Street Fighter street fighter mail stamp issue in Japan

street fighter mail stamp issue in Japan

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 05:12 AM PST

Japan movie "living the game" trailer, will be in theater in japan in 2018 march

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 05:18 AM PST

Sakura knows whats up (original artist @JellotsOK)

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 09:45 AM PST

Should we allow Rank Up posts?

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 09:32 AM PST

Will We Get New Swimsuits Next Year?

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 02:22 AM PST

Juri, Kolin, Menat, Sakura and Falke could use some attention from Capcom IMO.

submitted by /u/Giant_Enemy_Crab1
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[Daily General Lounge] Here is a collection of general information & useful resources. Casual conversations, quick questions and answers are welcome!

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 04:06 AM PST

This thread provides a place for everyone to ask simple questions and chat about anything reasonably on topic. To new players and new members of the community alike we encourage you tap into all of the resources of this sub.

  • If you're a new player looking for players around your same skill level, check out the New Challenger, the go to place for new players trying to level up!

  • If you want to learn how to play and become a better player at Street Fighter V, you must check out the useful resources below:

  • Just want to chat? Come visit our Discord server!

Street Fighter V Character Data & Move Lists

Rashid R. Mika ChunLi Ryu Ken
Cammy Laura Zangief Karin Nash
M.Bison Birdie Vega Necalli Dhalsim
F.A.N.G Alex Guile Ibuki Balrog
Juri Urien Akuma Kolin Ed
Abigail Menat Zeku

Character Discussion Index for character specific combos, tips and matchups

General FAQ

  1. I'm new to SFV and this is overwhelming! What do I do?
  2. Where can I find a basic overview of each character?
  3. What does _____ mean?
  4. Where can I find combos?
  5. How can I stop being bad?
  6. Are there other Fighting Game communities?
  7. Where can I find replays?
  8. Can my computer handle Street Fighter V?
    • Click here to see Street Fighter V PC Recommended Specs!
  9. What's Footsies?
  10. Execution problems?
  11. Advanced Techniques?
submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Shokugeki no Soma (Food Wars!) characters in the sf universe

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:06 PM PST

Some REDBULL CODES, grab em before they're gone

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 06:55 AM PST




submitted by /u/bisoning
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perfectfaro shows off Menat’s mid-screen combo potential for Street Fighter V

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:02 PM PST

When the game mixes you both up.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 07:16 PM PST

Street Fighter III Ryu Final Vol 2

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 04:57 AM PST

Does anyone know where I can get a copy of Street Fighter III Ryu Final volume 2 online for a reasonable price? Ive only found used copies on Amazon for around 75 USD. It's only 200 pages, I'm not the only one who thinks the price is outrageous, right?

submitted by /u/Brokenteethequalcaps
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Now that Season 2 is coming to a close, and Arcade Edition is nearing, I was wondering who do you main in SFV? (Strawpoll)

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 09:48 AM PST

Characters for Training Mode

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 09:39 AM PST

So i was playing Claw online vs an Urien player and i noticed i failed to crush counter his ex. headbutt a couple of times. So i wanted to go into training mode and see if i can get the timing down.

NOPE, can't do that. Gotta unlock him first with 100k fight money. Frustrated as i was i just kept mashing "x", promptly a menu opened and asked me wether i wanted to buy Urien. The default answer was "Purchase with Fight Money". And now i accidentally spent 100k fight money on a character i have no interest whatsoever just as season 3 is around the corner.

Not only is this frustrating, but it's unfair for all players that haven't unlocked those characters. I'm one of those players that dropped the game rather early on and is now starting to pick it up again because of s3.Naturally, i didn't have the fight money to unlock all s1 + s2 characters.

So my question is why are the fuck aren't characters unlocked for training mode?

submitted by /u/MammoKamo
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Posted: 29 Dec 2017 09:17 AM PST

My controller is assigned as P2 ?????

