08 PM PST

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