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 09:10 AM PST

I wanted to hop back into sf 5 but game refuses to recognize my controller(Fighting stick mini 4). I tried deleting the ini. file in appdata or using xbox360ce. Interestingly, when i tried to use xbox360ce for some reason it registered 2 hori fight stick mini 4 controllers instead of one(And only one of them works, depending on the usb port i inserted it was P1 or P2, i tried both) so it makes me think since i need to assign P1 buttons first to play the game and my controller is P2 i can't register it. Now how do i fix this? Edit: My controller is fine i can play Tekken 7 without zero issues.

submitted by /u/Wolfenshroud
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WARNING: Big brolic men getting very physical with each other (involves alcohol)

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:31 PM PST

How to turn offensive?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:53 PM PST

I've only played a hundred matches and recently I often find myself unable to attack. It just seems like there are so many option for offensive. They can hit me mid, high, low, throw, cross-up. I often just end up trying to block as much damage the whole match as I can and later lose.

submitted by /u/Lambi3
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Two simple questions

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 07:01 AM PST

(Sfv) I'm a zangief main.

1) So when I use his v skill and the opponent hits me, does that count as a hit on block or a regular hit for them?

2) Also at the end of the match when time is up, and I end with less green health than the opponent. But I also have some grey health attached at the end that ends up being a bit more in total than the opponent. Do I technically win the match or does the opponent?

submitted by /u/bogdanators
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Qanba carbon as a legacy stick on ps4

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 06:48 AM PST

Is anyone using this? I'm thinking of buying one as a starter stick but I'm worried about compatibility issues. Any advice would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/bleaver03
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Street Fighter and Star Wars have some interesting similarities...

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 06:41 AM PST

The main character is a progidy in a mystical force who wears white clothing and is trained by a bearded wise man. That man is killed by a shadowy villain using the same force, who is hinted at being the hero's father. The hero then joins a group of resistance fighters to overthrow a vicious emperor who can shoot lightning. As the hero and the emperor are about to fight, the Shadowy guy swoops in and kills the emperor.



submitted by /u/Shadokan4
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Posted: 29 Dec 2017 06:19 AM PST

In a perdicament

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 04:00 AM PST

I've been playing sv5 for some time and i chose to main ryu but lately seem like everything is collapsing no pros play so I don't have any learning references,for a basic character I have a hard time really trying to use his combos the inputs and timing are way too complicated for me no matter how match I use training mode I lose yet I feel as though I don't learn anything and become more angry with the game the more I lose. I try to use other characters but there inputs/combos are way to complicated for me use. So am I'm hopeless or what...?

submitted by /u/utopiacatshark
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Why do I get laggy connections with 3-5 ping? (PS4) [SFV]

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 09:44 AM PST

I search Casual matches for 3-5 ping. Get freezeframe opponents. Move it up to 5+ only. Still get freezeframe opponents.

My PS4 has a wired connection, btw.

submitted by /u/RangoTheMerc
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Street Fighter V Seasons 1 & 2 Soundtracks!

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 03:45 AM PST

After a long night staying up and searching for stuff, I finally have put together 2 high-quality soundtrack discs with the stage and character themes of Seasons 1 and 2! They are completely iTunes/Google Play Music ready, and are of good quality. The only real problem with them is that the cover art isn't very good. Season 2's art is really rough, and Season 1's art is just Bengus art with zero alteration. If you can do better cover art, please let me know and I'll update them accordingly. So, without further ado, enjoy!

Season 1:!oOJGiJqC

Season 2:!xKQGzBRb

Personal favorite tracks:

  • High Roller Casino

  • Kanzuki Beach/Alt (It's literally just Pilotwings)

  • Alex's Theme

  • Guile's Theme

  • Balrog's Theme

  • Temple of Ascension/Alt

  • Frosty Boulevard

  • Temple Hideout

  • Flamenco Tavern (I hate Vega, but Jesus his theme is amazing)

  • Suzaku Castle

  • Metro City Bay Area/Alt (Anything Final Fight makes me harder than the members of r/Kappa)

  • English Manor

  • Akuma's Theme (Yes, I actually like it)

  • Ed's Theme

  • Zeku's Theme

submitted by /u/NeonSpectre
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need help with balrog shoryuken into charge

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 09:42 AM PST

IS there any kind of shortcut for doing balrogs bnb juggles?

I mean the 623 kick into EX dash punch. Have alot of trouble doing this consistently (or at all in matches). I guess the trick is charging straight after the shoryuken input, but have trouble doing so, maybe there is some easier way or pointers for me?

submitted by /u/junneh
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